
Failed To Marry The Best Woman (Will be republished)

Vera is a cheerful and kind-hearted girl who earns Resi and Lexy's respect, who are hunters with gentle and kind nature and behavior. However, Lexy's fate is sad when he doesn't succeed in marrying the woman he wants, instead a man named Resi whom Vera recognizes while in Paris is destined to become Vera's life partner. Humans cannot predict how the destiny of love will be for them later. Resi's meeting with Vera grows the seed of love in Resi's heart. Resi, who was initially embarrassed to express his love for Vera, tries to have the courage to express his feelings to Vera when he is in Paris and the Eiffel Tower as a witness to the beginning of their love, until Resi manages to propose to and marry Vera and converts her to Islam. Lexy, who also loves Vera, still doesn't have the courage to express his feelings for the woman he dreams of until he changes his beliefs to embrace Protestantism and hopes to marry Vera, but instead, fate doesn't turn out the way he expected. It becomes a very hurtful thing, when the woman he dreams of, whom he hopes to marry, instead marries another man. Lexy didn't know that Vera already had a lover, so she kept her hopes on Vera. And it is this ignorance that causes great pain and suffering to Lexy. On the other hand, Lexy, who changed her mind to stop the marriage between Vera and Resi, managed to save the happiness of the two couples.

LaSya_Nn · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Cooking Lontong Sayur

Days are gone. At night after the maghrib prayer, Resi called his mother to ask how he was doing along with his father's news. Resi asked his mother to tell him the recipe for lontong sayur, he had not eaten this type of food for a long time, causing cravings. When she was still at home, Mrs. Lia always made rice cake for Resi, which is Resi's favorite food with a unique taste. Resi ended the call and asked her mother to switch to a video call so that she could monitor the cooking process and provide instructions and procedures when she cooked lontong sayur. But still, when the lontong sayur is ready to be served, it doesn't taste as good as it was prepared from her own mother's hands.

"Mother. My homemade rice cake is not as good as my mother's," Resi said via video call after tasting his own cooking.

"Have you really cooked according to the recipe that mother told you earlier? Maybe you have more or less food ingredients" asked Mrs. Lia.

"I cook exactly according to mom's recipe and instructions. Mother is indeed a champion in cooking rice cake, even though I have followed the recipe and cooking instructions from my mother, my own cooking is still not as delicious as my beloved mother's," said Resi.

"Then be diligent in cooking vegetable rice cake, so that the taste can match the taste of vegetable cake made by your mother," joked Mrs. Lia, causing laughter.

"Yes ma'am, because the evening prayer has arrived, I will hang up the phone and want to pray the evening prayer first, assalamu'alaikum," said Resi.

"Wa'alaikumsalam son," said Mrs. Lia.

Immediately Resi went to the bathroom to take ablution water and then performed the evening prayer service. After the prayer, he went straight to bed so he wouldn't be late getting up early the next day.

Meanwhile, on the same night, Vera was also cooking Jakarta's signature chicken soup with Fiva, then invited Gio to come to his lodging house and enjoy the meal together. In the middle of the conversation they were eating food, they discussed about Resi, Fiva advised Vera to do something that could strengthen her friendship with Resi, even this friendship can become a friendship if it continues well. And Gio also agreed to Fiva's suggestion, because he was sure that Resi was really a good man.