
F*ck Humans Are A Bunch Of Psychos!

What the hell?! At first, we were wiping the floor with those four-limbed mammalians! But what is this situation?! What the hell is the human fleet doing in our capital solar system?! The emperor thought as he watched the live video feed of a human battleship ram his empires fleets cruiser after the battleship's canons melted down from firing nonstop from the start of the battle. Only to hear his anxious ministers report. What?! The humans are orbital dropping their ground forces and beginning orbital bombardment during a fleet battle?! What the f*ck are they nuts?!? P.S. This book is inspired by The Strongest Interstellar Commander its a great book I suggest reading it.

DRACULAVONDEATH · Ciencia y ficción
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52 Chs


I walked through the Starbase round corridor with pipes and cables fixed to the ceiling walls and under the floor.

Only to enter the central square where hundreds of cadets were going back and forth.

"F*ck it's that bit*h from mech major again..."

I cursed under my breath as I took out my left tattooed scared hand with black nails from my pocket and ran it through my hair in annoyance.

After seeing Lilith who was a year younger than me and the number 2 troublemaker with rolled-up sleeves and unzipped jacket exposing her tattooed arms and black tank top-covered D-sized chest.

Everything from pink Bob cut hair with one of her sides longer than the other down to her earrings and piercings screamed troublemaker.

"We'll look what we have here isn't this the terror of the academy himself?!"

Lilith said sarcastically as she exhaled a cloud of smoke from her mouth.

"Look here muscle head I really don't have time for this now..."

I said with my usual emotionless voice filled with coldness as I narrowed my eyes at the full head shorter than me Lilith who if not for her breasts and medium heart-shaped ass would easily be mistaken for a dude from how ripped she was.

Hearing the keyword musclehead Lilith's fuse got instantly lit

"That's it I had it with you, you f*cking wanna be vampire, I'm gonna f*cking kill you today!"

Lilith roared as she threw away her half-finished cigarette and stomped on it angrily.

"You know you could have gotten out of this situation if you played nice for once in you're life"

Aurora said sarcastically.

"Are you going to help or not?"


"Then f*ck off"

I said while starting to grin like a psycho as I took off my jacket revealing my half sleeve tattooed scarred left arm and my full sleeve tattooed scarred right one.

Both of them were packed with muscles to the point that my black short-sleeved T-shirt sleeves were threatening to rip apart.

Together with my grotesque barbed wire scar around my neck which caused the original owner to die and allowed me to possess his body.

"Bring it on bit*h"

I said as I assumed a combat stance causing my dog tags to jingle between my bulky chest whose right side was also tattooed together with my black upside-down cross with a white skeleton nailed to it hanging from my right ear by a short black chain which like my left one was decorated by black unpearcable ring earrings.

While looking at more than ninety cadets from mech major from different years doing the same who were jacked up as f*ck too as they surrounded me from all sides.

I might just be able to raise the rest of my stats to the max this time.

I thought as I licked my canines because the real reason why I got into fights from day one was that by fighting against overwhelming odes through the help of the system I could forcefully unlock the locked potential in human genes.

And at this point, I could already be considered superhuman because based on my stats I was already better than an average human by 3 times in all aspects, I was stronger, faster, my bones, muscles were denser and my organs put out 3 times the output.

So beating the shit out of 90 people all by myself wasn't that impossible.



Hundreds of cadets that mostly consisted of fleet and mech majors that were arch nemesis whose blood was boiling at this moment chanted at the same time as they kept waving their fists in the air.

They wanted to see the last two standing cadets fight to the death and it was going to happen because neither one of them was going to give up no matter what.

Both of the heavily breathing cadets looked like they were about to fall dead at any moment.

And join the 89 other beaten black and blue cadets with broken bones and missing teeth who were lying motionlessly on the bloody ground with the occasional one either letting out a pained groan or moving their limbs for a bit.



"F*ck I'm at my limit..."

I started cursing under my breath as I looked at Lilith through my bloodred view who was also barely holding on at this point while clutching my bleeding forehead courtesy of Lilith.

Just as I finished cursing all of a sudden Lilith sprinted towards me.

In response, I performed a forward right punch as I brought my left fist to my chin only for Lilith to skillfully evade it and grab my neck with her right hand and my right shoulder with her left hand as she tried to knee-kick my already bruized as fuck ribs without any mercy.

Only for me to block her strike just in the nick of time by placing my right foot forward and pressing my forearms against her right thigh as I leaned forward applying my 100 kilograms of body weight to counter her strength with my almost superhuman one.

Seeing this Lilith jumped onto my shoulders, locked her legs, and started squeezing my neck with her athletic thighs.

In response, I dropped onto my knees, grabbed her thighs, and with all the strength I could muster slammed her down into the floor.

But Lilith wasn't letting go so seeing my vision getting dark from the lack of oxygen I raised her and slammed her again and again into the ground until she finally let go.

As she did I jumped onto wriggling in pain Lilith and pressed my left bloody forearm against her throat while with my right hand, I pinned down her left hand.

"Give up."


Lilith answered as she spitted her bloody saliva into my face and started hitting my back with her right knee like a berserker gone mad as she did I applied more and more pressure until Lilith finally passed out.

[Strength + 0.01]

[Perception + 0.01]

[Endirance + 0.01]

[Agility + 0.01]

[Congratulations host on unlocking you're gene's full genetic potential!]

[Warning if the host wants to increase his stats further he will need to use Gene tailoring technology to forcefully break through his gene limit.]


[Detecting that the host has reached the prerequisites for psionic awakening!]

[Psionic awakening: 0.0000000...1 %]

"Hehehe psionic awakening huh?..."

I started snickering like a psycho as I looked at the system's notification while I started imagining myself as a laser sword-wielding psionic power user.

As the cadets around me went wild.

"1 vs 90! And he won! Is he even human at this point?!"

"A monster! A monster in human skin that's what he is!"

"Even thou he's a monster don't forget that he's the fleet majors monster!"

One of the senior cadets from my major said causing all the other cadets from the same major to subconsciously raise their chins arrogantly as they looked at the other majors. Especially at the mech major whose cadets were livid with anger after seeing their number one rival wipe the floor with them.

But alas they couldn't do shit because I was just too abnormal after all before I appeared the mech major was the undisputed overlord of the academy.

And I took that away from them that's why they hated my guts.

Just as I stood up and was about to limp my way to the dean's office out of the corner of my bloodshot eye I noticed the lustful gazes in a couple of fourth-year mech cadets who were about to carry away the unconscious Lilith.

Seeing this my face became expressionless while my eyes lost all signs of emotions.

"If you dare touch her you're dead meat"

I said in a murderous as I grabbed the hands forearm that was about to touch Lilith's body.

The fourth year who was about to tell me to fuck off and pummel me for stopping him from cupping a feel broke out in cold sweat upon locking his eyes with my eyes in which he swore he could see countless howling wraiths and demons that wanted nothing more but tear him to pieces.

The truth is that I'm a very possessive person and once I consider something mine I will never let anyone else have it so although Lilith is a pain in the ass in my subconscious mind she is already mine and anyone who dares to have any thoughts about her is dead meat.

Plus if there's one thing I absolutely can't stand its f*cking rape, I've seen too much of it in my past life to the point that just the thought of it makes me want to vomit my guts out.

I thought as I watched the fourth year's face morph into different expressions as he gave it his all to endure the pain he was feeling from my superhuman grip whose strength increased by the second to the point he couldn't tolerate it anymore.

"If you dare to even think about it again I'm gonna f*cking kill you..."

I muttered with a deadly serious voice causing the fourth year's whole body to break out into a cold sweat because his instincts were telling him that I was dead serious when I said it.

After letting go I squatted down, turned my back to Lilith grabbed her right hand with my left hand, slid my right hand between her thighs causing my forearm to press against her crotch, and while standing up pulled her onto my neck and back and started limping towards the infirmary.

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