
The Banquet

Priscilla sat brushing her honey brown hair in front of her vanity. She couldn't believe the night of her 16th birthday was finally here. Tonight men from all other kingdoms would come and court her. She was not prepared nor did she want to be the center of so many men ogling at her. Priscilla rolled her eyes at the thought. She finished with her hair and was adjusting her translucent rainbow wings when their was a knock at her door.

"Princess?" came a voice Priscilla had known forever. "Jade, I've told you to call me by my name." Priscilla replied playfully to her friend. "I'm sorry Priscilla it's just tonight is so formal I don't want to do anything to upset it." Jade answered opening the door. Priscilla motioned her over. "Will you help me fix my hair? You always do it so much better than me." Jade walked over and picked up the silver comb on the vanity and went to work.

"Are you nervous?"Jade asked as she combed Priscilla's hair into sections. "I'm more annoyed than anything. I don't want to marry a man I just met! It isn't fair that this courting ritual even exists." Jade thought carefully and responded "I think it's romantic. All these men came just for you." "That's all well and good but I don't know them. What if the one I choose has horrible foot odor? How am I supposed to share a bed with someone like that?" Priscilla said in a huff. "Well either way everyone has arrived and the only person missing is the guest of honor."Jade finished as she pointed to the mirror.

Priscilla was again in awe of Jade's ability, her hair was in a gorgeous waterfall updo with a few strands curled by her face. "I suppose I should go down before my mother comes to drag me out" Priscilla laughed imagining her mother with her fire red hair trying to pull Priscilla the feet as she clawed onto anything to not go. Priscilla stood up and smoothed her moon silver dress and with one last look in the mirror Jade and herself headed out of the room.

At the banquet Priscilla sat at the end of the table opposite her parents. Man after man came asking her to dance. She politely declined them all. Looking up she noticed her mother's emerald eyes throwing daggers at her. 'You better go dance with someone!' was the message Priscilla recieved from them. Priscilla sighed, she knew her mother would never let this up.

The next man that came up was quite handsome with sky blue eyes, golden wings and hair as yellow as the sun. "Would you give me the honor of this dance?" the stranger bowed asking Priscilla. He's as good as anyone I suppose, Priscilla thought to herself. "Yes, of course." Priscilla smiled. Her mother smiled approvingly. The man lead her to the floor where the two fluttered together for the next few dances. "What is your name?" Priscilla asked the blonde man between turning. "Cyrus, my name is Cyrus."He responded twisting Priscilla in a circle. 'Of course his name would mean sun. He's a shining beacon' She thought to herself. "I'm from the country of Effervia, I'm 2nd in line for the throne." Cyrus continued. "Oh, is that why you're parents sent you here for the only Princess of Sirion?" Priscilla inquired. "I'm sure they had their own intentions...but I'm glad I came eithee way." Cyrus smiled at her. Priscilla began to feel herself starting to blush just as a song ended. "I need to go sit and drink some water." Priscilla curtsied and turned before Cyrus could see or so she hoped.

The rest of the nighy went on very slowly. Priscilla danced with about a twenty other men but not one piqued her interest. At the end of the night the King, Queen and Priscilla thanked all the guests for coming. Priscilla was exhausted and couldn't wait to get to bed.

Just as she was heading up the stairs her mother called to her. "Priscilla, don't forget you must pick a suitor by next moon." "Of course mother, I'll be thinking on it. Priscilla replied heading upstairs. When she got to her room she threw herself on the bed. "Aaaarggghhh! she screamed into her pillow. 'How am I supposed to pick a husband just from taking turns dancing?' she thought to herself. Well atleast she had 30 days to make up her mind. "Maybe they would all find wives by then." she laughed to herself.

Priscilla got up and went to her vanity to take her hair down. As she was pulling clips out of her hair she thought she saw a shadow in the window. 'Probably a bat flying by.' She assured herself. She finished letting her hair down and went to close her window when suddenly a figure grabbed her and yanked her out the window. She was on the back of a wasp unable to scream as the giant oak tree castle fades behind her.