
Extreme Wealth System

[Spent 1000 Yuan. 10x Critical Hit. Earned 10000 Yuan. The money has been transferred to account XXX XXX.] [Spent more than 1000 yuan in a day. Received 1 lottery ticket. Do you want to use it?] [YES] [NO] Taking a deep breath, Lu Fan clicked on the Yes button. [You have drawn Extreme Luck.] [Extreme Luck: Luck that is beyond the heavens. The host’s luck is way beyond mortal limits.] [You have spent 9000 yuan. 10x Critical Hit. Earned 90000 Yuan. The money has been transferred to account XXX XXX.] [Spent more than 10000 yuan. Conditions met for system upgrade. Upgrade complete.] [You have received 9 lottery tickets.] [You have received 1 Extreme lottery ticket.] [Do you want to draw?] [YES] [NO] Money is not an issue, the issue is, will the world economy be alright? Discord: https://discord.gg/tAyjH6MEr7

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132 Chs

[Bonus chapter] Scanned Products

Lu Fan was not done yet.

He took out a level 1 beauty potion and a level 1 body enhancement potion and put them through scanning.

The information he got was quite intriguing.

His [Extreme Medicine] gave him extensive knowledge of any type of medicine. Be it western, eastern, or any other type of system that was mature enough.

And that was not the end of it. It was just that the exposure he had was so small that the knowledge he needed remained buried in his subconscious.

Once it was triggered, it would come to his mind immediately.

This was the system's way of making sure that his mind was not occupied with things that he did not need and could not use at the moment.

The beauty potion was mainly composed of Eastern medicine as a slow-acting medicine. It was surprisingly simple to make a level 1 beauty potion with readily available herbs from the market.