

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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210 Chs

Chapter 72: Faith is in the Heart

Chapter 72: Faith is in the Heart

~Silva K. POV~

[September 2, X784]



[<Pyrokinesis> LEVEL UP!]


Swiping the sweat off my body from the hard work grinding my skills as usual I look towards my clones asking how long the process is unlocking our Magic going, "Yo! Any progress being done with the Magic department my selves?"

One of the clones spoke up standing up after finishing up meditation waving his hand in a so-so kind of motion, "Kind of? Hard to tell really since trying to connect to the flow of spirit is difficult to manage than one would think? But will keep trying OG."

Giving a curt nod of understanding we all returned to the daily routine of training our different skill departments today trying to work our way converting Mana into Magic Power by connecting to the spirit of the flow of nature.

Easier said than done.

Shaking my head at this I began to join in with the session of usual training in the Great Plains private location with special medicine salves that act as repellents to keep the Magical Beast away from here.

That and a few poison concoctions in advance. It helps to keep me on the edge with my abilities but focusing on the flow of the world is hard enough without being rejected by it.

It's like trying to find a needle in a world version of the haystack and try to put a strong in said needle to connect myself to the world.

Trying to connect to it is a whole other can of worms I can't try to comprehend nor would trying to take control would work out anyway.

What am I doing wrong though?

I can't place a finger on it, but I feel like something is missing here?

That was when I heard a familiar voice of loli-sensei coming around, "Silva! There you are I've been looking for you."

Turning my attention towards Mavis she looked at my clones before finally questioning what I was doing in a curious tone, "Oh? Seems like you have been rather focusing on your conversion training, but that expression says otherwise. So… what's up?"

Sighing at her blunt words I shook my head at a loss of what I'm doing wrong converting my Magic Power to her in a defeated tone, "Sigh… honestly, I have no idea. I've done what you asked of me, but I can't just seem to gather the connection with the flow. I can't tell what I'm doing wrong?"

She merely hummed at me looking at me in pure confusion puffing her cheeks examining my situation in a serious tone, "Hmm… I don't quite understand. From my standpoint you should've already unlocked the conversion of your Magic Power with the flow of nature spirit but…"


She takes a closer look at me with a momentary pause before finally crosses her arms together before finally responding in a serious tone, "It seems like the issue lies in your spirit. If you would like I think we reached a safe point for me to interfere in the interconnection."

My eyes shot open listening to that in disbelief.

There was that option available?!

Seeing my expression Mavis goes on to explain the consequences of doing so causing me to calm down after her explanation, "It's not something recommend Silva. This is usually the fastest way for a Mage to unlock their Magic but also the most dangerous."

Raising an eyebrow at that I asked in a curious tone, "Care to elaborate?"

She sighed as she began to explain to me of this frown upon method of activating my innate Magic in a strict tone, "Sigh… it's like this. A Mage can manually unlock one's own magic if they are locked since it's natural for most people because only those 10% of people can easily unlock their magic that way or through forceful stimuli to danger. This method works since it revolves through those methods."

Wait only – oh…

That was when I realized an issue why as she explains it why it's frown upon in the first place to me in a serious tone, "Correct. Out of the 10% being born a Mage the 90% die because of this method of overdose of Ethernano into their spirits. An overdose could lead to negative biological side effects but in most cases death or coma. As you already knew you count as the 90% because you didn't have an origin."

Frowning and a bit confused what she meant I couldn't help but voice out this method helping me unlock my Magic, "But wait… if what you said is true then what would that imply for me then? Wouldn't this be too hasty and dangerous to unlock my innate Magic this way?"

At this she returned an equally confused expression on her face admitting where my issue lies in speaking out, "In most normal circumstances yes. I wouldn't bother this method with you, but your unique way of channeling Ethernano might be possible for me to test this out on you. With your way of controlling the Ethernano in and out of you I was hesitant to recommend this at first however…"

She then smiled at my direction as I play around with my <Mana Constructs> proving her point with me manipulating the mana in the air, "I was unsure if this method would work with your level of control being trash in the past. But here I think it's at a reasonable means to control you to connect to the flow of nature. All you need is a small push to connect and confidence in yourself."

Smiling at that I let her do what she needed to do as I cancel all my clones for me to be perfectly in control as I sat down cross legged.

But next Mavis also gives me a heads up what were about to do causing me to pause at her words almost making me reconsider, "But to do this do note that when you try to connect with the flow of nature with your spirit time outside here will flow normally. But within the flow you'll feel like it's longer to appear bear this in mind. And one more thing never give up and always have faith in yourself. You are stronger than you can imagine to be."

Following Mavis advice, I listened to her words and encouragement as she goes over the procedure of how to proceed with this having her hand over my chest, "Alright Silva. I need you to calm down and have a peace of mind. Try connecting with the flow and use your Magic Sense to follow my lead connecting you to the flow. Just focus and follow I'll handle the rest handling your spirit."

Giving her my trust, I did as I was told and took in a deep breath following what Mavis said trying to connect to the world as my vision soon turned black…


[Inner Flow of Nature]

Within my mind I try to find the flow multiple times as I imagine myself as a small floating ball of light the essence of my spirit.

Wandering around blindly trying to find the flow of nature all I see is darkness. I felt it has been like weeks inside this place trying to find my place in this world.

All my insecurities, fears, excitement, and more. It feels like I know what I am and yet not at the same time in this darkness.

I feel like this entire black field is a hint and yet I'm not grasping what this is…

Pure darkness that I can see the usual…

Perhaps is this my true Magic?

Nothing in the end of this vast darkness?

Or that I am nothing but a failure…



That was when I heard sound of water dropping in this endless abyss as next a new spirit came to light…


This is Mavis magic signature. It felt like forever to meet another person here even if it's only in spirit.

The bright loving light she seems to emit from her person.

Following the shining fairy light, I couldn't help but wonder what one would lead to have one's magic to be unlocked from what I understand.

According to Mavis-sensei, one's strength of feelings plays an important part in one's ability to properly use Magic.

According to her, the key to Magic begins with a heart that has faith, like religion, healing and fortune telling, only those with faith can perceive it. Having faith in the existence of Magic, their own power and faith that they live alongside nature, are the ones who can use Magic.

To learn Magic, you must train your intellect and spirit. However, it should be noted that the stronger the Magic, the more it tends on selecting its wielder; if the Mage's mind is frail, the Magic will take over and destroy them.

It was Mavis lessons she drilled into me about rushing to learn magic that she forbade me of even learning Magic to begin with because of my unlimited potential and spirit as they would destroy me with my limiter gone.

I needed to have proper control and time to make this possible with Mavis saying I should be ready to go.

I need to place my faith in her and my Magic believing it will come to me rather than searching for it. If I don't believe in myself to be stronger or have any faith than my own magic wouldn't be the case.

I'll trust her judgement and place my faith in her.

Following the path forward I soon see more darkness filtering in the abyss ahead reminded of the failure and insecurity finding my way out of this place.

The sensation I always felt…

Giving up…

Surrendering myself to failure of never getting ahead or catching up with the others…

It's an unbearable time that I wanted to quit.

I have to quit.


Looking at the light going further undeterred by the sensations I couldn't help but feel pathetic in myself for thinking that…

Mavis said to trust her and have faith then I'll do that. No matter how much I want to quit or give up I have to persevere at least for her sake…

Regardless though I followed Mavis Magic signature as I began to sense the small spirit of her appear to what seemed to be a flow…

A flow of pure energy from what I can tell.

It's so pure it's honestly suffocating to bear to be around it but the feeling she radiates makes me feel at ease in the endless darkness here.

Reminding myself of my purpose here I followed Mavis magic signature entering through the flow as soon enough I felt it.



The feeling the flow of the nature around me. I SEE the connection with my spirit making contact – no.

Soon enough when I entered the imaginary flow of the nature, I felt my inner spirit surround in a rush of raw magic energy feeling like my inner spirit within is too much!!

I need to leave!!

That was when I heard a mental voice yell out to me recognizing it as Mavis's warning me, "No! Let it flow with you! You can't reject. Let it flow like nature. No hesitation merely faith in your Magic…"

Almost fucking up and hesitantly I regained my bearings following Mavis words. I might be afraid and fearful of failure to try but…

If Mavis believes I shouldn't then I'll place my faith in her of the one to believe in myself to do this.

Gently floating around the stream of energy in this place I began entering the flow, just let myself be submerged within the lasting flow of nature as I let myself feel the flow.

Recall it to answer my spirit as I let the flow of nature in essence the flow of magic pass through my very spirit.

The sensation it feels natural somehow to me…

Like some part of my life, I live right now have been missing for a long while but entering the flow made me feel like I regain something that should've belonged there in the first place.

Is this what the wizards call 'faith'…

If it is, then I guess I simply needed to have more faith in myself to do this.

What a sick twisted sense of humor for a guy that have insecurities that what I have been doing wrong all this time unlocking my Magic. I simply needed to believe in myself more along with my faith to handle it than my own fear of failures holding me back.

Such a cruel joke of life that it took me this long to see.


Not before too long I finally saw what came into view a recognizable screen popping up causing me to be surprised what I read what my real Magic is after for so long trying to figure out that all it took is to believe in myself.

Oh, the irony isn't lost on me in the slightest.


[The restraints of yourself doubt have been lifted!]

[The belief in oneself and faith have unlocked the laten Magic within connecting with the flow of nature!]

[You unlocked the ability to conduct Magic!]

[The inner power that holds infinite energy has now been unlocked as your soul blessed by a god have contaminated residue of power left over Magic Power from the Philosopher Stone have erupted the inner power of your spirit to grow infinitely to match!]

[Skill: <Fairy Heart> is learned!]


[After activating the Magic of Fairy Heart, accesses to this mode surpassing a God of time and space grants the user this skill temporary unlocking this skill!]

[Skill: <Time Magic> is learned!]

[Mastery skill <Time Magic Mastery> is learned!]