
Extra Rising

I transmigrated into the game that I loved. Not as protagonist or villain. Neither was heroine nor any hidden characters. I become an extra that not even worth mentioning in the plot. The name? Vincent…Vincent Zander. Remember that name. Because one day, that name will be the name of the strongest in this world. ........................................ This is my first novel so expect some shortcomings. Please leave comments to help me improve. [A/N] I will upload max 5 chapters per week.

Farze · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter 15: Alisa Kozlova

Alisa was one of the most popular heroine inside the game Divine Rising.

She was so popular for various reasons that her merch always sold out even though she started as a character that hates player guts.

Well, even from that point, her popularity was rising since some of her fan seem to could derive unique satisfaction from her constant verbal abuse.

Now then, what type of heroine was Alisa, exactly? In the original game, she is usually aloof and speaks harshly to others, particularly when conversing with men.

As such, when you get close to her, she angrily demands that you get away from her.

She didn't like to get close to anyone, or more accurately, she's fear getting close to anyone.

This was especially true when it comes to men. Proof of this was in the game your likability will barely able to increase up to 40% whatever you do. 

However, she's only like that in the beginning. After a certain in-game event, her attitude does a complete one-eighty, and she starts dating you.

Not only does she become clingy and affectionate, but she also grows super devoted to the player character.

Although, to get to that point, you need to trigger a special event and resolve an incident for her.

Also, she still treats all men besides the protagonist with cold shoulder even after that, to the point of regarding them as less than dirt.

This attitude only seemed to spur on the players' possessiveness.

Then what was Alisa's reason for her hatred and distrust? Vincent might have been watching the very origin of it playing out in front of him.

Vincent's keen eyes narrowed as he sought a vantage point, a hidden alcove where he could silently observe the situation.

Several boulders near him were also useful for hiding.

He needs to gain more information, and useless use of his arcane was foolish at the moment.

With a command, he cancelled both enhance magic and stealth skill, revealing himself, doing his best to make sure he remained hidden from any detection.

Luckily, no one seems to have exceptional detection ability among the people here.

'If they catch on, I'll have to go on the rampage,' Vincent thought, monitoring the surrounding.

Another info also came to his hand; no one has exceptional enough perception among the people here.

With arcane at his fingertip, Vincent redrew the explosive runes he made before on as many goblin cores as he can. His experience made it easier to do it now.

His hand moved in speed that would make normal people felt dizzy watching.

Both sides had their weapons ready for a clash except for Alisa, but they were clearly not evenly matched.

The robe gang's weapons seem to be of higher quality than the one wielded by Alisa's group, and they were heavily outnumbered.

"Lady shouldn't talk so vulgarly. As a fan, I'm disappointed at how you talk, Alisa Kane, or should I say Alisa Kozlova?" One of the robed man said, lowering his hood.

His action pointed out his role as their leader.

Alisa's retort was swift, her blue eyes narrowing as she faced the figure with a fierce determination.

"Disappointed? You must be mistaken if you think I care about your opinion, let alone your disappointment," her voice laced with a cold disdain.

 "You call yourself a fan, yet you're not hesitating a bit when you attack us and kill many more on the way here. Acknowledging genuine fans is one thing, but entertaining scum like you is beneath me."

Despite what the man said, she could see their expression of twisted enjoyment in what they had done.

The robed figure, momentarily taken aback, replied to Alisa's burst of anger with a mocking smile.

"Ouch! That hurt my feeling. Your attitude is truly impressive, but unfortunately for you, no one will come, even if you scream for all day. You will only tire yourself out. Beside do you think we will just look back and reflected on our decision if you lectured us?"

The other robed men also mockingly laugh at her.

She clenched her teeth, and her face contorted in anger. Even as the men slowly backed her up against the wall, the fire in her eyes showed no signs of snuffing out.

The same with the woman on Alisa's side. The only one visibly scared was the blonde man. His hand and teeth trembled in fear, but something's odd.

Vincent bid his time.

Besides, he knew this situation was not quite the end yet.

The events of Alisa's past, revealed to the player after they befriend her, were not quite lined up with the situation in front of him.

The image of Alisa tearfully revealing that she had been betrayed and lost someone close to her had been seared into his brain.

Then who was that someone? The betrayer? The robed guy said he was one of her fan but Vincent doesn't think he was close enough to Alisa to affect her personality.

Until he knew the cause of it, he can't rush in yet.

"Who are you guys? Why did you target us?" Standing in front of Alisa, the black-haired woman asked, sword in hand.

Vincent also turned his attention. 'I didn't remember seeing her in the game.'

The robed man grinned and dramatically pointed at himself. "Hmm? Me? I'm Max. Nice to meetcha, but well, you're mistaken. We're only after her," before shifting his finger towards Alisa.

Alisa widened her eyes at the revelation. Her expression was obscured from the woman and blonde man because of her position, but Max could discern it.

Her face tightened. An expression of more like 'I knew it!' kind of shock and frustration etched on her face.

'So, she knew why we target her? Or maybe she guess it?' Max thought.

"What? Alisa? Why would anyone specifically target her? What's the motive behind all of this?" The woman said, holding her sword towards Max, hostility oozing from her amethyst eyes.

But Max still having the same smile on his face and said: "Just as you heard. Our target is only Alisa Kozlova alone. You two are just collateral damage. As for a reason, you don't need to know."

His eyes focused on the two aside from Alisa before continuing.

"Ah, right, I know. Why don't you just give up? I'll promise you we will not pursue you after that. Or better yet, how about joining us?"

Shocked filled the air as Max offered.

'Now then, what would you two choose?'

Vincent, sensing the gravity of the situation, began his next move. The explosive runes on the goblin cores were ready, and he activate stealth skill to full throttle.

He quickly moves around the room, distributing the explosive goblin cores at the proximity of the robed group in silent while paying attention to their conversation.

"You!" Alisa burst in anger. She wants to lash out 1001 curse, but the next moment she faltered.

"Eh? R-really?" the blonde guy asked.

Vincent glanced at him too, despite continuing his action. The process went smoothly, since they were focused on Alisa's group. And that stupid leader seems to enjoy taking his sweet time.

The woman's eyes narrowed in suspicion at Max. "And why should we believe a word you say? You come here attacking us, and now you expect us to just trust your offer? You too Fred, don't go believing whatever they said."

At the end of her words, she glanced at the blonde guy, Fred, in disapproval.

"Ah! R-right… sorry Shizuku."

Shizuku shook her head, wearing a disgusted expression. "Besides, do you think I will betray my own best friend because of your threat? Don't you fuckers look down on me!"

"Shizuku…" Alisa's voice softened, her eyes flickering for a moment as she watched her best friend stand resolute.

Shizuku's unwavering loyalty touched a chord within her, offering her a glimmer of solace amid the situation.

Vincent smile slightly before he began to close in towards Alisa's group.

In that fleeting moment, Alisa felt a surge of gratitude and relief toward Shizuku, a recognition of the deep bond they had forged together. The tension in her shoulders eased, and she felt a surge of determination.

Her best friend's refusal to yield to the threats, to stand by her side in defiance, was a testament to the strength of their friendship.

"Thank you, Shizuku," Alisa whispered, her words carrying a weight of sincerity. "I never doubted you for a second."

Shizuku nodded in agreement, flashing a reassured smile. The two women shared a silent understanding.

Max's grin threaten to break as he observed the air between Alisa and Shizuku. "Well, aren't you an item?"

Vincent step faltered at Max's comment.

'What the heck you're saying!? Wait, don't tell me Alisa and Shizuku actually lily item!? No, no they're just really close friend.'

Alisa's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. She shot a sharp glance at Max. "Don't you dare twist things with your absurd assumptions. Shizuku and I are friends, nothing more."

Shizuku, though visibly flustered, rolled her eyes and stood her ground. "Yeah, don't go making up stories. We've been friends since forever, and nothing will change that."

'Right! Thank god…hm?' Vincent felt momentary relief before his eyes caught a movement.

His eyes widened, and he rushed forward.

The blonde man was creeping closer to Shizuku, but it's not looking good.

Max glanced over at Shizuku before shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, it doesn't matter to me either way now. You can proceed."

"What is that supposed to…!?" The moment the bald man spoke, Alisa got an ill omen from her hearing before she quickly channelling her arcane…

Towards Fred. He had the brandished his sword towards Shizuku's back. No longer looking like a scaredy-cat. His eyes glowed eerily in the dim dungeon, a crazed smile on his face.

'Here it is. A backstabber!'

Green light gathered at Alisa's palms before it was released.


Vines erupted from the ground, wrapping around Fred's legs and restraining him in a tight grip.

"Hm!?" Alisa's magic left Fred in shock.

His reaction justified, as she had never shown them before. Until now, she only focused on running away while he and Shizuku focused on repelling enemies.

"Heheheh, bwahahahahaha! How come you realised, Alisa!? You ruined my surprise gift for you!"

But Fred didn't seem to care much as he continued intensified his attack, making the vine creaking in protest.

"Huh?!" Shizuku, startled by Alisa's voice and Fred's laughter, turned around to a scene that made her widened her eyes in panic.

Shocked was an understatement, but her shock morphed into confusion and panic.

Why? Because she heard an unfamiliar voice whispered near her.

"Close your eyes and be ready for large-scale magic." It was Vincent's.

His eyes sharpen as he looked at Alisa. Recoiling from the unexpected betrayal, the previously haughty confidence drained from Alisa's face.

She now looked on the verge of tears, biting her lips. From my position, I could tell how much her arms and legs were shaking as she tried her best to restrain Fred from hurting Shizuku.

'This Fred bastard must want to do more than physical damage to them. It was a strange feeling. My brain was ready to boil over in rage, but somehow, my thoughts were clear as day.'

Vincent knows it seems contradictory, but there's no other way to describe the feeling.

The explosive goblin cores were strategically placed, ready to be detonated. A fully charged goblin core in his right palm.

'Now it was go time.'

"Ek!?W-what?" Shizuku exclaimed.

He grabbed Shizuku's small waist with his free hand before he swing his right hand in full force towards Max. How light she is and the soft sensation rubbing to his skin was a pleasant welcomed surprise.


The fully charged goblin core flew at Max

Vincent cancelled his stealth and ran towards Alisa, grabbed her, before quickly pulled both of them flat to the floor. But before that, he didn't forget to smirk at Fred.

"Yes!" Alisa shouted in excitement, entrusting herself to Vincent.

"Huh?" Fred was still locked with vines with a bewildered face, while Vincent got to embrace two beauties.

Truly unfair world.

A brilliant flash was the first thing that came to everyone's senses. Everyone got caught by its attraction.

Flash of light passed through, creating a bright line towards Max.

"Shit!" He tried to shield himself in panic, but the speed it travelled exceed his expectation.

Not even a second later came a deafening blast.


"Arg!" screams of pain started.

And it makes a chain of reaction. Other cores that were placed around the robed group start shining too. Until they can't take anymore and…


Several more concussive blasts came deafening sounds. The room they're in shook they're in shook violently.

Dust and debris filled the air and blast after blast of hot air scorched Vincent's skin as he's struggled to keep Alisa and Shizuku at bay from them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Farzecreators' thoughts