
Your fault

Henry, " Did my sis sign the marriage ? I asked her to sign without my presence too..She loves you so much man. "

Chasper, " She loves her brothers equally too.."

Henry, " Yes I know, By the where is she? "

Chasper, " I didn't meant to. Your sister didn't give me chance "

Henry eyes furrowed , " Chance for what?"

Chasper, " Your sister signed the certificate with her real identity " Sophia Watson " I was impressed but when she saw my signature..."

Henry in stern voice, " You mean she found you are Chasper ? "

Chasper sighing and said everything..

Henry holding Chasper collar , " What the hell? Why didn't you stop her? How could you let her go?"

Chasper, " As if I wanted her to go away.."

Henry, " It's everything your fault whats the necessary to use two characters . Why can't you just behave as yourself..How can you expect my sis to live with you..? "

Chasper , " Henry we can fight later. First we need to find our wives "