
Fake Player

On his deathbed, Shirou was paid a visit by Zelretch. Offering him a chance to escape eternal servitude to Alaya the fake hero takes it to avoid a future like EMIYA. Waking up, he finds himself in a strange new world. Now living in the virtual world of YGGDRASIL, Shirou meets and befriends an unexpected individual. "Huh, never thought I would be friends with an undead." * Amount of chapter may be few but each chapter is quite big each chapter at least has 10 k words *

Shirou_9689 · Cómic
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46 Chs

Nine's Own Goal vs Berserker - 3

There was only one weapon within all of Unlimited Blade Works that could finish off Berserker once and for all.

Shirou began the chant.

[Judging the concept of creation]

A weapon, a symbol, destined to determine and be wielded by the Once and Future King.

[20 seconds remaining]

Organizing themselves in the best possible position, it was determined that Touch Me would be the first line of defense. Bukubukchagama and Yamaiko held the second line, spreading evenly to react following Touch Me. The last line of defense was left to Momonga.

"[Body of Effulgent Beryl]" Using his remaining MP, he cast one last spell. It was a 10th tier spell with the ability to completely negate one instant bludgeoning attack. It granted him an added layer of protection and, most importantly, time.

[Hypothesizing the basic structure]

A majestic long sword, decorated with gilded gold and majestic blue, with Fae runes engraved its purpose, resonating harmony, and strength.

[10 seconds remaining]

Finally, the pools of viscous black ooze merged to form the final form of the boss. Berserker's new body was completely restored.

The menacing black miasma returned in full force, swallowing the Servant-turned-boss whole. Berserker form gave way, resembling nothing like it once did. Where flesh and blood once were, they gave way to a vicious, hollow form. It was nothing but a haunting mass of blackened wisps and tar, with a deep crimson glow eradiating from the body. The boss's deep obsidian skin was constantly slithering and writhing as if every part of it were alive and independent rather than the whole. Tendrils of black haze eradiated from the monster, shrouding it like a second layer of skin. A twisted amalgamation born from the deepest darkness.

Blackened was indeed an appropriate moniker for the monstrosity before them.

Two crimson orbs lit up, a sight filled with nothing but absolute madness and twisted intent.

A chill like no other shook them to their core, as if they were truly in the presence of death itself. Despite all of this, they persevered. This only strengthened their resolve. The clan made it this far, they weren't going to lose now!

[Duplicating the composition material]

Forge in divine steel, grafted by human hands, a weapon to which none has ever been seen before.

Time was up.

Blackened Berserker was fully revived.

"███████████▄▄█████▇!" Blackened Berserker roared, a nightmarish horror. The sound released by it was one that no human or beast could possibly make.

It charged forward to end all that stood before it.

Every step boomed, producing miniature earthquakes with every stomp. The entire cavern shook, with crystals breaking loose and falling like hail, smashing against the hard floor.

"It's been a while since I've used this." Touch Me muttered to himself, his posture was straight as a lance and unflinching in the face of overwhelming terror. He stood undaunted in the face of destruction itself. "But I cannot think of a more suitable cause!"

"[World Guardian]!"

The azure sapphire embedded in his chest plate flashed, emitting a brilliant glow that illuminated the entire cavern. And there he stood in the midst of it all - Touch Me, enveloped in a stunning aura. It was a battle of pure light against tainted darkness, and every movement seemed to hold the weight of the world.

If [World Break] was considered the strongest attack, with no form of counter or method to block or dodge it, then it was only fitting that there would be an ultimate defensive ability to match it. Enter [World Guardian], the special and unique ability granted to Touch Me's majestic armor, [Compliance with Law], as his status as a World Champion. This ability was truly the pinnacle of defensive capabilities, and there was no better protection than that offered by the power of the World Guardian.

For twenty-five whole seconds, Touch Me was completely invincible, with his strength and stats rivaling those of the level-breaking World Enemy.

"Come monster! Test your mettle against a Hero of Justice!"

His eyes shined through his silver helm, challenging the boss head-on. He quickly dismissed his sword, for it wouldn't be needed for what was to come.

"███▄▄███!" Berserker roared and accepted the challenge.

Blackened Berserker cocked its fist back and fired, to which Touch Me returned in kind. The two fists struck one another, and the world shook!

The foundation beneath cracked and splintered. A shockwave like no other shook the underground, threatening to cause a total collapse of the cavern. But Touch Me, he stood unbent and unbroken.

[Imitating the skill of its making]

Blessed by Fae and worshipped by man, it stands as the shining beacon of Hope. A symbol of Choosing.



Both let loose roars that stemmed from the pits of their very souls. One of pure destruction, the other of pure will.

With a shield in one hand, Touch Me withstood a second punch from the boss. Blackened Berserker would attack again, only to be met by another one of the World Champion's punches.

Blackened Berserker attacked faster and stronger than ever before, but Touch Me withstood it all, unwavering in his resolve. His shield weathered continent-shattering blow after blow. His fist matched the World Enemy's monstrous strength and speed. Back and forth they would go, their strength unable to surpass the other's.

With each blow, more and more of the ground cracked, unable to withstand the explosive forces of two beings that had transcended mortal limits.

'Boom!' Crack!

'Boom!' Crack!

'Boom!' Crack!

'Boom!' Crack!

'Boom!' Crack!

To the others, it was like watching a duel between titans — a battle that one could only find in legends.

The Unstoppable Force meets The Immovable Object.

Neither yielded to the other as their fists met again, and again, and again.

Touch Me was a paladin, a holy knight. He was a Hero of Justice for all, be they Heteromorph or not. He was the sword that cut all evil in his path.

But he was also a shield.

An indomitable and unshakable shield that will protect all behind him.

To attack but also protect.

That was who he was.

He was Touch Me, a Hero of Justice, and The Silver Paladin of Nine's Own Goal!

Their fists struck again, but this time, things were different. The divine light flickered, slowly fading away.

His twenty-five seconds were up.

"Then let's make it count!" Touch Me shouted with all his might.

Berserker threw a quick and powerful straight punch, but it was predictable, and Touch Me easily slipped past it, getting right in front of the boss. Summoning the last of his strength, he released an uppercut that struck Berserker's chest dead center. The impact of the blow sent shock waves rippling through the air. For the first time in the battle, the World Enemy stumbled back a step as the force of the blow connected.

The last visage of Touch Me's power dissipated, leaving him mortal once more.

"It's up to you now! Go Emiya-san!" With those parting words, Touch Me's HP hit zero, and he shattered into nothingness. His duty was fulfilled.

[Sympathizing with the experience of its growth]

There it lay in stone, dormant, waiting for the chosen one to take their rightful place as King. The one to lead all to the path of the Victorious.

Berserker continued on its warpath. The Players, Bukubukchagama and Yamaiko, both knew a head-on confrontation was suicidal. Their combined strength was nowhere near Touch Me's, but then again, they didn't have to be.

The two knew their roles. They needed to delay the boss just long enough for Momonga.

For Yamaiko, if she was going to go down, then she would go down swinging!

A similar situation repeated itself. Yamaiko's pink gauntlet jabbed forward, Berserker launched a fist of his own, and the two collided. Unlike Touch Me's version, The Nephilim had neither the strength nor durability to contend with the boss. Blackened Berserker fist punched through her attack and guard, and straight through her head, reducing her HP to zero.

Bukubukchagama opted for a more unorthodox approach.

"[Supreme Elasticity]!" The bubble gum colored slime expanded beyond her normal capabilities. Outstretched, Bukubukchagama sought to bind and restrict the boss for however long she could.

To her credit, her attempt held the boss back for a few seconds, but that was all she could manage. Peeling the slime off like she was nothing but wet paper, Blackened Berserker ripped her to pieces. Yet even in such a state, she refused to yield, mustering the last of her strength and wrapping around the boss's leg to halt him. This managed to stall the Servant for a few more seconds. Berserker broke free and brought its enormous foot down, crushing her, and so Bukubukchagama joined her fellow party members.

Together, they held Blackened Berserker back for fifteen seconds.

Only one remained between it and total victory.

[Reproducing the accumulated years]

"Wielded by the one true king, it served her well and faithfully until it was broken, but its duty was fulfilled. The King was chosen."

Watching his friends and teammates sacrifice themselves one by one tested Momonga's resolve. Whispers plagued his mind, all telling him to run away, to flee out of the boss's sight. No boss has ever caused such a fight-or-flight response within him until now. Yet, he stood his ground.

To run now would mean abandoning everything they've worked up to now and spitting in the face of those who sacrificed themselves.

And that was something he couldn't afford.

'I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I CAN DO THIS!' Momonga mentally hyped himself up.

"You shall not pass!" The undead sorcerer declared. His staff struck the ground as Momonga spread his arms wide, inviting the boss to attack him.

Blackened Berserker more than eagerly recuperated. Momonga allowed the attack to make contact, thus activating his spell.

"[Body of Effulgent Beryl]!" The spell activated. A green light appeared around him before breaking. The 10th tier spell completely negated its initial attack. Not only that, as if time had rewound, the distance between Berserker and Momonga increased. This bought him a few precious seconds.

If Berserker was surprised, it didn't show. Instead, the boss continued once again, trying to eliminate the skeletal mage. With no option left and acting on pure instinct, Momonga dove forward with his arms outstretched.

Blackened Berserker's fist scraped the top of the skeleton's bare cranium but didn't manage the killing blow. Momonga found himself latching onto the titan's stomach. Like an annoying cockroach, he refused to die, trying to buy as much time as he could.

Berserker, thoroughly annoyed, figured it would play Momonga's game. Wrapping its arm around the body, the boss began to squeeze and crush the undead.

As death approached, his last thoughts were, "I hope I bought him enough time." With that, Momonga disappeared, leaving only Shirou remaining.

And he did.

[Excelling every manufacturing process]

Its physical form gave way, lost to annuals of time, but its spirit remained etched in memory. It has borne many names, The Sword in the Stone, The Sword of Selection, but to him, it was known simply as The Golden Sword of the King.

Berserker turned just in time as light poured forth from Shirou's hand. A heavenly and divine light unlike any had seen before it. Not even Touch Me's [World Guardian] or Durandal could even compare to such a holy light. It only intensified, as if Shirou was wielding an entire star within the palms of his hands.

Golden particles swirled in his hands, gathering and uniting. A torrent of wind picked up, his coattails flapping within the mighty gales.

First came the handle. It was a deep ocean blue color with a spherical jewel pommel. The hilt was adorned with a dazzling golden curved guard that was embroidered to perfection.

Lastly, the blade was formed, made of fine silver and brilliant gold with runes that shone brightly.

It was a sword beyond comparison. A holy sword matched by none save for its successor. With great power, the wielder summoned forth this Noble Phantasm from his very own Reality Marble. From the vast hills and plains of steel emerged an impressive single hill, towering over all others. There his strongest weapons rested, awaiting their time to be wielded once more. And there, at the summit of the world - his soul - it stood watching and waiting to be called upon once again. To bring victory, and now was that time.

With a wonderous cry, Shirou called out its name.


[Caliburn: The Golden Sword of The Victorious]

More golden particles flickered into existence, floating aimlessly like fireflies in the night.

The golden rays that poured forth were unmatched, filling the cavern with light.

Shirou's heart swelled as he gazed upon the majestic blade, having long forgotten its divine glow. If he could, his face would be one of reverence and wonder.

Opposite of Shirou was Berserker, who was writhing in place. Its skin burned from the light, quivering as if being in Caliburn's very presence was hurting the darkened boss. In an attempt to try and overpower it, Blackened Berserker's form grew and intensified, with darkness creeping in and spreading all around.

As the Light grew, Darkness rose to match it.

It was time to end this.

"Sing, Caliburn." Shirou invoked.

[Caliburn: The Golden Sword of The Victorious – World Item]

[Active ability: When summoned, the user of this weapon has the option to convert any of their ability stats into energy to be used for Caliburn's next strike. For every 40 ability points sacrificed, it grants a double multiplier (2X) to the user's next attack. The stat will remain like that until the weapon is dismissed.

HP: 75 (X4) = 300 reduced to 1

MP: 85 (X4) = 340 reduced to 0

PHY. ATK: 80 (X4) = 320 reduced to 0

PHY. DEF: 70 (X4) = 280 reduced to 0

Agility: 85 (X4) = 340 reduced to 0

MAG. ATK: 35 (X4) = 140 reduced to 0

MAG. DEF: 65 (X4) = 260 reduced to 0

Resist: 85 (X4) = 340 reduced to 0

Special: 100 (X4) = 400 reduced to 0

Total level exchange (X): 2,720/40 = 70.5

Total multiplier bonus: 2*(70.5) = 141(X)

The next immediate attack shall be boosted by the multiplier bonus.]

Combined with Avalon's buff to his ability stats, Shirou sacrificed it all to Caliburn. This next attack would be his last.

It was all or nothing.

A surge of golden prana burst forth from the blade, a shining pillar illuminating the path to victory.

"Let's end this…"


Blackened Berserker seemed to agree, and with one final horrific screech, Berserker rocketed itself towards the faker.

Grasping Caliburn with both hands, the pillar of golden light increased in magnitude and brilliance. Kicking off the ground, Shirou met the monstrous Servant's assault.

Meeting in the middle, Shirou swung.


And then, everything went white.


When a Player dies, they were transported to a desolate and infinite void. When Momonga finds himself in the Void, as the flavor text or lore calls it, he has a few options for where he might respawn.

He could choose to respawn at one of Vanaheim's many spawn points, log out right then and there, or respawn at the clan's registered building since he was now a part of Nine's Own Goal.

Selecting the third option, a sudden and blinding burst of white light illuminated the vast emptiness that surrounded Momonga. As he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in a spacious, circular chamber. This particular room served as a designated respawn point and a teleportation hub for the clan's buildings. There, the rest of the party stood around, waiting. They perked up upon seeing another comrade join them.

"And that makes eight." Chimed in Ulbert.

"Momonga-san!" Peroroncino called out. The golden archer ran up to the necromancer, grabbed a hold of his shoulder, and shook him. "What happened?! Did you buy Emiya-senpai enough time?! Did Emiya-senpai make it?!"

"Otouto!" Bukubukchagama appeared next to him and firmly smacked him upside the head. "One, you're being rude! Two, if you give Momonga-san some space, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to tell all of us."

"Appreciated, Bukubukchagama-san." Momonga gave his thanks. "I'm afraid I won't be of much help in that department. I held out for as long as I did. I died before seeing it, but I think I bought him enough time for Emiya-san to summon his World Item."

"And Touch Me was just getting to that." Ulbert interjected. All attention turned toward him. "So not only can he summon Divine tier weapons out of his ass, but also a World Item as well?! What the hell kind of build does he have that lets him do that? Better question, why didn't he start with that in the first place?!" As he continued rambling, it seemed as if the goat Heteromorph was only using the chance to vent.

"To be fair…" Tabula joined in, webbed fingers interlocking patiently as he sat there. "I'm sure he has his reasons for keeping it a secret. Emiya-san's rather special ability, Projection, if I'm remembering the name correctly, is extremely powerful on first impression alone. That's the kind of information you keep under wraps, no matter who or what the situation is. Using it carelessly can lead to Players finding counters for him and can lead to PK's revenge considering his track record and general dislike within the Humanoid community already. The fact that he showed it to us in its entirety despite only knowing each other for a few short hours speaks volumes of his trust in us. Secondly, you forget, Ulbert-san, that while World Items are indeed powerful, they can't be used without careful planning and strategy. A trump card like that can't be exposed so easily. If placed in the same situation, you wouldn't be any different now, would you?" Finished the intellectual Brain Eater, playing devil's advocate.

Ulbert stood with his arms crossed, voicing his discontent with a grumble that nonetheless hinted at his agreement. Although he was prone to complaining, he couldn't deny the truth of his friend's words. When he finally obtained the coveted [World Disaster] job class, he made sure to boast about it, especially against those he fought, relishing in his newfound power. However, this pride also made him a target, as the [World Disaster] class, though a formidable spellcaster, was still vulnerable to coordinated attacks and skilled opponents. It was a lesson he learned the hard way after one too many instances of his cockiness leading to his downfall. As a result, he wisely chose to keep his mouth shut from then on.

"Alright, fine, that solves one mystery. But what about the fact that Emiya somehow knew about that boss despite it being revealed for the first time?" Ulbert grunted, bringing up another point of contention.

"Indeed, even I am puzzled by that. The only way for him to possibly know of the boss's ability would be if he fought it beforehand, which is an improbability. Or, he somehow hacked his way into YGGDRASIL and came across its features and code. It could even be that he was a part of the programming team for that specific boss. We don't truly know." Tabula speculated.

"What about you guys? You know him better than any of us." Asked Yamaiko, turning to the trio that knew him the best.

Momonga looked to Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama. The siblings shared the salaryman's uncertainty. None could produce a definitive answer, as while the passing months had strengthened their friendship, there was also a layer of mystery around him, one that left them speculative about what it was that he had hidden.

At the same time, memories of when Shirou would ask him odd and seemingly random questions replayed in Momonga's mind. Questions that should've been obvious or common sense for any other Player.

"We can speculate all we wish, but it is Emiya-san that holds the truth. He promised he would tell us, so for now let us wait and hear what he has to say." Amanomahitotsu sagely added.

Conversation petered off as the eight Heteromorphic Players remained silent, waiting for their friend to bring them the news.

The first ten minutes went by in a hurry, leaving the group with nothing but to wait around and kept themselves occupied while waiting for Shirou.

By the twenty-minute mark, everyone was getting a bit antsy. Peroroncino wouldn't stop pacing. Ulbert's pointer-finger talon constantly tapped against his other forearm. Bukubukchagama was a bit difficult, but Momonga recognized that she was moving her head around, her vision sweeping from side to side, waiting for any clue. Yamaiko herself was tapping her foot impatiently. Momonga wasn't immune either, fidgeting in place and wringing his hands. The only ones that remained calm and collected throughout were Tabula, Touch Me, and Amanomahitotsu.

As tension and doubt rose among the group, it suddenly came to a head when a message appeared in the group chat.

It was from Shirou.

Momonga accepted the call in record time. "[Emiya-san! Are you alright?! What happened?! Did you win?]" His emotions were on full display.

"[…It seemed I might have worried you guys a bit. I'm sorry for that, picking up all the loot took a lot longer than expected.]"



That implied that he…

"He won! YOSSSHHH!" Peroroncino beat Momonga to the punch, happily blurting out what everyone was thinking.

Cheers and hoorays' broke out, with the party jumping for joy. Peroroncino ran with his hands in the air like an excited child while Bukubukchagama and Yamaiko high-fived each other. Tabula and Touch Me shook hands, with Amanomahitotsu earning a pat on the back. Even Ulbert wasn't left out, standing much taller compared to the slouched stance he had.

For Momonga, he simply let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"[Where are you guys at this moment?]"

"[We are at the clan's base. Head to a teleporter, and it should be a selectable option for travel.]" Touch Me informed him.

"[Understood. I'll arrive in five minutes.]"

Once again, the group shimmered down and waited with palpable excitement for the final party member to join them. It wouldn't be long before Shirou joined them. He barely got a word in before everyone surrounded him, patting him on the back or congratulating him. And why wouldn't they? They managed to defeat an End Boss with just the nine of them, a feat that took extraordinary prowess, skill, and a whole lot of luck, and it was all thanks to him. Though the celebratory mood wouldn't last for long.

"Now that you're here, maybe you owe us an explanation as to what the hell you meant by 'we wouldn't believe you' back in that cave."

"Not this again, Ulbert-san. Please, have some tact—"

"It's fine, Touch Me-san." Shirou interrupted. "I promised you all answers, and I intend to keep my promise."

Patting the World Champion's shoulder in appreciation, he stepped forward, the others parting and giving him space.

"Before I begin, I ask that you all allow me to finish what I have to say first, and please do not interrupt me. I shall take any question at the end."

Seeing no objections and with their undivided attention, Shirou gave his side of the story. The clan leaned in, curiosity mixed with excitement for what was to come.

"The reason I know about Berserker and its ability, is because I, in part, helped inspire it. Zelretch and I…. we're friends… no, that wouldn't be the right word... acquaintance. Yea, let's go with that. We've been acquaintances for several years. The idea, theme, appearance, and ability of Berserker, as you all saw, was something from my past. There were hundreds of designs and ideas for monsters and creatures that we accumulated over the years. It seems Zelretch incorporated them within YGGDRASIL, and that's how I recognize Berserker."

"Hold on!" Ulbert called out. "If the two of you know each other, then that would imply you had a role in the design of the bosses for YGGDRASIL then!"

"Ulbert-san! We all agreed to allow Emiya-san the courtesy of finishing first before anything else!" Touch Me voiced disapprovingly. The others also gave him disapproving looks.

Ignoring Touch Me and the others, Ulbert continued. "I may not know jack shit about game design, but I know how companies work. Dozens of bullshit legal hoops to jump through and contracts of privacy. No way in hell would a multibillion-yen company like Kaleidoscope Industry would allow someone that high up or with so much knowledge of the game free reign to potentially spill every secret within the game or to its competitors. Not without an extensive NDA to cover their investment. They'll sue your ass to the moon and back!"

"You would be correct, Ulbert-san. However, it's hard to indict someone who doesn't have a physical body anymore." He sarcastically quipped.

By dropping another bombshell like that, the previous hostile atmosphere dissipated completely. Each member was stunned into silence over what they heard.

"I'm sorry, Emiya-san, but can you please repeat that?" Yamaiko whispered, her mind reeling from what he said. The others were in a similar state of shock, their minds trying to wrap around the absurdity of his words.

"I'm saying I don't have a physical body." Shirou bluntly repeated.

"...Haha! H-ahah! T-that's a good one, Emiya-senpai! T-that's quite the joke." Peroroncino awkwardly laughed, a silly spasmodic giggle, believing his friend and mentor was playing a small ruse on them.

Only for it to quickly give way to the muted realization that he was being serious.

Before anyone could voice their opinions, Shirou leaned back against one of the many pillars dotting the area. His entire posture was slouched, and a sense of weariness and fatigue radiated from the silver-haired Player. For a split second, his image seemed to have slipped, and for the briefest of moments, he appeared to be older. More worn and so very, very tired. It was gone as quickly as it came.

Taking a smoldering deep breath, he exhaled.

"Before I continue, let me tell you a little story. A long time ago, way before I even met or knew of Zelretch. A story beginning with a boy named Shirou Emiya."

Everyone perked up upon hearing his full name. So Emiya was his surname and either the inspiration or origin for his nametag.

Shirou took a moment to collect himself before beginning again. "Shirou Emiya was not a normal boy, at least by the averages of the world at the time. A boy that grew up without ever knowing of his parents, an adoptive father that left this world too soon but imparted onto him a dream. A boy that wanted to become a Hero." He began heavily.

The sheer weight and emotion he placed on the word 'Hero' could be sensed by everyone. The longing, regret, admiration, everything. All mixed in a volatile cocktail of emotion and intrigue. He spoke that word as if it were something more, something much grander, but at the same time, a burden.

They subconsciously straightened their backs upon hearing this. Their undivided attention was focused solely on him.

"My life was rather mundane in all aspects, at least insofar as being a twice-over orphan goes. I lived by myself after my foster father died, with my guardian being my next-door neighbor and my teacher. A woman with a voracious appetite and unrivaled skill with a kendo sword. As for friends… I honestly only had two at the time. My kouhai and someone I talked often to while I did repair work at the school while he was Student Council President. It was around high school that others came into my life. One of them was actually my little sister, though I did not learn about it until much, much later." He said this, mulling and musing over almost long-forgotten memories of easier days... of better days.

At the mention of a sister, Momonga and the others remained quiet while Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama leaned in with interest. The siblings were surprised and curious, as he had never once mentioned or talked about having a sibling before.

"I then met, or rather, you could say, was rescued from a stupid situation of my own making when I met my future girlfriend and lover. From there, an old friend of my father's finally tracked him down to our home and decided to help take care of me. It was an odd assortment of people I became friends with, but they were my treasure, and I wouldn't give it up for the world. One thing that bonded us all together was our love of mythology. From monsters to magic, from Greek mythology and Irish folklore to Britonian legend and Japanese folktales, we each had a love for the stories and myths of old. We made a small little group over it and made fictitious adventures where we each controlled one of those beings from old legends."

He paused for a moment to gather himself.

"To answer your question, Ulbert-san, the boss we faced, was Berserker, and he belonged to my sister. He was none other than Herakles, the demigod and one of the most well-known Greek heroes. Many of his abilities were taken from the tales of his infamous Twelve Labors, most notably the number of lives he had. She loved his tales of courage and his larger-than-life myths almost as much as she loved me." A small, rueful chuckle came to mind as he recalled Illya's REAL feelings about him and Berserker.

After pausing to take another breath, even though it wasn't needed, he continued. "For a time, everything was okay." I was happy... Eventually, time passed, and our tight-knit group began to fall apart, one by one. My kouhai had left, never to be seen again. My classmate had gone on to be a full-time monk at the shrine he was raised at. As for my sister... before I realized it, she was gone, her life snuffed in honestly what felt like almost an instant." If he had the ability to shed tears, he would have, because Illya had not deserved the fate she suffered that day. Just another life he couldn't save.

"My lover and my father's friend both ran into Zelretch, who at the time was intrigued by my lover's intelligence, money management skills, and her at times zealous imagination. He offered to take her under his wing, and she agreed, taking me and my father's friend with her. It would be the last true moments of peace I would come to enjoy."

Another pause, another moment of silence.

In the silence, each member mulled over the information. Each one had differing thoughts on what they had been told.

Midway through the conversation, when Shirou spoke of his little sister, the saddened and almost hollow tone of voice got to the avian Heteromorph. Peroroncino had reached out and gently cupped his hands with his sister's. Bukubukchagama returned the gesture with a reassuring squeeze. Hearing that Shirou, his senpai, and the Player who accepted him, pervert and all, had lost his sister frightened him. The thought alone of losing his sister made his stomach churn and his knees weak.

For Bukubukchagama, to learn that her cherished friend had a little sister, it was heartbreaking to know that she was no longer of this world. She couldn't even fathom how Shirou must have been feeling, having lost all three of the people closest to him and being left all alone. The sheer feeling of isolation rattled her. While she and her brother had their differences, the two cared for and loved each other, for they were all that they had.

For Momonga and Ulbert, his words struck a chord with them. While everyone else could only sympathize with Shirou after hearing about his loss, Momonga and Ulbert were the only two who could truly empathize with what they had just heard. Both of them lost their parents at very young ages and were forced to grow up without any true parental figures, to never have a proper childhood. The two didn't have any friends or family in real life. At best, they could say they had acquaintances. So, they dedicated their own lives to the game and to this virtual world. One where they could be free, liberated from the harsh truth of the world that was known as reality.

For Momonga, he gave himself to this virtual world in hopes of starting anew. A second chance at life for something more than what reality gave him. It says quite a lot about him that he considered Shirou his first and true friend in his life.

On Ulbert's end, it was to escape from the shitty world called 'reality.' For him, even if it was only for a moment, he wanted to immerse himself in the world and leave behind his real name. He desired to truly live and breathe as Ulbert Alain Odle!

For the rest, they kept their thoughts to themselves and waited in respectful silence until Shirou started again.

"Like all things, time passed, and even with the bond we shared, the three of us went our separate ways, and eventually I drifted apart from them. I, who still clung to the dream of becoming a hero, went out to fulfill that dream. Unlike everyone else, who wanted to make things better for everyone around them, or at the very least for themselves… I… I was more suited to taking things than I was at creating."

"What do you mean by taking...?" Bukubukchagama asked nervously. She did NOT like the way he had worded what he just said.

The group as a whole couldn't shake the ominous feeling that pressed down on them. The way he said 'taking' rang all sorts of bells in their minds.

"Fighting…" Shirou elaborated. "I was more suited for a battlefield than in an office cubicle, whether it be a skirmish... or a full-blown war."

"A war…?" Yamaiko whispered, her voice aghast as she realized what he was talking about.

"Wait a minute... The only war in recent times was the Arcology War with the newly reformed Neo Nazis. That was at least thirteen years ago, beginning in 2118, right?" Momonga asked, recalling the news as best he could. Tabula met his gaze and nodded, reaffirming his words.

Hearing this, they all turned towards the lone Player.

Shirou said nothing, but his silence was damning enough.

For context, World War I lasted for four years.

World War II was slightly longer, lasting around six years before it ended.

The Arcology War blew both out of the water as it lasted for nine years. It earned a place in history as one of the most brutal wars of all time, rivaling even the previous World Wars in terms of devastation and sheer brutality.

After the war, many rumors and speculations arose. Some people believed that the Neo-Nazis were determined to fulfill the Führer's dream, while others thought that the war was prolonged to curb overpopulation issues in the European countries where it had started. Some believed that the conflict arose due to one party's desire for complete control over the region and its resources, while others claimed that the world's mega-corporations had a hand in the war, hoping to weaken those countries' governments and expand their reach. Regardless of the cause, the war was catastrophic for all sides, and there was no clear winner, only survivors.

What made it so frightening compared to the other two World Wars was not the death toll but rather the absolute mayhem and devastation that laid waste to nearly all of Europe. The time of simple kinetic weaponry had vanished, making way for more destructive forms of weaponry that their ancestors could only dream of. Magnetic and even laser-based weapons became commonplace. Countries and land were burned, scarred, and destroyed by these weapons. Soldiers and basic militia were sent to the slaughterhouse, dying by the thousands every day, and whoever survived that day was sent in the day after that and the day after that, until there were truly none left and the next batch of drafted recruits were sent to take their place.

The mortality rate, once researched after the war was over, was discovered to be a staggering eighty-five percent. It was considered a miracle if one could even live past a week in the 'Hot Zones', let alone the rest of the war.

Some individuals, who were believed to be very unlucky, managed to survive the battlefield. However, they emerged from it as hardened individuals, but also with scars and brokenness.

The rest of the clan silently gulped.

Two in particular, Touch Me and Yamaiko, paled and shuddered at the thought that their friend was a survivor and veteran of that personal hellscape.

"I've fought in so many battles and skirmishes across the world that it all blurs together. For a time, I thought I could keep my ideals and dreams true. That I could save, help, and protect everyone. Yet, I quickly learned that if I truly wanted to save lives, I needed to take lives as well. I would need to take the lives of those who would take the lives of the innocent. As a priest once told me, if I truly wanted to be a hero, I would need to save people. But that would mean there would be a need for people to be saved in the first place…"

Shirou reared his head back and let out a humorless chuckle.

"A paradoxical and flawed ideal..." He said this, slowly raising his hand in front of him. The others could see that it was trembling.

"But even after these years, after all that I've been through... I still don't regret it. I know that my dream is unreachable and incredibly naive. But still, just because my dream of saving everyone is out of reach doesn't mean it's not worth chasing. I'll keep on chasing after it, no matter how wretched others say my ideals may be." He clenched his fist, his voice, and his eyes, resolute to the very end.

Touch Me and Tabula was of two minds after hearing this.

Upon hearing Shirou's ideals, Touch Me found himself reflecting on his own. In the world beyond YGGDRASIL, Touch Me was regarded as a fully-fledged member of society, a privilege he owed to his upbringing in a prosperous and loving household. Throughout his childhood, he was consistently provided for and brought up with a strong sense of justice and heroism instilled within him. Such values remained with him into adulthood, leading him to graduate from a prestigious policing academy and become a member of the force, all with the intent of serving justice to all.

How quickly those ideals turned to ash, and the bitter taste of reality stabbed him for thinking so naively.

The law he fought so hard to uphold was bent and twisted to suit the needs of a corrupt society. Lives were wasted and discarded at the whims of those higher up in the chain of command.

But what truly broke his spirit and his heart was when he learned that those he looked up to, those that he was inspired to be, were just as bad as the people that he arrested and put behind bars. His fellow officers and former friends, those to keep the peace and justice… were all dirty. Dirty cops paid by one thug or another, to always look the other way.

He vowed to be an honest cop, a true cop, like in the olden days when Law and Order truly meant something.

It was a vow that didn't last a month before the commissioner of his department heard of his ideals. How quickly his tune changed once they started to threaten not only himself but also his wife and family.

And so, his once proud dream of true justice slipped through his fingers as he was forced to abide by and follow the rules of a corrupt society. Lest he and those he loved pay the price for his ideals.

It was why he started YGGDRASIL in the first place. Just like the real world, it too was plagued with evil. However, here he saw an opportunity to make a difference. In this virtual world, Touch Me had the chance to finally become a Hero of Justice!

The World Champion straightened out his back and puffed out his chest. He couldn't help but feel a distinct kinship with Shirou. To hear of Shirou's trials and tribulations and how he accepted the burden of it all on his terms. Not unlike his own, he ashamedly admitted in his mind. It was worthy of respect.

For Tabula, while he was sympathetic to the man's plight and burdens, his attention was drawn more towards the intricate details that had finally come to light. As Shirou displayed his combative prowess, Tabula couldn't help but wonder who he truly was. He observed Shirou's movements, his fighting style, and his precision and realized that something was amiss. It was too natural, too instinctive to be done by a simple controller or even thought-based motion. It was apparent that the level of finesse Shirou possessed was beyond that of an average citizen or even a skilled gamer. Not even Touch Me, who was considered a World Champion and one of the BEST players in all of YGGDRASIL, could match Shirou's level of instinctive precision.

In Touch Me's case, it was justifiable, as he had training in the field of self-defense within the police academy and many others. Shirou's remarkable reaction time and composed demeanor during intense situations, like their recent encounter with the Boss, could be attributed to his survival through the entire Arcology War, which was a miraculous feat on its own.

Shirou's existence was a mystery to the Eldritch Player, and Tabula was eager to uncover the truth and learn more.

Once he saw that everyone's attention was back on him, Shirou continued his story.

"And so, I fought and fought and fought some more. I kept on fighting until it eventually became too much for me to continue on, even if I limped and dragged myself to those battlefields. In the end, I was hospitalized after suffering crippling injuries, and the world moved on without me. I was confined to a bed, a prisoner in my own body, as I watched the world move on as I slowly wasted away without living a proper life. But Zelretch, he reached out to me. My friend… my ex-girlfriend at that point, who worked under him and is still working under him, reached out to the man himself. She asked him to help me—for another chance at life, you could say. And, well... Let's just say that I wasn't ready to waste away what little of my life was left confined to drab walls and horrible tubed food. So I signed away my consent and hoped that it would work out. Thankfully, it has... at least so far anyway."

"That's all well and good, but that still doesn't explain the how and all that bullshit." Ulbert asked in a surprisingly polite tone, reserving his normally abrasive attitude for the moment.

"I was just about to get to that." Shirou reassured. "A question for everyone. Does anyone know the exact mechanism of the Neural Nano-Interface and how it operates?" He looked up, tapping the side of his temple.

Hearing the non-sequitur question, the group was momentarily confused. When no answer came, he continued.

"No one knows? Well, you're not alone. Neither do I, to be honest."

That managed to rouse a few chuckles, albeit small and quiet ones, out of a couple of them. It helped to lighten up the mood, if only by a little bit.

"From what I gather from Zelretch's rambling, nanomachines within our body are the mediums that link our mind within the real world to that of the virtual space. Signals are sent via electrical and neural impulses from our brain and are intercepted by the nanomachines, and then converted into data. Our bodies are left in an almost REM sleep-like state where our mind and consciousness are awake but separated from our physical bodies. Making it so the body doesn't move around while your mind is occupied. You could say our body is in a pseudo-comatose state."

The others nodded, the science made sense.

"I say this as I still do not know how exactly it was that Zelretch did this. From what I gathered, he somehow managed to transfer my entire consciousness and digitalize it. The how and why are a mystery. I am unable to log out, making me a permanent resident of this virtual world. I honestly wish I could explain it to you, but I can't. And that's my story." Finished Shirou.

Silence hung heavily in the air for what felt like an eternity as the weight of the revelation settled in for each person present. The impact of the truth revealed was palpable as each member grappled with the enormity of what had just been shared. None dared speak, their feet shuffling restlessly and their eyes darting to meet one another's gaze before veering elsewhere, searching for some sense of clarity or direction.

The words spoken by Shirou echoed relentlessly in Momonga's mind, sparking an endless stream of questions and doubts that threatened to overwhelm him.

Like pieces of a puzzle coming together perfectly to paint an image, everything began to make sense. His thoughts traveled back to the past, to the first time he met the silver-haired Player. The confusion he felt when he learned of the world of YGGDRASIL, and him crying out Zelretch's name in disbelief. Then there was his altruistic and kind nature when it came to gaming and helping people—one that was out of place for a community as hostile as YGGDRASIL. It all suddenly clicked. It explained so many discrepancies that Momonga wondered about his best friend. More than that, it solves the mystery of why he always appeared online. It wasn't because he was a NEET or because he was an addict, it was because he couldn't even log out if he wanted to.

Momonga turned to look at how the others were taking it. The brother-and-sister duo looked at one another as if communicating telepathically. The rest were in their own varying degrees of contemplation. Their true thoughts and emotions were hidden behind their stoic avatars.

Shirou's countenance contorted into a grimace as the quietness lingered. He struggled to keep in check the anxious exhale that was welling up inside him.

Of course, they wouldn't believe him. It sounded completely ludicrous.

The plot of a Sci-Fi B-movie

He knew he had come clean. Or at least, as clean as he could be without talking about his true origins. Surprisingly, the tale came rather easily for him as he pondered and schemed when he took his time collecting the various loot drops within the cave. In his long career as a fake hero, he has done many, many things. Some of which he wasn't proud of doing but understood as a necessity. Lies were something the faker could never get over. While he was okay with little white lies, he found that he could never bring himself to tell a complete falsehood. Instead, he got better at twisting the truth.

After all, the best lies have some truth as their foundation.

What he told them was indeed true, but not the entire context of the situation. He did know Zelretch by association, and he knew of Berserker and that it was true that he belonged to his sister, Illya. He had fought in numerous wars and battles in his life, but he never specified which. Honestly, when Momonga mentioned the Archeology War, he quietly ran with it, turning the second half of his explanation into a slight improv. He was telling the truth when he said he did not know how exactly the Wizard Marshall trapped him within YGGDRASIL.

He simply omitted the circumstances and situation of each part. He left it purposely ambiguous enough to let them fill in the blanks and come to their own conclusions. Some way for them to rationalize the absurd. He spoke the truth—merely the truth that would be accepted. After all, they would be hard-pressed to believe this version of the story, the inclusion of the Moonlite World would be too much.

Still, this was a large amount of trust he was showing them, more than he expected from himself. What could have influenced him to be so open towards people he had never met face-to-face and would never meet? Perhaps it had to do with the terrifying challenge they had recently overcome together, strengthening their bonds. An old comrade from his Enforcer days once said that nothing bonded people better than a 'life-threatening situation where you only made out by the skin of your teeth.' Or perhaps, it was the desire to be heard, to let his doubts be known, to open up to others, where once he was simply all but ignored.

However, that didn't stop the nervousness that was bubbling up in his stomach. After all, what were the chances that his story would be believed? From their reactions to Shirou's tale, they had never encountered a situation similar to what was discussed. In other words, while the world outside the game had many technological advances compared to his, brains in jars were not one of them.

When the silence became too much, he was unable to contain it anymore. His heavy sigh echoed through the chamber.

"You don't believe me." He said it was more of a statement than a question.

None of the members answered, but Shirou expected that. The faker glanced away, a mirthless chuckle escaping his lips. He shook his head. Of course they wouldn't. Those that he only met today had no reason to believe such a ridiculous idea, while his friends and those that knew him the longest, Momonga, Peroroncino, and Bukubukuchagama, would be hard pressed to take his words at face value.

Even after all these decades, some things never change. A fool in the beginning and still a fool now—

Before Shirou's thought could be derailed further, however, the group had a reaction outside of pondering. More precisely, Momonga stepped forward.

"I-I believe you!" His avatar remained stoic, but his voice told another story. It was shaky and laden with anxiety. Despite that, there was a strong conviction in his words.

Momonga released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He had said that which he wanted to say the most. Sure, he had stammered, but he had done it. Now, he had to convince the others.

"Y-you... believe me?" Shirou repeated, unsure if he heard him correctly.

Hearing this, Momonga straightened his back and stood proud. "Yes. I believe you." He repeated himself, his voice firm and serious.

Not long after the lich's declaration, the others shared their own opinions. It was a mess as each tried to talk over the other. A cacophony of words and exclamations. Finally, when the chatter had ebbed away, three factions had been born.

The group was divided into three distinct factions. Momonga, Peroroncino, Bukubukchagama, and Touch Me were on one side. In the center were Yamaiko and Amanomahitotsu, who simply watched everything with a critical eye, neither accepting nor denying such a notion. Ulbert and Tabula were in the minority, with Ulbert facing the opposition with a stern gaze. A stare-off ensued, with each side silently passing judgment on the other.

Finally, the silence was broken.

"You can't be serious." Ulbert's statement was deadpan. If he could, he would show them how slack his jaw was. How naive could they be?

"I don't know about the rest, but I'm serious about my decision. Emiya-san has never lied before, and I don't believe he would lie to us now!" Ulbert's question was responded to by Bukubukchagama. Her voice projected a degree of confidence rivaling Momonga's, despite her initial hesitation. Such was the vocal prowess of a voice actress. Of course, that's not to say that underneath her bravado wasn't a river of inquiries regarding Emiya's story. The interrogation could come later. For now, her friend needed her support.

"Sis! Don't leave me out like that! You know that I would never doubt Emiya-senpai!" Peroroncino followed up on his sibling's unintentional challenge. His response lacked the calm and collectedness found in his sister. Instead, his tone was juvenile and spirited. In his mind, why would his senpai and friend ever need to lie? And even then, it was understandable why he would be hesitant to talk about it in the first place.

Ulbert glanced at the three before his sight focused in on Touch Me, his glare dripping with pure incredulity.

"Those three, I can kind of understand. But you? I know you're daft in the head sometimes, Touch, but please don't tell me you actually believe him." Ulbert challenged him, unable to put into words the emotion building within him.

Touch Me didn't respond right away. Instead, he turned to look at Shirou, and the two of them briefly locked eyes. He slowly turned his attention back to the World Disaster.

"I would be lying if I said it didn't sound crazy." Touch Me admitted with a shrug. "However! Emiya-san has placed his trust in us by speaking truthfully. I believe it is only fair that we respond in kind!" Touch Me's boisterous exclamation tore through the tense atmosphere that had previously been brewing. In his mind, he couldn't quite fault Shirou for his logic, coming to understand some of his choices and reasoning. Those around him were caught flat-footed by his over-the-topness. At least, most of them.

"You're all crazy…" Ulbert wanted to pull his virtual hair out. After hearing Shirou's story, he was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but even he thought the idea of Shirou being what amounted to a digital ghost was way too farfetched. He knew the idiotic Hero of Justice was very trusting, but this was beyond moronic!

To say they were jumping the gun would be like calling the ocean deep or the sky large, a massive understatement.

"How are you so sure about that? He could just be stringing you around to avoid further questioning." A cold practicality killed off any chances of being interpreted as antagonistic. By playing the role of devil's advocate, Tabula aimed to scrutinize the validity of the claim and ensure that it was not baseless.

It was Momonga who stepped forward.

"Perhaps, but if that were the case, wouldn't Emiya-san have picked out a better story or an easier lie? One that is more believable and wouldn't draw attention to him? Yet, he chose to share with us his story, one that borders on the unreal. Maybe... maybe he is lying, or just maybe, he's also speaking the truth. As the saying goes, sometimes reality can be more bizarre than fiction. Who's to say this isn't just one example of it?" Momonga argued, invoking a quote he had heard long ago in defense of his friend.

Tabula paused at this, his head tilting as he was reminded of something.

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Ulbert's ears twitched, catching Tabula muttering something under his breath. The extent and meaning behind the Brain Eater's words were lost on Ulbert, but Tabula did noticeably perk up as if intrigued.

"Whatever the case may be, I believe he should be given the benefit of the doubt at the very least. I would like to think I speak for everyone here when I say that we believe him. No matter how you look at it, Emiya-san has always been nothing but good to us. For me and for some, he is a hero."

As Momonga mentioned this, his eyes swept across the standing members, and the others standing behind him lowered their heads. Momonga and Amanomahitotsu stood tall and firm.

"He has also been a teacher and a helper." Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagma soon joined them, their postures firm and unwavering.

"And to others, he is an inspiration." Touch Me was next, standing tall and proud. Not even the others were left out, with Yamaiko and Tabula straightening their backs.

"But, most importantly of all, he is our friend! And I chose to believe in my friends." As he finished his speech, Momonga followed the others in lowering their heads at the last bit.

Without saying a word, Yamaiko and Amanomahitotsu exchanged a look, their minds were made up, and they walked over to join Shirou's growing group. It was clear where they stood on the matter.

"I-I… Tabula-san! Come on, use your big brain. Tell these guys that they're crazy!" Ulbert tried to reason.

Said Eldritch Player said nothing. His avatar remained silent as a corpse, never once diverting his focus or attention from Shirou's group.

In the silence that followed, Tabula pondered. While he normally would be more critical of their blind faith, in the face of such devotion, he couldn't help but find himself wavering. At the very least, not being completely dismissive of the magus's words.

After hearing Shirou's story, it did put plenty of things into context. Context, which, if he suspended his disbelief for even a tiny moment, aligned with the situation at hand. Even though he had only known Shirou for less than a day, there was an air to him, one that was welcoming and trustworthy. It reminded him very much of when he first met Touch Me. While he can't claim to know the man well when compared to the likes of Momonga or the others, Tabula was of the adage that actions speak louder than words, and Shirou's action showed that he could be trusted to say the least.

It didn't hurt that he shared Tabula's humbleness, which was quite refreshing to speak with. Speaking in practicality, Shirou lying to them would do him no favors, as Momonga pointed out. Especially when it in no way, shape, or form benefits him and would be more detrimental had he just outright lied. And as brought up, Shirou could've easily told a more believable story, but instead, he went with what he revealed.

Tabula found himself in a interesting conundrum, grappling with the conflict between his rational mind and his inclination towards the fantastical and extraordinary. While logic dictated that his story was implausible, his fascination with the supernatural wavered such rigorous adherence to reason.

After much deliberation, he made his decision.

"I'm still skeptical... but…" Tabula paused, the others hanging onto his every word. "I shall choose to believe you, Emiya-san. So long as you continue to prove your words are no lie." Silently, one more joined their group.

Ulbert exclaimed in disbelief, "You can't be serious?!" as Tabula walked away.

Without turning around, he said this.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."

On that final note, Tabula joined the others. And now, there was only one left.

Ulbert was shaking. His hands were drawn into fists, and he seemed moments away from blowing his casket. However, moments before he went ballistic, he gave up. His muscles uncoiled, his back slumped, and a heavily aggravated sigh escaped his lips.

"You know what? You win. Fuck it! Sure, whatever! Emiya is some kind of self-conscious digital ghost. I don't care one way or another. I'm not going to stand here and argue against a foregone conclusion." With the white flag officially raised, he stepped forward. Only to be dragged into a group hug initiated by Touch Me and Peroroncino. As he was being crushed, he wondered what he had done to deserve this fate.

In the center was Shirou, who was still reeling from the shock of it. Part of him felt numb, knowing that they believed him. Another part questioned if he was insane for trusting them or them for putting so much trust in him. Then there was a small part of him that felt guilty for hiding so much and twisting the truth, but he told himself that it was necessary. There was no need for them to learn of the Moonlite World or muddle the already complex issue.

In the end, he simply settled for being content with what he had.

"Well, that went better than expected…" Shirou thought out loud, calm disbelief filling him.

The group continued until Ulbert fought to be free, untangling himself as the rest dispersed.

"Umm, any questions?" He asked, simply going with the flow and unsure of what to do next.

Several hands shot up.

"Yes, Amanomahitotsu-san."

"I've noticed this before, but your avatar seems more lifelike compared to others. Could this be due to the digitalization process done on you?" He asked, unable to mask the curiosity in his voice.

"Your guess is as good as mine. In truth, I'm quite surprised that Zelretch didn't have me modeled as some goblin or something equally hideous." Shirou chuckled, shrugging.

"So, this is what you look like? I must say, you look quite dashing, Emiya-san. How old are you? Your avatar looks around the early to mid-thirties." Asked Yamaiko, inspecting him with a keen eye.

"A bit rude to ask for a man's age, don't you think Yamaiko-san?" Shirou quipped.

"Hey! Only us girls get to pull that card." She retorted, playfully punching his shoulder.

"So, this character model is your actual appearance in real life?" Bukubukchagama suddenly asked. Her tone took on a higher pitch and an almost eager inflection.

"Technically, yes. This was what I used to look like." Shirou answered truthfully. There was a period where he resembled Archer to a T. He noted that she sounded very interested all of a sudden.

"Have you ever thought of returning to your own body again, Emiya-san?" Momonga asked the question they all had in the back of their minds.

Shirou gave a humorless chuckle.

"You already know my story, Momonga-san. The circumstances of my life before the transfer were… to put it lightly, not kind. Truth be told… my time here in YGGDRASIL has got to be the best I've had in years. And it's thanks to you all. For now, I'm content." He answered truthfully.

"Emiya-senpai!" Peroroncino suddenly called for him.

"Yes?" Shirou gave him his full attention.

Peroroncino had been uncharacteristically quiet. This was the first time he had ever heard the light-hearted man sound so serious. A contrast to his normally excited and perverted self. Even his posture lacked the usual vibrant energy that he always displayed. Shirou wasn't the only one that noticed, as Momonga and Bukubukchagama cast worried glances towards the out-of-character tone of their friend/brother.

"If what you said is true, then that means you don't have a real body anymore. R-right?" The avian Player's voice cracked near the end, as if he had trouble wrapping his head around such a notion.

Worry began to build within Shioru after seeing the sudden shift in his friend's demeanor.

The others swiftly picked up on the sudden mood change.

It was here that his protégé in the art of the bow suddenly hugged him from out of nowhere. Peroroncino's arms wrapped around the faker. His shoulders shook and trembled as he clung to his senpai.

"Emiya-senpai… To think it was like this... I'm sorry…"

Everyone was thoroughly taken aback by this. The sheer, raw emotion and heartbreak only made it more disconcerting.

Was Shirou's reveal affecting Peroroncino this much?

"Otouto…" Bukubukchagama softly said. "I'm sure everything's going to be—"

"Everything's not going to be alright!" Peroroncino shouted, taking everyone aback. "You couldn't even fathom what he went through!"

What he went through? What had gotten Peroroncino so riled up?

"I-I don't understand."

"Of course you don't understand. You could never understand something like this, nee-san! Surely you too understand Emiya-senpai's plight, don't you, Momonga-san?!" Said the Birdman, turning to his companion.

"I-I… Uhh…" Momonga's lame response was brought on by the sudden spotlight.

"Peroroncino-san. I think you should calm down and explain what you mean." In an attempt to take control of the situation, Shirou addressed the problem immediately.

"Oh, my god... It's already too late." He dropped to his hands and knees. At this point, everyone's nerves were shot, each one on the proverbial edge.

"Of all people, why did it have to be Emiya-senpai?!" He exclaimed, his fist hitting the floor.

"Peroroncino-san! I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong! Please! We're worried." Shirou cried out, shaking the avian Player from his stupor.

"It's…" He began.

"It's what…? You can tell me."

"It's your…"

"My what? What is it, Peroroncino-san?" Shirou slowly coaxed the answer out of him.

"Your penis is gone!"


In the background, Shirou swore he heard a record scratch. Moments after hearing Peroroncino's words, the tense and almost depressing atmosphere disappeared. If it were possible, Shirou's jaw would've hit the floor, as would everyone else's.

He had no words. He was truly speechless at what he heard.

What truly made it all the more surreal was that Shirou was fairly certain that Peroroncino was being 100% serious about it. It certainly fit the bill.

He continued, oblivious to how shocked everyone was by his ludicrous statement.

"To never know the pleasure of the flesh! To never feel the rush, the euphoria of a huge masturbation session after a long day's work. To never feel a fire in your loins, threatening to break you and challenge your resolve. To never eye the female form and feel tingling in your third leg! Could fate be any crueler?! Oh, Emiya-senpai, it's a fate worse than death!" He wept.

"Otouto…" In a false sing-song voice, the eldest sister hissed. "You had us all worried... FOR SOMETHING AS STUPID AS THAT?!" The inflection of her voice changed as her sentence progressed.

"It's not stupid!" Peroroncino shouted with righteous indignation. "Girls like you would never understand us!"

"And what exactly are you implying, little brother?" Bukubukchagama politely questioned, her voice as icy and unforgiving as an arctic waste.

Common sense must've snapped back into place as Peroroncino slowly backed away from his sister. He didn't get very far before she lunged at him and proceeded to discipline him. In other words, beat the ever-living snot out of him.

"Ow! Nee-san! Stop, ouch, stop it!"

"You idiot! We were all worried over nothing!"

"Hey! Ouch. This is a big deal for all of us! You're just mad now that you can't ask Emiya-senpai out like you wanted to!"

"Shut up!" The slime's attack only grew wilder as her voice cracked for a second there.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, if we go by Emiya-senpai's avatar, he's at least a decade older than you... No wonder you were looking in those categories of my porn sites. You're into DILFs!" Peroroncino suddenly exclaimed as if he had uncovered a massive revelation.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT up! SHUT up! SHUT UP!" Her voice only got more hysterical, like a shrieking banshee, trying to drown out her perverted brother's words and keep what little dignity that was left hidden.

The rest of the group watched on with deadpan eyes.

"All in favor of pretending this did not happen?"

"Aye." A unanimous agreement.

Despite all of that, spontaneous laughter broke out amongst the group. No one was sure who laughed first, but it quickly spread amongst the Players. Even Ulbert got a few chuckles in. This unexpected turn of events infused the previously somber atmosphere with much-needed lightness and humor.

"Alright." Touch Me clapped his hands, earning their attention. "I believe this is quite an understatement, but today's been a hectic day, what with all that was revealed. I know everyone has questions, some more pressing than others, but I ask that you hold off on them for now. There will be plenty of time to ask Emiya-san questions in the future."

Touch Me looked to Shirou, who nodded, agreeing and giving him his consent. Even though the others still had questions, those can be addressed at a later time.

"Moving on, I'm sure everyone's curious about the fight and loot." Shirou began, grateful for a change in topic.

"How was the loot drop?" Amanomahitotsu asked with barely concealed excitement.

"Well…" Shirou began, his tone smug, and the group got the impression he was grinning. "You can determine that for yourselves." Operating his menu, an avalanche of items and materials flowed forth. Literally.

The floodgate was opened, and all manner of loot spilled onto the ground. Once more, the group was stunned, but in a good way. By the end, the floor was littered with loot. The biggest prize was the massive haul of data crystals, two hundred and fifty Legendary tier data crystals with another two hundred Divine tier data crystals—he should know, he counted them all. Combined with the previous sum that they mined in the cave beforehand, that brought their total to three hundred and twenty-five Legendary data crystals and two hundred and sixty-five Divine tier data crystals. It was a significant sum, weighing on par with the rewards of clearing out some of the most dangerous dungeons in the game.

Their rewards weren't only data crystals but also a massive variety of miscellaneous items, like armor, weapons, potions, shields, accessories, grimoires, tomes, ores, fine silk, crafting material, various rare metals, gems, and so on. All of varying high-tier quality. Lastly, there was the literal mountain of gold that piled up on the side and reached up to Shirou's height and was nearly three times in width and size.

The group was silent, even the siblings stopped bickering in favor of gaping at the sight before them.

The group wasted no time and jumped in, dividing out the reward among each member. Shirou also returned their dropped item following their deaths during the boss fight, something they were all thankful for, even Ulbert, who begrudgingly thanked him.

The gold was split evenly amongst the Players, but that was secondary compared to the true prize. It took some time, roughly half an hour to be exact, of distributing and bargaining with one another over who got what and how many.

For Momonga, Peroroncino, and Bukubukchagama, they did not need the high-tier data crystals as much compared to the others. Being friends with Shirou had its perks, and thanks to him, he often gave away high-tier data crystals liberally. Hence, the three were fine with taking the other spoils in place of the crystals.

The rest of Nine's Own Goal split the data crystals evenly between them.

For Amanomahitotsu, he was more than content to take the rare ores and metals for future smithing projects.

Touch Me took an interest in the various weapons and accessories that provided various boosts to his stats. Yamaiko was much the same, seeking to boost or upgrade any of her current equipment.

Tabula desired the various high-grade potions, crafting materials, and ingredients. Being an alchemist, he wanted to experiment to see what he could make.

Ulbert readily picked out the various tomes, grimoires, and books within the pile. As a powerful magic caster, he was always looking to expand his arsenal of destruction.

Even Shirou got his fair share, taking what remained of the loot, which was a significant portion, as a form of gratitude from the party. After all, they wouldn't even be distributing said prize in the first place were it not for the digital magus's success. With the group high on their victory and prizes, Shirou slowly slinked his way out of sight and towards the teleporters. Midway, he stopped and stood there, silent as a grave.

"Emiya-san?" Momonga spoke, drawing attention back to him as his back was turned towards them.

With his back to them, they only saw his shoulders hunching before relaxing. It looked as if he was taking a moment to compose himself.

"Everyone, I wasn't being completely honest when I said that was all the loot. There was one other drop that I didn't show you all." Shirou admitted, his voice tight with a hint of shame.

"One loot drop? That doesn't sound so consequential, Emiya-san." Replied Tabula.

"It is when it's a World Item."

The group was momentarily shocked by the news. The fact that their friend was hiding one of the most powerful items in the entire game hit them a few seconds later.

"Bastard! You were holding out on us!" Ulbert accused.

"Ulbert-san! Let us first hear him out. Surely he must have an explanation for his actions." Touch Me defended.

Their gaze returned to him, and this time, Shirou lowered his head in shame.

"It… the item wasn't just any random World Item. I knew of it and it..."

"It reminded you of your sister, didn't it?" Finished Tabula. The story of Shirou's sister was still fresh in his mind. If Berserker belonged to or was related to his sister, as he had said, and if the item was linked to the boss and, in turn, her. Well, it wasn't hard to put two and two together. It would stand to reason that he would be reluctant to give it up.

Shirou nodded.

"See, Ulbert-san. He didn't withhold the World Item for himself out of selfishness. It holds a lot of sentimental value to him." Touch Me readily provided.

Ulbert grumbled, not entirely satisfied, but he didn't push the issue.

"I'm sorry." Shirou apologized. "I-I… wasn't too sure if you would take it away or store it in a vault somewhere..."

"I understand, I truly do, Emiya-san." Touch Me patted the Humanoid Player on the shoulder. His words held no true scorn, only understanding. "While it is a bit disheartening for you to think that we would try and take away something you worked for and rightly earned, even if it's a World Item, we do understand your concern. No, on this, you have nothing to fear. But do give us the benefit of the doubt from now on."

The others gave reassuring nods, showing that they weren't too upset about his deception.

"Thank you… I will, I promise."

"Good man! Now then, if it's not too much trouble, would you mind if we catch a glimpse at the World Item?" Touch Me requested. His voice betrayed a tinge of excitement at the opportunity. The others were equally interested, their eager stares waiting for him to reveal the coveted item. Even Ulbert, who leaned against a nearby pillar with his arms crossed, trying to look indifferent, couldn't hide his curiosity as he watched closely.

Opening his menu screen, his mind flashed back to the battle's end with Berserker.


Light met Darkness, and the world was enveloped in white. It was a clash of epic proportions, almost biblical in nature. Caliburn's pure burst of prana stood in stark contrast to the entire force of darkness. And in the end, Caliburn emerged victorious, cutting through it all with its unyielding power. The darkness was consumed, the light eating away at the corrupted taint until there was nothing left but pure, unadulterated radiance. As the light slowly faded, Shirou was treated to a truly amazing sight, one that he would never forget.

Everything was restored, the once tarnished and nearly destroyed cavern was completely fixed. The floor, walls, and ceiling were unblemished. The previously empty lake bed was filled with sparkling water. It was a pristine image, one of immaculate beauty.

Lastly, there was Berserker in his original physical form.

Shirou's body tensed up, but he quickly noticed something different this time around. Unlike before, there was no indication of madness or darkness in the Servants' presence. Instead, the demi-god simply stood there contently, seemingly at peace with himself and his surroundings.

As he beheld the Servant, what truly convinced him were his eyes. They appeared so authentic, like real eyes with a white sclera, a pale golden iris, and a black pupil. The once Heroic Spirit of Berserk Rage, which had previously resembled a wild beast, no longer appeared to be one. Instead, the Heroic Spirit stood with the poise and elegance of a warrior from his legend.

What stood before him was not Berserker but Herakles.

The once heroic form of Herakles had become wispy and transparent, reminiscent of when a Servant enters its astral form. As Shirou and the Greek hero locked eyes, the warrior inclined his head in recognition and gratitude towards the magus. It was a surprising turn of events, and Shirou couldn't help but return the nod to the noble Servant.

And just like that, Berserker disappeared into the ether.


There it was, the congratulations screen. They had done it.

It was over...

Shirou let out a shuddering breath as he all but collapsed to his knee, relief filling him.

[You have cleared the Titan's Crystal Cavern! For conquering this perilous Arena dungeon, along with defeating both bosses on your first try, and with a party with less than 12 players, a 70% increase in loot drop will be given as a reward.]

As the screen had promised, loot materialized from the sky and fell like raindrops. The coins glistened as they fell and bounced around, accompanied by an array of items and equipment. However, what caught Shirou's attention were the beautiful data crystals, shining brighter than anything else. They fell without end, filling up the ground.

Taken aback by the sheer quantity and quality of items, Shirou turned away but froze as he looked upon something else, something that wasn't there previously.

Where once the astral form of Berserker stood, something else occupied the space.

Shirou's eyes ignored everything, and his body walked over to it. His hand was outstretched but wary of the touch. Biting the bullet, he grabbed it. Even as he held it in the palm of his hand, he still couldn't believe it…

It was a card.

Not just any card.

No. It was…


[Berserker Class Card – World Item]

Shirou found what he was looking for. He gazed down at his palm, and there it was—the very same card that he had discovered in the cavern. The card was made of shimmering gold and featured a fearsome humanoid beast with the head of a monstrous hound and brandishing a massive sword. As he held the card, he noticed that it had a magical quality to it, as it appeared to be floating and rotating effortlessly. The card was adorned with special particles that created a mesmerizing display of colors, almost like a miniature rainbow that he held in his very hand.

The others were equally enraptured by the card, their minds spinning on what potentially powerful and broken abilities it might contain.

"So? What does it do, Emiya-sempai?" Giddily asked Peroroncino.

"That's the thing, I don't know."

"Huh?" The Players spoke in unison.

"What do you mean, Emiya-san? What is the condition for its use?" Momonga wondered.

"That's the thing. There is no condition. It cannot be used at all. The item does not provide any descriptions or flavor text, and there is no console command or activation index. It's just... a card." Shirou finished lamely.

"There's no way that can be true." Tabula shook his head at the absurdity of it.

"It's the truth. Here, you can give it a try if you still don't believe me." Shirou handed the World Item over to the skeptical Eldritch Player.

Tabula was determined to unlock the card's ability and spent the next several minutes trying everything in his power to do so. Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain, as Shirou had predicted. The card appeared to be nothing more than a simple, flashy card with no indication of how to activate it. Despite passing it around and having every member try their hand at it, the World Item remained unresponsive. Ulbert was the last to attempt it, and he let out a frustrated growl in the end.

"The hell!? Fucking shitty devs, what idiot designs a World Item of all things and has it be just a plain card with no abilities?! If the World Item is really just a useless card, then Emiya can have it for all I care." Handing the worthless item back to Shirou, the World Disaster marched off.

With nothing left for them, the rest of the group disbanded and went their separate ways. Shirou's gaze remained transfixed on the card, and he couldn't help but wonder. He was indeed curious about the card's true purpose, but that took a backseat to a more pressing matter.

Namely, what was Zelretch's game in all of this?

If Berserker was within YGGDRASIL, then it stands to reason that other Servants may be included as bosses. Lancer, Rider, Assassin, and so on.

If that were the case, wouldn't that imply that there would also be a Saber?

If so...

"What are you up to, Zelretch?"


Kaleidoscope HQ

Speaking of said Dead Apostle Sorcerer, he was currently in a board room meeting. While everyone was sitting together at a long table, Zelretch sat at his personal adjacent desk that connected to the head of the table, his feet kicked on the top. Why did he have a personal desk in a board room? Because he could, and anyone who says otherwise got pranked by the vampire. Complaints died down after the last manager was sent to a psych ward screaming something about rubber ducks.

He held a bored expression as he listened to the investors and shareholders rattle on and on about losing profit. As the dull meeting droned on, a sudden ringing interrupted the session. The various suits looked at one another, trying to figure out who the ringing belonged to. It didn't take long before they figured out the source.

The ringing was coming from Zelretch. The Magician casually picked his phone from his pocket, an extremely old flip phone of all things, and flicked it open.

Like a switch being flipped on, Zelretch's entire bored demeanor changed. He straightened up in his chair, and his lips twitched into the barest smile. A deep chuckle rumbled from his throat.

"It seems it has begun much sooner than expected." Zelretch cryptically said, pleased with whatever it was he read.

"Umm… Sir?" One of the employees gathered enough courage to ask. "Is everything alright...?"

Zelretch smiled. His pearly white canines were on full display.

If anything, this only unnerved them even further. Everyone began sweating bullets. The only time Zelretch ever looked that happy was when he was pranking someone or up to something.

"Indeed. Indeed, they are."

Everyone in the room would later swear it was a trick of the light, but his eyes twinkled and glowed a frightening crimson.

Omake 1 (Continuation from Chapter 3 omake) - The Ultimate Noble Phantasm (Inspired by RedBurningDragon)

It was a long and hard-fought battle, but they've managed to whittle down Berser-Car's health to zero. Coincidentally, Berserker also reverted back to his original form. Strangely enough, Illya too disappeared.

Shirou, unfortunately, did not have any more time to worry about this as a new voice made itself known.

"Oh my, Berserker-kun is in quite the pickle, isn't he? How will he stand up to these bullies?!"

A soft female voice rang. What remained of the party looked to one another; it wasn't any of them, so who was this sudden narrator?

Also, bullies? They were the bullies?

"Is anyone hearing this, or is it just me?" Asked Tabula.

"These bullies are strong, but you cannot give up, Berserker-kun! Show these meanies just how strong you really are! With the Power of Friendship Berserker-kun will prevail. It's time for his ultimate attack!"

Meanies? There was something seriously wrong with the situation if a Heroic Spirit was the victim in all of this.

Secondly, ultimate attack?! There was more to Berserker?

A surge of energy exploded from Berserker, drawing all focus from the group. He held out his hand as motes of light formed and condensed, similar to Shirou and his tracing.

"Is he summoning a weapon?"

A weapon appeared. One like no other. And one neither he nor the others could prepare for.



In Berserker's hand was Lancer, or more accurately, Cú Chulainn in, strangely enough, a Hawaiian shirt.

'With Lancer-kun helping you out, you'll beat back those meanies! Go Berserker-kun!'

Berserker then proceeded to charge at Touch Me, who raised his shield in defense. Lancer slammed into the shield, and instead of bouncing off like realism would dictate, Lancer instead broke through and reduced Touch Me's HP to zero.

Had the situation been different, he would have found such a sight hilarious as it was absurd. Instead, he simply stood and watched with disbelief as Berserker continued his rampage, defeating the rest of his party one by one with a weaponized lancer. Finally, it was only him and Berserker left.

'You did it, Berserker-kun! But it's not over just yet!' The narrator continued. "Now you must fight against the evil boss that led the bullies into your cave, invited them, and started beating you up!'

Hey! He wasn't evil, although she technically wasn't lying about the last part, but that wasn't the full context of the situation!

'This villain is tough, that's why you need your ultimate attack! Go Berserker-kun! Defeat him with the power of friendship!'

Berserker bellowed. Holding Lancer with both hands, it then hurled Lancer at Shirou.


A splitting headache assaulted the faker. The only time this has ever happened was when he gazed upon a weapon or Noble Phantasm that his Unlimited Blade Work could not comprehend or copy.

Did that mean this was something beyond the scope of his Reality Marble?!

Lancer began to spin, getting faster and faster and emitting light. A perpetual centripetal force, growing faster and stronger with each passing second.

"Huh?! What's with this unknown Noble Phantasm—" And just like the rest, Shirou was defeated too.

Alone within the cavern, Berserker roared in victory.

'Ohh? Berserker-kun, aren't you forgetting something?

Berserker stopped and turned around. Berserker calmly walked over and pulled the dead body of Lancer from the pile of rocks and ruins. It then continued its previous victory celebration, only now waving the dead and broken body of Lancer in the air like a victory flag.

'You didn't forget about Lancer-kun!'

'After all, friends are really important to Berserker-kun!'

Omake 2 - An Unspeakable Monster (Just after the completion Blackened Berserker formation.) (Inspired By Dante)

As the massive pool of tar and ink slowly took form and shape into Berserker, a small amount of the viscous black ooze broke off and floated in front of the Servant caricature.

While Shirou was curious, he kept focused on completely tracing Caliburn for the battle to come.

Had he paid more attention, he would have seen the orb of ooze slowly recede and disappear, and something colorful take its place.

"Oh, I'm finally free!" A feminine, high-pitched voice suddenly exclaimed.

Shirou's entire body went rigid. His heartbeat quickened, and goosebumps ran all along his arms and neck, his lips and mouth drying and becoming arid.

Turning Shirou's fears were realized. There, floating in mid-air, was a nondescript pink wand. The head of the wand was fashioned into a star with three petal-like wings extending from both sides of the wand. On the surface, it appeared nonthreatening, but Shirou knew the truth. The horrifying truth of what that thing was capable of.

[Kaleidostick Ruby]

Then the unthinkable happened. Berserker's massive hand grasped the wand, and it started to glow.

"It's time to show you the power of a Magical Girl!"

Before their very eyes, Berserker underwent a magical girl transformation scene. Complete with flashing light, unexpected cheery music, and woven pinkish bands and colors, clinging to Berserker before transforming into articles of clothing.

Time in fact did not stop during the Magical Girls transformation sequences, thus leaving the party free to move and act accordingly.

Of course, that begs the question: while this was going on, why didn't the party simply attack Berserker while it was thoroughly preoccupied?

The answer was simple: they were so stunned and horrified that they couldn't do anything but watch. Like a horrible traffic accident, they just couldn't simply look away.

In a bright flash of light, Berserker appeared in a new form. Berserker's new appearance would forever scar the magus's psyche.


That was all the player could make out—frilly pink clothing contrasting with Berserker's blackened iron skin. Pink gloves that stretched to his elbows, high-heeled pink stockings, a frilly tutu around his waist, a small fluttering cape adoring his back, and lastly, the kaleidostick was enlarged. Its new size made its previous one look like a toothpick.

It was horrible. Everything else remained the same, from Berserker's bulging physique to his terrifying, snarling face. The only thing that was different was the out-of-character clothing that the Servant wore, which only enhanced its already nightmarish appearance.

As pink energy continued to build and gather, the rest of the players simply stood around and waited.

What else could they do after seeing such a horrendous sight that would leave even the Dead Apostles Ancestors shaking in terror?

As it fired, they welcomed Death with open arms.

With all its enemies dead and gone, Berserker struck the universal magical girl pose, with a hand on its hip and another raising Ruby high into the air.

Meanwhile at Kaleidoscope HQ

The door to Zelretch's office was kicked open by none other than the disgruntled employee who had the misfortune of being the main manager for his division of programmers. He walked in, and there sat Zelretch playing a game of chess. Who was the secret Magician playing against? A stuff toy. Or specifically, a giant pinked stuff unicorn.

He chose to ignore that in favor of keeping his sanity.

"Hoh? Dayne? It's a bit rude just to kick down the door, don't you think? Mr. Fiddle and I were having a nice little game." nonchalantly commented the vampire.

Instead of remarking yet another incorrect address of his name, he simply tossed his tablet onto the table for Zelretch to see. On it was the final stage of Berserker. With a wand. A pink wand. In a horrifying pink magical girl outfit.

"Sir. What the absolute fuck..." was all the employee could say.

"... I'll double your salary."

"Are you bribing me, sir?"



"Quadruple. And that's my fine offer."

He was probably going to regret this, but then again, he started regretting this entire venture a long, long time ago.

"...I'll see what can be done."

"Good man! I knew I could count on you, Zeke. Tell me when it's finished!" The vampire happily waved goodbye before getting serious with his game of chess with an inanimate pink stuff toy.

He didn't even dignify a response and quietly left the room.

As he walked on by, his fellow managers all turned to one another.

"Man, he's sure been coming in and out of Zelretch's office an awful lot."

"Yeah, especially with how he's running him ragged."

"Poor Mark."

"Wait, I thought his name was Thomas?"

"No, it's Anthony!"

"Actually... now that I think about it, what is his name?"

They looked to one another once more and came to one rather startling, but not really, realization. They didn't know their own colleague's real name. To that, they simply shrugged in a 'what are you going to do' universal gesture and continued on with their work.

It was confirmed later that night that said forgotten employee spent most of his pay on drowning out his sorrow with plenty of booze.