

preety face zhang yixing nicknamed lay by his friends just turned 18 and he wakes up to witness the most terrifying moment of his life. He thinks he is from a demon blood line, he has magical powers he cant control which tends to get him in trouble. He finds it difficult to cope due to an incident that occured and ended up leaving America to china in order to know more about himself and to control his power. There he meets 11 new Friends and a familiar face. how would he cope with his current situation, will he be able to tell his friends about his other self and what will be their reaction?... Spoiler:The RED Force

AdeIsQueer · Famosos
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21 Chs


The next day,

Yixing went to school as usual,He wanted to talk to kasper about it but couldn't.

He doesn't understand why kasper would do that so he's not sure to tell him yet.

No one knows but Yixing knows that kasper is a tech genius.

He is a hacker that helps tons of companies to keep their data from being hacked by upgrading their security level.

He just uses a code name so he doesn't reveal his identity.

Throughout the whole day at school yixing acted very awkward,Kasper noticed so he went to talk to him.

"Spill it xing"

"...huh...spi..spill wat kasp"

"Kasp...hehehe...you only call me that when you do something wrong or try to hide something from me"

"Its...erm...I...its nothing"

Kasper hearing yixing say its nothing raised an eyebrow and stared straight into yixing's eyes,his eyes never lies.

Yixing panicked and told Kasper all that happened.

"You think I did it don't you?"

Yixing hearing kasper's comment felt overwhelmed with guilt.

"i'm sorry kasp"

"Its okay...I understand"


After a while of silence kasper continued

"Do you still  have the broken camera I can find a way to get the person that installed it"

"Really?!!! Thanks I have it at home"

"Lets go now" Kasper suggested

They left school for Yixing's house

Kasper has his laptop with him every time he quickly within few minutes did his magic and pushed his computer towards yixing.

Yixing stared at the screen looking at the unfamiliar face

"I don't know him"

He looked at kasper confused

"Are you sure? He was the one checking the video"

"He looks like he's in a hospital can you find the location? "

"On it" Kasper replied swiftly before pressing few buttons and boom he found the location.

"Its a general hospital in new york here"

"Then lets go there i  need to know the reason why he asked for a camera to be installed in my house."

At the hospital...

In jason's hospital room

Jason was surprisingly yielding to instructions and his treatments were going well the doctor's just thought his dad's death must have woken him up but who knows its the thirst for revenge.

He had ask Mr Chase to  find out where Yixing lives and all informations about him when he got everything,he asked for someone to plant a camera in yixing's room.

He didn't expect yixing to discover very quickly afterall the camera was hidden in a barely noticeable spot.

"He just keeps getting weirder every time"

Yes Jason had people follow yixing before and the videotaped him reviving a flower which totally freaked jason out.

He called his doctor and told him to speed up the treatments he had already spent a month in the hospital its time to strike he is getting impatient.

He is supposed to spend 5 months recovering but it's too long for him he  has to destroy Yixing and of course Yisheng even if he cannot fight Yisheng,a gun can defeat him in one strike.

At the hospital's balcony,Yixing and kasper sat at the lounge meant for visitors. kasper needed to stay close to the hospital to access their data so he can find out who installed the camera.

He took a screenshot of jason's photo on the screen and synced it with the hospitals data with the hope to find informations about him and his recognisable photo.

He soon received results

Name: Jason washington

Room number: vip room 23

A recognisable photo and the reason why jason was in the hospital.

He showed the results to Yixing as the latter tried to search his head for where he had seen jason.

He had a super memory so it wasn't hard.

"Ahhh i remember...you know I told you I went to the cinema to find out what makes me change without control,this is the jerk I fought with. Apparently he is the police commissioner's son."

"What does he want from you"

"I don't know I think he saw me that day when I changed."

After satisfying their curiosity,the boys left for Yixing's house.

Kasper asked yixing to stay in his place for a while until it's safe to return home.

Yixing packed all his necessary stuffs and left for kasper's house.

Sorry for the long break hehehe xoxo

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