
Eye of universe: The Replicator

The world called Rrihraggard, a place where monsters are common. Bruce, a sixteen year old boy, who had lost everything... family, his home, now he is in a totally unrecognizable space, a totally unusual being appears inside your head through telepathy "you are the chosen one" saying the creature. Bruce, with his new ability will try to survive in this world.

Belador · Fantasía
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22 Chs

The Truth

The door then pulled Bruce, "Why is time running out!?" Bruce said exclaiming waiting for Frida to tell him, but nothing happened, what was keeping him company at that moment was the silence.

Then, as he tried to move in that place that the door had placed him, a light began to illuminate, all the darkness that made that place go black as night. Now at the moment, the place was showing more exits, each one represented a color, which was: White, Blue and Red.

"What are these doors?" Bruce said muttering. He then noticed that each door was written a rune, not understanding what it was, he used his Appraisal to be able to identify what it was, he then looked at the white door.

[Object: Door]

[Destination Door]

[Rune: Fehu]

"What does Fehu mean" Bruce thought, Bruce decided to use his Appraisal again, but aiming for the rune.

[Rune Fehu, means Wealth]

"Wealth, then," he said, muttering.

He immediately headed towards the next door. Soon, he started using his Appraisal again, giving the following information.

[ Object: Door]

[Door of Losses]

[Rune: Uruz]

"Door of Losses? Why is her name like that?" Bruce thought, finding the name strange. But soon he remembered to use the Appraisal in the Rune, to know the meaning.

[Rune Uruz means growth]

"The meaning is very strange" Said Bruce, finding it strange that the color blue represented something else for him, although the meaning was strange, he needed to follow the path to the last door which was the red one, it seemed that she had the one more different from the others, wilder, something unknown, the whole feeling that that door passed through was one of insecurity. Although that door gave off weirdness, Bruce needed to act, so he used his Appraisal directed at the Red Door.

[Object: Door]

[Hidden Enemy's Door]

[Rune: Zannam]

"...Hidden enemy?" Bruce thought, narrowing his eyes.

"Now, what does that rune mean?" Said Bruce using his Appraisal.

[Runa Zannam means rash decisions]

All the doors and runes and their meanings, none of them seemed to hold much significance for Bruce. Maybe it could be a riddle, or maybe not, all that can be expected and trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel, what could it be? It was what Bruce would try to decipher.

So for now he was just gathering the information of what the meanings could be. At first, the discovery process was slow, the place didn't seem to have day or night. So everything just looked the same, so Bruce wasn't sure how long he'd been in that place.

He then opened the first door (White), but he didn't go in, he just saw what he could have of the other. Although he opened it, there was nothing but when he was going to close. The door was now starting to show some images, although they were blurry.

Then all of a sudden the images stopped being blurry, now they started to form something like a movie. When Bruce saw there were many people walking in the distance, one person seemed to be different from everyone else who was walking. But he soon realized, that this one was walking, it looked a lot like him.

Bruce realized that it really was him, but from totally different worlds, as one thing he remembered was that he was very poor, although it was all hazy in his memories. But the important thing was that the door was showing a different future, something that for Bruce was strange.

For Bruce, everything he was seeing was slow, but the time that passed was something very fast, focus on about 7 hours. But for Bruce that was just a few minutes, a life passed before his eyes, a life that was very rich, everything he could think of he could buy. But he was betrayed by his relatives, losing all wealth unfairly, all that was left for him was death. He was old and weak, all the money that was his was no longer his. Therefore, he would not be able to treat himself, to be able to live.

"Because all the people who were by my side were just selfish" Bruce said. Even though he has lived a pretty comfortable life. His life, in the end, did not have a "happy" ending. The point of everything he saw was that it didn't matter if you had all the money in the world if you were someone with no faithful friends. Therefore, becoming someone with no personality, someone who is emotionless.

Bruce saw that his Self was someone totally different from him. A person who got everything he wanted, no matter the size of the barrier, absolutely nothing stopped him, the business world he got in that future, made him get countless enemies. So he didn't get someone who really supports him in the end.

Putting those thoughts aside, he went to the next door which was the Blue one. Soon after, he opened it to see what was behind it. It didn't take long to show the new content, his future showed a poor man, but poor only in money, but in very rich humility and character. His life was quite difficult, although it was quite difficult, it seemed that his Self was not someone easily shaken. It took a while for him to realize that in this future, he was full of friends he could count on, something that was totally different from the first door.

Then he started to pay more attention.


[Frida POV]

"I must apologize to Bruce someday, everything I told him was just an illusion... It was just a lie" thought Frida watching Bruce. She really wanted him to be able to escape the clutches of the Entity watching him.

"But the chains that hold me... don't let me say anything so important" thought Frida crying. She really wanted to break free from that prison they'd put her in so she couldn't warn the other Heralds, they all didn't get away with fate, so... She wanted Bruce to prove otherwise, if he could reach a plateau above the clutches of the entities, he could easily save this decaying world.

"Sorry for attacking your Master... You can do it Bruce said Frida putting her hands together in prayer with tears in her eyes.


"This life is quite blessed! It doesn't matter if I'm not the richest person, the important thing is that I have people to count on at the worst times. The life I have is pretty perfect, I feel like... If I was already living in this life" Said Bruce getting happy". After having seen most of that life, something bad happened... A family accident, even though all Bruce was seeing was another life that didn't belong to him, that was something horrible, his parents, his brothers, all had died in that accident, but only Bruce had survived. Although the cause of that accident was something that was not discovered, there was a reason... The reason was that there was an explosion that caused all those deaths, it wasn't just Bruce's family that had died, but many of his friends.

A bad taste was in Bruce's mouth, something that made him nauseous. Soon, that urge to vomit ended. Bruce needed to get himself together from that situation and keep seeing, something he hadn't realized, was that every time he was alone a strange thing made him disappear, he thought it was because of the time to see each future, of when he was on earth. But it wasn't, but that every ending he went to this world, to be sure of that thought he looked again at the entire contents of the first door.

One thing he discovered when he died of old age from weakness was that he had been pulled by something, the very thing that brought Bruce into this world.

"Come to think of it I don't remember how I ended up here... Do these doors demonstrate how I ended up here? Or maybe it's just a wrong thought, maybe something is just complicating me..." Bruce said muttering.

Bruce set aside the contents of the first door, seeing that the two doors were possible futures that entailed him coming to this world. What could the third door be? That's what Bruce needed to know.

He went to the third door, the last door being the red one.

"What will this door show?" Bruce thought muttering feeling chills. He slowly opened the door in fear of what that future might show. The door was opened, but a red mist was coming out of the door, a smell of blood could be felt.

During those few minutes that showed absolutely nothing, he saw a figure in the distance at the far end of the doorway. Although it was fast he felt like it was him, even if he tried to see, he couldn't. Being that everything in that vision was hazy and looked cruel, as if it was something "Wild", a world that has no salvation.

Soon, he was able to visualize the figure that was rapidly moving. Yes, that someone was Bruce himself, but while it wasn't, it felt like he had lost himself, his whole being seemed to be something created in the worst nightmares.

That creature that was Bruce seemed to be able to see Bruce, she started to smile monstrously. The door immediately closed when the creature seemed to head towards Bruce, Bruce at that moment fell to the ground for what had happened. "What was that?" thought Bruce, sweating a lot.

While he was on the floor, he didn't notice that the red door was falling apart, as if it were shattering. Then a brief golden light was illuminating in the cracks in the door, and in an instant the door was gone, leaving only the two doors.

"Why did she disappear? I'm glad she disappeared, but still..." said Bruce surprised by what had happened.

"I don't understand, isn't the door the same as the others? Wouldn't it show something of my future? I have a lot of questions" thought Bruce.

"I remember that the door was the one that had a hidden enemy, so... Is that enemy me?" Bruce said wondering to himself.

During various thoughts of what it could be, a bell sound could be heard.

[The Destiny]

Doors guide your destiny, which door do you want to choose?

White = Y/N?

Blue = Y/N?

A blue screen appeared towards your eyes, would you like to accept? "No" said Bruce. Soon after, another door appeared, which is blue.

Would you like to accept the destination proposed by the blue door? Yes or No? "No" said Bruce. He really wanted that future, but not for the purpose. What he really wants is to make his own destiny.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sorry for the delay in submitting the chapter

Why was the red door destroyed?

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