

I gathered the strands of hair falling over her face wrapping them around my fist as she threw up. I frowned. She looks thin and sick like she hasn't been eating lately.

She heaved dryly and i passed her the tissue I'd got. I let go of her hair and took a step back dipping my hands into my pockets.

When she left the class, I managed to get Bianca off me. Bianca had scowled.

"Your not going after her, are you?" she asked me, I remained silent. I wasn't here to get all cosy with Bianca, I was here for revenge and my target just left.

"She has a boyfriend" she continued helplessly and for a moment my lips curled in distaste. She'd become bitchy and desperate over the years. I opened my mouth without thinking and the words fell out.

"No one would date a girl like Charlie " I'd said. I never meant it that way but a victorious smile graced Bianca's face. She took a step closer to me reaching for my arm, I didn't pull back.

"Then don't go after her —stay with me" she whispered looking up at me with dreamy eyes.

I grabbed her arm not minding if my fingers were digging into her skin and drawing her flush against my body. She'd managed to draw attention to us.

"Stay the fuck away from me, if you want to finish your senior year in one piece" I whispered injecting enough irritation into my voice.

She flinched —good enough. I turned around and stormed out leaving her in the middle of stares.

The hallway was almost empty, I'd known so far Charlotte doesn't eat in the cafeteria no matter what, so she couldn't be there unless she has —changed.

I heard a muffled voice coming from the locker room and I traced it, she had her head against the locker speaking to whoever on the phone. For a moment, what Bianca had said crossed my mind.

She couldn't have a boyfriend, she has a fucking crush on me.

I know about Charlie's feelings towards me but i turned a blind eye, I didn't reciprocate her feelings because.. Because —.

She rushed to the bin throwing up.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. What was i doing here? Definitely not to worry about her but to make her pay.

She wasn't staring at me, one thing I still remember about Charlotte was her lack of self esteem. She hated herself, I'd tried to make her feel better but guess I wasn't the one to mend her.

"What are you doing in the locker room throwing up?" I diverted her question with one of my own. She turned around and glared at me and my body responded instead.

I never gave another reply to her. I just moved past her locating my new locker. I didn't like it, it wasn't like the one I had before but i guess everything is about change.

I opened it not so surprise to see a Jersey with the number 8 written boldly at the back. Basketball.

A muscle clenched in my jaw, back then when I played Basketball, he'd always wanted to be a part of the team but they kicked him out so he resorted to watching us from the bleachers with fascination on his face.

I tried —fucking tried to get him in but he refused, he was just stubborn, too bad his life was short.. So fucking short.

I was vaguely aware that Charlotte was standing behind me fondling the tissue in her hand. She was the cause of my misery, I would had been happy, and lived my best life in Louisiana.

I never attended school for a year, the reason why I'm here.. For highschool.

Dad had told me it was high time I returned and face reality.

I slammed the locker shut turning around just in time to catch Charlotte flinch.

"Why are you still here?" I asked my voice cold. I tried to switch off the rage building in me but it wasn't working.

She backed away slowly looking at me with what —innocent eyes?

The fuck she's innocent!

"Reggie" she whispered my name so small coming from her lips that I felt a stab of guilt course through me for a millisecond before it disappeared.

We were the only ones in the locker room and my eyes weren't helping matters roving over her body trying to find a clue —maybe.

I approached her just as she kept taking measured steps away —

Guilt? Fear? What exactly are you running from Charl?

She got to a dead end and I trapped her in. She was staring up at me with a spark of rage in her eyes but not enough for me to miss the lust lingering.

Guess what —she's still smitten by me, Ha!

My eyes smoldering met hers and dropped to her lips, I couldn't find the will power to return my gaze to her eyes so i left it there. Have i complimented her lips? Round, rosy and red.. When she pouts, she's looks completely adorable but she never believes it. I was done trying too.

"Miss me?" I asked my voice husky and low. From a different angle, anyone would think we were making out seeing that there was no space between our bodies.

The lust I'd thought I'd seen in her eyes died immediately and full blown rage took over.

"Get away from me" she muttered, I didn't miss the warning laced into those four words. My lips twitched lightly, I found this funny.

I framed her face with one of my hands just as i caught a student with her phone raised from my peripheral vision.

I leaned in, my lips grazing her cheeks — I knew from the girl's angle it looked like I just kissed her.

She smirked before walking away, just as Charlie placed her hands on my chest pushing me off. Her chest rose and fell quickly.

"Get the fuck away from me!" she yelled, her eyes wild.

There. She. Is — My Charlie. It was hot whenever she cursed because she rarely does it. Seems like i bring out the worst in her just as she brings out the worst in me.

Her nose flared before she turned around walking away. I refused to focus on the way her hips swayed under her skirts.

My phone beeped and i immediately knew what it was.

Are you enjoying the ride?

mepirimatcreators' thoughts