
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Cómic
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581 Chs

Chapter 393 The 1st question

"Princess Shirahoshi, how could it be you?!"

Jinbei was also a little shocked.

It is more shocking to him than she was selected for the QnA live.

After all, Shirahoshi hasn't leave the a hard-shell tower since she was six years old.

It is difficult for outsiders to see Shirahoshi.

This also means that Shirahoshi had very little knowledge of the outside world.

Jinbei really had a hard time understanding why Shirahoshi was chosen to answer the question.

Jinbei suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly became solemn.

If that incident is exposed, it will not be a good thing for the Fishman Island.

Seeing that Jinbei's face was not very good, Shirahoshi panicked.

Jinbei saw Shirahoshi's expression on the verge of crying, and realized that his expression just now scared the little girl.

He quickly change his expression, but the worry in his heart could not be dissipated.

What exactly does Luke want to do?

And on the other side of the sea.

On the legendary pirate ship, the Flying Dutchman.

Van Der Decken and his subordinate are also watching the live broadcast.

The moment Van Der Decken saw Shirahoshi, the whole person seemed to shock

Ever since Shirahoshi was six years old when he discovered that Shirahoshi is the legendary Poseidon, he made up his mind to marry Shirahoshi and turn the power of Poseidon into his own.

This is the goal of their Van Der Decken family for hundreds of years.

Van der Deaken I to IX are now the current Van Der Decken, and their goal in life is to find Poseidon.

Of course, he couldn't miss the opportunity that his ancestors had wanted to achive for hundreds of years.

So in the last eight years, Van der Deaken proposed to Shirahoshi and "sends" Shirahoshi gifts every day.

This so-called gift is something like a love letter.

He is a target target devil fruit user, as long as the person marked by him, no matter where he/she is, the things he throws can hit the marked person.

Eight years ago, he found out that Shirahoshi is Poseidon and tagged Shirahoshi without anyone noticing.

Shirahoshi has been harassed by this guy since then, and due to Van der Deaken's "wishful thinking" over the years, nothing has happen.

So this guy started to turn "love" into hate, and the gift to Shirahoshi changed from a nauseous love letter to a sword and axe.

That's why Shirahoshi had to hide in a hard shell tower.

Every day, weapons are thrown from nowhere, and there is no way to defend it.

Neptune was furious to be haunted by such a lunatic.

King Neptune had Van Der Decken be wanted for eight years ago.

But this sea is too vast and mysterious.

The fishmans only need to hide in the depths of the sea, and even the royal guard themselves cannot find a trace.

Van der Deaken is also captain of the Flying Dutchman.

The entire pirate group lives in the darkest trenches under the sea.

This is a place that even fishmans don't really go to.

This is the first time Van Der Decken has seen Shirahoshi after eight years. Eight years ago, he thought that Shirahoshi would be a beautiful bride when she grew up. Eight years later, Shirahoshi is already quite as beautiful as he imagined when she grew up.

This is his fiancee.

Van Der Decken is happy, this time he wanted to send another love letter to Shirahoshi, and he wanted to see how Shirahoshi would look when he received the love letter.

After all these years, why not respond to him.

Van der Deaken swiped with pen and paper. Years of writing experience made him quickly get a numb love letter.

Van Der Decken excitedly put the love letter into the envelope, and then held the envelope and often tossed it in the air.

No matter where or where Shirahoshi is, as long as his ability is activated, the envelope will automatically aim at Shirahoshi and fly away.

Just when Van Der Decken thought so, he saw that after the envelope was thrown by Van Der Decken, it did not fly to Shirahoshi as he imagined.

Instead, it floated up and then fell again.

Target Target fruit failed.

Van Der Decken's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

how come?

How could his abilities fail?!

Van Der Decken couldn't believe his eyes.

He picked up another axe and marked it on his subordinate, and then threw it in the opposite direction. The axe first flew in the opposite direction, and then turned sharply as if consciously towards the subordinate marked by Van der Deaken. 

As Van der Deaken's men fled in terror, it fell on him.

Seeing this, Van Der Decken realized that his ability had not failed.

However, Shirahoshi's mark did not disappear

 there is only one reason for that.

That is this mysterious answering live room.

Van Der Decken naturally knew the QnA

He is also greedy for the reward after the QnA.

Just now he "sent" a love letter to Shirahoshi, on the one hand, he wanted to see Shirahoshi's response to him.

On the other hand, he want to see where Luke's base is.

As long as he can seize this opportunity, he will be able to pocket two of the only three Ancient Weapons in the world.

This is something he had never thought about before.

Did not expect such an opportunity to arise.

Not to mention Luke's treasure trove.

There must be more and better things out there, constitution potions, spiritual potions, healing potions, Enhancement scrolls...

These kinds of things... As long as he get these, the ambitions of his clan will definitely be realized!

Van der Deaken originally wanted to send a love letter first, and then pass on the entire Flying Dutch Pirates, while Shirahoshi is in the answering room.

And now, his powers turned out to be ineffective against Shirahoshi.

Van der Deaken couldn't send a love letter, and he grabbed one of his subordinates to throw him over, but there is no sign of automatically aiming at the target.

The mark didn't disappear, and his ability didn't fail, just for Shirahoshi who appeared in the answering room.

This means... Van Der Decken suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Luke on the screen, this man is able to block his abilities.

Who is this guy?

For the first time, he found that his ability had been cracked, which made Van Der Decken feel particularly bad.

At the same time, this also means that his plan to find Luke is also fail.

Shirahoshi finally got out of the hard shell tower, his chance to get Shirahoshi is gone, and the rare chance to get Pluton and Poseidon at the same time is gone.

This disappointed Van Der Decken with red eyes, this is the closest he has come to realizing his ambitions... Damn it...

But if Van Der Decken thinks this way, it is obviously overthinking.

Not to mention that Luke's answering room is inside the enchantment of the system, completely isolating everything from the outside.

Even if someone is outside, there is no way to get in.

Before in the Holy Land Mariejois.

Luke trapped the Five Elders inside, and the Marine Admiral and CP0 outside could only stare.

Even if Van Der Decken could come in, it would be useless

Wanting to grab something from Luke's base is simply overthinking.

At this moment, Van der Deaken seemed to be stared at by some terrifying existence.

For some reason, he had a feeling in his heart.

Luke is looking at him.

Obviously, the place where Luke is located should be far away from him. He is in the deepest trench under the sea. It is impossible for Luke to see him.

However, he just had the feeling that Luke is looking at him now.

The corner of Luke's mouth on the screen suddenly evoked a sneer, and Van der Deaken felt a chill in his heart when he saw this scene.

In the next second, Van Der Decken seemed to have received a huge impact, and the impact seemed to fall from the sky, directly pressing him to the ground.

At this moment, Van Der Decken suddenly realized what kind of existence he is greedy for, and even thought of robbing Luke.

Immediately afterwards, Van der Deaken is pressed from the deck of the pirate ship, the Flying Dutchman, to the deep pit on the seabed.

Van der Deaken's men saw that the boss suddenly disappeared, and a deep pit appeared on the deck, which went all the way to the bottom of the sea.

They moved the boat away before finding the captain embedded in the pit on the bottom of the sea.

At this time, Van Der Decken had lost consciousness, fractured his whole body, and vomited blood, as if he was about to die.

On the screen, Luke seemed as if nothing had happened, the sneer on his face disappeared, he looked at the audience in front of the screen and said:

"Welcome back to the Q&A Live Broadcast, a new Q&A live broadcast has started again. The contestant who participated in our answer this time is Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess from Ryugu Kingdom, who is the daughter of Neptune, the current king of Ryugu Kingdom. As for the other Jinbei from The Fishman Island. "

Luke sneered suddenly, just for a moment.

Although people felt that Luke just now is a little strange, nothing happened and nothing is taken seriously.

However, the Five Elders, who had been staring at Luke, saw Luke's expression just now, and it is obvious that this is a feeling of being offended.

This is a situation that has not occurred in the live broadcast of the QnA before.

And this kind of offense doesn't seem to be directed at the mermaid princess Shirahoshi and Jinbei who appeared in the answering room, but at someone else.

In the end what happened?

Why does Luke suddenly show such an expression?

Did something just happen that displeased Luke?

The Five Elders have been trying to find and deal with Luke, but have never had a chance.

So any details about Luke will make them think carefully and try to find clues that can catch Luke.

It is just a momentary change, and the Five Elders were very concerned.

Just as the Five Elders were thinking about the reason for Luke action

People all over the world caused an uproar because of Luke's introduction.

Unexpectedly, this time the chosen mermaid is not an ordinary mermaid, but the legendary mermaid princess.

Ordinary mermaids are already rare in the world.

The living mermaid princess appeared in front of them.

The whole world is excited for a while.

At the beginning, let them see this rare thing.

"Let's welcome the participation of these two participant. Without further ado, let's start with the first question. Thirteen years ago, a big event happened in the holy land of Mariejois, a Fishman Fisher Tiger set fire to Mariejois, freeing countless slaves of Tenryuubito. Even if this act is seen as a heroic act for freeing slaves. But Mariejois is, after all, the center of the World government and the place where Tenryuubito live. If he hurts Tenryuubito, it will inevitably lead to the revenge of the World government. At that time, Marine, Marine Admiral, and Cipher Pol will all arrest him.

Question: Why did Fisher Tiger take such a risk to set fire to Mariejois, and what is his real reason for doing so? Time limit starts at one minute."

The real reason?

This question is a little confusing.

Fisher Tiger set fire to Mariejois.

This is a major event that shocked the world back then.

Holy Land Mariejois, established in the World government for 800 years to the present.

This is the first time this has happened.

The first time someone burned the Tenryuubito home.

Know that hurting a single hair on Tenryuubito will provoke Marine Admiral's vengeance.

Not to mention burning Mariejois.

It is Fisher Tiger who dared to risk his life and did things that many people wanted to do but were afraid to do.

Therefore, Fisher Tiger is still an idol in the hearts of many people.

Those scumbags Tenryuubito, they have long wanted to wipe out these guys.

Looking back on this incident, they respect Fisher Tiger's action even more.

This is a real warrior and hero, it's a pity that more Tenryuubito were not burned to death, or it would be even more relieved.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
