
Fairy Tail: Chaos Dragonbon

CynicalCyko · Cómic
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14 Chs

The Man Who Got Lost

"Show yourself! Who are you!" The figure spoke first and slowly moved towards Alduin and Acnologia.

Alduin and Acnologia both were curious to see who it was since there was not a single sign of humans in the forest. Of course, there were campfires, trails, etc.. but those signs were old. They slowly walked up to him.

"Huh, who knew we would actually find a human here. I thought that people were too afraid to even step inside this forest."

"That is the same thing that I was thinking, the people in the town told me to not go inside this forest, It has been 3 days since I've ventured here and I've yet to find where it ends."

"RAHAHA! The situation is the same for us. Tell us in which direction the town you spoke of is, and we will tell you where the town we came from is." Alduin made a deal if he did not. Then it would probably take them weeks or maybe even months to get out of this forest.

"Hmmm...alright. I've been walking into a straight line for 3 days, so just go exactly in the direction where the sun rises from, then you will find out the town (probably)." The man told them but said probably inwardly to himself

"Alright.. so we've been made many turns here and there but, from I've remembered you need to go towards South-East and you will find the exit," Acnologia told the man, and as he was about to walk away.

"By the way, we never introduced ourselves, I am Zoro and I aspire to be the strongest swordsman in the world." The moss-haired man with three golden earrings and a scar on his right eye spoke.

"Very well, I am Alduin and I will be... uh... very very strong, but I'll just sail whichever direction the wind of life takes me" Alduin just laughed, he wanted power to kill and revenge his brethren but after that, he never thought about it.

"I am Acnologia, and I will strike etch the essence of fear into the very soul of every single living dragon. They shall fear my name" Acnologia spoke arrogantly;

"Hahahaha!! You both have good ambition. I respect that. As a token of my respect, I will give you 3 bottles of my favorite booze!" Zoro handed out his most precious drink and disappeared through the forest never to be seen in this world again.

"Interesting fellow, isn't he? Well, at least we got drinks now." Alduin merrily made his way towards the east direction while Acnologia sniffed and tried some of that precious booze and boy it was strong.

He will remember the taste of that drink forever and will probably try to remake it.

The forest was full of terrible creatures like Vulcans, basilisks, giant serpents, huge ants, spiders.

The night began to fall and they still hadn't made out of the god damned forest.

"AhhhH!!! Fuck!!!"

[Arcane Dragons ROAR!!!!]

Acnologia out of frustration began to use his dragon slayer magic to vent some of his frustration. The animals and even monsters began to cower at that roar. It was a very strong roar. Enough to destroy hundreds of meters.

All the monsters cowered in fear, except one. It was not a regular monster though, it was a dragon. A gigantic dragon. One could say that it was the true king of the southern wasteland forest. It woke up from its slumber and glared towards the roar of Acnologia.

"Who Dares Disrupt My Slumber"!

[Green Dragons ROAR!]

It's surrounding was deforested and the dragon itself was huge. It had green spiky horns protruding from its forehead like tree branches and spiky scales all in its spinal back. The wings looked like a torn cape and it had a curved spike at its tip.

Acnologia and Alduin both felt the dragons roar. It was coming from the north direction.

"Ahh fuck, I knew that this forest wouldn't be without a dragon. Just great and now we have to fight it." Alduin rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Kuahaahaha!! This will be my first step-stone in achieving my goal!" Acnologia laughed like a crazy man and sprinted towards the direction of the roar while Alduin followed him.

After a while, the surrounding started to change. The number of trees was becoming lighter and there were more broken and dead trees in the surrounding. The more they entered its domain, the more it became more desolate, but it was thicker in ether and magic particles.

To the dragons, when another dragons roar in its territory, it means that it has come to take that place as its own. So, the dragon charged at them without any thought. A single swipe of its claws broke through tens of trees.

[Null Dragon's Devoid ROAR]

A white transparent beam burst out of Alduin's mouth as he aimed it at the green dragon. The roar hit perfectly and made a hole in one of its wings. The dragon straight-up crash-landed into the ground.


Acnologia shouted the words at the dragon. It caused its mind to go into chaos. Every fiber of its soul is tremored. It was forced to feel the ways of a mortal, and its death. The dragon's mind was trapped into an illusion where it dies of every possible way a mortal can die. From sickness, timely death, accidents, etc.


"Kuahahaha!!1 DO YOU FEEL THE FEAR!!! THE FEAR OF DYING!! THE FEAR OF YOUR SOUL SHREDDING?!!!! I KNOW YOU FUCKING DO!!! REJOICE AS THIS IS THE LAST TIME!!! YOU WILL OPEN YOUR EYES!!!" Acnologia started to madly laugh while stepping on it and kicking it.

The kicks produced a powerful shock every single time it was hit at its abdomen. It produced wind waves that made the rocks fly away. After a while, he pierced his hand straight into its chest and ripped out its heart.


The dragon's agony was immeasurable. It cried its last roar and it slowly faded away. Its head slowly slumped down and its last breath escaped its nose. The dragon died, and its body started to glow, the weird aura was again absorbed by Alduin.

Acnologia just left it as it is and crushed its heart, showering it into the blood of the dragon. His body slowly absorbed the draconic blood while his dragon seed was maturing more. His body now felt rejuvenated, and its strength increased.

"Oye Alduin, is this how you feel when you absorbed that weird aura which came from the dragon's body?" Acnologia asked it while Alduin grinned,

"Indeed, the power is surging through me and I feel unstoppable. The aura again strengthened my body. If it keeps up like this, then "that dragon" will no longer live."

"Well, let's take its scales and bones, we could always make weapons or anything useful out of a dragon's bone, as it is always useful," Alduin said while Acnologia nodded, and began to extract its scales and bones.

They rested at the cave in which the dragon was residing for the day. They began to sip some of the booze and slowly fell asleep.

The next day which made it the fourth day in which they were finding a place to exit. They found a campfire, it was burnt recently so it proves that someone recently moved from this place to another.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"This fragrance....only female humans use it. Interesting...to think someone other than that moss head actually was here." Acnologia speculated


"You idiot! Do you just go around sniffing peoples scent?! What the fuck have you become Acnologia?!" Alduin slaps Acnologia in the head and moves back a bit.


Acnologia tires to right kick Alduin but he misses.

"Well?! DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER OPTIONS?! HUH? SMARTASS?!! We've been stuck in this god fucking forest for FOUR DAYS!" Acnologia retorts back at Alduin and keeps a grumpy face,

"RAHAHAHA!! The almighty dragon who will strike fear into every dragons heart is sniffing scents of people" Alduin kept mocking and laughing until he felt something. A rustling in the bushes and cracking of the branches.

"Who is there? Show yourself before I make a kebab out of you" Alduin said while releasing some pressure into the surrounding.

*Crack* *Step*

A scarlet haired woman with thick braids and voluptuous body walked out of the bushes. She was investigating and researching while she felt two immensely powerful magic so she hid herself incase that the people were Spies or someone with malicious intent but to her surprise. They were not what she was expecting.

"I am Irene Belserion, who might you two people be, and what are you doing here?" She spoke while radiating her royal empress aura. Since she was a princess since birth she had learned basic manner and etiquette while since childhood. So she would automatically radiate a bit of that "royal highness" aura, but it would prove ineffective against those two.

"Hmmm.... she is the same person who's scent is on that campfire." Acnologia inwardly thought

"We are travellers from afar, Montes Secretas to be specific. We were travelling inorder to reach Dragnof Kingdom but unfortunately we are a bit lost. So we are trying our luck" Alduin also radiated a bit of that, "royal etiquette" aura.

"My name is Alduin and the one beside me is Acnologia" Alduin put up his most prince charming smile, something that he had learnt from speaking and conversing with the girls at the village.

Irene squinted her eyes, as asked "What business might you have in Dragnof kingdom?" she didn't want to endanger her kingdom and those two looked very powerful.

"Ah, I'm sorry but that is a bit personal you see. Maybe I could talk about it after we get more acquainted."

Irene nodded her head and said, "That's fine. We all have out secrets, but I've never heard of this Montes Secretas before. Could you please tell me about it?"

Acnologia just headed to the side, she looked very very troublesome. Her curiosity was very much high, it reminded him of his past self. Aeron, the kid was gentle, gulliable, knowledgable and curious.

"Of course, not many people know about Montes Secretas as it is way high up. There are not that many inhabitants as it is secluded from the world" Alduin began to speak about his hometown.

Just like that a week had passed away, They both wanted to hurry up towards the kingdom but Irene was learning and having so much fun conversing about various topics with Alduin. Acnologia would also talk occasionally. While speaking for about a week, the two would obviously get better bonded and acquainted. For Irene, she never talked like that with someone except for Belserion "the dragon". So it was a new experience.

"Ahh, shit! We were supposed to head over to Dragnof country but a week has already passed. Irene, we will have to hurry towards there...oh right, we are FUCKING LOST!!" Alduin screamed at the sky,


When Irene would giggle her massive mountains would bounce like jelly every time, and Alduin would sometimes be mesmerized by that jiggle. It shouldn't be physically possible.

"Well, I know the way since I am also from Dragnof. I could guide you two there if you want." Irene offered her help which they would undeniably take,


Acnologia shouted at those two, he wasted a whole week to listen to their jabber. If he had known that Irene was from Dragnof. He would've asked for directions and been long gone by now. Such tragedy. After Alduin helped him calm down, they followed Irene to get out of that bloody forest.

They group finally reached the town called Riverwood. It was called Riverwood because there was a stream of river which kept continuously flowing and beside that was the Southern Waste Forest. So, yea River+Wood uhhh Riverwood.

"This is Riverwood, the final rest stop before we continue our journey. The people here are nice and kind. There is an inn nearby so let's go there." Irene was happily hopping, it's been quite a long time since she ventured out of her kingdom, she got herself some friends and even a crush.

(A/N: She doesn't know that she has developed a crush for Alduin, the seed has been planted but she will only notice after the seed has developed into a plant)

----Authors Note----

Thanks for reading and as always drop some power stones and if you like them, add them to the library.

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