
Fake It ‘til You Make It

Me?! Running for student council president?! Name: Amelia Knight Occupation: Highschool Freshman Hobby: Lazing Around ...Something doesn't add up right...

GummyAssassin · Adolescente
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12 Chs

After School Meeting (1)

Out of consideration of her mood, I let Vera lead the way. She finally stopped walking when we got to the women's bathroom. She faced me and grabbed hold of my hands.

"Amelia, are you okay?" Vera asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Vera. Thank you for standing up for me," I gratefully answered. I barely knew them. What good is there fussing over their comments? On the other hand, Vera and I met for the first time today; I appreciated her actions. But it was exactly because of that that I patted her hands, and slowly let them down. Although she stood up for me, today was the first day we met, after all. There's bound to be some feeling of distance.

Before Vera could say anything else, the intercom suddenly rang.

Beep. Beep.

'This announcement reminds the student representatives to come to the dean's office after school. I repeat, the student representatives to the dean's office after school. Thank you.'

"Oh, I guess you must go to the dean's office after school. Don't worry. I'll have a real good talk with Kyril," Vera fiercely said.

I replied.

"Of course, whatever makes you comfortable." It's a good thing she got energetics back. Being on the other end of Vera's wrath must be pretty tough. Although we don't know each other very well, Kyril, good luck.

After talking it out, our feelings were somewhat settled, and Vera and I leisurely walked back to class.

We arrived early, so we sat and continued chatting for a bit before Kyril came in and sat at his desk. He smiled at me before seeing Vera's scowling face. Figurative sweat dripped down his forehead when he hurriedly faced the front. How interesting. is Kyril scared of Vera? Understandable, though.

Before I could overthink it, Mr. Archer came in and began the next class.

The rest of the school day passed by uneventfully. One good thing that happened was that there was no homework. If only the rest of the day answered my desperate pleas for rest.

What came after classes was the meeting in the Headmaster's office. I packed my stuff, said goodbye to Vera, and left for the office. Maybe because rumors of what happened in the cafeteria had spread already, no other student gave me glances in fear of receiving Vera's wrath. This led my path to be relatively peaceful.

According to the directory plaque, the Headmaster's office should be right down this hall. I went down and saw a sign beside the two-set doors at the very end. It said 'Headmaster Earl Channing.' I think this is the place.

I knocked three times.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come on in," I heard Headmaster's muffled reply.

I slowly pulled one of the doors. What greeted me was the blinding rays of the afternoon sun. I squinted my eyes and slowly adjusted my eyes to the light. The first thing I saw was the Headmaster's genial smile.

He said.

"Please take a seat, Miss Knight. We've been waiting for you."

I glanced around and saw that the other three representatives had already arrived. And here I thought I was quick. They must've come right after that, or they had the advantage of being closer to the office, not that it mattered. After I found and took a seat comfortably, the Headmaster began talking.

"Now, let's get into what we all gathered here for."