
Extra's Pov

When you think everything's going well, the world will be publicizing his middle finger in your face. I lived a great life, a lovely family, great friends, a good job... I owned everything. Not only that, but I was also a writer... It was my hobby that I loved very much, as my novel “The Land of Survival” was a great success... Little did i realize at the time , that she would be the main reason for turning my life around, i was reincarnated inside my novel l, and worse than that........ inside the body of the much-hated villain frey. That failed villain who dies from the beginning. If a novel has 100 tracks, it will die in 99 of them... and I was not joking here. But who cares about it? I don't want this life... I've already owned everything... Spare me the second chances nonsense... Because one is enough for me.. Fu*k this world and fu*k the son of the b*tch who brought me here... I'm going back to my world... To my life... Whatever it takes.

just_an_extra1 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Between Two Worlds Part 2

"The thing that scares me the most in this life is 'hope'. Don't give me any hope because when you do, I'll go to hell if I have to."

. . .

. . .

I slowly, groggily opened my eyes and heard a sharp, unsettling creaking sound right next to my ear, as if I had suddenly awakened after what felt like a long, drawn-out coma.

Within my limited field of vision, I could see that overly illuminated ceiling, while I found myself lying on that peculiarly uncomfortable playground bed...

To my dismay, this marked the second instance in which I opened my eyes to this exact scene, and truthfully... I earnestly wish to avoid experiencing this unsettling repetition for a third time.

It took me only a fleeting moment to fully comprehend the situation once again, and I couldn't stifle the sound of a heart-wrenching moan that escaped from within me.

"Did I really reincarnated into my own novel?"

This was impossible... Such nonsensical occurrences of being transported to another realm only existed within those foolish works of fiction... It had to be a mere dream, I convinced myself.

Turning my gaze towards the colossal room where I had slumbered and examining its astonishing intricacies, I couldn't help but burst into laughter, albeit at my own expense.

A dream? But what kind of dream possessed such vivid realism? And what sort of dream could evoke a surge of agony within me within a mere few seconds, a pain I had never experienced in my entire existence...

I really got into my story..

I clenched my teeth tightly, digging my fingernails deeply into the flesh of my hands.

A seething heat surged within my head, prompting me to release a gut-wrenching scream with every ounce of strength I possessed.

"Why? Why? Why? Why on earth?"

"Why must this fate befall me, out of all people? I had a life... a family... I had..."

My voice quivered uncontrollably as memories of my father, my family, and my former life flooded my thoughts.

A solitary tear escaped from my eye as I muttered curses under my breath.

In that very moment, I heard that ominous voice once again, piercingly close to my ear.

"Sync completed."

"Host memory successfully transferred."

In an instant, unfamiliar memories flooded into my mind, yet my attention remained fixated on that sound.

With an explosive surge of anger, I leaped off the colossal bed, spewing out incoherent words.

"Fuck you and your sync, you son of a bitch!"

"Who told your damn ass to bring me here? Who the hell wanted a new life?"

"Answer me you son of a bitch…Answer me you motherfucker…Who asked for a second chance at life?"

"Take me back... Take me back to my own life, please."

"I don't yearn for more opportunities... I already possess everything... I don't want this life... Please... take me back..."

After wildly flailing my arms through the air, I eventually crumbled to my knees, the rage dissipating completely, replaced by profound sorrow.

"Please... I beg you... I have a family... I have..."

As I gradually comprehended my situation and the stark reality of what was unfolding, tears streamed down my face. The relentless influx of the body's original memories persisted, completely disregarding my pitiful cries..

In the end, I couldn't help but unleash a scream as loud as I possibly could because that was the only thing I had left to do...

It's worth mentioning that my loud cries had caught the attention of many onlookers, and it wasn't long before several people entered the room. However, I paid them no mind from the start...

All that occupied my thoughts was the crushing truth that I had lost everything...

. . .

. . .

. . .

The days flew by swiftly, within the vast confines of the Starlight Family's grand mansion, where whispers circulated among the maids, discussing the pitiable state to which the young lord of the family had descended...

"The manor has an eerie stillness about it," murmured a maid, exhaling a cloud of smoke as she indulged in her cigarette by the window.

"Yes... Lord Fry appears to have finally lost his sanity," added another maid..

Two girls, both dressed in typical maid attire that you only see in movies.

One of the girls snorted skeptically, "You're saying he's gone mad? That's impossible... Not Fry."

All eyes turned towards the somber maid, the eldest among them, and of course she was like a senpai to them.

"What do you mean? Didn't you witness how he started screaming and wildly gesturing like a lunatic?"

The old maid sighed again before continuing her words…

"That little devil hasn't gone mad, and he won't. I mean, I've served him since he was a child, and I didn't go crazy. How could he?"

The maid scoffed, while a sense of terror washed over the others.

"Lady Frederica, what are you saying? Aren't you afraid he'll overhear us? I don't want to be on his bad side... not after witnessing what he's capable of," trembled the young maid, recollecting the fate that befell those who angered or wronged Frye in front of others.

Becoming a target for Fry was a fate worse than death... You would become a plaything in his hands until you longed for death, a fact well-known to everyone within the palace.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's precisely why people like you don't survive long in this line of work," clicked the seasoned maid, Frederica, shaking her head disapprovingly at the younger maids' posture.

"Anyway... the young lord is likely suffering from depression."

"Depression?" The other maids expressed their confusion.

Observing their bewilderment, Frederica proceeded, "Yes... that little devil, for once in his wretched existence, experienced love for someone other than himself..."

As Frederica's words sank in, the other female servants comprehended the subject of her discussion and responded in unison, "The daughter of the Moonlight Family's lord..."

Affirmatively nodding, Frederica confirmed, "He is utterly infatuated with her, but it appears to be unrequited love. She is beyond his reach, especially considering the influence wielded by the Moonlight Family, and even more so because she chose to sidestep the Starlight Family."

Taking another drag from her cigarette, the seasoned maid continued her somber speech.

"Well, girls, don't grow accustomed to this calmness, as it can swiftly transform into fury... and Frey's wrath often finds its way toward us, so be cautious~"

With that, Frederica concluded her speech and departed, leaving the others in a state of fearful anticipation.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Lying on this accursed bed, I reluctantly opened my eyes once again... for the seventh time.

It had long been extinguished, any hope that this might all be a mere dream. Now, I existed as nothing more than a hollow vessel, sprawled upon this vast bed.

It had already been a week since I found myself transported into this world, inhabiting the body of the detested Frey starlight, the embodiment of evil in my own novel.

He was despised by all, a villain destined to meet his demise. If not at the hands of the story's hero, then one of the heroines would deliver his end.

Even the other antagonists harbored a loathing for Fry.

In truth, he was already dead inside. That was the kind of character he represented.

I mean, isn't that right? As his memories flooded into me, I became acutely aware of the sheer monstrosities he had committed... acts I hadn't even documented in my writing.

And all of this, when he was merely sixteen years old... It was clear that a bright future awaited him.

Well, it's become evident now that signs of my own demise loom ever closer, but who cares, right? Me? Haha, Fuck everything

In all honesty, I have no desire to exist in this world anymore. Earlier, I attempted to harm myself with a knife, hoping to put an end to this ongoing nightmare.

I wanted to commit suicide...

I lacked the bravery and resolve to go through with such an act.

It was in that moment that I truly grasped my own insignificance.

Thus, I have spent the past week engaging in meaningless activities.

My days revolved around eating, using the restroom, showering, and sleeping, trapped in an endless, repetitive cycle that has now occurred seven times.

Several individuals came to visit me, but their presence held no importance to me... I just wanted them to leave me be... Eventually, Fry will meet his demise, so since I am unable to end my own life, I will simply wait for one of the other characterss to kill me..

These past few days have been marked by an eerie calmness... As the young lord of the illustrious Starlight Family, one of the three most influential families in the human domain, Frey leads a life of opulence.

I found myself oddly fixated on his meticulous bathing rituals... The previous occupant of this body had an unwavering obsession with cleanliness, and now, to some extent, I find myself adopting the same peculiarities, even showering twice a day.

The habits of this body trouble me greatly, as if my very existence is gradually being erased by Fry himself, yet I find myself unable to muster much concern...

Living in this world is something I no longer desire...

All I yearn for now is a quiet demise, tucked away in the shadows

Restless, I shifted in my bed...

Morning had already arrived, but I made the decision to indulge in a little more sleep...

Until the demons began their relentless activity, not much would occur in this world, particularly for the Starlight family.

Thus, I found myself with an abundance of free time.

In the first place, the main events of the story wouldn't commence until another year passed, when the protagonist and the remaining characters would enter the 'temple'.

The human realm had experienced a drastic decline, morphing into a colossal empire due to the incessant onslaught of demons. These creatures appeared seemingly out of nowhere, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction...

Yet, humans quickly adapted, harnessing their own powers and enduring countless tears and bloodshed in the process.

There were ways to repel the demons, and in order to strengthen themselves, humanity pooled all their resources to construct a facility where they could harness certain abilities that would guide them in the future.

This place was known as the 'temple'.

However, the temple's events would not unfold until a year later.

I sighed as I rolled over in my bed..."Just hurry up and kill me...".

I fell asleep again, ignoring everything.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Well, I couldn't remain asleep indefinitely, could I?

At present, I sat at my desk, scribbling on some papers and occasionally glancing at videos on my unfamiliar smartwatch.

Humanity had suffered significant setbacks, resulting in the loss of much progress and civilization.

However, through great efforts, they managed to partially recover and reintroduce modern technologies that relied on the awakened human power " the aura" as source of energy.

Despite this partial success, it was not without its limitations, which explained the peculiarities such as the amalgamation of modern and medieval architecture.

Blame me, the author of this novel, for the absurdity I was currently experiencing.

Leaning back in my office chair, I let out another exasperated sigh...

Ordinarily, people would rejoice at being given a second chance at life, but I didn't want it... I didn't need it...

With every passing minute and second, I was consumed by a deep depression as thoughts of my family and the life I left behind plagued my mind.

Truly, life is unfair...


The sound of the door interrupted my thoughts, but I didn't bother finding out who was knocking.

"I apologize for disturbing you, sir. A package has just arrived, and following your previous instructions, we have decided to deliver it directly to you without opening it, ensuring its safety through our procedures."

The maid placed a medium-sized box outside my room and gave a slight bow before departing. "Have a nice day, sir."

The door closed once again, leaving me alone. From the beginning, I had never engaged with the maids, and it seemed that they were accustomed to it.

I glanced at the box on the floor, vaguely recalling that Fry had instructed the maids not to inspect the incoming parcels.

It was likely due to his occasional requests for dangerous items and the presence of supernatural abilities in this world, which made it easy for them to ensure his safety without prying into the contents.

Boredom was consuming me, so I approached the box and decided to open it.

"Let's see what you have here, Old Fry."

As I opened the box, my eyes widened, and I froze in disbelief.

And how could I not? The sight within the box left me speechless.

My lips trembled as I carefully picked up the black device that had been my companion for many years.

There was no mistaking it... It was my personal computer.

I handled it delicately, placing it on the desk, and stared at it in disbelief.

I noticed several marks and scratches scattered across its surface... reminders of past incidents when I accidentally dropped it.

This was the computer I had used for so many years.

The computer on which I wrote my novel and clicked its keys.

What in the world is happening here? Are they playing a cruel joke on me?

With a trembling and expectant voice, I opened the computer, uncertain of what the future held.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

you may find the beginning somewhat repetitive. However, I believe it will not disappoint you.

just_an_extra1creators' thoughts