
Chapter 12: Beginning Onslaught, Naila's Composure

For some reason, the days went by unreasonably well. I mean, living with my girlfriend was the best thing ever, school was going by easily, and my friends made the days more enjoyable.

"Hey! Get up, babe. We have class today." Arlie said as she woke me up.

"Hm? Wow, waking up to you next to me is the best feeling ever!" I said in a groggy voice.

"Oh? I'm glad you think so. Now come on! We don't want to keep em waiting, do we?" she said as I was finishing getting dressed.

"Nope. I'm ready, let's go." We got to school a little later than usual and had to leave for class.

"I'll see you after class ok? Bye Mila!" Arlie said as she kissed me and left.

I started walking to my section when I saw a few unfamiliar faces. Wait… I recognize one of them. Wasn't she… the woman with Dune at the mall last time? She goes here? I thought to myself.

To my luck. I found out why she was here.

"The acting section huh? I'll take this chick, you all find the others." She said.

"Ok." They replied.

"HEY! I'M LOOKING FOR AN ARLIE DAVID, DOES ANYONE-… NEVERMIND!" Found her! I know Dune said to wait, but I wanna beat her… RIGHT NOW!

"You're Arlie huh? Remember me? We met at the mall… I was with Dune." She said as she stood over her.

"Now that I get a good look at you, you're really cute up close, that's too bad huh? Oh well. Don't stay sitting down, we have a lot of fun ahead of us, ya know… well… at least for me, that is." The woman said as she grabbed Arlie's hair and dragged her up.

"WHA, WHAT ARE YOU-" Before she could finish her sentence, Arlie got punched in the face. The woman still held Arlie by the hair and continued to punch her. She then threw her to the ground and began to pummel her face.

"Heh. I don't know why we had to wait so long, you aren't so tough." The woman said as she continued to beat down Arlie. Now bleeding and unconscious, the woman got off Arlie and left. Arlie got taken to the nurse's office and I got notified of what happened.

"HEY! You ok?" I asked.


"Woah! Calm down a bi-"


I pulled her in as tightly as I could. As soon as her head touched my chest, she cried.

"You're strong Arlie, this time she got you when you didn't expect it. Next time, you'll get her." I said to her.

"Damn right I will." She said while crying.

"Oh! Well, if it isn't Shula. Hiya!! I'm here to beat you down for last time. Remember?" A woman said to Shula.

"Ah! You're the woman that mistook me for my sister… Heh… Here for another beating? Since I know why you're here already, I won't hold back." Shula punched the woman and she staggered back. The woman ran and tackled Shula. Now on top of her, the woman spoke. "First, I have a name, it's Shana. Second… WHAT… MAKES YOU THINK… IT'LL END THE SAME WAY HUH?" She punched Shula as she spoke.

"You… really are weak… aren't you?" Shula said as she blocked all of Shana's punches.

"Wha?" She got thrown off by Shula.

"hm. Let me make something clear real quick… it'll ALWAYS end this way. You will never beat me. EVER." She said as she stood over Shana. "I suggest you run away before you get hurt. Believe me, I'll hurt you worse than before."

A woman walked into the graphics section and yelled out, "HEY NAILA! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE, COME OUT AND I WON'T HURT YOU TOO BADLY." She said.

"Hey! We're in the middle of a class. You can't just barge in here and start screaming." A professor spoke up.

"It's ok professor. She called me so… I'll take care of it." Naila said to the professor as she tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh… ok." The professor said.

"So… What'd you wa-…WOAH!" She said as she caught a punch the woman threw.

"Thought you'd hit me huh? Sorry… but I'm better than that. Want to try again?" She said as she held the woman's fist. "hm… yeah… with the way you are… you won't even hit me." She said as she let go of her hand.

"Hmmm? The way I am? What do you mean by 'the way I am'?" What… did I just get myself into!? She caught my punch so easily… I obviously already know what you mean, I'm just stalling. The woman thought to herself.

"W…well, um… I, I never told you my name yet… sh… shouldn't I at least do that first?"

"No. Not really… I don't really care about a person who tries to punch me out of nowhere."


"Well… to be honest… I don't really want to fight right now. I was just enjoying the class and then you showed up."

"Oh? You don't? well, would you look at that? I… I don't either! Well… since we both agree, I guess I'll be seeing you around then! Bye by-…"

"Wait. Someone sent you huh? Was it Dune?" Naila said as she cut her off.

OH, COME OONNNN! She thought. "Huh? Dune? I don't know anyone by that name." she said well… it's true that I don't actually know him… I'm only friends with his girlfriend. She thought.

"Oh!? Something feels off… you're hiding something huh? Should I beat it out of you?"

"WHAT!? Didn't you just say you didn't feel like fighting?" WOAH! SHE'S SCARY!!!

"Yeah… but this and that are different."


"That's more like it!"

"I know his girlfriend. We're… I guess we're friends? All she does is talk about him and how she beat up some girl in high school. Valery's a real piece of work."

She looked at Naila to see that she'd gone pale. "What…? What did you just say? Valery? She… she's here? She dates Dune!?" Naila asked.

"Yeah… and the girl she beat in high school's name... wa…s…" IT WAS HER!? HOW? She thought.

"It was me… but she didn't do it by herself. She had a group with her."

"She jumped you? You serious…? Wait. SHE REALLY DID?"

"I'm calling her over right now. I lost all respect for her."

"Hm. Oh, it doesn't end there. If you heard the whole story you may even cry… it's way more messed up."


"Just call her. You'll hear it all when she gets here."

She called her and Valery showed up.

"Is that… Naila? Wow… I haven't seen you since that video incident in high school! You still sleeping with Dune?" she said in a mocking tone.

"Sleep... ing… with!? HE AND HIS FRIENDS RAPED ME, ASSHOLE!"

WHA!? The woman thought.

"You told him where I lived, he made Mila watch, he had it recorded, and YOU showed it to everyone in the school. All that happened… BECAUSE OF YOU!" Naila said as she ran towards Valery and punched her. She staggered and Naila punched her in the gut.

Valery fell to the ground and the woman walked up to her.

"You just gonna stand there Karana? Not gonna help a friend?" Valery said to her.

"Hm? Oh… yeah. I'll help a friend." She said as she bent down and lifted Valery by her hair.

"Hey… Naila, could we be friends?" she asked.

"your name's Karana right? Sure. Let's be friends." Naila said.

"Good. I hoped you'd say yes." She looked at Valery. "Well, guess I'll help a friend." She said as she punched Valery in the face. She then let her go and continued to punch her relentlessly.

"Ya know Valery… I never thought I could get this pissed on another person's behalf… but I guess even I could exceed my expectations." She said as she continued to punch her. She beat her unconscious then got up.

"Don't ever show up in front of me again," Karana said to Valery.

"Wow, nice work," Naila said to Karana.

"Thanks!" Karana said.

The day ended in an eventful way. Arlie was now a lot calmer than before about her loss but still annoyed about it, which I understood all too well. I suggested we go to the movies then the arcade to relieve some stress.