
The first impression

His name is Mathias,he was a friend back then in the University. Smiles, this journey am about to take you through is a very long one. We met in school,back then like I said in the University,we were in different department and virtually different personnels. My name is Becky. I had crushes on so many people ,when we were in school but I didn't allow it to ruin my chances of a brighter future,if you get what I mean. I love to always win and come out best in my academic and in everything I did. I met Mathias casually in the library but I didn't really like his type he looked like a bed with his glasses,I can't come and join another bookworm to my own problem,because literally I love books ,I don't want my own life to be boring as hell,I need a spice up to it. He was cute though,no doubt about it. But I erased it from my thoughts,my friend Patricia,one evening when we were taking a stroll to the school cafeteen, she sighted him from a far and called out to me " Becky,hey look at that dude"she used her head to give me directions,that's our own way of gossip, I quickly turned to the direction to know whom exactly she was referring too. Gosh, Really?? I asked with disappointment written all over me,I really thought he was a real,social lively somebody or an extrovert but he looks like an introvert to me. What?? she replied, can't you see he is always with books,am certainly sure that this one can't be romantic at all..I said in a bittered tone. I was taken aback by her laughter "Look at whom is talking what's the difference between you both?" She asked, I raised a brow up to give her this "really look,you got to be kidding me" I just hissed and left her there.

Few days later, I met Kingsley a smart, handsome,caring and good -looking guy. We became friends and I enjoyed his company and he like-wise loved my company. I had introduced Patricia to him, she loved his personality and everything about him,I guess in her mind she would be like "Mehn ,girl you have gotten your self the right spec"She loved everything about him,yeah he is the serious type also, but not like the Neds. Look, actually I won't lie to you if you ask me what do I want in a guy or how I want my guy to be ...I don't really know but I am really selective when it comes to dating ... It was only when I was little I had a picture of my dream man,but growing up so many things changed for two months now, I and Kingsley became so close that I got used to him. Most times when I am alone with Patricia ,she always tease me that she was noticing some sparks between the both of us, most times I am amazed by her thinking or uncertain observation, sparks that I myself haven't noticed. But it was glaring though, Kingsley doesn't hide it,he shows how much he loves me even publicly and he also tells me,though I don't take him seriously cause I gat to study well in other to graduate with the best results I am in year 3 now I have 2 years to go,because my course is a 5 years course,and I didn't want to jeopardize my studies for any feelings.