
Evolutionis Player[Eng]

From the book: I produced a portal and came across his mansion made of white marbled stones. The mansion was shining under the moon of this dwarf planet, a moon of magnificent silvery blue color. I had to defeat this demigod. He had immeasurable powers and increased intelligence after all these years of existence. However my arsenal was no less advanced and my magic art was colossal. I amplified my voice: "You, Lumadis, show that I am putting an end to your life, a rat that you are hiding at the edge of the Universe!" "I am not hiding, on the contrary," replied a gentle and playful voice. "I'm just enjoying the view" I did not think any more and produced the black gaseous eternalis which was pouring over the house, violet lightning exploded in all directions and cracked the stone. Our story traces the path of a man who can evolve like a video game. He will progress by trying to unravel the secrets of the system that will help him progress in his destiny. His road will be littered with adversaries, encounters and challenges to overcome. Will our hero manage to survive in the face of these innumerable dangers? Will he be able to evolve or will he perish before?

Evorum · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 5/6 - The Monarch

Chapter 5 -The City of Wolves

The city was titanic, with a jet black, the buildings seemed not to finish going up. This most colossal scenery opened to my perplexed eyes. And wolves, never-ending wolves were lurking in the distance, hungry for fresh meat. I didn't see any werewolves but wolves in packs were a terrible threat, they had to be eliminated one by one to make their way to the heart of the city.

This idea seemed impossible to me; I had only 3 days of provisions and I had little magical energy to support myself. I can make a maximum of four magic fireballs every two hours. When I thought of all this, two lone wolves had smelled my scent and I could see them approaching me, their eyes crying starvation.

I infused my mana dagger which took on a glowing color and darted to meet the two monsters. The first sprang and his powerful and agile legs towards me, I dodged an expert dodge and reached him at the buffet. The wolf caught fire almost instantly after the dagger hit him. The second attacker feared this sudden heat, he fled abruptly.

Thus, I continued my advance on my watch, on my right: a wolf pack, on my left: a cliff. I had no choice but to advance towards the pack. Seven individuals were there, eating a freshly hunted sheep. Seeing that two wolves were side by side, I did not think of any advantage and threw a ball of fire which pierced the flesh of the two wolves, the other wolves being alarmed, they faced their aggressor and threw themselves with their sharp fangs. I threw a second ball which killed one and pulled me away running towards the nearest exit: the cliff.

Cornered in front of these four wolves, the space that separated me from the cliff was shrinking by sight. Well, am I jumping or am I facing? The fall could prove deadly in these tumultuous waters. And as my thought accelerated under the adrenaline, a wolf leaped. I grabbed him at the neck and with all my strength, threw him into the void, leaving behind him only a plaintive cry.

No More than three I thought. I will be my dagger between my fingers and knocked towards the nearest one by taking a side step. I cut off his head and the wound caught fire, in the rapidity of the action, another wolf had bitten my femur with all his strength but could not break it. The training had paid off. Then I caught the wolf and held it around the neck with all my power, which broke under my embrace. I hurried to my dagger that had fallen to the ground, and projected it by infusing it with mana towards the last wolf that perished like his brothers. I paused to see the damage I had taken, my leg had suffered serious damage and was bleeding in several places.

I quickly bandaged her by soaking the fabric with strong alcohol, I drank a sip as I passed and put the bottle in my bag. I set up a camp and skinned the wolves to extract alchemy ingredients, meat, and skin. I had become rather good at cutting and had gained a level while working.

I could use their eyes to make strength potions and teeth for strength potions. I invoked my spirit of fire to prepare the food to grill and set up my sleeping bag. The fresh air swept my face and a sweet feeling of fullness invaded me, embracing this instant I set out in search of a place close to the cliff where I could sit to contemplate the distant and enigmatic stars that inhabited this beautiful sky.

The night passed while the spirit of fire watched the surroundings. It took mana to enrich the spirit, it disappeared at 5am when my mana was empty. Harnessing my equipment, I went back on my way and reached the city that already seemed so great seen from afar. At this distance, the black and cubic buildings that formed the city engulfed me in their darkness as I progressed in my doomsday journey. Litter my passage of a corpse torn to pieces.

As I rushed into the city, I noticed shadows watching me. I stopped at a corner to see a werewolf lurking there, I had filled myself with an anti-odor box, it still had to work. As the werewolf traced his path, I sneaked quietly into his back and gave him a fatal blow to the heart. My dagger infused with mana had passed through her body now inert.

"Notification! - Following a successful stealth attack on a werewolf, gain surgical assassination skill lvl1". Nice new reward, and that's an attribute. I wonder how it works. Seeing another werewolf, I sneaked closer and activated my new skill: I could easily see his vital points traced on his body. From redder to lighter depending on the importance of the vital point. So I aimed for a point I had seen and the beast sprang as it was attacked by surprise. The pain was so great that the beast only managed to leave a sharp cry filled with pain in the cold air.

Taking care to drag the carcasses to a safe place to skin them, I got hold of a second evolutionary stone that I put aside. It should be worth in the 10,000 gold coins after analyzing its magical concentration. Happy with my recent gains: 10 wolf skin, 20 wolf eyes, 15 wolf teeth and meat in quantity, I put away my equipment and progressed in the darkness of that cold night. I was close to many buildings, they could allow me to see better, while I was climbing a building, the white rays of the moon had pierced the heavy clouds to illuminate this landscape. The city extended for 3 km, how to find the boss? The worries assailed me with their evil beauty and took me to the bowels.Chapter 5 - The City of Wolves

The city was titanic, with a jet black, the buildings seemed not to finish going up. This most colossal scenery opened to my perplexed eyes. And wolves, never-ending wolves were lurking in the distance, hungry for fresh meat. I didn't see any werewolves but wolves in packs were a terrible threat, they had to be eliminated one by one to make their way to the heart of the city.

This idea seemed impossible to me; I had only 3 days of provisions and I had little magical energy to support myself. I can make a maximum of four magic fireballs every two hours. When I thought of all this, two lone wolves had smelled my scent and I could see them approaching me, their eyes crying starvation.

I infused my mana dagger which took on a glowing color and darted to meet the two monsters. The first sprang and his powerful and agile legs towards me, I dodged an expert dodge and reached him at the buffet. The wolf caught fire almost instantly after the dagger hit him. The second attacker feared this sudden heat, he fled abruptly.

Thus, I continued my advance on my watch, on my right: a wolf pack, on my left: a cliff. I had no choice but to advance towards the pack. Seven individuals were there, eating a freshly hunted sheep. Seeing that two wolves were side by side, I did not think of any advantage and threw a ball of fire which pierced the flesh of the two wolves, the other wolves being alarmed, they faced their aggressor and threw themselves with their sharp fangs. I threw a second ball which killed one and pulled me away running towards the nearest exit: the cliff.

Cornered in front of these four wolves, the space that separated me from the cliff was shrinking by sight. Well, am I jumping or am I facing? The fall could prove deadly in these tumultuous waters. And as my thought accelerated under the adrenaline, a wolf leaped. I grabbed him at the neck and with all my strength, threw him into the void, leaving behind him only a plaintive cry.

More than three I thought. I will be my dagger between my fingers and knocked towards the nearest one by taking a side step. I cut off my head and the wound caught fire, in the rapidity of the action, another wolf had bitten my femur with all his strength but could not break it. The training had paid off. Then I caught the wolf and held it around the neck with all my power, which broke under my embrace. I hurried to my dagger that had fallen to the ground, and projected it by infusing it with mana towards the last wolf that perished like his brothers. I paused to see the damage I had taken, my leg had suffered serious damage and was bleeding in several places.

I quickly bandaged her by soaking the fabric with strong alcohol, I drank a sip as I passed and put the bottle in my bag. I set up a camp and skinned the wolves to extract alchemy ingredients, meat, and skin. I had become rather good at cutting and had gained a level while working.

I could use their eyes to make strength potions and teeth for strength potions. I invoked my spirit of fire to prepare the food to grill and set up my sleeping bag. The fresh air swept my face and a sweet feeling of fullness invaded me, embracing this instant I set out in search of a place close to the cliff where I could sit to contemplate the distant and enigmatic stars that inhabited this beautiful sky.

The night passed while the spirit of fire watched the surroundings. It took mana to enrich the spirit, it disappeared at 5am when my mana was empty. Harnessing my equipment, I went back on my way and reached the city that already seemed so great seen from afar. At this distance, the black and cubic buildings that formed the city engulfed me in their darkness as I progressed in my doomsday journey. Litter my passage of a corpse torn to pieces.

As I rushed into the city, I noticed shadows watching me. I stopped at a corner to see a werewolf lurking there, I had filled myself with an anti-odor box, it still had to work. As the werewolf traced his path, I sneaked quietly into his back and gave him a fatal blow to the heart. My dagger infused with mana had passed through her body now inert.

"Notification! - Following a successful stealth attack on a werewolf, gain surgical assassination skill lvl1". Nice new reward, and that's an attribute. I wonder how it works. Seeing another werewolf, I sneaked closer and activated my new skill: I could easily see his vital points traced on his body. From redder to lighter depending on the importance of the vital point. So I aimed for a point I had seen and the beast sprang as it was attacked by surprise. The pain was so great that the beast only managed to leave a sharp cry filled with pain in the cold air.

Taking care to drag the carcasses to a safe place to skin them, I got hold of a second evolutionary stone that I put aside. It should be worth in the 10,000 gold coins after analyzing its magical concentration. Happy with my recent gains: 10 wolf skin, 20 wolf eyes, 15 wolf teeth and meat in quantity, I put away my equipment and progressed in the darkness of that cold night. I was close to many buildings, they could allow me to see better, while I was climbing a building, the white rays of the moon had pierced the heavy clouds to illuminate this landscape. The city extended for 3 km, how to find the boss? The worries assailed me with their evil beauty and took me to the bowels.

Chapter 6 The Monarch

It had been 3 days that I was in the dungeon, the wolf meat had become my favorite meal and the water of the springs here and there quickly watered me. I landed on the building to watch for an opening in the ranks of the wolves who were terribly numerous. It was 12 o'clock when the sun struck my face with its warm sweetness. The wolves who had been hunted had left a passage in the creepy alleys of this city. I undertook to cross the area to reach what appeared to be a double marble door. Terribly heavy, I pushed with all my strength to clear a passage as quickly as possible when a notification appeared. "Notification! -'The blood sun', survive as long as possible in the guest room!

And in a deafening noise, wolves came out from everywhere to attack me with their bloodthirsty bestiality. Chopping, cutting, cutting the air and the flesh in all directions, the wolves were only more and more numerous and it was there that I saw the red and black ball dominating the room. Hung high, it emitted a kind of sound interwoven with some kind of incantation. I thought the ball should be used as a transmitter to bring the wolves closer. I climbed the stairs while fiercely fighting my attackers, one had torn my left arm in the biceps and another had driven his fangs into my left thigh. My leg seriously wounded, I struggled to climb the stairs.

Once I was up, I could see the round stone glowing above the room, perched on a chandelier. As I threw a ball of fire, I threw a rope and climbed the rope with all my muscles. The beasts could not reach me here so I examined the stone. It was littered with rune everywhere and had to contain mana, should I keep it? However I attract all wolves, with this thing is death assured. Maybe by neutralizing certain areas of the ball, I can undo its short-term effects? As I set to work, the wolves left me alone in the huge room. "Notification! -You survived "Blood Sun" level +1 gain." Great, I made the decision to invest my points later and went down with my rope, the round stone in my purse, to continue my journey.

The second room was plunged into a nameless darkness, I took out a torch and lit it by invoking fire. Then I invoked my spirit of fire which pierced the darkness of its burning heat. Seeing now more clearly, I could discern two parallel corridors that were to lead to the next. Not knowing what direction the boss took, I sent my mind to the right as I took the left. I ordered him to make a powerful sound if he saw it.

The corridor in which I progress was filled with various traps. I caught a poisoned arrow in the neck as I dodged a trap on the ground. My vision became blurred and I felt my blood heat terribly. When suddenly. "Notification! - Gain resistance to the lvl1 poison with the defence enhancement attribute. The poison had a diminished effect and I waved as I regained my sight. I drank my only healing potion. And I sat on a stone beam to regain my mind. Well, I was lucky on that one! If I did not have this attribute, I would have lost my life. I smiled and entered the third room.

A throne made of steel was there, of pure cold, a massive shadow was there. I could not discern his face, but I suspected it would be a wolf. When without warning, I was struck with a force that threw me on the nearest wall. And then I discovered the face of the face on the throne: A tiger! A tiger that was winged and possessed a powerful chimera tail that had just hit me. The composition was monstrous: powerful muscles were drawn on his zebra fur, he had prowling fangs and sharp claws, not to mention his wings that split the air as he rose above the throne. He's definitely the boss.

I gathered the mana in my palms and threw two balls of fiery fire towards the monstrous beast, with a wing stroke, the balls were deflected and sent to the walls that melted under pressure of heat. I quickly invoked the spirit of fire with what was left of mana and dodged relentlessly the monster's attacks. The spirit will run to the right, I to the left and we jumped on a beast simultaneously to try to give him the fatal blow. My Surgical Assassination skill was activated and I saw the thin vital points looming over the tiger's body, one was located just below the neck, a second was to the right of his belly. Spirit! Aim for his belly," I cried at my invocation. I managed to stab her with a dagger but although she was infused with mana, I struggled to penetrate her thick leather.

I wounded him in the shoulder, having failed to reach him at the point of life, I quickly thought of the choices that were open to me: to throw the dagger hoping that it would manage to cross his skin? To exhaust the beast? To attempt a final fireball attack? And while all these ideas seemed impossible to me, my spirit of fire was lacerated to the body leaving behind only a trail of flame as it disappeared. It's between you and me now". I had thought of an attack that might work: I grabbed my dagger firmly and sprinkled it with my sleeping potion that I had left and then launched me to attack to touch it and cut it to the maximum. I managed to touch it 5 times and the tiger was beginning to twitch, eyelids suddenly heavy. I touched it three more times and the beast collapsed, the wounds were slight and none was fatal but the potion had the desired effect. Notification! Gain of level +4, Gain of the title 'The Bestial Killer', Following the elimination of the boss with the help of potion, gain of the trait 'Alchemist lvl2'. While potion recipes emerged in my brain, I undertook to skin the beast. I drew many ingredients from it thanks to my new skill and rare materials were there before my eyes.

Once my task was complete, I activated the key to the dungeon 'The City of Wolves' and instantly teleported myself to my garden from which I had left. The pouch full of expensive merchandise and that mysterious round stone I found in the city. I put away my equipment and rested from a heavy sleep, I had stayed in the city for 6 days, sleeping on the watch. The bed I possessed was like a cloud after this ordeal. I gained 5 levels and a lot of useful stuff, when to this stone I wonder what I will do with it," I thought as I was drinking a sip of mineral water. I thought back to my winnings: I had 2,000 gold coins, an evolutionary stone worth at least 10,000, ingredients to produce potions, an unknown stone. It's time to invest in a workshop!". In this way, I will be able to forge my equipment efficiently and concoct mixes using glass utensils.