
Eyes: Dreamland of Emotions

This poetry collection is the sequel to “Eyes: Earth Personality.” The main character, Daisy, indulges in her shadow work, appreciates, and loves the rejected parts of her, and engages in her thoughts about the true meaning of reality. She sees that her negative thoughts and perception of self are nothing but her ego trying to protect her from hurt. Overall, this collection dives into how Daisy realizes that her mother’s narcissistic wounds play a part in how she views herself and those around her, and how she chose her friends. Daisy slowly and surely stops feeling shame and ashamed over her mother’s victimhood and breaks the trauma bond between her and her mother. After realizing her mother's toxic ways and losing her best friend, Daisy becomes a different person, and understands that her ideas manifest her life. Daisy becomes closer with her higher self while healing her shadow self, who all shine through as she makes decisions and transforms. With the help of the universe, her spirit guides, deceased loved ones, and The Rainbow Friend, Daisy breaks the chain of emotions that live amongst her mind, body, vibration, dreams, and physical world experience. This collection condenses how Daisy further sheds her ego, has heightened paranormal experiences, and how she feels a strong pull to her soul and soul work; dive deep into Daisy’s mind as her feelings about herself, world, mother, and her friend’s death cloud and haunt her, only to transmute and heal --- all from the source.

PvpleMxn · Horror
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27 Chs

Borderline Seed

This is the last straw,

Everything I've tried could not revive it all 

The child no longer loves what cannot breed,

Borderline drills through the teeth. 


The effort is the bullet

Blown through the wall.

It deepens the hole,

This seed will shrivel and never regain control.


The satisfaction blooms her ego,

The Dahlia wrinkles and crinkles

Her stems are picked and carry holes

The water ignores her thirsty petals. 


Borderline Seed,

You revamp, but malnourish your weeds,

You shall not cure what you fold! 

Nothing can touch your soul,

Any other mother could love what grows. 


You'll fill that bullet made hole all alone,

Your disorder weighs you down like a criminal.

What's scary is that you're the only flower

Whose arsenic dissolves her receptacle,

What a funny lyrical.


Borderline Seed,

You shan't grow ---

The insects will feast upon your sepals, 

The flower begins breaking. 

There is no awakening. 


Borderline Seed,

You hurt yourself,

You shan't grow.

I wonder if you will kill us,

Enlarging that hole.


The bullets give no impact,

My hole fills itself whole,

Yours eats itself and snores,

Such lore you tell, 

You'll come back for more. 


Now, I simper,

I don't dry heave or shiver

She lives like rain didn't flood my pistil.

There is no forgetting this —

I am documenting this:


The bullet cannot be removed,

The wound is too deep 

She plummets down the tower's hole.

"Will you rot,

closing that hole?"


Everything is going smoothly 

Her ego will become the banshee,

Soon, I will leave,

I feel it within me

Look, I see my company!


This is the last straw,

Everything I've tried could not revise it all 

The child no longer loves what could not regrow.

Such lore you tell, 

You'll come back for more.