
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Cómic
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440 Chs

Chapter 419: Go away! Not good!

  After packing up the equipment and collecting the water source.

  Lu Yu turned to leave the camp and went to Caiyuanzi.

   Prepare to check the growth of cassava.

  If it bears fruit, then you won't have to worry about food for the next few days.

   At the same time, you can also avoid a lot of unnecessary worries.

  Know that cassava, a high-quality carbon water, is much more useful than protein.

   is an absolute hard currency.

   To put it more bluntly, when you are extremely hungry, if you can only choose one of them.

  Do you choose bread or milk?

no doubt.

   In order to fill the stomach, many people will choose the former without hesitation.

   Treat your stomach.

  Although protein is equally important.

   But for a hungry and cold person, this energy is really a bit stretched.

   is not real enough.

  Wandering wilderness, only sufficient carbon water is the basis of survival.

  Super strong continuous satiety not only allows the survivors to maintain their due mobility, but also continuously provides the body with the necessary daily energy.

   Especially when the camp was forced to give up.

  The importance of carbon water is self-evident.



   walked all the way to Caiyuanzi.

   As a result, I was really surprised.

  After more than a month of tedious development, many cassava have developed well.

   bears fruits of different sizes.

   Although the baptism of the storm, the leaves are a bit unsightly.

   But the wind and rain did not affect the maturity of the rhizome.

   walked into the fence.

  Lu Yu pulled out one randomly and put the dirt-covered roots under the lens to show the audience:

   "Brothers, there are surprises."

   "This Pacific cassava has a very short maturity cycle and under heavy rainfall, it can grow thick roots in less than two months..."

   "With them, we will not be hungry these days."

   During the speech, the rain washed away the mud on the cassava, revealing a rough pale red skin.

   looks very fat.

   followed immediately.

  Lu Yu said nothing more, uprooted all the mature cassava on the ground ridge, and threw it into the bamboo basket on his back.

rough estimate.

There are about a dozen of them.

   These cassava, even if not open source and throttling, is definitely enough for three days of rations.

   If you shake off the cheek gang and eat for a week, there is no big problem.

  Collected the cassava, Lu Yu couldn't help smiling at the camera:

   "At any time, harvesting food always inspires people."

   "To be honest, I have even begun to fantasize about the smell of turkey stewed cassava..."

   "Okay, everyone. There is not much time left for us, it's time to leave..."


  Lu Yu looked back and glanced at the base camp where he lived for nearly two months.

   looked through the rain screen.

   slowly fell into a familiar scene.

   Tile house, clay stove, clay kiln, stone figure, still, still quietly looking at the beach and the sea in the distance...

   It's time to say goodbye.

   but somehow.

  Lu Yu did not produce too much parting feelings.

   did not have too much eye contact.

   After taking a breath, he smiled in addition to knowing.

   didn't say a word.


   left without expression.

   Before he officially left, he went to the chicken coop again, using the ropes removed from the house to wrap the feet of two turkeys, holding two fat turkeys, and plunging into the woods.

   walked staggering toward the northwest coast.

   "6666, walk the chicken?"

   "Inexplicable sense of joy"

   "U1S1, Yushen is really awesome, even lived alone in this broken place for two months?!"

   "A live broadcast enough to load human history!"

   "Anchor cheer! Ollie!"

  With the applause of the audience, Lu Yu left the camp where he lived for nearly two months and embarked on the journey again.

   There are difficulties ahead waiting for him.

   He didn't know.

   But one thing he knew better than anyone.

  Stray people's survival path may be hidden in it!

   As long as there is a firm belief and a steel-like will to survive, the dawn will definitely clear the clouds and see the sky again!

  When he hurried, Lu Yu couldn't help feeling with emotion:

   "Along the way, it is really not easy to stick to today."

"All that I have experienced is absolutely comparable to a brain-opening movie script. It is really like a dream. If it is not for myself, I may not believe it until today. This island is for me. Pain and joy."

"Sometimes, I think, if one day, if I leave here and return to civilization, the modern life that I was familiar with, will it become strange? I have to say that this is very subtle and interesting, I really hope that day will be Come soon..."


"This is the wilderness, this is its fascinating place. In it, we have to make the best wishes, get close to each other, and enjoy the best blessings. Standing high, going to the flat, walking to the wide... Know how to work around , Know how to be tolerant, know how to accumulate thin hair, know how to seize opportunities..."

   There is no camp that cannot be separated.

   has no unsolvable problems!

  Here, a strong desire to survive will guide you through various impossible tasks!

  Unearthed the full potential of human life extremely thoroughly!

   The cliff that can't jump.

  Can't eat food.

   A place where I can't live.


  Anything incredible in the real world!

   will become cloudy and breezy, and become easy!

   Without this ability, human civilization will not come to today...

  What Lu Yu did was just to reinterpret the ups and downs that humankind experienced thousands of years ago.

   Into this world lacking wildness, he scored his first shot of stimulant!

   That's all.


   With wind and rain, stepping on the muddy road.

   Not far forward, the terrain has changed significantly.

  From the forest, this kind of rock rising from the ground and scattered fractured rock layers can be seen everywhere.

  Although it only took less than an hour to walk, Lu Yu could clearly feel the elevation is rising and the terrain is getting higher.

   Even the soil under the feet has become different.


   After a while.

   Not far in front, there was a burst of noise.

   After hearing the sound, Lu Yu immediately became alert and approached to check.


   Don't read it.

   Startled at first sight.

   came into view was a stream with widened river channels due to groundwater surge!

  Look at the changes in water flow and river channels, not much different from the stream near the camp.

   is due to the surge of rainfall, which in turn caused the river to skyrocket!

   Seeing this, Lu Yu played a twelve-point spirit and hurriedly said:

   "Brothers, you should not stay here for long."

   "The changes in the river here are almost the same as the current in the camp..."

   "The situation is getting worse..."


  As Lu Yu explained to the audience, there was a loud noise in the distant woods!

   interrupted his thoughts in only a moment!