
Chapter 53 Too Late

Meanwhile, in Canata.

In the morning, Dr. Watkins opened the door. When he walked into the yard, he saw the thriving sunflowers. Then, he stepped forward to water them with a smile. After checking all the plants, he thought of Theodore and Loria, who were still in the warehouse.

"Damn. I turned off the heat yesterday but forgot to turn it back on. I wonder what happened inside."

Thinking of this, he immediately took the key and gently opened the door of the warehouse.

When the door was opened, the sunshine scattered on Loria and Theodore. Seeing them cuddling each other and falling asleep, Dr. Watkins was very satisfied, and he was even more sure that the two of them still had something to do with each other.

Seeing that the two were sleeping soundly, Dr. Watkins didn't intend to wake them up, and turned around and left directly.