

He kept following me, though I wouldn't deny it felt good to have some one at your trail.

He was always at the tree waiting for me, it became our —thing.

"You don't eat lunch?" he asked one day and I froze.

I wouldn't tell him, I wasn't eating because mum thought I was getting fat. She'd even told me to lose ten pounds

"Nothing" I shrugged and he frowned saying nothing else before drifting to another topic.

I stared as his side profile, he was gonna have the best set of jaws when he grows older. His crystal blue eyes danced in amusement.

"You're staring" he pointed out, his eyes lingering on my lips a tad longer. I looked away sure my cheeks were stained with red.

"You're cute" he said under his breath before standing up.

"I've to um — see Bianca" he said barely waiting for my to reply before walking away. I watched him leave. Wondering why Reggie Whitlock would be talking to me. At his young age, he was the quarterback of Summerfield Basketball game, she could guess, Bianca would definitely be a cheerleader.

Yeah, things worked that way —the quarterback dates the cheerleader.

The thought saddened me even if I had no idea why.