

I was still in the pool,that was actually my saving grace.

Anna and Lisa scrambled around getting their towels and wrapping around their body.

They weren't actually naked but bikinis? I narrowed my eyes. How did part of the fence crash?

"Reggie!" Anna retorted and I sank further into the water.

Reggie? He broke the fence?

I tried to see from where I was, he was still standing at his side, looking —surprised?

We'd heard a thump and the fence crashed. It's been long enough since the fence has been built, so yeah, it was weak.

"Dude, I heard —"

" Aiden!" Anna squealed.

Okay, It might have escaped my mind to tell her Aiden was around and Reggie was my next door neighbor.

I had been too pre occupied with my thoughts, to even let the girls know. She let go of her towel and jumped on Aiden. He caught her, smiling widely.

His eyes lighting up. Phew. He was totally smitted by her. That was good, I wouldn't want Anna to cry because Aiden broke her heart.

He would get it hot from me if he hurts her.

"What are you doing here?" Lisa asked folding her arms in front of her chest staring at Reggie. His eyes found mine for the briefest second before darting away.

I sank deeper into the water until it covered my chest. Why was he here now? Why wouldn't he just go away?

At least, my life was manageable. He was just making everything harder for me.

I shuddered. I shouldn't have jumped in when the girls asked me to. Aargh, now I'm feeling cold and we had a company of —boys.

Not just any boy —Reggie.

"— this is my apartment" I blinked looking up. Reggie and Lisa?

"Apartment? You moved in?" She shrieked and I raised a brow.

Yeah, there was definitely something I had no idea about.

"You have a problem with that?" He asked cooly staring at her like she was beginning to bore him out. He still does that.

That's why he never had many friends in the first place. People easily bore him out and he chose me of all people to be friends with.

Yeah, he'd always had a motive and I'd been prey to it.

"Yeah, everything is wrong! How could you move in?!" She flailed her arms while Anna giggled as Aiden kissed her.

He'd successfully crashed the quiet weekend we wanted so much.

I saw it as an opportunity to leave, seeing Lisa was doing a good job distracting Reggie and Anna?

She fucking dumped me for her boyfriend, seriously?

Leo appeared sweaty, his lips drawn into a tight line. Why the fuck were they all shirtless?

Infact, why were they all here!

Lifting myself out of the pool, I grabbed the towel that laid on the floor wrapping it around myself. Phew. One bridge crossed.

Now, I just had to get myself inside and in my room. I had nothing to say to any of the guys, ha, I wasn't even friends with them.

Well, I was —with one but I don't think we're anymore. He literally hates me now.

"Hmph, you left your heaven just to come here? Are you kidding?"

"It's none of your business"

" Well, it's my business! You broke down the fence!"

"That —" He squinted his eyes at her. "Was a mistake"

I slipped away slowly, towards the door. I was half dressed —screw that, I was only with a towel, with a bikini top and panties in the middle of guys!

Opening the door, i scurried inside shutting the door behind me. Just halfway up the stairs, the door opened and Reggie stepped in. I held my breath.

A knife could cut through the silence, the only sound was the little drops of water that dripped down from beneath my towel.

He stared up at me, the door clicking shut.

My heart thumped loudly inside of me, I swallowed nothing holding the towel tighter to myself.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he shrugged looking around.

"There's no much change, couch, paint and tv, just as it was" He commented taking a step forward.

Just leave please.

He raised his eyes to mine before it roamed down the length of my body.

Busted. Now I wanted to run and hide —anything. And above all, I don't want him in my house or in my space.

"Leave" I said quietly. I thought he was having a feud with Lisa, what made him come in here?

He held my eyes climbing the staircase while I backed away. Why couldn't he just understand the word 'leave'.

I don't need him. Well, I think I don't.

I drew in a breath. Was he trying to be intimidating in my house? Ha, that was funny. I could literally feel him everywhere, I caught a whiff of his scent and I inhaled deeply before realizing what I did.

He smirked, his dimples peeking out. His blue eyes lighting up. My face went up in flames and I turned away.

"Me Charl, look at me" He mumbled. Okay, I glanced at him out of curiosity not like I'd get tired of looking at him.

He raised his hand to my face, caressingly. His palm were warm and manly. How did he grow so much?

And again, I found myself giving in, falling into his trap knowing fully well, he was going to hurt me.

I shook my head stepping away. I was just a door away to my room, I could rush in and —

Sadness crossed his eyes for the briefest second before his walls went up and he dropped his hand to his side.

"Running away huh?" He asked.

I was running to protect myself, my heart, everything. Because he was breaking me, hurting me and with every single second, ending everything by myself became more necessary.

"Just leave —please" I added. Reggie was stubborn. He never took no for an answer, I knew him. That's why he insisted on following me round 9th grade.

He grabbed my arm drawing me to himself, I frowned holding my towel to myself.

"Tell me to leave Charlotte, say it to my face" He whispered. I bit my lower lip digging my teeth so hard in to it, that I was sure I tasted blood.

Tears burned the back of my eyes. I was helpless. I wanted him to stay just as I wanted him to leave. But he wasn't the boy I knew. He was changed, different —in physical appearance and everything.

But my damn heart still wanted him because it knows that in there, was the boy I knew.

"That's what I thought" He muttered raising my chin with his fingers pressing his lips to mine, just when a tear slid out of my eyes.

I was weak. So fucking weak against him. I couldn't fight it. This was me. This was the hard truth even if it hurts —so fucking much.

He sighed against my lips cupping the back of my head with his hand while pressing the other against my chest like he wanted to feel my heartbeat.

"Shit!" He cursed before pulling back like I'd burnt him. I closed my eyes waiting for the blow that was to come. He always did it, ever since he'd returned.

Tears ran down my cheeks dropping at the floor, each drop meant something, signified the pain in my life.

He muttered something to himself, I held my breath. I let him kiss me again.

The door opened, I opened my tear filled eyes staring down at the staircase. Anna stood at the door, looking from me to Reggie.

On spotting my tear filled face, her face hardened. She marched up the stairs.

"What the fuck did you do to her!" She yelled and Reggie raked a finger through his hair.

"I did nothing" He muttered glancing at me, his eyes hooded.

Anna cupped my face with her hands staring into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked, I said nothing. There was nothing left to say.

Anna turned around shoving Reggie away.

"Get the fuck out! Get out!" She screamed. My lips felt glued together. I was rooted to the spot I stood. I couldn't defend Reggie, he did —nothing?

He stared at me, regret crossing his eyes before he turned around walking down the stairs and slamming the door behind me.

That was when I broke down. Anna held me and I cried in her arms.

I felt broken and at the same time complete —ironic.