
F Is For

Have you ever dreamed of things you didn't understand? Seen places you've recognize? What if you dreamed about someone who didn't exist, and yet you craved everything about them? Never once forgetting who they were? What would you if the person you dreamed about so vividly was actually real? Would you love them, just like in the dream? Or would you hate them? What would happen, if they were actually the same person? What would you do then? Now, what would happen, if your dreams weren't actually your own? But rather a part of a much larger plot on a much grander scale? And by partaking in the dream, you'd unwittingly open doors to forces beyond your understanding, revealing a hidden world you never thought existed? And, what if the consequences of those dreams, began spilling out into the real world?

Atlantean_king · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Revisions and Rewrites

Hello everyone!

I'm posting to let you know that 'F Is For' is undergoing a series of revisions and rewrites.

When I originally started, I really didn't realize how far I wanted to go with the scale of my story, and looking at it now, I see that my story needs some work.

Starting later, the newer updated versions will be posted with more context and and as easier flow to better articulate the subject matter. I'm not sure how many parts I'll post at a time, but I do want to flesh out moments more and make them meaningful.

So without further ado, please enjoy the revamped version of 'F Is For' and leave comments on how you think my progress has gone.