
Extra-ordinary: The Academy

A butterfly effect caused by one explosion changed the fate of the world. This changed the life of 16 years old Elise. After being in a coma for four years, things in the world has changed. The effect of the incident left everyone with a virus that enhanced a particular skill, a unique "Ability". How does Elise try to stabilize her disrupted life as a high school student with abilities? How will her choice affect her life and that of her friends? How would she overcome her new life and all the drama that come with it? Follow Elise as she navigates love, life, memories and abilities in Extraordinary. #EnemiesToLovers #HighSchool #Fantasy #Exes #Drama #Friendship

Ariel14 · Ciudad
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26 Chs

Chapter 16


Elise stared wide-eyed back at Trent, his words resounding in her head. Every cell in her brain tried to process each message.

The Ball… come with me… with me… me… the ball…

"Guys, wait. One last thing before we leave.", Fancy's mellow voice echoes breaking my internal turmoil.

The class hauled themselves to form an irregular circle around Fancy, who had Hannah and Sophie right by her side. Some were standing also, while others resorted to seating.

Bri and Max shared a fishy look as they watched the two winter-haired figures leave their secluded conversation awkwardly. Very sus. Bri attempts a step forward to clarify her suspicions, but the hand of the girl with glasses halted her. Max gave her a shake of the head, in other words, now is not the time to flood them with questions.

"I just want to get down the names of those that already have a set pair. Okay?"

Then, she types into the black mini tablet with the school's emblem on the case, resting on her left arm. Elise glimpses nervously at the stoic male, sitting a row behind her. His shut eyes clearly showed his nonchalant response to all being said. 

"I'll start with the fixed pairs. If you have also found a partner, just indicate." 

Taking the silence as a reply, she began,

"I'll start with Excel and myself…"

The mention of his name sparked a hint of pink across his freckled porcelain skin. Fancy, clueless to the reaction she brought out him, typed away on the tablet.

"Then, Hannah and Senza"

Hannah shot her stone-faced boyfriend an exaggerated wink. The raven-haired boy just stared back at her, his droopy eyes staying steady. Bri shook her head in fake repulsion.

"Finally, Sophie and Pelz"

Fancy then looks around and asks, "Hmm… is there anyone else?"

Inclining on the seat in front of her, Bri runs her hand through her layered strands before signifying to the audience.

Fancy cautioned, "Bri if you want to crack a joke. Don't."

Slipping a hand into her trousers' pocket, she clenched her chest in false despair,

"Ouch! I am utterly offended, Miss Vice President. Regardless, I and Max will be going as a pair."

Hannah rushed to take a seat beside Max, mistrust evident on her face. She just sat bored, hands crossed over her book on her lap.

"Eh… I don't believe it. There is no way. Bri, did you force her? Max, blink twice if you are being threatened"

She took the unbothered female's hands in hers, hoping it was not true. Bri stood there, absolutely gobsmacked at how no one believed her. Turning to Elise for help, the blue-eyed girl was speechless, also finding it hard to be convinced that her best friend would give in to Bri's tactics.

Eventually, the girl with glasses spoke,

"Sophie, write down mine and Bridget's names."

With those words, she released her arm from Hannah's fast grip and returned to her book.

"Max! Don't go with her. Not fair", The blond girl sulked, returning to her place in front.

Everyone was taken aback by the words Max said affirming Bri's truth. A crafty smirk pushed its way to Bri's lips as she slipped into the seat beside the reading girl.

"Oh… Max and Bri-Bri sitting on the tree", Elise sang teasingly at the two.

Bri boldly relaxed her arm on the back of Max's seat, trying to lay her head on the said girl's shoulder,

"Don't even consider it," Max precautioned, not taking her eyes off her book. The preppy girl heeded, gaining a laugh from Elise at their cute exchange. 

"That was new… who else would like to surprise us?" Fancy raised a question to the class in front of her.

"Pricy and" "Debby", the twins said concurrently before ending with a synchronized, "Will be going together".

"I guess it's understandable going with each other.", the petite girl whispered to herself, as she documented it.

At the corner of the crowd, an uneasy, fidgety Tome was being comforted by Sanya. Sanya shared with the younger boy his intent to declare openly their names. Tome wasn't embarrassed by their relationship, he was just anxious about how people would take it. After a moment of internal debate, watching people indicate who they would be partners with, he gave the taller boy a nod of consent. 

Placing a hand on Tome's shoulder, a source of boldness for him and solace for the other boy. He informed,

"Sanya and Tome"

Tome's head stayed bowed, in fear of seeing how people would react to the information. His hands balled on his lap, his nails imprinting into his skin. He could feel all eyes on him, as his breath became unstable. Tears tingled the sides of his tightly shut eyes. 

"Took you two long enough. I didn't want to assume and mention your names earlier. I'm glad you are telling us", Fancy remarked with a happy smile at the two boys.

The distressed boy felt a gentle familiar hand lift his face by the chin. His teary eyes opened to meet honeyed ones gazing back at him. The taller boy crutched in front of him and brushed a stray tear with his thumb. 

" Why is my strong boy crying? Everyone is happy for us, baby boy. Let's love each other happily, day by day. Now, give me a smile or I'll have Bri force it out of you"

"I would be delighted to do that. I haven't teased anyone all day". Letting out a gasp, she exclaims, "President-Nurse Sophie, I think I have a disease. Do you think it is deadly?"

Sophie sighs in frustration at her words, unable to give a reasonable response.

"Must be all the love in the atmosphere", Bri mentions while pinching her nose shut, her loose tie hanging off her neck. 

As everyone, even Tome laughs at Bri's silly antics, one red-haired student looks not too pleased. Sarah finds it hard to suddenly be happy for the new couple. She rolls her eyes, long, slim legs crossed at knee level, as she internally wishes to be anywhere but here. The power of the dome stops her emotions from manifesting through the weather.

Just then, someone extended their hand.

"Samuel, you have something to say?" Fancy asked objectively. 

At the mention of his name, Elise felt cold sweat wash over her. Let's not assume. He might want to say something else. There is no way he would call my name. We haven't spoken for weeks. Chewing on her lower lips in concern, the girl in grey fish braids tried to calm her nerves. There is no way. 

The teleporter rose to his feet, turning to look at Elise. For the love of all things sacred! Earth, this would be a terrific time to open up and take me. Elise scowled her face in frustration as she anticipated the saddening words he was about to say.

"I just wanted to ask…", he started before being interrupted.

"Trent and Elise"

His deep, tired voice bellowed, putting everyone in a state of utter astonishment at the revelation. 

Elise couldn't resist the notion to facepalm herself so hard, she almost gave herself a concussion. Goddammit… but wait, isn't this better than drama with Samuel. Trent, I don't know whether to thank you or curse you. 

Breaking the awkward speechlessness with a cough,

"Okay… this has been... Hmmm... Oh, Samuel! You were about to say something.", she recalled, gesturing for him to speak. 

He quickly took his seat, mumbling a quick "It's nothing". Streaks of anger concealed by sadness were obvious on his face but he refrained from speaking. He just assumed he would have another chance with Elise. Regret bubbled in his mind as he recollected the times she was constantly by his side. The thought of someone else claiming her as their own infuriated him but he kept his emotions in check. This time I will do my best for you, My Elise. Soon, you will be mine again.

"Would that be all?"

After a long minute of silence, Fancy signals for Sophie to conclude,

"The rest that is unpaired can decide on partners from other years or couple yourselves later. With all said and done, let's all make our way out of the dome."

She led the way out, Fancy by her side. Tucking loose strands behind her ear, she muttered to herself, "The silence in my head is giving me a headache. I couldn't hear a single thought".

Slipping into pace with the girls, Elise wiggled her way in between Max and Bri, locking arms with each girl. Hannah, hooking her arms around Senza's waist, gabbed haphazardly about her plans and strategies. Trent strolled lazily behind them, his cold, narrowed eyes looking ahead. 



The head of the school, lifting his head from the paperwork spread across his table, listened as the students strolled out of the room. 

Oblivious to the year 5 students, every nook and cranny of the institution is under 24/7 CCTV surveillance, which can be viewed and heard in Sensei's office. This comprises the meeting room just utilized.

An amused smile appeared on the man's face as he observed the ongoing drama going on in the opposite room, through the screen.

"I want to assume things are about to get intriguing this year"

With a brisk shake of the head, he returned to the documents at hand.

Like, Vote and Leave a comment or else, I will send Sarah's thunder to you. I know where you live….


Dear Chingus,

I decided to try my hands at Third POV. It was not as easy as I thought, having to put everyone's mind and reactions.

It would have been easier if I didn't procrastinate. Kids, please, procrastination is evil. Don't be like Ariel.

Update on my infection: it is goneeeeee. Dobby is free

BL: Bed Friends episode 6 is not for kids. Very meow.

Don't forget to check Rendezvous in High School and comment on what pair of smut you want to see.

It's 3 am. I'm going to bed. 

Drink water and use sunscreen. Love ya


"Fang- My School President ost."