

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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210 Chs

Chapter 13: The Grind (5)

Chapter 13: The Grind (5)

~Silva POV~

It has been a few hours swinging my sword around along with multitasking my other skills I made sure to keep myself intact with energy to spare by meditating.

Have to make sure to not repeat my mistake of getting attacked. But I wonder how much time longer I would be getting this skill.

Releasing some air from my lungs and inhaling again over and over while maintaining control over my Mana and swinging my sword at the same time, I finally received a reward for my efforts in trying this method.


[By breathing in and out constantly a new skill relating to breathing is created!]

[Skill: <Breathing> has been learned!]

Skill List.


<Breathing> (Passive) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: <Breathing> is a skill that everyone uses but doesn't know how to properly use in the effects of battle. <Breathing> is a special breathing technique of inhaling the maximum amount of air and exhaling in a pattern to maximize the user's physical and mental abilities to the max.

With proper control it could achieve the peak of this skill can offer. The more you breathe the more control you have over your breathing.

-Passively increases STR, AGI, VIT, SEN, and INT by 1%. Increases by 1% per level up.

-At Lv.10 the skill <Recovery Breathing> is unlocked.

-At Lv.50 the skill <Total Concentration Breathing> is unlocked.

-At Lv.75 the skill <Total Concentration: Constant> is unlocked.

-At Lv. MAX the skill <Transparent World> is unlocked.


I smirked seeing I was on the right path thinking breathing could be useful in situations and I was proven right with this as a reward of a skill for me to use.

Passively increase all my stats with the exception of LUCK huh?


[<Breathing> LEVEL UP!]

Increasing that by 1 level the percentage changed to 2% with the skill now seeing the screen showing me it. At best I will receive 100% at its max for all my stats except LUCK, good to know in the future.

Now for the next part.

Gathering more Mana into my body thanks to my <Cage> skill making the next skill is possible because I have read up on what and how to use my Mana to form Magical Pressure by letting my Mana overflow around me like but instead of protection exert my will so to speak to cause the effect to happen.

Exert the force needed…

Provide the means to focus the mana into pressure building up…





Feeling the mana around me as it began to envelop me in a blue aura but differs causing ripples around me causing small movements to increase within the ripples causing small shockwaves that ripples the entire area.

The rocks from around here to the pebbles on the ground trembling from my show of force as I began to exert it over the area at my will releasing my Mana through the air causing everything around me to shake from the shockwave being produced.

It felt draining both mentally and physically keeping this up as I see the screen didn't pop up yet, but I feel as if I'm not putting more into it all.

The blue color soon turns blackish red for a brief moment as I felt a shift of change happening when I try to exert my will through my Mana and something else out of sheer willpower occurred.

Keeping this up till I nearly reach zero of my MP bar, I finally see the damn screen as I stopped myself panting as I try to meditate to recover my lost stamina and MP doing this exercise.


[Due to exerting your Mana in the form of an aura enveloping their bodies skill has been generated to cause pressure with your Mana alone!]

[Skill: <Magical Pressure> has been learned!]

With me seeing this notification popped out I couldn't help but smirk seeing that I managed to learn from it. Yes, this type of training would most certainly be good for me as what I need is time and patience to make this work.

Possibly stealth in the future as well but it's definitely a goal worth looking forward towards.



Turning around I see more wolves coming around as I see my MP bar being a decent amount with me smirking getting my Rune Sword out, "Guess it's my lucky or bad day to be ambushed by wolves. Hope you get me the best EXP you mutts!"



Taking a step back while using <Sprint> to increase my speed while having my Rune Sword out as I began to take my stance finally putting my swings to the test against a group. Activating my <Mana Reinforcement> heightens my senses as I take my <Breathing> active for the best chance.



Barking few started to pounce at me as I began to draw my blade rushing ahead leaping into the air and swinging my blade as fast as I could with my passive sword skills.






The pouncing wolves soon died from a cut to the head while not clean and messy did the job done killing them in one fell swoop as I moved back with more coming after me as I ignore the following notifications.

[You gain 10 EXP]

[You gain 5 EXP]


[You created a sword skill!]

[Skill: <Flying Form> learned!]

[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]

[<Style of the Undrawn Long Sword> LEVEL UP!]

[<Mugetsu-Style> LEVEL UP!]


Another wolf began to lunge at me taking a different stance at a low angle to attack from the bottom as I saw the underbelly of the wolf…



One slash from my direction and the cut-up belly of the beast was open with guts and organs falling out almost making me throw up but kept it in.

Taking my remaining focus on the enemy group they took a more cautious expression seeing I cut open their friends holding my Rune Sword tightly and have my Mastema at the ready if a more powerful one shows up.

[You gain 7 EXP]


[You created a sword skill!]

[Skill: <Crawler Style> learned!]

[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]

[<Magic Sense> LEVEL UP!]

[<Style of the Undrawn Long Sword> LEVEL UP!]

[<Mugetsu-Style> LEVEL UP!]


The wolves, actions only growled at me coming in closer as I held my blade at the ready preparing myself to finally strike back taking in a deep breath and activating my <Breathing> skill and feeling the effects.

Using <Cage> at my feet I began to use it to prepare myself to jump or lunge at the group in front of me intending to end this here and now.

Alright then…

Let's do this.


Using my own strength to lunge into the air as I held my Rune Sword at the ready preparing to strike as more of the beast began to lunge at me. I strike the ground feeling the recoil of using <Mana Burst> to rush to the ground quicker.



With me landing forming a spider web crater on the ground as the wolves were now in the air I focused another strike focusing on my legs with the smallest amounts of <Cage> storing my mana before using <Mana Burst> to increase my speed at that moment.



One slash struck while moving ahead cutting up the wolves as dismembered parts of their bodies began to fall off from them listening to the sounds of notifications of me learning skills pop up.

I could catch my breath as I use Mastema to catch myself in the air flying above regaining my momentum and breaking in the process.

[You gain 5 EXP]

[You gain 8 EXP]


[You created a sword skill!]

[Skill: <Slashing Form> learned!]

[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]

[<Style of the Undrawn Long Sword> LEVEL UP!]

[<Mugetsu-Style> LEVEL UP!]


[You created a sword skill!]

[Skill: <Strong Form> learned!]

[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]

[<Style of the Undrawn Long Sword> LEVEL UP!]

[<Mugetsu-Style> LEVEL UP!]


[You created a mana skill!]

[Skill: <Jump> learned!]

Panting tired I received multiple notifications of learning the skills as got myself a break grinning at the skills I just earned in a happy tone, "Damn… pant… is learning skills in a life or death situation somehow increases the odds of them leveling up faster?"

Saying that out loud I couldn't help but wonder that outside my mouth. I've been grinding and practicing those forms from a certain gravity girl in this world sword style for me to try but never did or didn't get the chance to own it as my skills.

But when those blasted mutts came that changed and felt…

How to say this?

It became clearer for me to understand with my heart and adrenaline pumping through me by instinct knew what form or stance I needed to perform those feats. In the heat of battle is the best way to grow in some ways…


Pondering the idea I decided to check my new skills that popped out during the battle.

Skill List.


<Jump> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.4%

MP Cost: Varies

Description: Having Mana fueling the legs then storing them using <Cage> and using <Mana Burst> to release a sudden burst to jump incredible heights.

<Strong Form> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.4%

Description: A form of attack with a sword in which the user lunges at the target, prepares to strike, and swings their blade, while sheathed or unsheathed, destroying much of the surrounding ground upon impact.

<Slashing Form> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.4%

Description: A form of attack with a blade in which the user lunges at their opponent prepared to strike, slashing their target at a rapid speed.

<Flying Form> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.4%

Description: A form of attack with a blade in which the user, in a fast motion, cuts down all objects in their vicinity by leaping into the air.

<Crawler Style> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.4%

Description: A form of attack with a blade in which the user utilizes their speed to attack at a low angle, where they can efficiently slice or stab with the blade.



I couldn't help but smirk at the skills I gained without any cost that involves a blade this could only get – Ack!


[-45 HP]

Feeling a crunching sensation on my leg I looked over one of the fucking mutts biting me down only to have one of my feathers kill it through the wolf skull.




[You gain 6 EXP]


[You created an endurance skill!]

[Skill: <Physical Endurance> learned!]


That one was on for not paying attention in battle one I will correctly not do as I gaze my eyes at the packs of low-level wolves remaining, "Alright then… it's wolf season. Time to start hunting you mutts…"

Time to farm some EXP~