
fairy tail, Dragon Takeover

A man reincarnates into fairy tail only to be rushed into slavery. How will he deal with the new world with his magic? Found image on google.

Juipt · Cómic
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18 Chs

chapter 1 Slavery

I was walking home from a date with my girlfriend, Tia. She was a beautiful girl, redheaded too. I enjoyed her company because she listens to me and we can talk like normal humans.

This date she asked me to watch fairy tail with her. I had no recollection of a show called fairy tail. I mainly watched cartoons like ben 10. Oh right I seemed to have forgotten to say my name.

My name is Steve, no last name. My parents didn't have a last name too. But before I get sidetracked let me tell you how this all happened.

I was looking at houses while I walked down to my street. Once in a while a stray cat came and ask to be petted which I gladly gave in to their request. 

It was a time of happiness to me since I had just came home from deployment. You see I was a nuclear engineer, not just any. I worked for the government itself. My project was with 25 people including myself.

We were making a bomb. Not a destructive bomb, mainly because when it dropped there would be noting left. 

I had brown hair with green eyes. My glasses were a nice shade of red. I stood at about 6'6 and I would say a little on the bulker side of fitness. 

But suddenly a tiger, a big one, easy half of my size came out of nowhere. 

"RAWR" It rushed me and I turned to run. I may be big but I did not have 4 inch claws and thick teeth made from centuries of hunting. 

"DUCK" someone yelled and I did duck.

"Am I saved" I mumbled to myself.

"You would have been saved if that dude who shot you had eyes that worked." A voice sound... all around me?

"Hello child, I am Pen , well a version."

"What do you mean and where am I?"

"A place where the dead come."

'So I'm dead.' I begin to cry. 'My family...'

Suddenly my tears were dried as I felt full of life.

"It is ok, I'll give you a couple of minutes."

"No, I am ok now." I felt as if all my emotions were calmed.

"What now Pen ." I questioned the being that seemed to be all around me.

"You get 3 wishes and since you thought of the world of fairy tail, you get sent there."

I knew what were my 2 first wishes were as soon as Pen said I get 3.

"I wish for my family to find peace."


"I wish for my family to have wealth and be happy for a thousand generations."

"Granted. Now what will be your last wish."

I stopped and began to think. 'fairy tail must be a peace world since my girlfriend likes it. She is a bubble of joy, so there is no way that this is a war filled world.'

"I wish for you to decide what will help me survive the most." I said to the being named Pen .

"Granted, have a good life there."

I felt my whole being swirl and my eyes felt heavy as I began to fall into the embrace of sleep.


This poor soul, it has no idea that it is being sent to one of the most warlike worlds. I shall grant you dragon take over magic.

Steve POV

I awoke in a cage? I suddenly got 3 memories. One that said my name was Ernest. The other one was that I was a slave? And the last one said that I was being sold? 

I was beyond confused. What time period was I in. And why was I a slave. I looked around in the cage to see noting. 

The cage seemed to have a blanket covering it. So I took a look at my self. I had red hair that reached my neck. I was wearing rags and from my body shape and size, I assumed that I was a a child, about 3-4. 

'This cage is really uncomfortable' I thought to myself as hours passed.

'I swear if I am in this cage for 1 more second I'll start boxing people.'

I suddenly hear a "Ping" as a screen appears in front of me. 

'The fuc-'

"Don't swear. Also this is Pen here. I am just here to inform you of your magic. Understand so far?"

I took a moment to think. ' Magic? Like harry potter?'

"Yes I understand."

"Dragon takeover magic, you can take over dragon souls. It is slightly different as you will kill their soul or if the dragon is ok with it you just not kill them. You will also be able to hold 2 types of dragon slayer magic but you can hold multiple dragon souls. You can combine them into a ultimate form, you absorbed all the power and implant it into your body. A demi dragon with the power of multiple dragons... But right now you are far to weak to destroy this and escape your capturers. Or control the dragon soul I planted in you."

(A/N, Look at aux chapter for more information.)

'This is utter BS.' I leaned back on the cold hard steal of the cage and closed my eyes to rest. Since that is all I can do at the moment.

Time skip~~~~~~

"Eh why you bring a 1 year old here. You really wasted space for a child that cannot do simple task!" A man yelled at a shorter man.

"Quit your yelling this child has mana." As soon as those words slipped out the taller man anger turned into happiness. "His amount is quite big for toddler so imagine how much energy the tower will receive when he becomes older."

The men stared at the toddler in the cage so and smiled so big that you could have thought they were perverts.

'Hopefully not' I thought as I woke to hear them talking in a language I did not recognize but I could see their smiles and stares.

'I swear if I am a sex slave I'm killing myself to go kill Pen.'

I opened my mouth to speak English but noting came out besides some toddler sounds. 'oh great I can't speak English.' 

'I hope my family is doing ok'

Another time skip because why not.

It has been 3 weeks since I arrived to this hell pit. I picked up on the language, well some of it. I know my name, Ernest. Which I find funny because that was my middle name in my last life.

Anyways apparently I have a lot of 'mana' so they put me on this weird machine that drains me raw. It feels like someone is sucking my energy away.

It also doesn't help that these people seem, no they do enjoy, whipping me while I am attached to it. But after every draining to the next I feel the energy increasing, slowly but it's increasing.

I am buying my time until my body is well enough to go full dragon or something. Heck even when I am out of energy they force me to mine away at this 'tower'. This feels like hell more than a peaceful place.

I was forced to do mana absorption and only that. When I am older, I suspect that I will have to mine away, just like all the others..

 This tower served to break physically and mentally. I felt both slowly slipping.

"LINE UP." one of the guard shouts while sitting down as I envy him. Every 10 hours we get food, barely counts as food but its... edible.

We quickly rush there. I was in the upper side of the line. 

"Here you go brat." He gives me a plate of mush and bread with a tiny cup of water. I turn and walk back to my cell as guards walk us there. 

I had a cell with 2 people. Had.

One of them died to a guard 'fun play'. Another one died to starvation. Ajax and Maria were their names. They were nice to me....

3rd pov

Ernest sat in the corner and ate while tears fell.


Years had passed as my rage grew more and more.... My mana had grew to twice what it had been, to the greed of the guards they smiled, to the wrath that that been building it was ready to burst. 

About 3 years ago a red head and some other kids my age came. I barely spared a glance but I recognize the red head. 'Erza' I thought as my girlfriend showed me pictures of her and made me help her cosplay as her.

I waited for the time to strike. Because I had figured out how the machine works.

I didn't know how physically it worked but I knew how it worked in my mana. It attracted it from my hands and would take as much as it could.

But if I forced all my mana to my heart it wouldn't bring it. But sadly the first successful attempt resulted in a beating from the guards.

I remember my spine being reveled to the world as the whip smacked my back. And my blood painted the room.

So I only allowed the amount that I arrived with to be sucked and absorbed. The guards did not suspect. 

I felt tensions build. I heard rumors that there would be a break. Others had tried since I came to this hell hole. One time an A rank mage with rope magic tried to start a break but died when one of the head guards shot a magic bullet through his head. Another A rank with gun magic tried but was swarmed and died.

But I felt that if there was a break, I'll take the chance to escape. 

Don't think that I had been doing noting in these years. I had been slowing using my magic. The dragon soul seemed to be a fairy dragon?

I know weird thing but the soul seemed to be willing to give me it form as it "Had been through decades of war and watched as my children fell."

When I first connect to the soul, I saw a huge snake like blue dragon. It wings were shaped like fairy wings, it had cyan green fur that was like hair. With yellow scales shaped like armor covering her body.

It also told me that Fairy dragon slayer magic spells would be implanted into my head as I took over the soul.

Fairy dragon slayer.... What are fairies? Magic. I can eat parts of magic to regenerate mana. And I can completely eat fairy magic too. 

This magic is more long range and boosting. But tell me, would a point blank sniper to the head work?

'Just 1 more year.' I told myself as I laid in my cell.


Prison break

I assume it was the morning as the guards yawned while they watched my mana gets absorbed. Scars line my body like words on a book. I know the language they speak now. But I can't seem to speak it completely well. I can still speak some words and sentences but more complex one is a different story.

It's like someone learning how to understand Russian but they have trouble speaking it. 6 months ago Pen came and told me he removed my ability to speak English and did tell me that I wasn't mute.

Why he did this? I wish I knew that too.

My mana drained slowly, on purpose. I wanted most of my mana before the break. Didn't hear it from rumors, I just have a feeling it is today.

"Hey the brats mana draining too slowing. Think I can whip it out of him?" One of the guards, Arron I think, said.

"Yeah go ahead, I want to see the brats spine again Hahahahah." Kura one of the head guards said.

Arron grabbed the whip and slowly walked around the machine. Step after step until he was right behind me. His hand rose as the whip gleamed.

"Scream for us will you." His hand swung down just as a alarm rang. "SMACK" 

The whip connected but the guards seem to focus on the alarm.

"Another break? Wonder if I can have some fun with that red head before I kill her." Kura said.

"Yeah." Arron said as he tried to pull his whip back to no success. "Eh." he looked down.

I held onto the whip with one hand as he tried again to pull the whip. "Hey brat let go-" My mana flared.

"Fairy..... Dragon's... ROAR!" I bent my head back to face Arron as a pinkish beam escaped from my mouth. 

"AHHHHHHH" He screamed as the mana ripped and teared through his face as his body turned into a mummy. His skin became gray and rough. 

Soon he fell, without his head. To the Horror of Kura.

"Glass CAN-" He tried to say but my Dragonized fist broke into his stomach after I broke the chains.

I was slowly using dragon takeover magic. Transforming my body into that of the fairy dragon. 

I looked up to look at horror filled face of Kura.

"See you in hell." I said as I rip his body in 2.

"Heh... Hehe Hehe. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA." I laughed as the rage and torment finally boiled over. A decade of torture on a child's body, it can really break a man. 

Soon 3 more guards rushed in.




They all shouted. I opened my mouth.


All the spells went through my mouth and was transformed into energy for myself. The horror that placed it self on their faces as I smiled.

"Thanks for the meal."

I plunge my dragonized hand into one of their chests. I grip their spine as I pulled. 


The man's spine flew as I ripped it out of hit spine and used it like a whip to decapiate another man's head. 

The last man tried to run but.


I clapped my dragonized hands that were engulfed in pinkish mana together as beams shot out, cutting the man in half and cut a way out to the sea.

I dashed out of the tower and jumped into the air above the sea and shouted,


I transformed into the soul of the fairy dragon and quickly flew away. As much as I wanted to tear the tower down, I doubted that I would be strong enough or have enough energy.

Anyone who could finance this level of hell would be powerful.

But one day.... I'll return and tear this hell hole into 2.


A/N 1 comment = 100 extra words next chapter.

also you can vote on what dragon slayer he will have (fairy is not perm)

Updates on friday, wrote this 1 day next chapter will be hopefully 5k or 10k words

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