
Chapter 197 Appearing in Time

While Lillith was passing by an alley, haters pushed Lillith directly into the alley.

"You're the one who hooked up with Ryan, right? You're shameless."

Haters were so angry that their fists landed on Lillith's body. But Lillith let the haters hit her as if she didn't know the pain and didn't fight back.

Seeing that Lillith had no sense of resistance, haters began to become more aggressive, and the force of their fists became harder and harder.

Soon, bruises appeared on Lillith's face. Her body was also full of injuries.

At the critical moment, Ryan appeared to chase away the group of haters.

After the haters left, Lillith fell to the ground as if her soul had been stripped away.

Ryan saw Lillith's miserable look, very annoyed, and directly yanked her up.

"Lillith, wake up. This is all your own choice. Why do you look so miserable now? You and Clyde are over, so why are you showing such a sad look?"