

Chapter 101 Leonard and his grandfather (please vote for me!!!)


Chapter 101 Leonard and his grandfather (please vote for me!!!)

After coming out of Cattleya's captain's cabin, Renekton went to Frank's laboratory and found Bugs Bunny and Paz eating fruit and dried fish.

"Boss, why are you here? Are you looking for someone to fight again?"

When Bugs Bunny saw Renekton walking in, he didn't even move his buttocks and lazily gnawed on the fruit and said.

Renekton looked helplessly at this cat-like rabbit.

"It shouldn't have stayed with that bastard cat Paz all day in the first place." Renekton complained silently in his heart.

Renekton took a deep breath, resisted the urge to kick the fat rabbit and said:

  "I'm here to say goodbye to Frank. We're leaving the Future soon."

"Leave the Future?" Frank repeated in surprise.

"Yes, I have a new mission. I can't stay at sea for the time being. I may still have to trouble you with the experiment. I will leave the messenger's spell. If you have any questions, you can contact me through the messenger at any time."

Renekton finished the matter in one breath.

Frank nodded:

  "No problem, there is already a result here."

As Frank spoke, he rummaged through a pile of mushrooms from the laboratory, put them into a pile of sacks, and handed them to Renekton.

"Here! These are the improved mushrooms according to your suggestion. Their biggest advantage is that they reproduce quickly. Moreover, I also specially made several fruit and sea fish flavors according to the opinions of Paz and Bugs Bunny."

Frank said with a proud look on his face, and then explained the details of the mushroom:

"I just gave these mushrooms a little more flavor. They are essentially ordinary mushrooms."

"However, the rapid reproduction of this mushroom requires certain nutrients and humidity. It cannot be grown in all places, and long-term cultivation will cause certain damage to the environment."

"This cannot be avoided without adding the influence of extraordinary power."

Renekton nodded and took the mushroom handed over by Frank:

"Okay, I get it. This is pretty good. I will contact the Church of the Earth after I leave the Future Ship, and I will explain that these mushrooms were optimized and improved by you."

At the end, he added:

  "I think those people from the Church of the Earth will look at you differently. Although their opinions are not important, the Mother Goddess of Earth may also look at you with admiration!"

"Praise the Mother Goddess!" Frank praised the Mother Goddess in a very pious tone.

Renekton nodded and did not answer. His status was not suitable for him to say such words of praise to the Mother Goddess.

Especially since there is a Cherubeus from the Church of Knowledge who may take a look at him at any time.

Renekton turned his gaze to Paz who was looking at him again:

  "Are you going to leave with me?"

"No, I want to be a pirate, meow!"

Not surprisingly, Paz rejected Renekton's proposal. He had long discovered that the domestic cat had turned into a wild cat.

"Yeah, but I will tell Eliza's brother later about your time as a pirate on the Future."

During his stay on the Future, Renekton never revealed his encounter with Paz in his correspondence with Yas.


Paz shook his head and meowed, like an ordinary black cat that couldn't understand human speech.

"Stop just eating small fish. The money you paid for the ingredients for the Sequence 8 magic potion hasn't been returned to the captain yet! Be careful of working on the ship for the rest of your life, working with small fish for no wages."

Renekton warned the bastard black cat.

Then he took a bag of mushrooms given by Frank and returned to his room with Paz. Pack up your belongings and put them all in the library through the consciousness magic that communicates with the library deep in the spiritual world.

"Okay, that's done, it's time for us to go to the next place."

Renekton packed the remaining things into a leather suitcase, and Bugs Bunny jumped on Renekton's shoulders.

Renekton's eyes were covered with a layer of light blue fluorescence, and then his body and Bugs Bunny on his shoulders became transparent and disappeared.

"Wait a minute, Meow!" Paz rushed over quickly.

As a result, it missed the target and hit the wall panel of the room.

"Leave me the crib! I don't want to sleep on the wooden board! Meow~"

There was a sadness in Paz's voice, but unfortunately there was no one in the room.

After six or seven consecutive trips to the spirit world, Renekton arrived in Loen. He took Bugs Bunny's toy cane and relied on the divination staff to find his way.

Finally, after traveling through the spirit world three times, Renekton and Bugs Bunny successfully arrived in Tingen City.

"I don't know where the plot is now. I don't remember much about the details of the timeline." Renekton pondered in his heart.

I found a decent hotel in the city and booked a room.

In line with the principle of finding hidden sages when you have difficulties. Renekton put down his suitcase in the room and immediately began to pray to the Hidden Sage:

"The sage who has insight into the world, the eyes that pry into the truth, the embodiment of endless knowledge and spiritual numbers!"

"I pray to you, for a prophecy, where should the next events unfold?"

The Hidden Sage responded quickly, and a picture of a small town quickly appeared in Renekton's mind. However, Renekton couldn't tell which place this was at all. Fortunately, the Hidden Sage was reliable and even gave him the sentence "Morse Town".

"Morse Town?" Renekton thought for a long time before he remembered what the plot was.

"The divine blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun! Although I don't know if I need a ritual to be promoted to a mystic scholar, it is definitely a good deal to get it." Renekton quickly determined what he was going to do next.

Go get the Eternal Fierce Sun Blood from that sealed object, and if appropriate, you can get to know the current Klein.

"Wait for me here while I go out."

Renekton said to Bugs Bunny, who was lying aside, a little dizzy from traveling in the spirit world.

Bugs Bunny, who was as weak as if he was motion sick, moved his paws and stopped moving.

When Renekton saw this, he no longer cared about the rabbit that was wandering through the spirit world. He threw Bugs Bunny's toy cane up and used the spirit world travel in the direction of the tip of the stick.

Renekton traveled through the spirit world and came to the town of Morse. Renekton appeared in a remote part of the town, his face a little pale and very ugly.

"Damn! I consumed too much spiritual energy and almost fell into an unknown place."

Renekton fell out of the spirit world feeling dizzy.

Traveling through the spirit world through analysis and imitation consumes much more spiritual energy than a planeswalker.

Renekton meditated and rested in place, regaining some spirituality before he started to take action.

Renekton, who was walking in the town and observing his surroundings, noticed the fluctuations in the power of the Sun Realm not far away.

"So lucky? Did we just meet him when we first came here?" Renekton whispered in surprise.

Then he approached the direction where the power of the Sun Domain exploded, and he saw Klein standing outside Morse Church. The other person seemed to feel something under his gaze and looked over here.

Renekton had no choice but to use the spirit world to travel again and appeared directly in Morse Church.

"Huh?" Klein looked away in confusion.

He felt as if he had been glanced at just now, but there was nothing there.

"Did you feel too much pressure from making the Sun Flame Talisman just now?"

Klein whispered and stopped paying attention to the situation here.

Renekton, who appeared in Morse Church, immediately took out a scroll.

"Secret" was recited in a low voice in dragon language, and the scroll burned automatically and released the secret power, isolating the interior of the church.

"who are you!"

A handsome but somewhat slovenly young man with short dark hair and green eyes spoke up warily.

The other party made a warning move to draw a gun, but suddenly paused, as if someone told him that the other party was much stronger than him.

"Shh! Keep your voice down, I don't mean any harm."

Renekton touched his lips with his right index finger and said.

But Leonard, who was nervous on the opposite side, clearly didn't believe it and took a step back nervously. Renekton was a little helpless, feeling like a perverted villain now.

"Hello, grandpa, how about we make a deal!"

Renekton didn't explain anything and spoke directly to Leonard.


Leonard suspected that the guy opposite him was a mid-range lunatic on the verge of losing control.

Renekton found that Pales ignored him at all, so he spoke again and gave some more information:

  "Pallez Zoroaster, as an angel in the path of thieves, you should be able to detect what is on my body. Let's talk! It's just a small deal. You will definitely not refuse it."


Leonard's green eyes were filled with disbelief and shock.

"I refuse! The one in you is at best a Sequence 2 angel, and this is a church in the dark night."

Leonard spoke again, but this time his voice became obviously older.

Seeing that Palles finally responded to him, Renekton breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he was willing to communicate, it would be easy.

"You misunderstood what I meant. I was talking about my status as the Beloved of Knowledge and the blessing of the Earth Mother Goddess. This should prove that I have no ill intentions towards you!"

Renekton opened his mouth to explain.

"Ha! This is Loen, not Fenebaud, and certainly not Lundborg!"

Pales replied disdainfully.

"That's why it's even more impossible for me to do anything here!"

Renekton waved his hand, feeling helpless. Pales was too wary of him.

"Let me talk about my bargaining chips first! I know a thief who passed by the demigod's location. He was so seriously injured that he could only survive as a parasite in the body of a mouse."

Renekton spoke first and stated his conditions. Finally he added:

  "You don't have to worry about what's wrong with this news. I can swear in the name of the God of Knowledge that the demigod parasitic on the mouse is a descendant of the Jacob family. It also cultivated a thief without any common sense. I think , it should be a supplement to your recovery of strength!"

Pales fell silent, and the dark church instantly became silent.

 Poor baby, come and ask for some monthly tickets! ! (●˙˙●)

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 102 The Blood of the Eternal Fierce Sun (please vote for me!!)


Chapter 102 The Blood of the Eternal Fierce Sun (please vote for me!!)

"Old man, what does he mean?"

Leonard regained control of his body, his tone somewhat confused and suspicious of the old man inside him.

Renekton didn't wait for Pales' reply, and then gave him the bargaining chip:

"I can also help you once when you encounter Amon. The conflict between you and Him is inevitable. And I encountered Amon once at the end of last year, and there were some conflicts. Of course, those Amon have already Purified."

"Why should I believe you? Maybe you have become Amon's clone at that time!"

Pales said again through Leonard.

"I'm not wearing a monocle. Trust me, you can get the protection of knowledge. It's better than this, right? Are you sure the goddess will take care of you?"

Renekton raised his glasses on the bridge of his nose and continued to persuade.

"Oh, you actually call the night a goddess? Does the God of Knowledge know?"

Pales opened his mouth and taunted.

Renekton swallowed, "Why do you feel that except for hunters, every person is a provocateur!".

"It's quite provocative for you to say this in front of the Beyonders of the hunter path!"

Pales used the same operation as Amon to read Renekton's heart.

Thinking that the other party was reading his thoughts, Renekton simply recalled the memory of his encounter with Amon in his mind.

After a while, Renekton saw Leonard's expression on the opposite side becoming a little colorful, thinking that the other person was whispering to the old man in his body again.

Pales' tone when he spoke again became a little strange:

  "You? What does it have to do with knowledge?"

"Huh? It's the relationship between the beloved and the gods!"

Renekton was a little confused, but he still replied sincerely.

Pales didn't ask any more questions, and instead asked about the content of the transaction:

  "What's your deal?"

"Huh? You agree? My promise is what I just said, news about a thief demigod who is in poor condition, plus I will help you once when you encounter Amon."

Renekton saw Pales relenting and said immediately. Then he pointed at the mutated sun holy symbol in Leonard's hand and said:

"I need you to help me take out the drop of the divine blood of the eternal blazing sun from this mutated holy symbol of the sun and give it to me."

"The divine blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun?

"Pallez's tone became strange again.

"You said this badge contains divine blood! It's from the Eternal Blazing Sun!" This exclamation came from Leonard.

"Don't make a fuss!"

Pales said something into Leonard's body, and then took over control of Leonard's body. Speaking through Leonard:

  "Okay, but do you have a container that can hold the divine blood?"

Renekton was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this problem before coming here. Something like divine blood cannot be contained in ordinary bottles, and once it is taken out, the aura it emits is likely to be noticed by the corresponding god.

"You're not prepared?"

Pales' tone was a little angry, and he felt that this little kid was just here to make fun of him.

Renekton scratched his head and said with embarrassment:

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get one."

In the church at night, it was not convenient to recite the names of other gods or angels, so Renekton directly passed through the circle of the spiritual warlock and entered the library deep in the spiritual world.

As soon as he arrived at the library, Renekton saw Mr. Huang and a thin old man wearing lemon yellow robes and a long white beard sitting across from each other, and both turned their heads to look at him.

Renekton instantly knew the identity of this old man, one of the seven pure lights in the spiritual world, Yellow Light Venetan.

"Mr. Huang, Mr. Venetan, good afternoon!"

Renekton suddenly realized that Mr. Huang was a bit awkward to call when he and Huang Guang were together.

"There is no such concept of morning and afternoon in the spiritual world." Mr. Huang responded.

"Mr. Huang, I have an urgent matter that I need your help with. Do you have a vessel that can hold the divine blood?"

Renekton didn't pay attention to Mr. Huang's preaching, and eagerly asked about the vessels that could be used to contain the blood of the Eternal Sun.

"Divine blood?" Huang Guangwei looked at Renekton in surprise.

"No, the divine blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun is too noisy. Ordinary vessels will be directly assimilated and start to praise the sun without thinking." Mr. Huang shook his head and said.

Mr. Huang's answer surprised Renekton. Due to his previous response, Renekton had never thought about the possibility that Mr. Huang did not have a vessel that could be used to contain the divine blood.

Mr. Huang, who was sitting with Huang Guangweinitan, glanced at Renekton with a bored expression, and then drove Renekton out of the library with a wave of his hand.

"Hmph! Silly, your messenger can be used to temporarily store the divine blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun. Just throw that book back quickly and everything will be fine."

Mr. Huang's voice echoed in Renekton's mind.

Renekton came back to his senses, and the scene in front of him had changed back to Morse Church.

Leonard was looking at Renekton curiously, wondering what Grandpa Pales had just said to him.

Renekton was still wondering that Mr. Huang's temper seemed a bit strong today. Leonard looked at him curiously for a long time before he came to his senses. "I have something that can temporarily hold the blood of the Eternal Sun."

Renekton looked at Leonard opposite and said.

"You got it so quickly?" Pales' tone was a little suspicious.

Renekton was speechless when he thought of something that could contain the blood of the Eternal Sun. It turned out to be his own messenger. And judging from what Mr. Huang said, it usually stays in that library.

"I found it. I have it myself, but I need to wait a moment to make full use of such a mutated Holy Emblem of the Sun."

Renekton wanted to first use the divine blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun to make two talismans, and also give some hush money to the poet classmate.

As soon as I finished speaking, I remembered that I didn't bring any ritual materials with me. At this moment, Renekton wanted to slap himself.

"How come I have become as forgetful as the Sleepless Ones!" Renekton complained to himself.

"Do you have any misunderstandings about the Sleepless Man?"

Leonard retorted on behalf of the sleepless ones.

"That's right, forgetfulness is a nightmare! Let's not talk about this anymore. I will take out the thing containing the divine blood and start directly. This Mr. Leonard, I will bring you your hush money later. I am leaving today. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to bring the ritual materials."

Renekton waved his hand, not wanting to dwell on this topic.

In fact, Renekton didn't even have the ritual materials to summon the messenger, but since he knew that the messenger was staying in the library, and Mr. Huang threw him back so directly, Renekton felt that there was a simpler way to summon the messenger.

Renekton closed his eyes and meditated, then shook his own spirituality. The spirituality behind him is like a complete ring made of gears and chains emerging from the rippling water.

"A spirit that wanders in illusion, an upper-world creature that is friendly to humans, and is the messenger of Al Taines alone."

Reciting the summoning incantation of his own messenger, Renekton also communicated with the library deep in the spiritual world through the ring behind him.

After a while, a brass-colored book fell in front of Renekton from the spirit world.

Renekton reached out and took his messenger into his hand, and handed it to Leonard:

  "Let's get started, this is what is used to temporarily hold the blood of the Eternal Fierce Sun."

Leonard stared at Renekton with weird eyes for a long time. Renekton felt that not only Pales, but Leonard himself was also staring at him with this weird eyes.

"Okay!" Pales' old voice sounded.

Then Renekton saw the shadow of an ancient mottled huge wall clock appearing above Leonard's head. This shadow was divided into twelve grids. Each grid was either gray or green and black, intermingled with each other, with clear boundaries and symbols. Each is different.

The shadow of this huge ancient mottled wall clock turned slightly clockwise. Renekton felt as if he heard the illusory bell, but when he listened carefully, there was no sound.

The Holy Emblem that Leonard held in his hand, infected by the blood of the Eternal Fierce Sun, became a little duller, and the surface gloss decreased, but it was not obvious, but as long as you didn't look carefully, you couldn't find it.

The ancient and mottled shadow of the huge wall clock gently rotated counterclockwise again, returned to its original position, and then quickly faded and disappeared.

At the same time, the brass-colored book Renekton held in his hand turned golden, as if it were made of gold.

"Okay, don't forget your promise!"

Pales's voice came again, but it was a little weaker than before.

Renekton threw the book messenger that turned golden in his hand back to the spirit world, letting the messenger return to the library by himself.

"The demigod parasitic on the rat is hiding on Becklund Street in Backlund. The student it plans to use to supplement itself is called Hazel Macht, the daughter of Congressman Macht. You should be very happy with this information. Easy to find it."

Renekton directly told Pales and Leonard the information about the rat demigod. Finally, he added:

  "I don't know what's going on with the demigod who is a thief now, but it will definitely be like this when you get to Backlund. You can understand that this is a prophecy."

Since it was still a while before Leonard left for Backlund, Renekton felt that the rat demigod had most likely not yet started the most unlucky period of his life.


Leonard frowned slightly and looked at Renekton suspiciously.

"You also heard the incantation I used to summon the messenger just now. You can summon it through the ritual of summoning the messenger. If you need it, you can contact me. I will leave first. I will give you the hush money for you later."

After receiving the divine blood of the Eternal Sun, Renekton couldn't wait to leave.

After saying this, Renekton imitated traveling through the spirit world and left Morse Church.

"Old man, are his words credible? That prophecy? And the demigods he mentioned about the Thief Path? Also, are you really an angel on earth?"

After Renekton left, Leonard immediately muttered a series of questions to himself in the air in front of him.

"You have too many questions. His relationship with knowledge is obviously unusual. That prophecy should be true. As for your worries, there is absolutely no need. You are not an extraordinary person in the thief path. If you are not satisfied, you can use it to let me swallow you." Remove the conditions for recovering part of your strength."

Pales didn't explain much to Leonard.

"Yes!" Leonard wanted to say something.

"Okay, I just helped that kid get the divine blood to cover up his breath, which made my already bad old man even more uncomfortable. I'm going to sleep for a while."

"Don't come to me if you have nothing to do! Don't come to me if you have something to do! If you have trouble, just call that guy's messenger. Before he gives you hush money, blackmail if you need to."

After Pales finished speaking this long paragraph, he fell silent.

"Old man!" "Old man?"

Leonard called Palles for a long time, but got no response.

 ΦωΦPlease give me monthly votes for ideas! ! Please! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 103 Secret Master

Fitness Fun in the Park

0.00 / 0.00

Chapter 103 Secret Master

  Renekton traveled through the spirit world and returned to the hotel in Tingen City. Bugs Bunny had fallen asleep on the table.

"It seems that traveling in the spirit world has a really big impact on it! I used to know that people get motion sickness and seasickness, but I didn't expect that people still get sick in traveling in the spirit world now."

Renekton sighed in his heart, walked to the window of the hotel, closed the curtains, and then put his coat on the coat rack aside. The whole person lies on the bed and restores his consumed spirituality through meditation.

After his spiritual recovery was almost complete, Renekton slowly got up from the bed. He took out all the ritual materials in the leather suitcase and quickly prepared a ritual to communicate with the library deep in the spiritual world.

The potion materials and an extraordinary characteristic that Renekton needed fell directly from the passage created by the ritual.

Then, through the arranged ceremony, he reversed the operation and took out the bottle of magical seeds that Bugs Bunny carried on his back, and sent it into the library.

After the ceremony, Renekton quickly tidied up the room.

"Wouldn't Mr. Huang be there to help me every time I take items from the library or store things? It would be great if the messenger had hands and feet. Asking Huang Sheng to help with this kind of thing is a bit too much."

Renekton thought of a point that he had never noticed before.

Before, Renekton always thought that the library was very smart, but after meeting Mr. Huang with a bad temper today, Renekton couldn't help but think more deeply about the details that he usually didn't pay much attention to.

"No matter what, prepare for promotion first, and then go ask Mr. Huang." Renekton quickly made up his mind.

Arranging the taken out materials one by one, taking out a prepared glass, Renekton directly followed his intuition and began to put in the appropriate materials, poured in pure water, and finally poured out the extraordinary properties of the secret master Add to glass bottle.

A bottle of potion that was like mercury and sparkling with sparkling light was prepared. There were many brassy glimmers floating in it, outlining mysterious and unknown symbols.

Renekton fumbled out of his pocket and took out a rune gold coin that he had exchanged before, popped it out in his hand, and performed a simple divination.

After waiting for the affirmative result, Renekton raised his head and drank the potion. The potion melts in the mouth and does not slip into the esophagus at all.

Renekton felt his head suddenly sting and became dizzy, as if his soul was being ripped away from his body. Countless weird and incomprehensible things are creeping into my mind.

At this moment, Renekton had the illusion that all the secrets of the world were open to him. At this moment, Renekton felt as if he knew everything and was omnipotent.

In the reality that Renekton couldn't see, the skin of his body was cracking, and his body seemed to be disintegrating into open books, with eyes growing out of the flesh one after another.

Loss of control and madness spread quietly.

When Renekton was gradually losing himself, the discussions, thoughts and whispers of a group of people reached Renekton's ears, which brought Renekton back to his gradually lost self.

Renekton heard these voices discussing the papers he had published, the opinions he proposed, and the ideas that everyone agreed with were like an anchor, keeping his self-understanding clear and no longer lost.

In this state, Renekton cannot sense the passage of time, but he can find that the knowledge in his mind is constantly increasing, and his understanding of the world and its rules are constantly deepening.

It wasn't until the potion's physical and mental transformation was completed that Renekton was freed from this state, and his soul and body were reunited.

His body trembled briefly, as if he had experienced something terrible.

Renekton looked around the hotel room, and countless pieces of information were automatically presented in his mind:

  The layout style of the hotel, the age of the furniture, the dust on the ground, the smell in the room, the angle of light through the curtains, all the details were clearly presented in Renekton's mind, and he analyzed them one by one. .

"Tsk~ It feels a little uncomfortable. My brain seems to be running at high speed all the time."

Renekton murmured softly.

The Sequence Five occult instructor did not acquire new extraordinary abilities. Instead, he greatly improved all his previous extraordinary abilities and increased his learning, thinking, and spell-casting abilities.

The most important thing is the "imitation" ability of the erudite. Now it is no longer imitation, but the ability to develop one's own secret skills through the understanding of corresponding knowledge. There is no longer a big gap with the original version, and it can even be stronger than the original version.

"The feeling that I just had as if I had understood all the rules of the world was really addictive. If I hadn't carefully published two more papers in the newspaper before, I feel that it would be more difficult to be promoted this time."

Renekton recalled the scene when he was promoted just now. He has an intuition that the feeling of having insight into the rules of the world has a lot to do with being promoted to the Insight of Sequence Three. That will also become the biggest obstacle to his promotion to Sequence Three.

The ritual required to be promoted to a Secret Master of Reader Path Sequence 5 is to publish a paper that is widely recognized.

Judging from the promotion process just now, Renekton also understood that the focus of this ceremony was to gain widespread recognition, which was equivalent to obtaining part of the anchor in advance.

Although it is not as stable as the anchor of faith, it only needs to survive the promotion process.

Renekton also had to thank the Emperor for leaving a way for people to survive and not carrying too many things to this era. Of course, Renekton felt that the reason why Russell did not do this was that his previous knowledge was not comprehensive enough.

Through his cooperative relationship with the Church of the Earth, Renekton published a paper on grafting technology in the Clock Tower Academic Journal controlled by the Church of Knowledge.

To ensure the effectiveness of the ritual, Renekton also published two research papers on psychology. Of course, it was all done through memory spells and copied some papers and information from magazines that I had read before. Renekton felt that the ritual preparations he had made were far beyond those of ordinary scholars, but there was still a lot of risk when he was promoted just now.

"Because it is rare to see descriptions of losing control due to taking potions in novels, I misjudged the risks and difficulties of promotion."

Renekton sighed in his heart and had a new assessment of the risks of promotion.

What happened in the past two days had a great impact on Renekton's mentality, but Renekton himself felt that this should be a good thing, which showed that he was more integrated into the world.

After the promotion was completed, Renekton calmed down his somewhat restless spirituality. Then meditate and outline the image of the circle in your mind.

The spirituality on his body is like the ripples of water, and a incomplete ring composed of gears and chains emerges behind him.

Lake's consciousness once again came to the library located deep in the spiritual world. As soon as Renekton's figure appeared in the library, a book that looked like it was made of gold fell on Renekton.

Renekton took down this somewhat eye-catching book. The patterns on the book were very familiar, and there was also a little connection that belonged to the contract.

"Messenger? How did it become like this?"

Renekton spoke in surprise.

"Praise my Lord! Because I have carried that drop of divine blood, I have undergone transformation in my life level!"

The messenger of the book, which was made of gold, had a mouth on the cover and could still speak.

Renekton's brows twitched. The painting style of this book was a bit weird, like a product of contamination.

"It can indeed be regarded as a product of pollution. The divine blood of the sun is too noisy, and this book has been somewhat affected. However, after being educated by me, it has converted to my Lord."

Mr. Huang appeared next to him and gave the answer.

Renekton originally wanted to ask why Mr. Huang answered his doubts as soon as he appeared.

But the secret master's instinct was to speculate directly based on the information he knew:

  The spiritual world is a product of information aggregation. I have just been promoted and my spirituality is unstable, so as soon as I have an idea in my mind, the corresponding information will emerge, and then it will be captured by Mr. Huang.

"Not bad, I finally learned to think for myself!" Mr. Huang praised.

Renekton was speechless for a moment. Although he really didn't like to think about profound issues on his own initiative, he didn't mean to be mindless!

"You prefer to get answers from others rather than thinking about them yourself."

Mr. Huang spoke again.

"You can't be broken even if you are tough!" Renekton originally wanted to complain in his heart, but when he thought about the characteristics of the spirit world, he held it back.

"Due to the influence of the potion, I can't help but think about anything I see now, and my brain is always in operation."

Renekton sighed helplessly.

"Isn't this great?" Mr. Huang asked back.

Renekton felt that this was indeed good for people in the Church of Knowledge, but it was not very friendly to him who was used to the infusion of knowledge from the Hidden Sages.

"Mr. Huang, that drop of divine blood from the Eternal Blazing Sun?" Renekton wanted to change the subject.

Before Renekton could finish speaking, Mr. Huang waved his right hand under his robe, and a dark glass bottle the size of a thumb fell from the bookshelf on the side in front of Renekton.

There seems to be a small sun inside the glass, making the dark glass bottle almost transparent.

"I made some seals on it. You can take it out. You can use it to make spells or use it as a movable lamp. However, it is in a sealed state. You can use it to make one spell at most every day. If it is stronger, The spell needs to be left alone for a few days."

Mr. Huang explained and motioned to Renekton to take the drop of divine blood. Finally, he added:

  "Don't be exposed to its light for too long, otherwise you will still be affected."

Renekton saw deep disgust on Mr. Huang's face. He seemed to hate things that smelled of the eternal blazing sun.

Renekton suddenly thought of what Mr. Huang had just said about educating his messenger. Renekton thought that this education might also be a physical education.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 104 Goodbye Klein


Chapter 104 Goodbye Klein

"Mr. Huang, can this messenger now cooperate with me to complete the ritual of depositing and withdrawing items?"

Renekton raised the messenger book that was made of gold in his hand, and took the divine blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun into his arms.

"Yes, although it is a bit stupid, education can still be used."

Mr. Huang nodded, his tone full of disgust for this messenger.

Renekton was speechless for a moment and wanted to say: Mr. Huang, you were not like this before. You were very friendly to this book before.

This idea just flashed through his mind, and Renekton did not dare to let this idea take shape in his heart.

"Mr. Huang, can you crush one Sequence Seven characteristic and then aggregate it step by step into three new characteristics?"

Renekton thought about his plan to cultivate small animals and asked again.

Mr. Huang glanced at Renekton with a strange look:

"Why do you have such an idea? Even if the extraordinary characteristics are shattered, they will not be aggregated step by step."

"Um" Renekton hesitated for a moment and described the ability of the Darkless Cross.

"This belongs to the purification ability of the Darkless One, and I can indeed do it."

Mr. Huang nodded slightly, but did not agree directly. Renekton quietly waited for Mr. Huang's next condition.

"How did you complete your mission?"

Mr. Huang did not put forward conditions, but asked about the progress of the task.

Renekton was stunned for a moment and wanted to say that he was either taking exams or preparing for exams during this period. In his spare time, he was causing trouble at sea, fighting, and venting his anger on pirates who were not innocent.

"The original moon has a certain relationship with the Rose School of thought, but this is most likely because the Rose school of thought has mastered the characteristics of a sequence-one beauty god."

"The original moon itself has nothing to do with the bound god and the Mother Tree of Desire believed in by the Rose School. It should be another evil god. The relationship between them is very complicated, and it may be both confrontation and cooperation."

Renekton finally revealed part of the information he knew.

"Not bad, fairly qualified."

Mr. Huang nodded, and then said:

  "You can use the ritual in two days to get the characteristics. It will take a while to gradually separate the extraordinary characteristics. The same goes for the item you threw in that contains the characteristics of the Harvest Priest."


Although he didn't understand the meaning of Mr. Huang's question. As an angel under the throne of the true God, it was impossible not to know this information, but Renekton quickly nodded in response.

Afterwards, he stayed in the library for a while, looking through the various books in the library. Until his spirituality began to become unstable, Renekton put down the books in his hands and returned his spiritual body to his own body.

Renekton reached into his arms and took out a dark glass bottle, which contained a drop of divine blood that was as dazzling as a small sun.

"I wonder how Mr. Huang did it? Obviously I only went to the library with my spiritual body, but this bottle of divine blood came back with me."

Renekton thought for a long time and could roughly guess the principle, but couldn't figure out how it was done.

The sunlight through the curtains has dimmed, and Bugs Bunny is still sleeping on the table. Renekton also shook his body, lay back on the bed, and began to meditate to replenish his consumed spirituality.

By the time his spiritual energy was restored, the sky outside had become completely dark.

Renekton ignored the rabbit who was still sleeping on the table. He walked out of the room and asked the hotel waiter to bring a dinner and drinks. He also specifically asked the waiter to prepare some fruit for him.

After eating the dinner served by the waiter, leaving some fruit for Bugs Bunny beside him, Renekton lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

In his dream, Renekton saw a room filled with bloody, sticky, hairy liquid, and a gray-haired human head hanging in the air.

A pair of eyes grew on the forehead and cheeks of the head, cold eyes without eyelashes.

The piano nearby was playing on its own.

There were three people whose figures were not clear, looking at the hanging gray-white head.

Renekton suddenly sat up from the bed, breathing rapidly.

"Damn! Hidden Sage, are you bored lately? He keeps telling me a prophecy even when he's sleeping, and it's still such a terrifying scene." Renekton muttered in dissatisfaction.

Renekton relied on his own hunch to understand the meaning of the scene just now. The old Neil of the Nighthawks team in Tingen City lost control and collapsed because he absorbed unbearable knowledge from the Hidden Sage.

"Why are you telling me this? He's already out of control!"

Renekton was a little confused about the purpose of hiding the sage.

Although he was helpless, Renekton still climbed out of bed. The sunlight outside the window penetrated the curtains and shone into the house. It was already a sunny morning.


Bugs Bunny sat on the table nearby, nibbling the fruit that the waiter brought last night.

"Well, let's go out and have breakfast, and then go somewhere with me."

Renekton said while putting on the coat on the coat rack. "Go out! I won't go, I don't want to travel to the spirit world!"

Bugs Bunny shook his head reflexively when he heard the word "go out".

"Don't worry, we won't travel to the spirit world. This place is not very big. We can just walk there." Renekton comforted Bugs Bunny, who had a psychological shadow on traveling to the spirit world.

After hearing Renekton's explanation, Bugs Bunny finally relaxed and continued to nibble on the fruit with his head shaking.

After Renekton went to the bathroom to wash up, he took Bugs Bunny out, who was still chewing fruit.

Continuously tossing Bugs Bunny's toy cane in his hand, Renekton walked between the crowd and the carriage according to spiritual prompts.

We had breakfast when we were about to arrive at our destination.

When he arrived near Old Neil's house with Bugs Bunny, Renekton stopped. Although he was still some distance away, he could already feel the out-of-control and bloody smell permeating the house in front of him.

Renekton, who was still hesitating on how to resolve the matter, felt someone approaching. He leaned toward the shadow next to him, raised his hand to draw a symbol of corruption in mid-air, and then stretched out his hand to pull. The surrounding shadows covered himself and Bugs Bunny as if they were real.

Renekton saw a middle-aged man wearing black gloves, holding a staff in one hand, and a simple ornament made of many long dark hair entangled in the other hand. He was wearing a black windbreaker and had a somewhat high hairline.

Behind him were two young men, a man and a woman. Renekton easily recognized the man wearing a half-high silk top hat, a white shirt, a black vest, and dark trousers.

"First time, no, second time we meet, good morning! Mr. Fool." Renekton murmured softly.

Klein, who was following the captain and behind Dunn, had his spiritual sense touched again. He turned his head and glanced in the direction of Renekton, but saw nothing.

"What's wrong?" Dunn said in a calm voice without looking back.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just feel like someone said something to me."

Klein didn't take it too seriously and just thought it was an illusion caused by being too nervous.

"Spiritual intuition is a bit high! Is this the bonus of gray fog? It does feel higher than the knowledge wilderness." Renekton said to himself.

Because Klein's spiritual intuition was too high, Renekton didn't pay attention to what happened inside the house. He just felt the two gunshots rang out inside the house and the spiritual fluctuations.

Renekton no longer paid attention to the next development. You don't need to see what will happen next to know. Silently walked out of the shadows and left here.

If it had been a month or two earlier, there might have been a way to solve the problem of Old Neil losing control, but now it's too late.

Renekton hasn't figured out the purpose of the Hidden Sage's prophecy showing him this scene, so he can't let himself give him a favor that has dropped to a negative number!

"Boss, what are we going to do?"

Bugs Bunny, who was lying on his shoulder, asked curiously.

"I don't want to do anything, and I don't know what to do. Just be a spectator for the time being." Renekton replied.

There is a high probability that Brother Amon and the goddess are watching in this city, which is not suitable for him to do anything. Even contact with Klein needs to be avoided as much as possible. Being discovered by the goddess is not a big deal, but being discovered by Amon's brother would be a big problem for him.

"The identity of the Beloved of Knowledge is a bit dazzling, but I can't let it go."

In this regard, Renekton can only temporarily reduce his sense of existence.

"You have to adjust your condition in the past two days. After you get the characteristics, you can be promoted to the Harvest Priest of Sequence Seven." Renekton took Bugs Bunny back to the hotel.

In the next few days, Renekton didn't go out much. Unless necessary, Renekton didn't want to have too many activities in the city. The more actions he took, the more likely he would be accidentally seen by Amon's brother. .

What Renekton does every day is to use the divine blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun to make a spell, and then go to the library deep in the spiritual world to read books, preparing to develop his own secret technique for digesting potions.

It wasn't until the third day that Mr. Huang told Renekton that the two extraordinary characteristics of sequence seven had been separated step by step and divided into characteristics of different sequences.

Renekton immediately went through a ritual to remove the separated attributes from the library.

Renekton looked at the six large and small light groups placed on the table, feeling a little surprised.

"Mr. Huang also extracted the characteristics of the Harvest Priest for me step by step! Although it is not used, it can be sold for some money. The materials used to make the scroll cost me too much money."

Renekton took out the five iron cigarette boxes he had asked for from the waiter and collected them one by one with the exception of the Harvest Priest.

"I'm supervising from the side. You try to mix the potion yourself."

Renekton said to the fat rabbit who was drooling at the characteristics.


Bugs Bunny looked at the boss in disbelief, then looked down at his paws.

"Try it. You can use your paws to hold a cane, wear a hat, and mix potions." Renekton said.

In the end, Bugs Bunny tried to prepare his own potion under Renekton's persuasion.

Renekton watched as it carefully held the materials, then repeatedly checked with himself whether the amount was correct, and finally put the materials into the glass bottle.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 105 Leonard's hush money (please vote!!!)


Chapter 105 Leonard's hush money (please vote!!!)

Under Bugs Bunny's careful operation, a bottle of green potion with dense bubbles rising and falling was prepared.

"Boss! Was it successful?"

Bugs Bunny asked cautiously. It felt that this potion, which looked a bit like poison, must have failed.

Renekton frowned slightly, took out a gold coin from his pocket, flicked it into the air, and reached out to catch it.


Renekton nodded after finishing the divination.


Bugs Bunny still couldn't believe it. This green potion looked more like poison.

"Really, drink it quickly!"

Renekton urged.

Bugs Bunny looked at the green potion in his hand. After much hesitation, he still believed what the boss said and drank it.

When the potion entered, Bugs Bunny felt his entire rabbit swell.

In Renekton's eyes, Bugs Bunny seemed to have all the hair on his body come alive, and began to curl up and fly in the air abnormally. An entire rabbit turned into a giant ball of fur in an instant.

This process didn't last long. After about a minute or two, the gray hair began to shrink, revealing Bugs Bunny's original appearance. However, the little jacket it was wearing was damaged by the hair just now, and the tie around its neck fell to the ground.

"How is it?" Renekton asked aloud.

Bugs Bunny looked down at his hands and found that he could move every finger flexibly, and his hind legs were also stronger. The difference from ordinary rabbits is getting bigger and bigger.

"Boss, I can also move my fingers flexibly!"

Bugs Bunny said excitedly as he held out his two paws.

Renekton frowned slightly. Ordinary animals should not change like this after taking the potion.

Renekton popped out a gold coin with some worry and did a simple divination to confirm that there was indeed nothing wrong with Bugs Bunny before he felt relieved.

"It seems that the previous mutation makes it different from ordinary rabbits. As it takes more magic potions, the differences on it begin to become more and more obvious." Renekton made a guess in his mind.

"Boss? What's wrong?"

Bugs Bunny asked a little uneasily when he saw Renekton popping out the gold coins.

"It's okay. I did a little divination. What abilities did the Sequence Seven potion bring you?" Renekton asked curiously.

Speaking of extraordinary abilities, Bugs Bunny became excited again. He stood on the table and waved his two paws and said:

"There is the ability of wild growth, which can catalyze the growth and reproduction of living things, and can also be used for fighting. There is also the ability to identify different plants and their functions. There is also a blessing called fertility, which can bring a bumper harvest!"

"Plenty? Maybe this is the key to your role."

Renekton said thoughtfully.

"Your jacket needs to be repaired by a tailor. During this period, you can wear the hooded cloak and calm down the restless spirit in your body. I will make a charm."

Renekton said, sending Bugs Bunny aside.

Then he took out the glass bottle containing the blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun from a small metal box, as well as the corresponding ritual materials, lit the candle, and used a ritual silver pen to draw the occult symbols representing the sun and the hermit on the ground, and Place a small piece of gold and some extraordinary material on top.

Renekton sought a response from the talisman by pointing to the rituals of the Hidden Sage.

Because he wanted to try making different talismans, Renekton made some substitutions with the materials used to make the talismans, and prayed to the Hidden Sage in advance and gave relevant instructions, hoping to get his help.

In fact, it is okay to pray to the God of Knowledge, but Renekton personally feels that the Hidden Sage who helps him cheat is closer to the God of Knowledge who makes him take the exam.

After preparing for the ceremony, Renekton placed a drop of "Sun" essential oil on the lighted candle and ignited the powder of kumquat and rosemary.

Then he recited a mantra in dragon language:

  "Blood of the Eternal Sun"

"You are the eternal light, the embodiment of order, the god of contracts, and the guardian of commerce."

"I pray to you and ask you to give me the power of the sun!"

As the chanting of the mantra was completed, the blood of the eternal blazing sun in the dark glass bottle emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the hotel room as if it were facing the midday sun.

The symbol representing the Hidden Sage that Renekton drew on the ground with a ceremonial silver pen began to gather the sunlight. The small pieces of gold and ritual materials placed on the symbol gradually melted, and finally the weird and gathered light merged into one, forming I bought a golden charm with complex patterns on both sides.

Renekton bent down and took the talisman in his hand. He closed his eyes and carefully felt the power of the talisman.

The "purification" talisman has extremely high damage against evil spirits and resentful souls. The talisman can also be attached to a weapon and used.

"It's a bit like Sun Priest's Purifying Slash, and the intensity should be about the same."

Renekton whispered and put the charm into his pocket. Then he began to pack up the ritual items placed on the floor and restore the room to its original state.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do. You can give Leonard some hush money first, chat with Grandpa by the way, and establish a relationship in advance. You may need his help in the future."

Renekton thought for a moment and made a quick decision.

Bugs Bunny has already put on a small hooded cloak, a tall top hat on his head, and a red wooden mouth organ in his hand. He looks more like a magician than wearing a vest.

Looking at the rabbit acting cool in front of the mirror, Renekton inexplicably felt that the two paths that were most suitable for him were apprentice or diviner.

"Come on, let's go out." Renekton called to Bugs Bunny who was still in front of the mirror.

After Bugs Bunny heard what he said, he took off his top hat, bowed to the mirror in a decent manner, and then quickly jumped onto Renekton's shoulder.

Renekton felt his shoulders sink and his body fell back uncontrollably. He quickly held on to the window sill on one side to avoid being knocked down by Bugs Bunny.

"Why did you become heavier again after drinking the potion? You can't lie on my shoulders anymore, my shoulders can't bear it."

Renekton said with a grin.


Bugs Bunny jumped off his shoulders in frustration.

Renekton stood up straight again and reached out to rub his aching shoulders, feeling very helpless.

Neither readers nor secret peepers are good at physical fitness. This rabbit is now an unbearable weight for his small body.

"Grab my pant leg."

Renekton reminded Bugs Bunny.

Before Bugs Bunny could react, Renekton directly used the spirit world to travel out of the hotel room.

While traveling through the spirit world and divining Leonard's location, Renekton came to a lunatic asylum.

As soon as he emerged from the spirit world, Bugs Bunny released his paws on Renekton's trouser legs and lay on the ground in a panic.

Leonard, who was monitoring the asylum, saw two figures, one large and one small, suddenly appear in front of him. He subconsciously retreated and drew his gun.

"Tsk! The reaction is pretty quick!" Renekton joked.

After seeing the person in front of him clearly, Leonard's face became even more ugly:

  "Can't you go through the front door? You always appear and leave so suddenly. Are you acting like a ghost?"

"I'm not from a different species, so I don't need to act like that."

Renekton replied. Without waiting for Leonard to react, he took out two charms from his pocket and threw them to the opponent:

  "The hush money for you is a purification charm and a sun charm."

He hurriedly put down the gun in his hand and took the charm thrown by Renekton. Leonard looked at the two charms curiously for a moment and found that the material of the two charms looked a bit like gold, with similar but different mysterious symbols drawn on them.

"What's the use? Besides, they look so similar, how can I tell them apart?"

Leonard said in a not too friendly tone.

"It is roughly equivalent to a spell with seven levels of power in the sequence. The activating spell of the spell is 'sun'. Just say it in a language that can leverage the power of nature. Just ask your grandfather for the specific effect and how to distinguish it."

Renekton didn't explain in too much detail.

Hearing the other party talk about the old man in his body, Leonard's face turned ugly again.

"After helping you steal a drop of divine blood last time, he fell asleep again."

Leonard hesitated for a moment before telling the news that Palles fell asleep again.

Renekton stared at Leonard for a while, a little confused. Is it really so expensive to just steal a drop of divine blood?

  But except that Leonard's face became increasingly ugly, nothing could be seen.

"Okay, the one on the left is a purification charm. It can release a strike against evil spirits and resentful souls. It can also be attached to a weapon. The one on the right is a sun charm. It can effectively improve the courage of companions within a range of twenty meters. To purify the evil power in their bodies, you can put them in different pockets for easy identification."

Renekton still explained the functions of the two spells in detail.

"Why do the name and function sound like the exact opposite?"

Leonard asked with confusion on his face.

"I take whatever I want. If you feel dissatisfied, you can call me back. It doesn't matter anyway."

Renekton shrugged and said nonchalantly.

Grandpa Pales fell into a deep sleep, and Renekton's original plan to chat with him and get closer to him was canceled, and he couldn't find anything to do for the time being.

"Do you know any delicious food nearby? Or your local specialties."

Renekton felt that after finally going out, he couldn't just give him a charm and go back.

"I don't know. This is just a small city. How can there be anything that can attract people like you?"

Leonard really didn't want to talk to Renekton. But the other party had just given me two talismans as hush money, and it was hard to refuse.

"A person like me? Do you know me?"

Renekton had some doubts as to whether his wanted order at sea had spread here.

"I don't know you, but you are obviously not an ordinary sixth-level sequence extraordinary person."

Leonard told him some information the old man told him last time.

"Update your lagging information, I am now at sequence five."

Renekton corrected the other person's words.

Leonard glared at Renekton, feeling that he was here to show off to him.

The opponent seemed to be a year or two younger than himself, and Leonard suddenly felt that he should work harder. Klein was promoted to Sequence Eight yesterday, and he would surpass himself if he continued like this.

(End of this chapter)