
Time 0.1

It was a normal day in the Kingdom of Flore, Fairy Tail was doing their usual routine. Natsu and Gray were having their usual quarrel, Mira is standing by the counter serving Cana beer. Lucy was sitting at another table looking at the two fight each other.

That's when the door suddenly opened, everyone paused for a moment at the familiar presence, moreover, they were filled with surprise.

"Gildarts!" Natsu exclaimed as he sends a fist with bursting flames towards Gildarts's face.

Naturally, Gildarts was able to catch the fist with ease and pummel Natsu into the ground.

"You're energetic as always Natsu, it'll be a thousand years until you can land a single hit on me," said Gildarts.

After that sentence, everyone overcame their shock and immediately bursted with energy.


"You're back!"

"Let's have a drink!"

Now it wasn't only Natsu and Gray filled with energy, the entire guild was now bursting with adrenaline, but it was soon shut down after someone's interference.

"Quiet down everyone!" Master Makarov's voice boomed over everyone. "Gildarts, welcome back, but aren't you a bit too early?"

"Haha! I thought you would say that, as you already know, I didn't take the mission I was supposed to go on, instead, I decided to visit somewhere for a bit. I was going to stay there for a bit longer, but I forgot there was something special happening today." said Gildarts.

"There's a special occasion happening?" asked Happy.

"Well, you guys will understand once it happens," said Gildarts.

In another place...

"How beautiful," she muttered as she stared out the window, the Kingdom of Flore was slowly coming into view.

It's been a long time since she was in the kingdom again, she was busy taking on countess missions for the guild, she couldn't wait to see everyone again, she had to make sure everyone was behaving properly.

When the train finally came to a stop, she immediately got up and started leaving the train. Unlike Natsu, she wasn't a dragon slayer and didn't get motion sickness. She was just an incredibly strong wizard, but the twin red horns sticking out of her head made it different.

But this was a topic she didn't like to share, talking about it seemed to give her a bad feeling. It felt that way ever since she was reborn into this world.

When she landed on the platform, her eyes roamed the area as she took in the refreshing air. She smiled at the familiar scent of the area, there were tons of people walking around.

"Alright, let's go," she muttered.

As she started heading towards Fairy Tail, the excitement built up inside her. Once she was in front of Fairy Tail, her hands itched to open the door, however, manners were always first.

When she opened the door to Fairy Tail, the view of beer being thrown around, Natsu and Gray quarreling could be seen, everything was simply a mess.

However, once everyone felt the familiar presence and glanced in the direction of who just came in, their heart nearly leaped out of their heart.

Everyone's reaction to her coming back was much different than Gildarts coming back.

Instead of cheering, they all immediately fixed their postures and turned their body in her direction, together, they greeted her.

""Welcome back, Kali!"" everyone exclaimed.

Kali smiled at the sight, it seems everyone still hasn't forgotten the lessons they got from her, well except for three members of the guild.

Natsu jumped on top of a table, leaped from his position, and sent a kick with flames projecting on it towards Kali. Everyone immediately prayed for Natsu, it wouldn't end well for him.

"Natsu, lesson one, when someone comes back from an incredibly long adventure, the first thing you should do is not fight them, but greet them," said Kali.

With a snap of her finger, Natsu's figure stopped midair, his flames dissipated, and his entire body was now implanted into the floor making a perfect shape of his body.

"Today's the second time Natsu has been pummeled into the ground," said Macao with a sigh.

Kali's ears perked up when she heard that. "Second time? When was the first time?"

"It was when Gildarts came back, Natsu tried to fight him and he was instantly smashed into the ground. Also, can we break free of this pose now? I haven't stood straight in so long, my back is starting to hurt." Macao replied.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot you're already old, everyone can go back to what they were doing before. Gildarts is back?"

"Yep, do you need me to get Master Makarov to get him?"

"Nope, I think I already know where he is, I'll greet him after I catch up with everyone else. There seems to be a new member in the guild. Also, Gray! Put on your shirt!"

"Eh?! When did it come off!?"

"Haha, I'm glad you're still the same formal and strict Kali I know."

"I wouldn't say I'm formal nor strict, I just grew up in a family where manners were top priority. Anyways, it was nice to talk to you again Macao, you should really pay attention to your son."

"I'll take your advice, it was nice speaking with you too, Kali."

With that said, Kali's eyes roamed the guild again, that's when she spotted the blonde staring back at her. Kali made her way towards her, dodging the planks of wood being thrown around because of Natsu and Gray's quarrel, she was already accustomed to it.

"What's your name?" Kali asked the blonde.

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia, I'm a celestial wizard." Lucy introduced herself.

"A celestial wizard, it's been quite a while since I've last met one. Now stand still, I need to do a proper check-up on you."

"Proper check-up? What do you mean?"

Without answering, Kali's hands were all over Lucy's body, feeling each muscle and deciphering the weak points of the body.

"Your stamina and arms are weak, work on those as well as fixing your posture. Your back needs to be straight."

Lucy didn't reply, she stood there in shock, she felt flustered at what just happened.

"Are you okay?" asked Kali.

"Kali, I think you broke her," said Macao.

"I don't think so, I was just seeing how well her figure was. It was surprisingly weak for a celestial wizard," said Kali.

"Not everyone is as powerful as you Kali, though some people are strong, they aren't as strong as you," said Macao.

Kali narrowed her eyes, "I guess what you're saying is correct, she really needs to train her body more though."

"Wait! You're Kali!?" Lucy exclaimed, snapping out of her shock.

"Oh, you're back. And yes, I am Kali." Kali answered.

Lucy felt excitement flowing through her body. "You're part of the reason I wanted to join Fairy Tail! I've heard countless stories about you, from taking D-rank missions to taking SS-rank missions!"

Kali had to squint her eyes to protect her eyes from the bright light coming from Lucy, she couldn't match her energy at all.

"I see, thank you. This is the first time I've had someone say that to me in person, I'm not sure how I should reply," said Kali.

"It's okay, I understand," said Lucy, recalling the event that occurred before she met Natsu.

"I'm glad you do," said Kali as her eyes locked onto a certain redhead, "Now excuse me, there is someone I have yet to greet."

After they parted, Kali made her way towards Erza who was peacefully eating her strawberry cake.

"Erza, it's been quite a while hasn't it?"

Erza looked up to see a familiar pair of golden eyes with red symbols staring at her.

"It has, how long has it been?" asked Erza.

As Kali took a seat next to Erza, she answered the question. "It's been five years, time passes by fairly quickly when you're taking missions."

"And yet, everyone acts like you were here just yesterday."

"I suppose that's how the guild is, also Erza, remember not to speak when you're chewing food. If you are, speak with your hand covering your mouth."

"That just now was a one-time thing, you're always strict."

"Am I really though? Also, while I was on my mission, I discovered a new recipe for strawberry cake. I decided to add my own touch to it and I guarantee you that you'll like it.

Erza's eyes lit up at the sound of that, it's been a long time since she's tasted Kali's homemade strawberry cake, if she had one word to describe it, it would be the most delicious dessert in the world.

Kali smiled and patted the top of Erza's head, she was the only person who could do that without getting severely injured by Erza. After all, Erza often hung out with Kali and learned a lot from her, she was basically Erza's role model. Though there was someone else even closer to Kali than Erza.

"I'm glad you still get excited over my strawberry cakes Erza, I'll make it once I have time, there's still another person I have to catch up with. It was nice speaking with you Erza, if you'd like, we can spar too."

"Of course, I've gotten a lot stronger!"

"I would hope so or else it would be too easy."

Kali started walking towards a certain girl with long white hair, she's also the model for Fairy Tail.

"Mira, it's been a while hasn't it?"

i’m new here on webnovel, i was bored so i decided to write this…let me know if y’all want more.

LoseADreamcreators' thoughts