
A Lullaby 1

Their days had become a little hectic given his newfound ears. Even if they were flattened against his head, it wasn't enough to hide their presence. While most people were good in the head to not ask to touch them, just staring at the fluff pair, some weren't as mindful.

One such person is right before him, eyes focused on the pair of ears, more focused on it than a heat-seeking missile is on its target. Like an ambush predator waiting for the right moment to attack.

While Mary has a free pass due to their relationship, it doesn't extend to anyone else but Yraka, the golden orb, and maybe, a big maybe, Ingrid. While annoying, he can't blame this person for trying to grab said ears; it is a very understandable action.

However, it still is annoying and bothersome. Kyrie sighed but did not close his eyes; they were focused on said person, who looked uninterested in her plate, trying to hide her true intentions.