
Evolving System: Strongest Monster Devourer

[WSA Entry, Please Vote with PowerStones] Henry was an ordinary college student who pursued his path as a chef. Some of his classmates laughed at him for studying gastronomic. “What kind of jobs will you get? A butcher?” The reason Henry chose the path was because of his love for the kitchen. He loved to create delicious food that brightened up the day of those who ate it. From a young age, he learned a lot from his father, who did not have the same opportunities as him to go to college. Marcus was his name, and he worked as a butcher in a small town, trying his best to provide comfort for his son. Henry never met his mom, as she died when he was born. His father tried his best to hide the sadness, but Henry could see it; one day, Marcus was killed in a car crash after drinking too much, and Henry was with him… It was not the end for them. Both reincarnated inside another world, one of magic. They did not know the existence of each other, but perhaps fate would draw them together once more. [Evolving System] “What is this?” A world ruled by the beasts, a place where humans trained to become great knights or mages to face these beasts. Dungeons dangerous places yet filled with riches. Henry is a village boy who discovered that the flesh had more power than the eyes could see and was capable of driving people mad. ~~~~ I wanted to focus into something peculiar. Our MC will tap into Holy Magic, as you can see what happened in the early chapters. Why? Well, I like the whole idea of a Cleric, and that will give an interesting twist considering Henry can get the abilities from the beasts, but the flesh of those beasts can also alter his personality. Maybe his Holy Magic turns into something else later? If you think about it, a Holy person is one step away from turning into something evil. Yes, our MC is evil. Not that he will not help others, but he seeks his own benefit, and the beast blood can sometimes alters one's mind.

unknownwriter69 · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Magical School (4) - Fight in the Dorm

The library had many bookshelves and not a single speck of dust, but the scent of old books and wood was still present, bringing Henry memories of his past life.

"I think you should read these three books," the woman said, placing three books on the table, "they are general ones, and these two," she then put two more on the table, "are holy ones for beginners."

She and Henry strolled together inside the library, with her leading the way, speaking non-stop about her favorite books and subjects. They talked about many things, ranging from beginner to complex topics, yet even after that much conversation, Henry still did not know her name.

"Thank you for your help, Ms...?"

"Diana, call me Diana," she said, smiling.

Henry's eyes almost closed with the whiteness of her teeth, and her pure smile made his heart beat faster. The scent of wildflowers was all over the library, and seeing how only the two were there, it had to be hers.

It wasn't odd for kids to have a crush, but the librarian? Sure, her smile was brighter than the sun, with perfectly aligned teeth, and her body was just... just incredible, and the face? A face straight from a painting. Yet there was a problem: Henry was almost half her age, and a thought never left his mind.

'I don't have a chance...'

But giving up was a word Henry did not have in his dictionary. He would persevere and win the girl's heart!

"I'm Henry. You probably never saw me around here, but that's not because I hate reading; it's just because I am a new student," Henry said, choking on his words.

Despite being older than the overall kids, Henry still lacked experience talking to women, but Diana saw it as cute! She chuckled, "I know, don't worry. You can always come here to pass the time or ask me anything. The library is always empty because students prefer to read inside their rooms, so you being here means a lot to me."

Diana cuddled Henry's hair, messing it all up, but that did not anger him. It made his heart pound, and warmth ran through his entire body.

"I would love to keep you company!"

"Good boy. But not today, right? It is late for you to be here," Diana said.

After hearing it, Henry returned to his senses, remembering how late it was, "right, I almost forgot," he said, tapping his forehead.

Diana only wrote his name on a thick notebook with the books' names beneath it. It was her way of controlling the books, ensuring every student returned them, or else the library would become completely empty one day.


Henry walked back to his dormitory after grabbing the books, way slower than when he left it, as now there were five books for him to carry along, which was no easy task for a ten-year-old kid.

Even fewer students were walking in the courtyard, seeing how it was getting close to 10 pm, and by that time, no one was allowed to leave the dorm.

It was better that way. Fewer students meant fewer kids staring at Henry with disgusted faces and even fewer chances of getting himself into trouble.

'A lone wolf has its perks.'

The outside almost had no one, but the boys' dorm was packed with students in the lobby, sitting around the fireplace, reading, talking, and playing games.

The first floor of the dorm was where most of the students reunited to socialize, which was the opposite of what Henry looked for at that moment.

Everyone glanced at Henry the moment he entered the building. He predicted it, so despite the many looks of psycho kids, he was not stressed or afraid something would happen to him.

'Different from them, I read the school's norms, so I know fighting is prohibited.'

Most of the kids who glanced at Henry when he entered did it only briefly, returning to whatever they were doing before his arrival.

But some of the kids, one in specific, wanted trouble. It was a tall kid, thin as a stick, with slick-back hair and an air of arrogance.

"Hey, you," the kid said.

Henry tried the ignoring technique, which worked sometimes but did not work that time. The tall kid grabbed Henry by the arm, making his books fall on the ground.

"I am talking to you! And why do you have so many books? I thought people like you couldn't even read!"

A burst of laughs echoed inside the building, all from noble kids — they had the highest number in the school, around 85%.

Some were not nobles there, and those kids clenched their fists yet did nothing more than that. No one stood up to defend Henry or anything like that.

Henry noticed it and wasn't pissed off by it. Why would strangers defend someone? It was not like Henry was their friend, so they had no reason to protect him.

"It's funny cause these books weigh more than your skinny ass, you little shit."

Henry felt terrible for saying curse words to a kid for a moment but remembered how almost everyone there was an asshole, so the feeling vanished, changing from that to joy.

"What did you say?"

The kid could not believe Henry had said those words to him. No one had the guts to do it, yet a countryside kid from a village did, and that made him feel even worse.

"You heard it well, stupid. Or maybe you are deaf? That would explain why you still think you are handsome."


It was too much by that point, and the kid tried to punch Henry in the face without thinking! The Keen Senses Skill went to play, and the punch of that kid looked slower as a turtle for Henry.

So all he hid was move his head to the side, avoiding the punch. But that was it. Henry did not fight back, although he wanted to, it would only bring him trouble.


All the kids around them saw it and gaped their mouths after seeing Henry's incredible display of skill. As for the noble kid, his face was red, and he grabbed the staff attached to his back, ready to cast a spell on Henry!

But then someone showed up. It was one of the school's teachers, and it did not matter if one was rich, poor, or noble; the rules applied to everyone.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The noble's kid face went from red to pale, and Henry could not help but smirk.