

I read different books and listened to music the whole day. I was reading another book when my door room opened and mum peeked in.

I removed my headphones setting them on the bed. Why was she here? My room was one place in the house she rarely visits.

She plastered a smile on her face walking in and shutting the door behind her.

"Hi" I muttered. Having conversations with mum just wasn't something I wanted to have right now.

She clasped her hands together.

Bad news. She was about to give me a news.

"Hey, how are you doing?" she asked and I raised a brow. Her actions were making me really suspicious. What's going on? She should just spit it out.

Seeing I gave no reply, she gave me a tight smile.

"I would be leaving for Florida today" she said and I sat up. Florida? To do what?

"Florida?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going on a visit and Jessie is going to see dad" she said and I raised a brow, dad?

"How about me, then?" she twisted her fingers together and I knew what she was going to say next.

I wasn't coming along.

"It's going be crowded, honey. We don't want your daddy's wife to get pissed" she said and I shook my head in disbelief. Really now?

Dad knew Jessie was going to stay the weekend with him, that's why he turned me down. It was always about fucking Jessica.

"This is about Jessica right?" I queried. I never came first. They loved Jessica more than they loved me, it was so fucking obvious.

Everything sucks. I wasn't loved in anywhere neither in school nor at home and it didn't help that I had no friends except Anna. The only being that managed to keep me safe and from doing what I initially had in mind to do.

Mum frowned.

"No, it's not —"

"Dad told me Linda was traveling for the weekend with Jayden, he said he was going to be busy" I said quietly.

They didn't want me.

"Charlie —"

"Is good, y'all do whatever you want to. I don't care, okay?" I said and her frown deepened.

"Why are you being difficult?" she asked and I scoffed in disbelief. I was being difficult now. Really?

"Difficult? I'm not being difficult, I'm just trying to breathe through what y'all doing, but I don't give a fuck okay.. Not even one" I snapped.

"Don't you dare curse at me" she raised her voice and I shook my head. Everything was getting to me at a fast pace. I needed a fucking break.

"Just leave" I muttered. I had neither the strength or the will to have a fight with her. One thing was obvious, she fucking hates me and fuck, if that doesn't hurt. Fuck!

"I'm trying to understand—"

"You don't understand anything, just leave" I said not sparing her a glance. I stayed home today because I needed to stay away from Reggie and then, mum comes and all this.

I know Jessie must have definitely told her about Reggie. They're always trying to take everything away from me.

She was quiet, and I heard the door click shut after a few seconds.

I swallowed nothing. I wasn't wanted. I was all alone now, I could do what I'd always had in mind right? No one would save me and I would ease myself of this misery.

Instead of doing as I'd thought, I grabbed my phone texting Anna.

She replied after a few seconds and I sighed appreciatively.

At least, I wouldn't be lonely for the night. I was always lonely, but I wouldn't feel deserted and I would have something to take my mind off what was in my head.


"Guess who I came with" Anna smiled widely as I opened the door. I raised a brow.

Lisa winked at me from behind her and I gasped. A smile tugged on my lips.

"Hi" I hugged Anna and hugged Lisa too. Even though, I just met Lisa, I was happy she was here.

They both held pillows to themselves. A sleepover of three, I guess. Tonight couldn't be much fun.

Mum and Jessie had left without a word to me but I didn't actually care. Dad hurt me, he wanted to spend time with Jessie without me. The hate was massive.

"So you're home alone?" Lisa asked stepping in after Anna, I shut the door after them.

"Yeah" I shrugged, she nodded looking around.

"You have a nice house" she complimented and I smiled.

"Then you have to see Anna's, it's totally beautiful" I said and Anna faked a blush.

"Oh, thank you" she courtesyed and we chuckled.

"So where's your room" Lisa asked.

"Let me show you the day, be prepared cause you're walking into a world of books" Anna said and I snorted.

She pushed the door to my room open and all three of us filed in. My room suddenly felt small to contain all three of us, neither would my bed.

"Uh, I don't think my bed would contain us all" I stated and Anna rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, we'll squeeze in" she said walking to my windows and pulling the curtain open.

"Can we go sun drying? To catch the last minute rays, I need my skin tanned" Lisa said staring down at the back yard where the sun rays reflected, just next to the pool.

Yeah, at least, I had a pool in my house.

"Oh, I don't have a bikini that would probably fit you" I said and she eyed me wearily.

"Yeah, you have a bigger rack" she commented lightly but I blushed. Not my breasts please.

"We can do sun drying tomorrow" Anna suggested and I nodded.

"Yeah, the morning sun would be better" I added and she shrugged.

My eyes fell on the neighbouring apartment, boxes were being moved in by some men. Yeah, we were having a new neighbor.

"It's definitely some hot dude" Lisa sighed staring where I was staring too.

I chuckled.

"Why would you think it's a guy? It could be a lady or a family" I shrugged and she stared at me bored.

"It definitely ain't a lady, if it were, she would be in front of those guys making sure things are moved in properly and yes, definitely not a family" she said and I puckered my lips.

She had a point though. Anna sighed falling on my bed.

"So what do we do till bedtime?" she asked. It was easier if it was just the both of us but with Lisa? No, she might find us boring.

"Play T or D" Lisa said jumping on my bed. I shook my head. I was probably going to enjoy tonight. Probably.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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