
Fairy Tail; The Water Dragon Slayer

The Water Dragon Slayer trains to be the best and protects his loved ones so he doesn’t lose what’s precious to him

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chaos on Tenrou Island

Chapter 4

After the two friends finished their meal they headed to Lucy's apartment, the blonde offered for him to spend the night and not having anything better to do he accepted; once they got to her apartment they sat down and talked for awhile apart random things.

Until they fell asleep. Being Axel's best friend and having him over often it never weirded him out that he slept with her in the same bed as her.


Axel opened his mouth slightly as he was recommended for the S class exams.

"Master! Do you think your making the right decision? He's only 13." Ezra said

"Maybe so." Makarov said. "However, that 13 year old boy is the one responsible for taking down an S class criminal He's ready. I believe so."

"Thank you master." Axel said. "I promise, I won't let you down."

Makarov smiled and announced that the participants could choice one teammate for the exams, Axel's choice was obvious, high giving Lucy he grinned.

The Fairy tail master went on to explain they could face off against Ezra, Mira or Guildarts. It would be random. It would take a full day to sail to tenroujima, the sacred island of the fairy tail guild. It was where their 1st master Mavis Vermillion was laid to rest. He told them to pack their bags as they would leave early in the morning.

Axel couldn't contain his excitement as he entered his house where he was greeted by Ezra.

"Axel." Eras sat down on the couch. "We need to talk."


"What are you gonna do if you have to face Mira in the Exams?"

Axel frowned.

"You don't know do you? Axel you can't let your feelings for her blind you."

"If it came down to it….I honestly don't know what I'd do, I could never think of laying a hand on her."

"You know that she may not even be interested in you when you get older right?"

Axel didn't answer right away, but when he did he looked her directly in the eye. "That may be true, but I have to take that chance, she's worth it."

Ezra sighed. "Why couldn't you of fallen for someone like Wendy?"

Axel laughed. "Wendy's a good friend, but I'd never date her, after all I have my heart set on someone else."

Ezra frowned. "If you face Mira….your gonna let her win aren't you?"

Axel smiled. "What do you think Ezra-née?"

"I think your an idiot." Ezra smiled. "She'd be a fool not to go for you."

"Thanks, neesan."


The next day the S class exam participants left for tenroujima on a ship. It would take them a day to reach their location so they spent most of their time talking with each other and taking naps, because honestly what else was there to do?

Eventually they did arrive at their destination and once there Makarov explained that there would be eight routes A-H, and he once again explained that it wouldn't be easy. That Mirajane, Erza and Guildarts were somewhere in the routes.

"Let's go Luce." Axel said running towards route A.

Makarov frowned as the teams followed Axel and Lucy's example filing into the different routes.


"Ah shit." Lucy cursed as none other than Mirajane smiled at them.

Axel scratched his head. "It seems we've found ourself in a pickle here huh Luce?"

The blonde gave him a look that said "are you serious here"

"You can come at me anytime you know." Said Mirajane

Axel sighed, he looked at her before lowing himself onto the ground, crossing his legs and folding his arms. "Nah, I'm good right here."

"If you don't attack you'll fail the exam." Mira said. "You know that don't you?"

"Yeah. Of course I know that…." He said in a tone that suggested he wanted to say more.

"Then why are you refusing to attack me?" Mirajane was honestly confused

"I can't. I have feelings for you." He finally revealed

Mira opened her mouth slightly. "But…you're…"

"Yeah. I know." Axel gained a sad expression on his face. "I thought I'd at least be a bit older when I finally told you how I felt. I don't think I'm ready for a broken heart Mira."

Words failed Mirajane as her mouth imitated a dehydrated fish. She had no experience with men, it went without saying that she had never been romantically involved with anyone and nobody had ever been interested in her. Aside from Axel of course.

Now that Mirajane thought about it, she wouldn't mind a younger boyfriend but right now he was just a bit too young. He was thirteen while she herself was nineteen. Mirajane really didn't wanna break his heart. For how long had he even felt this way about her? She wondered…..

"Axel. I won't bother giving you an answer now." Mirajane said. "Ask me again when your at least Lucy's age."

Axel looked surprised. She wasn't saying no!

"Now if you don't attack me I'll just go after your teammate." Said the blue eyed beauty using her take over magic to take the form of her Satan soul transformation.

Lucy widened her eyes as Mirajane appeared above her leg raised, however just as the attack reached her Mirajane was pushed back by a powerful kick from Axel.

"Why did you have to go and do a thing like that? We're you to harm her, I don't think I could forgive you."

"I wasn't gonna hurt her. Sheesh." Mirajane sighed.

Axel held a hand up and a blob of water formed. "Love or not imma show you how strong I really am."

Mirajane smirked.


After a few hours the participants of the S class exam filed out of the routes, now. Makarov told those who had passed that the text exam would be for them to successfully find the first fairy tail master's grave, Mavis vermillion.

Unfortunately they were interrupted by Grimiore heart, Natsu and the others spread out to find Hades who was facing pot against Makarov. Hades was pretty strong being a guild master. Axel himself was in in tough battle against one of their strongest members.

She was a god slayer, like Zancrow being a godslayer made one extremely powerful. She could eat lightning, whether it be regular lightning or lightning from a dragon slayer.

Axel breathed heavily, scratches on his face. He had a look of urgency on his face as he faced the god slayer, Alexa.

"Looks like your having trouble keeping up with me." Said the slayer cockily.

Alexa was a woman of average height with long black hair and what looked to be pink eyes. She was as beautiful as she was dangerous.

"Heh. I haven't even begun to show you my full power." Axel said. "Bring. It. On."

"Very well." Alexa appeared behind Axel, her fist targeting his head.

"Axel!" Lucy grabbed one of her keys.

"No. Don't move Luce." Axel said moving out the way of the punch. Alexa grinned before throwing another punch. And another. And another. Each time she swung her fist her speed at which she through them increased.

Axel managed to dodge her attacks, getting faster as he got used to her onslaught. Seeing an opening he took it, sending his knee upwards.

Alexa narrowed her eyes doing a backflip. "Not bad brat, I think that's enough warming up don't you?"

"Yeah." He replied. "I'll show you the power of a dragon."

Alexa grinned before running at him once again, going so fast she appeared to be invisible, his lips curved into a grin as he did the same.

Lucy looked up in the sky to find once she concentrated on they're magical power she could sort of see them, Axel had water swirling around his fist and arm while Alexa had lightning crackling dangerous around her fist.

The two wizards sent their fists forward trying to get a hit in, Axel gritted his teeth as his fist slammed into Alexa's fist. She grunted before pushing all the power she could into the punch.

Axel widened his eyes as the lightning traveled through him, electrocuting him. Lucy watched with shock as Axel crashed to the ground; Alexa frowned, landing safely on the ground looking at Lucy, the slayer was gonna say something before she sensed magical power behind her.

"Water Dragon secret art; Water disk!"

Alexa widened her eyes as the water disk jetting towards her, it was so fast she barely had time to react, luckily for her she managed to evade a fatal blow at the last moment. She screamed as her left arm fell to the ground, being chopped off just above the elbow.

Axel looked at her, his eyes narrowed. Suddenly he got onto one knee, his breathing heavy as he closed and opened his mouth.

"Axel, what's…"

"Your fresh out of magical power aren't you?!" Alexa exclaimed before wincing as the blood from her wound poured to the ground at her feet. She took a deep breath before summoning lightning to her right fist and pushed it against where her arm used to be.

The godslayer screamed as the wound was slowly cauterized.

Lucy looked at Axel as he looked exhausted. It was true that he had more magical power than normal people, almost as much as the master, but he had been facing off against Alexa for hours, of course his power was drained.

After awhile Alexa's screams ceased and she smirked. "It was a good move, but this ends now."

Axel winced. "By now my friends should have finished off the rest of the kind of purgatory."

"Hm…maybe. I did sense their magical Power vanish, but at least I get to end you. Out of respect for you and your power I'll let your friend live."

Axel stood up, placing weight on his leg with his arm. "Do your worst. Bring it on, Alexa!"

Alexa grinned before summoning magical power in her throat, after a few moments a vortex of black lightning escaped her lips.

"Lightning god's bellow!"

"Axel!" Lucy's eyes widened as lightning crackled about heading in Axel's direction. The raven in question simply smirked.

Why does he seem so confident? He has no magical power left. He's up to something…."

Suddenly Axel opened his mouth and the familiar sound of a slayer eating their element reached Alexa's ears.


Lucy looked amazed as Axel sucked in the god lightning, as he finished sucking in the rest of the attack he grinned as he summoned a sphere of water in his right hand and lightning in the left. Suddenly he pushed the two together and they combined, the lightning crackling dangerously within the water. Without warning he sent the sphere at his enemy.

"Dragon God Aquatic Shock!"

Alexa screamed as the attack slammed into her, not only was the force of the sphere heavy the lightning did some insane damage.

"Lucy! Go! Check on the others!"

"But I can't just leave you here-"

"It's ok, Luce. I'm gonna be ok. Make sure the others are safe."

Lucy sighed. "Fine, but you better return safely."

Axel smiled as she ran off, meanwhile Alexa was sprawled on the ground, unmoving.

"Heh I-" Axel gasped sensing magical power the likes he had never sensed before. Looking up his eyes widened as he saw a large black dragon.

It roared, the ground shaking. Suddenly Axel was reminded of a conversation he had with Guildarts just before they departed magnolia.

Your a dragon slayer right? Are all dragons as ferocious as the dragon of apocalypse? That guy was terrifying.

No, as far as I know most dragons are prideful creatures who value their friends and comrades.

Oh? Speaking from experience?


Axel knew that what was before him was the dragon of apocalypse, Acanologia. If Guildarts had trouble with this dragon then he knew he definitely wasn't powerful enough to take on the mighty beast; although it pained him, he knew he had to do something, his friends were gonna die anyway, he had to make sure he could avenge them.

There's only one technique I know of that'll help me. I'll be suspended in water for three years.

Acnologia looked like he was ready to bring down the entire island. Axel sighed. It was either now or never.

"Water Dragon secret art; Water encasement!" Suddenly a sphere covered him, just as Acnologia roared, he didn't see anything after he saw him roar; Water encasement was special in the sense that it increased the user's magical power, plus the user wouldn't age in the three years spent in suspended in the water encasement.

If anyone was gonna avenge his friends it would be him, and in order to do that he had to survive, no matter what.