
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

Episode 21

Five days later.

Magic carriage workshop.


(brand new!)


"How is it, dear customer?! Are you pleased with the service we provide?!" (Seller)

[I see he took a great deal to clean all the dusts on the magic carriage so that I won't change my mind about it… what a cunning man…] (Arnel)

"As I expected. I see you put the add ons I told you to perfectly." (Arnel)

"Well of course! Now, you won't need to worry if rain suddenly falls down, the front cover will protect you from bad weather and small projectile attacks!" (Seller)

(grin, grin)

"Alright. I will take it with me today. Oh, and…" (Arnel)

(hand over a gold coin)

"D-dear customer~…? You already pay much~….!" (Seller)

(grin widely)

"Let just say that I'm giving you an extra tip. For your hard work of course." (Arnel)

"Oh thank you, dear customer~….! Please, take a ride in your brand new magic carriage~….!" (Seller)

"Naiah, shall we?" (Arnel)

"Yes, Arne…" (Naiah)

Both got into the coach seat and Arnel activate the magic carriage motor.

(moves slowly)

"I-its moving! Arne, Arne! Its moving on its own!" (Naiah)

[I get why Naiah's is excited right now. She only had ride a horse drawn carriage before and this is a whole new experience for her. I can't wait to see Svana's reaction if I already had this fun seeing how Naiah's reacting right now.] (Arnel)

(speed gradually increase)

"Waaa~…?" (Naiah)


Outside Velna's workshop.

"So, this is the carriage that you bought with you? I must say its really plain and small. Not to mention the magic circuits seems to have a lot issues. Are you sure you didn't got scammed in buying this scrap?" (Velna)

[Elven is know for their craftsmanship as it was written in the book, second only to dwarfsmen craftsmanship. And the main reason why Velna opens a workshop was because she is one hell of a craftswoman. Though, elven kin are known to be proud of the things that they make and looks down upon others creation since theirs are far more superior in terms of uses and effectiveness in enhancements.] (Arnel)

"See?! Even she thought of that! I knew you been scammed!" (Svana)

"Before you say anything else, observe the magic circuits first carefully." (Arnel)

"All of this is just your common circuits that you can find in all magic carriage-… wait. Is this what I think it is?!" (Velna)

"Yup. Its a spatial magic circuit. A complete one on top of that." (Arnel)

(rub chin)

"…..interesting… I take my words back, you got a real barging by spending only a hundred and fifty coin for this magic carriage…" (Velna)

"What?! Didn't you also said that this is a scrap just earlier?!" (Svana)

"With this circuits alone would cost you a fortune to procure. Although there are many spatial magic circuits available in almost all the magic carriage, this one here is a complete one that won't require any changes or recharge for it to work with several tweaks. I don't know its pure luck that you managed to get this one or you already known about it from the beginning…" (Velna)

[Its not pure luck that I chose this particular magic carriage back in the workshop. Its thanks to a certain someone who's stumbled upon this dusted magic carriage by accident while trying to save as many people as he can when this city fall back in the book.] (Arnel)

"Looking at your face, I think I had my answers…" (Valna)

"Can you modified the circuit?" (Arnel)

"Modified? You have no idea what I can do with this circuit's alone. I can even…" (Valna)

(mumbles, mumbles)

"….I should leave you with that, then…." (Arnel)


[I don't think she's listen to any of my words right now. Once she get started to get intrigue on something, she will be in her own world until she satisfied those interest full. Thanks to that, I would need to tell her what to do. She's indeed a useful slave.] (Arnel)


Cat's Tail Hotel.

Reception room ground floor.

"I beg you to lend us a hand!" (Norden)

(bows down deeply)

[Ah, I knew this would happened eventually… back earlier after we left Valna's workshop, we return to the hotel to get some rest and wait until Valna finished with the final preparation for our journey to Alarnton Kingdom. But as we entered the building, we were greeted by several guards who notify us that the Lord Commander wanted to see us and he's already waiting in the hotel reception's room, making me unable to avoid from seeing him. But to think that he asked of helping with the Broodkin tide that about to happen in a few days from today…] (Arnel)

"I promised that you will be rewarded with much wealth for your aid in my name! I will only ask for your aid this once! I beg of you!" (Norden)

[I can see that his desperate by only seeing his expression. But I can understand why he go to this length. The scouts must had reported that the Boodkin tide this time was far more concerning than the previous ones. And they were right. Since this Broodkin tide was the one that will destroy their impenetrable walls that they were so proud of in a one long year of unending siege within the book. I should reject-…] (Arnel)

{help them…} (faint soft voice)

"!?" (Arnel)

[what…? Who just-…?] (Arnel)

(hold hand)

"Arne…? Are you alright…?" (Naiah)

"Ah, Naiah… I'm alright." (Arnel)

[it's not Naiah's voice that I heard just now. But it sounds so familiar-…] (Arnel)

{Help them, Arnel…} (faint soft voice)

[There it is again! Who's voice did-…?] (Arnel)

"Ser Arnel…?" (Norden)

"Ah, yes. Forgive me but can you give me some time before answering your request, Lord Commander?" (Arnel)


"….of course. But please don't take too much since the tide is around the corner. I beg you that you will consider my proposal. I will take my leave now." (Norden)

(stand up)

"Yes. I will send a word for you after discussing with my companions, Ser." (Arnel)

"Yes. Thank you for your time." (Norden)

(shake hands)


"We should go back to our suite as well." (Arnel)

The two nod.

[just who or what did whispers to me earlier…? This is somewhat worrying…] (Arnel)


Two days later.

City walls ramparts.

Soldiers rushing in preparing for battle.

"Damn… its already high noon but the sun still haven't appeared…" (soldier)

"Ain't today's a bit chilly than yesterday…? This never happens in the previous Broodkin tide before…" (soldier)

"Not to mention this strange feelings that I had for days now… will we be alright…?" (soldier)


(walks in groups)

"Quiet now! The Lord Commander is here!" (officer)

(stood attention!)

"At ease soldiers. How goes the preparation?" (Norden)

"We had expanded our defenses trice as you commanded, Ser!" (Officer A)

"The Coalition army reinforcement will be expected to arrive tomorrow!" (Officer B)

"Good work. To your stations!" (Norden)

"Ser!!" (Officers)


[In the end, Ser Arnel didn't sent his word and my men haven't seen him after our last meeting. Though the Coalition reinforcement is a welcoming news, but I still feel like things might goes as I had planned…] (Norden)

"Broodkin sighted! Broodkin sighted! Distance, a hundred kilometers from the wall!" (Scout)

All eyes on the horizon.

"My goodness… are those?!" (Soldier)

[Siege weapons!? And why are those mindless monsters in formations!? And the numbers… they covered the entire horizon like a million ants…] (Norden)

Anxiousness started grip the soldiers.


"W-what should we do…?" (Soldier)

"Those numbers…." (Soldier)

"We're doomed!!" (Soldier)

[Dammit! The soldiers morale is plummeting! I understand their anxiousness, but if this continues, this wall surely falls before the fight even began! I want to say something but I too felt hopeless! Is this the end for this city…?] (Norden)


"Huh?" (Norden)

A large fireball suddenly passed the wall from the city wall toward the horizon where the Broodkin are position at.


The shock waves from the explosion sent the Broodkins in pieces as the soldiers cowering from the force under the ramparts.

[where did that fireball came from?! What great mage is capable of casting such destructive magic-…] (Norden)

Norden's eyes widen as he saw a certain figures, floating just in a distance from the ramparts. The figure is a white haired man who's holding two women in both of his arms. One crimson haired and one white hair as the man himself. Knowing the three's identity, Norden's chest felt a relief that he desperately need in his entire life.

(stand up)


"Hear me, brave soldiers of Engel! Defender of Humanity!" (Norden)

All eyes on Norden.

"I know all of you are feeling hopeless seeing the endless horde of Broodkins in the horizon, but!!! With Ser Arnel and his brave companions aid, we will make our stand, here! And drove those evil Broodkins back to the tainted lands! So stand with me!!!" (Norden)

Hearing their leader's speeches, the frighten soldiers stood one by one, with their eyes burn with battle spirits.

"We will prevail!!!" (Norden)

With the end of his speech, a loud battle roar shakes the very walls that they stand. In the same time, the Broodkins launch their attack towards the wall like an enrage beasts. Thus, the battle of Engel walls, has begun…