
Rise of a chuuni..

As Intalru and Rodney approached Velma and Amanda the two girls stared at each other intensely. "You two getting along?" Intalru asked worriedly, "She's my mortal enemy." Velma replied before Amanda spoke into his mind. "She's over reacting.".... "Okaaay.. Velma me and Amanda are going to be entering the circle again do you mind waiting this time?" "Why can't I join?" Velma asked somewhat indignantly. "Because Rodney asked me to stop straining his granddaughters mind.." Intalru lied politely while giving Velma a gentle smile. "Well.. okay but I'm going to be watching you two so don't act to mushy.. hehe mushy mushroom." "B!tch.." Amanda whispered into Intalru's mind, apparently the two were arguing the whole time him and Rodney were away. Did her breasts get smaller? Intalru glanced towards Amanda's fungal form and noticed she was shaped even more like the star of the Amanda show.. "Your awfully quiet.. what are you thinking?" Amanda asked as he followed her into the circle once more. "Oh this and that, your Gramps helped me get a privacy shield so I would quit embarrassing myself in front of you." It's so nice to have my holy sanctum to myself again.. Mind readers are scary!

"Ok.. well you know the drill by this point." Amanda said as Intalru sat down and inhaled her spores yet again. The two were in his old car in no time. "I have something awesome for you.." Intalru said before the projector kicked to life. After eight hours of watching the screen the two grew tired and Amanda cancelled the hallucination. "THAT WAS AMAZING!!! Your world was so imaginative to come up with those characters and monsters. Is there really no magic there?" " I thought you'd like those, yeah there is no magic.. well at least nothing provable." "How did those people come up with such amazing stories then!?! Luffy, Naruto, Yusuke, Ichigo, Goku, Kenshin, Van, Seiya... They are so amazing! People from your world must have had a reason to create them, what inspired the authors?" Intalru just showed Amanda a couple of the first episodes from some of his favorite animes as a kid.. She was hooked. "I personally believe most of them were on drugs in one way or another, but a few of those characters were inspired by the mythology of that world..they just changed a few things around." "Oh and that one show.. Black clover.. I wish I could travel around righting the wrongs in the world like them.." "I don't know about the righting wrongs part but if you want you could travel with me and Velma?" "Noooo she can't!!.. I mean umm Myconid don't do well with sunlight Intalru it wouldn't be comfortable for her to go with us." Nice try there Velma... "that's an easy fix.." Intalru said before willing a nearby mushroom to grow to the size of a parasol then forcing it to dry out while keeping the cap wide and flat. "Viola! just carry this around and you have some protection from the sun." "... Why did no one from our race ever think of that.." Amanda was stunned by how easily Intalru solved her races aversion to sunlight. "Probably because it doesn't rain underground." "Still.." Amanda was wondering if her ancestors were just too unimaginative but then she remembered that Intalru came from a world of 'Geniuses'. "I don't know if grandpa will let me leave.." Amanda's cap drooped as she worried about how Rodney would take to her asking to leave. "I'll ask him but if he says no I'll sneak out.. Will you two wait for me?" Intalru had to try his best not to laugh at her determination since it was Rodney who suggested she left in the first place.. "Sure Amanda we will wait for you.." "Yail said you need to hurry with your tests!" Velma shouted worried that she really was going to have to share her 'Bonding' time with Amanda. "Let's see what Rodney says first Velma.." Intalru shook his head lightly as he worried about the young Daphnaie's brain.

Amanda ran off to find her grandfather as Intalru and Velma waited by the bottom of the slide. "How are we supposed to go back up this in the first place?" Intalru asked no one in particular before Rodney's voice popped into his head. "Just use the stairs kid, and I don't know what you showed my granddaughter but I'm grateful to ya, just make sure she doesn't get any weird ideas up there. She looks a little.. excited." "Stairs?" "I'll lead the way!" as Intalru spoke aloud Amanda shouted as she appeared next to him out of nowhere.. "Whoa how did you.." Velma jumped back in surprise. "Practicing my ninja skills did you know I was there?" "Nope.. you don't think we could actually create new skills using anime logic do you?" Intalru replied while asking Amanda a question that would later change the world. "We won't know until we try." Amanda answered excitedly as Velma crossed her arms and huffed. "No private conversations!!" "oops sorry Velma I got a little carried away.. and no worries I'll win fair and square, you should be honored to know that you're my rival." Amanda was positively beaming... I think I just created a monste.. well she was already one by earth standards so I guess I introduced chuunis to this world?

Ding! Title 'Indoctrinator' has been awarded for twisting the views and values of multiple beings would you like to equip? "No thanks.." Great.. I think my name makes sense now. "Who were you talking to?" Velma asked. "I got a new title, I was just saying I didn't want to equip it.." "Ooh what was it?" Amanda seems to have had her mind melted by the anime.. "uh.. Doesn't matter let's go!" Intalru said as he ran to the slide. "Wrong way!" Amanda shouted in his head and ran to the left of the entrance..

Smack! Yail Voct was swatting mosquitoes and worrying on the raft hoping that the strange dryad didn't screw up Intalru's test.. "Please hurry back it's been over a day and I'm getting sick of getting bit by these stupid bugs.." As she stared intently at the stump suddenly she noticed a giant mushroom popped out... it was being carried by another mushroom whom was followed by the spirit in question and Intalru.. ""Hi brood keeper!"" Intalru and Velma shouted as they hopped on to the raft. "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am" A soft voice echoed in Yail Voct's head as the mushroom carrying mushroom bowed..

"Umm Hello? and who might you be? Did Intalru do something bad down there?" Yail began worrying that the Myconid came up to demand reparations. "Yes he did!!" Velma shouted while pointing at the Myconid. Yail Voct turned to look at Intalru questioningly.. "Don't listen to Velma, this is Amanda and she will be joining us for here on.." Intalru answered which only made Yail more confused "..... Explain please." After spending a few minutes explaining to the brood keeper that Amanda wanted to see the world she only became more confused. "But Myconid never leave the underdark.." "Consider me the first then." Amanda said while 'Smiling' before joining the three on the raft. "So next is the toad right? I can't wait to get this over with.." "What! your gonna pick up another woman!! Learn some self control!" Velma started shaking Intalru as she shouted at him. "It's my test I'm supposed to get something to do with poisons from them.. And why did you instantly think I'm here to pick up women!?" Amanda and Velma stared at him.. "Seriously you too?" Intalru felt betrayed.

As the four continued through the swamp Intalru was constantly defending himself, even Yail Voct was badgering him.. "You realize interspecies relationships rarely rear children right?" That shut the two younger girls up for a moment at least.. it was mid-day when we finally came to our destination. "A village?" The village was made up of wooden houses built on stilts looking similar to the old run down houses in the bayous of Louisiana.. Intalru was surprised since he assumed he was going to have to jump in another hole.. "This is where the Mogogol live." Amanda stated before looking around to see if she could find one.. "What's a Mogogol?" "Ah am.. Ribbit.." A froggy face surfaced from the water "F*ck! don't jump out on me like that!" ".. yer havin a joke at me? Ribbit.." It's eyes look like it's smiling.. In a bad way. "No it's an expression where I'm from.. it means you snuck up on me."

".... why are ye here.. Ribbit.." God this thing has a thick accent.. but at least he doesn't have an actors voice, I don't know how I would take to learning about poison from someone that sounded like Kermit the frog.. "I am Intalru and I was told to come here to take my final test of inheritance.." Intalru almost said Ribbit to spite him.. The frog blinked lazily before submerging into the swamp water and out of our sights. KrRrRrRrRrRr An intense noise came from nowhere and the water started vibrating before 30 frog heads surfaced.. Looks like multiple subspecies living together. Some looked like poison dart frogs, others like bullfrogs, a few carpenter frogs, but no toads.. Just when Intalru was about to ask who his teacher was going to be the door on the biggest house slammed open. "Shut ye geggies!!! cannae a toad catch a winker in peace!!"... "What's wrong?" Velma noticed Intalru was shaking, she thought he was afraid but in actuality he was trying not to laugh. "I'll tell you guys later.." "My name is Yail Voct brood keeper of the green scaled Draconians, we have been sent by Tiamat so that my charge can earn the right of inheritance, would you kindly tell me your name?" Yail seems kinda uptight with this guy. the toad stood in his doorway glaring at Intalru and co. before Bam! He just slammed the door shut... "Now what?" Intalru asked. Yail Voct turned his way before smiling "It's a game of hide and seek.." "Don't tell me.. he better not be a cane toad!" Intalru grumbled as he willed a nearby tree to grow a branch low enough for him to grab. After climbing the tree he positioned himself over the Mogogol's house before jumping to the roof. "Hey man can we just talk this through no one told me what the tests are, and if it's what I think it is I'd rather not.." Intalru said after jumping from the roof and making his way to a window. "Awa' n bile yer head, just cause ahm a Mogogol donae mean ah won't gut ye if'n ya try nipping me on da arse!!" "I don't want to bite anybody! just open the door and let's talk, I was told you're supposed to teach me about poisons!" "Yeah well the last o' you scabby tubes bit the sh!te Outta me poor bum, so ye can just rot fer all I care!" .... How old is this guy?!? I thought Yail said it's been centuries since the last inheritor? "Look I'm not that guy I just want to learn about poisons and I'll be on my way I swear."

The door slammed back open and the toad man stared Intalru down hard.. "Git yer arse in here, but if'n ya so much as look at me nethers ahl kit ya quick like.." "Fair enough.." Not like I plan on looking at your warty *ss anyways.. After entering the hut Intalru's nose was struck by many astringent a sharp smells. "Gah! how do you sleep in here?!?" "Lost me sense o' smell ages ago laddie now sit down and shut it! The other tests dinae teach ya nuthin s'all handed to ya on a howlin silver platter, Listen ta me and yer gonna be a true poison master, you'll be sweating the stuff by tha time ahm done witcha.." "That doesn't seem safe.." Intalru replied to the Scotsman toad. "Watcha mean not safe?! Ya numpty, ya go around biting poisonous critters?" "Didn't someone try biting you?" "*#&$@#$!?#@!!!!!! That roaster wanted to see if he could survive it.. almost drowned hiself runnin from a shadow.." "How do you even understand him?" Amanda spoke into Intalru's mind from the raft, she was listening the whole time. (He sounds Scottish, I had a dorm mate with an accent that was almost this bad when he got drunk.. which was pretty often)

As Velma, Amanda, and Yail sat on the raft waiting for Intalru the old lizard decided to try talking to the younger ladies. "How long do you two plan on traveling with the young messenger?" "I thought he was an envoy?" Amanda stated slightly confused. "He didn't tell you?" Yail Voct raised an eyebrow before continuing. "Both Tiamat and Bahamut picked him as a champion." ""What!!"" Velma and Amanda were shocked. "How did that happen?" Velma asked. "I don't know.. but I was dragged before the both of them and ordered to help him gain our tribes inheritance by Tiamat, and I was told to help him learn the druidic ways by Bahamut.. honestly I'm afraid the green dragon misled him, I've never seen a druid use plants the way he does." Yail Voct said with slight concern. "Druids normally cast spells.. He forces them to grow using raw Mana." Amanda commented. "Soo??? I don't use spells either is that so wrong?" Velma spoke up defending Intalru. "You're a nature spirit.. plants and animals want to help you, Intalru is more like a slave driver forcing his will on them." Yail Voct corrected Velma while starting to worry if Bahamut was going to punish her. "Why do I have to worry about the God's wrath? I'm not even their champion..." Amanda put a hand on Yail's shoulder "I'm sure everything will work out in the end."

Almost made the toad sound like Sean Connery but I figured basing him off of my cousin would be more fun. Hope you're enjoying the book

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts