
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
70 Chs

27. A long time a ago

Livia POV:

'Holding the box in my hands' A memory from a long time ago grimaced in my mind.





12 years ago~

"Lily I told you, there is nothing to worry about"

Looking at the new bruise in my sister's face, I wanted to cry. However, I knew that crying will only hurt my sis heart, so I mustered a smile while nodding as I said

"Hmm! big sis, thanks"

My sis seemed relieved thinking that I was not aware…but I knew everything.

The anger she felt when adults stole the mortgage from our dead parents. The pain she endured trying to make a living for me. I hated it all, those hypocrites of adults acting like they are just. However, when there is a profit or loss, they forget their morale…

" Lily look at what I got!"

A huge smile was drawn in my big sis face as she showed me a small pouch of money.

'With a bright smile' my big sis said

" Today you will finally sleep comfortably and eat candies like the others! "

I didn't want to waste the money and actually try to help her make more, but I didn't want to ruin my sis mode more than what she already have been through, so once again I smiled even more to show her some gratitude.

"Hmm! Thanks big sis!"

I turned around to hide the tear that appeared in my left eye.

"?? Lily?"

I knew of how much trouble she went through in her mercenary group. Still....I tried to change the subject and said while staring at the endless beautiful night sky.

"Alicia, what do you think about space?"

Intrigued of what I said, my big sis followed my eyes and also stared at the beautiful night sky.


"Yes do you think the people up there will help us and be kind unlike here?"

Alicia was once again shocked by her sister world view. She was only 6 years old, yet she understood the filthy nature of the world.

" Sigh… I don't know Lily, maybe there are kind people up there.. but who knows"

Staring at the massive sky, I felt like it was not that far fetched of an idea…maybe there really are other people. The thought fueled my curiosity and also gave me a little hope to strive and try my best, and maybe one day… I can see the wonders in this huge sky…..




Arthur's POV:

Looking down at the box, I was interested in what will she bring. I knew that Livia's dream was to venture the space, so I was curious of what she was willing to give for her dream.

Once the huge box was opened, I was shocked as I knew the value of the item she brought.

Inside what seemed to be a massive black box was huge red blood colored sword. The very same sword wielded by Alicia the S rank huntress 'Berserk sword'. From its value, the sword was put in the list of the most coveted treasures in the continent. A mythic grade weapon that made even SS rankers not dare attack Alicia recklessly.

It was found in some ancient tomb and was almost withered. However, Livia knew the true value of the sword. The sword was one of a kind, it was an evolving sword!

The more blood the sword absorb the stronger it gets, using the sword Alicia cleared many dungeons and after she left the illegal mercenary. She became an independent force by her own. It is currently a legendary grade, but in couple of years it evolved to a mythical grade sword. The association didn't like idea of leaving the sword in her hands. However, Livia was smart for a reason. She managed to bribe and please the association using her wealth.

Is she dumb?? Why would she leave this treasure!

" Looks like you already know the value of this sword"

Looking at my bewildered expression, Livia seemed glad that I was shocked, but I could feel her little sorrow of losing such weapon.

Staring at the box, I started racking my brain… should I take it? But this will cripple one of the good sided characters. Alicia was a formidable force in fighting the demons. She managed to reach SS rank and also strengthened the sword to the point of giving her the title ' Demons Annihilator '. Although she was an SS rank, but using this sword she was even compared to the SSS rankers.

Honestly, I don't need this as I already have an Idea of a better weapon for myself, but I am still too weak to even think of taking that. Even If I am not using that weapon, I must prevent it from getting into the hands of that villainess like what happened in the novel. Well thankfully it is still not discovered just yet.

After thinking carefully, I took a deep breath and replied.

" This is indeed a generous offer. However, I must refuse "

A flustered expression appeared in Livias face as she replied in confusion.

"W—Why?? Don't you know how valuable this is?!"

I smiled at her sudden outburst. I didn't want to tell her the truth about the other weapon so I replied ambiguously.

" It is indeed valuable, but I can't take it"

A more confused expression appeared in her face as she asked.

" That doesn't make any sense…. Sigh… do you then have a counter offer?"

After thinking carefully I replied

" Yes "

Annoyed that I already had something in mind she said in a dreadful voice.

" Don't wish for more than what you can get, if you think that I will sacrifice more for the ship then you must have lost your mind"

I understood her words. She probably thinks that I will keep leeching of her and ask more than the value of the sword so to quickly diminish those thoughts I replied with a smile.

" Don't worry.. All I need is the stakes of your merchant group magical crystal mines. Also I want you to buy every magic mine you find available"

Livia was confused at what I said. She tried to confirm again

"…Are you serious? You could buy all the magic crystals in the continent with this sword.."

'Laughing inwardly at her comparison' I asked with a smirk in my face.

" So is that a deal?"

Livia couldn't rap her head around what I was trying to achieve, so in a defeated voice she answered.

"Yes...yes..I accept.. but why? I can't understand your motive"

Silence befall the table as I tried to come up with some Idea, then I replied with a half hearted answer.

" Honestly, taking the sword will make your merchant group lose a big asset, I don't want to weaken your merchant group. As a matter of fact the stronger your influence the better the research you will get from the spaceship, you see I also am interested in the spaceship myself, so take it as me being considerate with you"

Livia sat silently and took a quick glance at her amulet. After checking whether I lied or not she smiled briefly and said in an apologetic tone.

" and here I was terrified of what devious ideas you have.. sorry and thanks again. If you need anything just contact me and don't worry about the stakes as you will have 100% from all the magic mines we possess..would that be okay?"



100….%? I was willing to take like 5 or 10% but the damn whole like 100%?!!

"Yes, it is fine"

After that I signed on the mana contract of the mines ownership, I shared the location of the ship with Livia and left the restaurant while thinking about the future.

The reason why I chose magic mines above all material is because of the upcoming war with the demons. Of all ores and material. The most coveted will be magical crystals. Magical crystals have many uses such as crafting artifacts and also absorbing the pure mana from them. However, the biggest benefit is after meeting the dwarves. The dwarves lands had no magical crystals to use. But once they manage to get a good supply. They can make massive magical cannons that could annihilate a whole army with one sweep.

" It is not as great as that planetary artifact, but it will definitely be a big step in defeating the demons"

Walking back to my dorm I greeted master and went for sleep.


