This is the story of a man who died and reincarnated in a completely different world, with powers beyond his understanding. Life, Death... who would've thought they were so flexible?
Just a quick post to say, I am back, well, kind of. I won't be updating this coming week, but the next one I will return.
I'm still in the hospital, but not in pain anymore. I should be getting off in a few days, so after that it's all a matter of resting before recovering.
Thanks for all the support and kind comments, I read through most of them and it really warmed this corn to a popcorn.
Again, updates will return the 18th of this month. I'm taking a few days just to rest, the antibiotics have me feeling extremely fatigued, and well… this time I want to make sure I actually recover, to avoid any fall-outs.
Love you all. And remember, updates return this 18th, hopefully the novel won't be too out of the popularity curve by then, seeing I won't have much votes and stuff.
Anyway, love you all!!!