
Fairy Tail; The Water Dragon Slayer

The Water Dragon Slayer trains to be the best and protects his loved ones so he doesn’t lose what’s precious to him

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Cómic
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8 Chs

Fairy Tail’s return; Axel and Mira

Chapter 6

Walking into her new place of residency, Alexa she found it was small, the living room had two couches, but they barely fit in the small area. There were also a bookcase of two filled with books.

There were family pictures of Axel and Erza hanging on the wall, there were some pictures of Axel with his best friend, Lucy heartfilia.

"Make yourself at home." Axel sad walking to one of the book frames. He frowned as he picked up a framed photo from said bookshelf. The photo was of himself with Erza and Lucy at his side, Lucy had an arm atop of his shoulder.

She walked up to him noticing the sadness in his eyes. Alexa didn't know what to say, but to start off she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"They have to be alive….I mean you survived and you were on the island with us." Said Axel

"Yeah, that's true."

"How did you you even survive?"

"While you casted your spell I took the time to get away and fell into the water. The current drifted me away and luckily I'm still alive."

"I have to believe their still alive. I can't lose anymore family."

"Yeah." Alexa said softly.. "Who knows, maybe the first master's spirit protected them.

Axel chuckled at his sisters joke. "Yeah, maybe your right neechan."

Alexa smiled as she ruffled his hair. "Remember, I'm always here otouto."



The guild at first wasn't too sure about Alexa considering she was once a member of a dark guild, she never hurt anyone besides Axel and even that wasn't anything too serious. Alexa was an older sister so she could never truly bring harm to her baby brother. Once they got the chance to know her they came to like her and even invited her into the guild.

As time went on not only did Axel grow to love his older sister but so did the guild. They saw so many of Axel's qualities in her. The will to protect others and to see good in others when nobody else does.

While Axel wasn't training he was either on missions or spending time with his sister whom he had become really close with these past four years. Axel had become so strong these past few years that nobody in the guild came close to his power. He was the strongest in the guild.

"I wonder if the others were here today….would Axel be able to beat Erza?"

"Who knows? It's possible he's surpassed anything Erza could dish out."

"Did you hear that he refused to become the next master again?"

"Really? I don't see why he doesn't accept Macao's offer. He'd make a great master."

"Maybe, but you know him. Axel wants to have the freedom to go on missions."



A seventeen year old Axel yawned as he walked beside his sister, having just woken up twenty minutes ago he was just beginning to wake up. Axel had changed what he chose to wear over the past couple years.

He wore a black unzipped jacket, under that he wore a white t-shirt. On the back of the jacket was the symbol of a dragon breathing water. He also wore dark black pants

"You seem more tired than usual lil bro."

Axel sighed. "I stayed up pretty late yesterday training."

"Baka." Said the older sibling. "You should know better than to stay up all night training."

Axel scratched his head and laughed sheepishly. "I-"

Whatever he was gonna say was interrupted as Max jumped from a roof, landing in front of Axel.

"They're back."

"Huh? What-"

"Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Mira they're all back."

Axel widened his eyes before taking off running, the destination quite obvious.


"Erza-neesan, Luce, Mira….your here."

"Look who went and grew up." Said Erza

Axel smiled a little. "Yeah…"

"How are you even here? Max and the others said you got out before us." Said Natsu

He rose s brow. "Before I answer that, I have a question of my own."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" Asked Gajeel curious what his fellow dragon Slayer had to ask

"How are you guys alive? I saw Acnologia-"

"The first monster caster an ancient spell that shielded us, but also froze us for seven years." Explained Makarov

Axel chuckled a little. "Now to answer your question I casted a spell; Water Dragons secret art; water encasement. It's a spell that envelops me in water and renders me unconscious for three years. I thought you guys were gonna die, so I made sure I would survive so I could avenge you guys."

"That…was noble of you." Said Gajeel.

Axel sighed. "There's also something else I need to tell you guys."


"Well two actually." She said. "For one Water encasement in a magic spell that increases one's magic reserves."

"And the other thing?" Wondered Gajeel


"Axel are-"

"What is she doing here?!" Lucy grabbed for her keys but Axel shook his head.

"It's ok Luce." Axel said. "She won't hurt you."

Lucy didn't look too sure about that. "How can you say that? She tried to kill you Axel!"

Axel rose a brow. "Yeah, but…" He went on to explain that everything she had done had been for him.

"That's so sweet." Said Juvia. "Sounds like she means a lot to you, Axel."

The water slayer smiled at Juvia. "Yeah, of course she does."

Natsu grinned. "It's been awhile for you hasn't it? Do you think you can take on Erza or Mira?"

Axel blinked. "I don't think that matter does it? I'd never want to lay my hands on Erza-neesan or Mira."

"You've trained with me before Axel." Said Erza

"That's true, but I did it for the sake of getting stronger not to prove to other that I was better than you."

Erza looked at Mira as she saw the White haired takeover mage eying him. She smirked as Axel told them about some of the recent missions he had been on.


"So….I saw the way you were looking at my brother earlier." Said Erza taking a sip of her tea.

Mirajane blushed a little. "You noticed huh?"

"All I'm gonna say is you better not hurt him." Erza said. "I think he's been through enough in his life. Don't break his heart."

Mirajane smiled and shook her head. "No, of course I'd never do anything like that. Axel s a very interesting individual and while I can't say I feel the same way about him as he does me I definitely look forward to getting to know him."

Erza smiled.


Axel was sitting atop of a building his eyes closed, flashes appeared in his minds-eye. Images from f people falling to the ground dead, flashes of blood. He could almost hear the screams-

Snapping his eyes open he glanced at Mira who was sit beside beside him. "Sorry, I know it's late and you were probably were thinking about something-"

"No. It's fine." He said. "What's up?"

"Do you remember the talk we had just before we faced off against each other in the s class exams?"

Axel thought back and nodded. "I told you how I felt…"

"Axel I don't feel the same way about you that you feel about me, but it doesn't mean I'm not interested ok?" Mira sighs. "This is new to me, I've never been interested in men before and they never seemed to be interested in me…what I'm saying is that if you want to take me out on a date or something…."

Axel looked at her, his mouth opened with slight surprise. "Ok, how about tomorrow we can go for breakfast."

"Yes. I'd like that, Axel." Said Mira. "I'll meet you at the guild then."

Axel smiled at her as she stood up.

"Well, I'll see you."


He watched as she left the rooftop, he sighed and not too long after that he headed home.


When Erza came home that night she and Alexa had a discussion that they would share the room which had been originally Erza's. She had no problem with sharing a room with the woman who had done so much for the guy she thought of as her little brother. Before they went to sleep Erza told Alexa about Mira gaining interest in Alexa in which case the godslayer chucking saying how much he always talked about Mirajane


That following morning

Axel and Mirajane could be seen n a restaurant with breakfast in front of them. He was telling her about the fight he had with Zander to save Taino village.

"That sounds scary." Mira said. "He made the people in the village pay taxes or he would kill

Them? That must of been a pretty tough battle."

"Nah. It wasn't a very long fight. He used flame magic so naturally I won, and he definitely wasn't faster than me."

"You have confidence in your speed." Mirajane said

Axel smirked. "I don't mean to toot my own horn but yeah pretty fast."

Mirajane chuckled, suddenly her laughter stopped as he reached his hand forward and swiped it across her face.

"Sorry, you had a bit of sauce on your face."

Mirajane smiled. "Thanks. I guess?"

For the next hour and a half Axel and Mirajane

talked for what felt like forever, after breakfast they just walked around doing random things like visiting a park and even going to an amusement park.

By the time Axel had walked her home the sun was starting to set.

Mirajane smiled as she looked up at Axel. "Thanks for today. It was a lot of fun." She kissed his cheek causing his face to turn very red.

Axel smiled. "Of course."

"We should do this again."

"What are you thinking Mira?"

"You know that hill that overlooks the lake in town? Meet me there tomorrow in the by evening."

"You got it."

Mira watched as his form turned into water and said water evaporated. "That's a new one. It's cool."