
GMG Finale Part 2

Adrian held onto Minerva's throat as he stood atop of a roof and watched as Laxus and Orga introduced themselves to each other

"...Let.... go..." Minerva managed to say, only for Adrian to grip her throat harder, before he turned to look at her

"I don't understand why you such a bitch, what's with that act you have going on. How strength is everything. This is why you will lose against us, because we're fighting for something us.... I'll let you figure out what that is" He said before he turned and watched Laxus and Orga go at it

Adrian patiently waited for a moment to enact his plan, watching the Lightning Dragon Slayer and Lightning God Slayer fight



'Hehehehehehe' Adrian chuckled evilly in his mind, and as if Minerva sensed this she began to sweat fearfully, as she looked up and saw Adrian sadistic smile, and began to panic

Adrian then took a baseball stance and lifted his left leg up and then brought it down and swung his right arm, which was holding onto Minerva, and threw her right in between where the attacks would collide

Minerva's throat was still hurting so she could only silently fly straight towards where the two ridiculously powerful attacks would collide, and silently take in the pain

All Orga and Laxus saw was a dark shadow go in between their attacks and take it all, "What sort of idiot would jump in between our attacks" Orga said in distain

"This idiot must be pretty powerful, since whoever it was didn't even make a sound" Laxus countered, causing Orga to have a very rare thoughtful look. 'Maybe once I'm done with this fool I'll fight whoever this person is'

When the smoke cleared, Laxus sweat dropped at what he saw, while Orga began to freak out. What they saw was Minerva naked, while her skin had been roasted, and all of her hair had been burned off

Minerva started to sway side to side silently before she collapsed onto the floor, and gratefully accepted the grace of being unconscious

"My Lady!" Orga shouted as he quickly ran to her tried to wake her up by shaking her. Laxus seeing this sighed before he threw his coat to Orga, who nodded and at Laxus in thanks before he covered Minerva in it

Meanwhile on the rooftop Adrian was rolling around on the roof tiles, laughing his ass off. The face that Minerva had just before he threw her. 'It was like she knew what I was gonna do' He thought before he began to laugh again

Jura then arrived to see both Laxus and Orga had their backs to him, as they looked at something on the ground. Curious about what it was he silently walked up behind them and looked over their shoulder and saw a badly burnt Minerva

Jura then coughed twice, to get their attention, however as their attention was on the naked Minerva they didn't even notice him approaching, so when they heard him cough, they both jumped and screamed from the sudden interruption

Adrian seeing this just laughed himself off the roof and fell on the ground, gaining all of their attention

"Hey! Was this you!" Orga said pointing at Minerva. Adrian then slowly began to get up while wiping the tears off his face "Yeah.... it was" He replied while trying to stifle his laugh

Orga growing angry at this, forgetting who he was dealing with, ran at him charging some black lightning around his body, jumped into the air and aimed a punch at Adrian, only for Adrian to elegantly dodge to the side, and then pointed a finger at Orga

Laxus and Jura watched this in anticipation, as they noticed a small yellow energy ball form and the end of his fingertip, and turned into a beam of energy and shot out towards Orga, who was then blasted away by a huge energy beam and smashed into a building and fell unconscious

'He's just too strong' Laxus thought with a sweat drop

'I need to get stronger if I am face him again' Jura thought with some sweat falling from his forehead

Without warning Adrian quickly uppercutted Jura in the chin sending him into the air. Adrian jumped into the air and spun 360 degrees before he kicked Jura into another building, knocking him out

"Laxus, you'd better get moving and get us some more points if we want to win" Adrian shouted to Laxus as he ran off in another direction

A While Later

All the members of Fairy Tail were once again together, as they stood side by side. Sting was currently on his way to face off against them as he stood across from them. As Sting and Erza were speaking to each other, Milliana came running while holding Lector, causing Sting to run over to him and grabs him into a hug and accepts his defeat, and thus the final game ends and the Tournament ends in Fairy Tails win

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter

AdilNationcreators' thoughts