"Don't" I muttered holding my bag tighter. Anna sighed resting her hand on my shoulders.
I don't like how she was staring at me like she was contemplating something.
"So your mum wants you to crash at my place because she's having a guest?" she finally asked and I drew in a deep breath. Unfortunately.
"Yup" I said shrugging acting like it doesn't hurt to be cast away.
"Seriously Charlie? Your mum did that?" she asked.
"Its not the first time —I'm totally good" I said despite the sad ache in my chest.
Anna was silent for a while as we walked down the silent street.
She preferred walking with me than taking her car to school.
That's what best friends are for, right?
"You need to change Charlie, you can't let everyone boss you around" she finally said after a while.
I shrugged, I tried. But I couldn't make my own decisions without feeling I'm out of the circle. I just do what I think would make the people around me happier without minding how I feel myself.
"I tried" my voice was tiny compared to the one raging in my head.
"Not enough Charlie, Reggie just arrived and he managed to get you all riled up —" she didn't complete her sentence but I knew what she was gonna say.
I made myself breath and repeated my mental prep in my head.
She opened her mouth but her phone rang, she glanced at me before reaching for her phone. her eyes lit up on seeing the caller.
"Hey" she smiled widely while i just picked on my fingers. I could guess who it was —Aiden.
"Oh.. Okay" I wondered how wide she could smile, seeing it was stressing her cheeks. So far, I haven't had a reason to smile that wide. Gosh, stop it Charlie.
She squealed happily jumping up and down as she reached for my arm, she tucked her phone back into her bag and set her eyes on me.
"Guess what Charlie, we're going out" she smiled and I raised a brow.
"I think you meant 'you', you just got a call and I don't remember hearing my name" I said and she rolled her eyes.
"Whatever, you're coming with me" she squinted her eyes raising my glasses with her fingers "—you're definitely getting this off" she grinned while I just stared confused.
"Are you kidding me?" I whispered hoarsely as Anna dragged me into the shop. I fell silent awed. I think my reaction was worth her smile. She led me to the receptionist.
"Hi, I'm Anna. I have a booking" she said while I just looked around. It wasn't my first time being in a beauty shop but this place was —wow and it'd cost alot. I turned to Anna who was smiling.
"How much does it cost?" I asked and she shrugged.
"$1,000 dollars" she said and my eyes widened. One fucking thousand dollars! I turned around and made to go out but Anna held onto me giggling, hell, the receptionist was giggling too. My face went up in flames.
The lady past a card to Anna and we left scurrying towards the elevator.
"Anna, I don't have enough money to pay you back" I said timidly and a look of hurt crossed her face.
"I'm not doing this so you could pay me back, I'm doing this for —you" she said and i immediately felt guilty. Anna won't do anything that wasn't in my interest, it must have hurt her thinking she was doing this just so I would pay.
"Right" I paused and glanced at her. The smile was no longer on her face, she looked —sad. "I'm sorry" I said and she huffed. I smiled pinching her sides.
"What do I do huh? To make you forgive me?" I asked. Her eyes lit mischievously while she pretended to be thinking.
"Well for starters, just stay quiet and come with me" she said and I rolled my eyes as the elevator reopened taking us to the tenth floor.
"That easy" I muttered but she just smirked. I had a feeling there was more to come.
The room looked just as great as the reception hall but with more people. The beauticians were up and about getting pedicures and manicures done, hair and makeup and waxing —wait what!?
A woman smiled approaching us, I clasped my sweaty hands together.
"Hi, how can we be of help to you?" she asked and Anna smiled saying something to her and showing her card. The woman nodded pointing to us a guy in the room.
"He would be of services to you, thank you" she smiled and we both trotted towards the guy who just finished a makeup session. He turned around flashing us both a smile.
"Hey beauties" he greeted, I raised a brow. Maybe he meant beauty and that was definitely Anna, not me.
His gaze fell on me and I wanted nothing more than to hide behind Anna. He was good looking even with an apron tied around him but there was something I wanted to run from probably the way he was staring at me.
"Hi, I'm Marcel" he said extending his hand to me. I stared down at it, it was coated with makeup. He chuckled withdrawing his hand.
"I would just clean up and attend to you both, excuse me" he winked at me before walking towards an open door and disappearing inside.
Anna pointed to a seat and we both sat down.
"He definitely likes you" she grinned and my mouth opened.
"What? Why would he?" I croaked and she frowned not saying anything more.
"What are we here for?" I asked and she checked her fingers.
"I want to get waxed, my girly bits might end up having sex with Aiden" she said bluntly and I coughed, my face going all shades of red.
I looked around, she wasn't a little embarrassed. It looked liked no one heard us or rather, they weren't paying attention to us.
"What?" I whispered. She stared up at me and chuckled.
"You're looking all red, baby" she smirked just as Marcel returned.
He flashed me a smile.
"So what can I do for you both?" he asked pressing his hands together. Anna shrugged.
"I wanna get waxed and she.." she pointed to me "—she needs a makeover, she doesn't believe she's pretty, how dumb is she?" she rolled her eyes and Marvel smiled, his eyes lingering on me.
"Very dumb" he muttered and Anna flashed me 'I told you so' smile.
"So waxing" he reminded and Anna nodded.
"Are you —the one doing the waxing?" I asked blushing furiously. How could Anna do this to me? What makeover is she talking about and Why. Would. A. Guy. Be. Waxing. Her?
They both stared at me like I was out of my mind —great. Remind me to remain silent for the rest of this... Whatever.
I looked away when Anna shimmied out of her pants.
"—yeah, I'm only gonna wax my legs"
"I see, have a hot date?"
"Yeah, not gonna take any chances"
"How about her?"
"Charlie? She's shy"
"She got a pretty name"
"Right? I told her so, so many times"
"She has a boyfriend?"
"Not really, but she has a huge crush on her ex best friend..Who's now a jerk to her"
"Yeah, they're no longer friends. She's mine now"
"That's Uh —complicated"
"Yeah, it is, she wouldn't just give him up" I rolled my eyes, can't believe they're talking about me like I ain't here.
"I'm still here you know.. You can just ask me anything" I said and they chuckled.
There was silence for a while, I could only hear the buzzing of the blade or whatever they were using.
"Done" Marcel announced and I turned around.
"So fast?" I asked, Anna had a satisfied smile on her face as she flexed her legs.
"You think he's gonna like it?" she asked and I closed my eyes.
I. Can't. Fucking. Believe. This.
"Yeah, you have nice legs"
Marcel complimented, I opened my eyes to catch Anna beaming as she stood up slipping her pants on.
"Let's get going then, it's nice —" I was saying as I stood up.
Anna tilted her head..
"We're not going now baby, you have to sit and let him do something to your hair " she plastered an absolute fake smile on her face before shoving me down the seat and setting me in front of the mirror. I dropped my gaze, I hated staring at the mirror. It reminded me how imperfect I am.
"So.. You want your hair in curls, wavy or just straight?" Marcel asked swirling a strand of my hair around his finger.
"She'd go with straight" Anna butted in and I sighed waving my hands dramatically.
"Don't I get a choice?" I asked and she fixed me a stern glare.
"Right, what do you want?" she asked clearly warning me with her eyes.
"Straight" I said rolling my eyes as she smiled satisfied.
I kept my eyes away from the mirror the whole time Marcel did God knows what with my hair. He started small talks and soon enough, I was comfortable in his company.
"Can you get lensesfor her? The one that would fit her eyes, I'm tired of seeing those damn glasses" Anna said and my eyes sprang open. I stared at her from the mirror.
"I don't need lenses" I protested.
"I haven't forgiven you yet, you know" she said with an eye roll.
Cool, payback time.
"Lenses would definitely look good on you, but I'm gonna take your size then you can check back tomorrow" Marcel said and I flashed Anna a triumphant smile avoiding staring at my own self at the mirror.
"Done" Marcel announced and I looked up at him, swirling my chair around so I was facing Anna.
"How do I look Ann?" I asked and she faked dabbed a tear from her eyes.
"So pretty my angel"
"So can we get out already?" I asked and she frowned
"Have you seen yourself?" she asked and I groaned.
"I had been staring at that mirror, through the whole procedure" I squinted my eyes and she raised her brows in return. I knew that look.
I turned to Marcel who was cleaning his tools with a towel..
"Thank you so much, you did a great job with my hair" I said and he gave a returning smile.
"You look pretty" he said and i smiled lightly. Now, I don't believe that. I haven't even seen myself. Can we just fucking leave already?
"Thank you" I said before glaring at Anna.
She smiled before approaching me.
"Now, we can go shopping" she said and i closed my eyes.
No. No. No!!
"Thank you Marc, been nice talking to you" she said and I stood up untying the towel they'd draped over me.
He smiled at us.
"Anytime" he muttered and that was our cue to leave.
"Anna... Can we leave the shopping for some other time? I just got myself new clothes" I drawled and she rolled her eyes.
"Those potato bags?" she asked and I faked hurt.
"That hurts Ann"
"Whatever you say or do, just know I haven't forgiven you.. Yet" she said as we walked back to the elevator. She jabbed a button and it opened, we walked in and my eyes caught Marcel staring — at me precisely.
Can we go already..
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!