

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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210 Chs

Chapter 99: Practice Makes Perfect

Chapter 99: Practice Makes Perfect

~Silva K. POV~

[September 28, X784]

Sitting down in my training grounds I began to test my idea of unlocking other forms of the elemental forces of Telekinesis with my Cryokinesis and Pyrokinesis.

What I'm trying to do next is try and control the wind by recreating Aerokinesis.

Trying to find out how to do it I have to remind myself what's air made from, to begin with. Air is mostly gas, to begin with.

Thus, it made me think about how to properly control the elements by me able to freeze molecules meaning I have the means to control on how cold I can make them.

And there's Pyrokinesis the ability to manipulate fire which makes things a lot easier for me to manipulate the air molecules in the air.

For the most part, fire is a mixture of hot gases. Flames are the result of a chemical reaction, primarily between oxygen in the air and a fuel, such as wood or propane.

But in my case, I ignite the molecules by heating the atoms increasing their kinetic energy to produce and control said fire which is simply a mixture of hot gases.

Focusing on the two controlling the air molecules in the air by freezing and heating them at once canceling their effects I can control the molecules directly focusing my intent clearly as I begin to control the air molecules that exist in the atmosphere.

By focusing on that I can focus on controlling the 5 components of air in the world. The mixture of gases that makes up the Earth's atmosphere is known as air. Nitrogen makes up the majority of this gas, which is mixed with oxygen, water vapor, argon, carbon dioxide, and trace gases.

With me controlling the molecules of the air directly I began to refocus my efforts controlling them to my will not freezing nor burning them just controlling the wind sharpening my senses outside of what's possible.

It has been something I've been trying to obtain for a while now since Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis might not be enough against future enemies.


Remaining focus is the key to getting control.


Feeling the air molecules of oxygen from my Pyrokinesis I began to move it around gathering control with the other elements.

Pinpointing the sensation of new molecules with my Cryokinesis I attempt to freeze them only to be deterred as I try to control them.

Keeping everything in control with a calm mind I begin to experiment with controlling different forms of elements yet to be tested but move to my will.


The brush of the wind passed my face and the new sensation of molecules other than oxygen in my realm of control moved around to others grasping chemical compounds with air starting to change.

The air…


Changing the air around opening my eyes I noticed the air around me starting to become dangerous but then with a wave of my hand…

The wind started to calm down causing me to smirk of this new sensation of power I'm using now.


[By using the skills <Cryokinesis > and <Pyrokinesis > to cancel each other out controlling the molecules in the air a skill has been generated to control the air!]

[Skill: <Aerokinesis > is learned!]


Skill List.


<Aerokinesis > (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 32%

Description: It's a form of telekinesis, which is the ability to move objects with the power of the mind. Aerokinetic individuals can manipulate the air around them, creating gusts, breezes, or even hurricanes. Aerokinesis is a paranormal phenomenon that involves the ability to control air molecules and create wind patterns.



Using <Aerokinesis > I began to open my palm revealing a swirling whirlwind appearing with a grin on my face of adding another kinesis skill, "Nice. With this controlling the wind is going to be fun training specific skills needed. Oh!"

I know just the skill I want to create!

One that's an effective barrier and long-range attack.

Time to start working on it and while I'm at it…

Might as well use the Magic Books I have 'legally' obtained from the Tower of Heaven and Phantom Lord library books about the subject.

More specifically the common one is known as Light Magic.

Taking out from my <Requip > a magic skill book I smirked recalling a certain elf race uses light magic to heal their wounds, right?

[You obtained the skill book 'Basics of Light Magic.' Would you like to learn this skill?]

Time to get me that healing skill right away.


[You have gained the skill <Light Magic>!]

[You gained a mastery skill <Light Magic Mastery>!]

Now time to get to work.


[September 30, X784]


Feeling the air around me I began to focus more using <Aerokinesis > as I channel the whirlwind around Arifar creating a new Skill using the wind since Arifar is easier to control and generate the wind in this skill creation.

Channeling the mana using <Mana Method> with runes being written around my blade commanding the wind while controlling it I felt a change of course seeing Arifar begin to compress the wind around it much to my joy.


Compressing it enough to be completely invisible. Witnessing the <Mana Method> runes being written circling around Arifar it began to follow my command adding more Magic Power into the casting.

With my magic taking its effect I used <Aerokinesis > to follow and copy the method on how to figure out step by step compressing the necessary effects needed.

The wind began to follow as ordered with the winds generating compressed air enough to be invisible and durable coating around it making me smile creating this skill as I get the notification.

[By compressing the air to be powerful and invisible a skill has been generated!]

[Skill: <Invisible Air> is learned!]

Holding Arifar in my hand using its natural ability to use air I began to point towards the nearby tree in my personal training grounds thrusting the <Invisible Air> in that direction releasing it in one burst.



Releasing the generated wind compressed collided against the tree as the bark was destroyed completely with relative ease. I continued doing this process a few more times till I managed to get a skill out of it.






Stopping when I saw the notification, I smirked seeing my hard work paying off.

[By releasing the compressed air, you have generated a skill to strike air using <Invisible Air>.]

[Skill: <Air Strike> is learned!]

Smirking at the satisfaction of learning these two skills after making some headway into skill creation Mavis pops up looking at my progress, "Interesting so you finally chose a Magic you want to work on huh? Air Magic?"

Shaking my head towards her I replied with a shrug expressing an excited tone, "Nah. I wanted to create some skills using my <Aerokinesis >. Helps to not rely too much on magic you know."

Mavis just looks at me curiously with a bemused expression keeping <Invisible Air> active examining it clearly curious, "Interesting… I sense no Magic being conjured or used. Although seeing the Mana Method itself could explain why but impressive as always but weird. A wizard not relying on Magic huh?"

I merely shrugged at her as I began to use my latest spells in my arsenal combining with my <Glyph > as I conjured a magic circle in the form of <Light Glyph> appearing beneath me feeling the healing lights restore my energy.

[<Light Glyph> LEVEL UP!]


Mavis looked at me surprised sensing the effects of <Light Glyph> examining with wide eyes as she yelled at me surprised, "YOU HAVE HEALING MAGIC?!!! LOST MAGIC?!!!!! SINCE WHEN AND HOW?!!!!"

I replied to Mavis with a smug grin on my face in a proud tone much to her shock, "Easy. With Mana Method, I gave Light Magic a command to heal me. I needed a medium for it to work thus my <Glyphs > came to play producing the effects easier to cast or attack with."

She looks at me surprised while going back to examining the effects of my <Light Glyph> giving me some ideas to use other elemental abilities to add effects to my glyphs to better assist me in the future.

Just learning the fundamentals of Light Magic certainly helps. They require some hand signs and Magic to cast for some, but I prefer to skip to the effects making preset effects with my Glyphs along with some Rune Arrays to make it work.

Thus, I needed to study them by heart like a certain Hunter that uses Buddha in the same way along with runes to make Light Magic circle work.

With the Mana Method, I can certainly research such runes to make them function by ordering the Mana itself to create such effects.

Thankfully enough Cana has been taking care of Juvia fitting into the guild with some members accepting her easing the prior connection she had with Phantom Lord.

Although I waited for Cana's reply to come, I haven't seen her once after the favor but to each their own I suppose.

She only saw me practicing my Magic and sparring a bit along with my usual training exercise but didn't stick to it since she herself didn't see any benefit for her.

Not my problem if she doesn't take training or the grind seriously. It's not my place to demand or tell her to train like your life depended on it.

Now then I should probably investigate the new skills I got for training this long and how can I effectively use my skills better.

Skill List.


<Invisible Air> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: The Manifestation of the wind protecting the caster. This skill is made up of multiple layers of wind compressed into super-high-pressure air with a massive amount of magical energy, which distorts the refraction of light and renders what is inside completely invisible.

This skill can form the barrier in the area around the user to act like a quick defensive wall of wind or surround the weapon to increase the damage and cutting power of an attack, and the amount of magical energy/compressed wind released from each strike is high enough that it is visible.

<Air Strike> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: Releasing <Invisible Air> acting like a hammer made from wind it is a long-range attack with a constant amount of damage. It creates a gale made from super high-pressure condensed air that is powerful enough to easily crush and blow away armies and fling a stone slab weighing several tons into the air as if it were nothing.

<Light Magic> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

MP Cost: Varies

Description: It is a Magic in which the caster can manipulate and utilize light in various ways. Occasionally, certain techniques, usually involving the hands, are used to cast a Light spell.

<Light Magic Mastery> (Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: The mastery of Light Magic. Since beginning-less time, darkness has thrived in the void but always yields to purifying light.

-Every level of 25, 50, 75, and 99 reduces MP Costs by 5% each for Light Magic-related Skills.

<Light Glyph> (Active) Lv.7/100 Exp: 0.0%

MP Cost: Varies

Description: Using <Light Magic> the user attacks the enemy with the created <Glyph > which will cause holy light damage on the target if written on them or by magical beams with holy light.

Another function for this skill is it can restore HP and energy to the user targets or himself restoring HP by using their mana as well as grant <Light Resistance> for 1 minute x Level of this skill.


Seeing the light aura surrounding me noticing the light resistance for a time I couldn't help but grin as I saw level-ups happening.


[<Light Magic> LEVEL UP!]


[<Light Magic Mastery> LEVEL UP!]


[<Glyph > LEVEL UP!]


[<Rune Arrays> LEVEL UP!]


[<Light Glyphs> LEVEL UP!]


Heh he boy.


I'm about to grind up some skills with these skills but as the saying goes practice makes perfect!