
Evolutionis Player[Eng]

From the book: I produced a portal and came across his mansion made of white marbled stones. The mansion was shining under the moon of this dwarf planet, a moon of magnificent silvery blue color. I had to defeat this demigod. He had immeasurable powers and increased intelligence after all these years of existence. However my arsenal was no less advanced and my magic art was colossal. I amplified my voice: "You, Lumadis, show that I am putting an end to your life, a rat that you are hiding at the edge of the Universe!" "I am not hiding, on the contrary," replied a gentle and playful voice. "I'm just enjoying the view" I did not think any more and produced the black gaseous eternalis which was pouring over the house, violet lightning exploded in all directions and cracked the stone. Our story traces the path of a man who can evolve like a video game. He will progress by trying to unravel the secrets of the system that will help him progress in his destiny. His road will be littered with adversaries, encounters and challenges to overcome. Will our hero manage to survive in the face of these innumerable dangers? Will he be able to evolve or will he perish before?

Evorum · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Chapter 24 - Magic and Knowledge

He began by explaining to me the arcane formulas that derive from the fog and then how to produce this weather effect. The more power was deployed, the bigger and thicker the fog. After several attempts I failed to produce it. However, I still had theories. I then tried to do it with my mental source rather than my mana and it worked! I produced a fog about 10m in diameter around me. Less thick than Ratvert's and rather thin.

"You have succeeded!

"I feel grateful for your help Ratvert"

«It's nothing but what magic you use, I felt nothing like arcane aura»

"Oh, well, it's ... it's different magic coming from another village where I traveled," I said in haste. I did not want to expose my abilities, it could be fatal if my enemis had this information. Not that I didn't trust Ratvert because he saved my life, but caution was in order.

In 30min we arrived at the village, we met some merchants as we approached.

The village was protected by a rather thick stone wall, showing some wealth. We immediately went to the merchant to sell the collected crystals. The noble Viro drew 4,000 gold coins from them. I received the 2,000 coins for the escort quest. My purse was full again. Well, I wasn't rolling in gold but I was going to invest.

«Notification! Following the success of an escort quest gain notoriety +2»

Notoriety? I don't even know what that means. I didn't pay attention.

Ratvert, we'll leave tomorrow, get your gear ready before daybreak. At six o'clock sharp we'll be on our way."

"Well noted, I'll have a beer at the bar before that"

But people won't notice how you look?

«Don't worry I have a formula that makes it possible to make disappear my vampire attributes for 1h»

And he was leaving in the night. We had arrived at 7pm and everything was quiet in this village. I then decided to venture into its streets. The streets were embellished with beautiful, strong plots, some flowers growing here and there, and they had refractory crystal lamps.

It was 9pm when I entered the magic store. Bookshelves of books, displays of magical objects. We found a bit of everything but complicated formulas kept a high price.

"Good evening, madam, do you have any books on mirique?"

"Obviously, it is necessary to learn to control it to make magic."

I had not done so and yet I had succeeded, I thought. Would I have a predisposition?.

«At what price can I have all the volumes you hold»

The saleswoman looked in her reserve and came back shortly after.

"Unfortunately we only have one, he's an expert, do you want him anyway?"

"I take it"

And she wrapped the book in paper.

I then went to the bar, my book in hand. Ratvert was sitting in front of the bartender, holding two pints in his hands and laughing with the locals, sharing his funny stories.

And by the way Ratvert says

"I don't even know your name"

"Call me Evo," I replied

Where does that come from?

My parents are a healer and they invented a formula of care called évorum. That's where my first name comes from, besides you also «Ratvert» it's not common as name»

"Don't worry, a village has my name"

"You mean it belongs to you?"

My father is a baron and he literally swims in gold, you should have extracted more from him than 2000 gold coins.

"As long as there are 4 digits, that's enough for me"

I drank a few pints with him and we exchanged our adventures. Ratvert was as mature as me too he was 3 years younger.

Around 1 am we left the bar, fresh air touching our slightly soaked faces.

"How about a Tarin cigarette?"

"If I remember correctly, it agitates the mirror"

"That's right too, I've grown it myself."

I breathed a breath and felt my mana shake, becoming more powerful and chaotic. The effects lasted 10min as a rule and it is a well-known relaxant. Certain treatments required extracted Tarin because it could act as anesthetic at very high doses.

«Notification! Checking the mirror +1 point, current level: 2»

I'm progressing! Now it's time to deepen my knowledge with the book I bought.

The terms used were very complex and some ingredients could have an effect on mirics. I could not learn more, too complex I thought. Then a message appeared

«Reading possible with 40 intelligence points, current level: 22»

I understand better now, it looks like the system can calculate my intellectual capacity and adopt it at levels. I went to bed in the night when the sounds of the insects echoed.

When I woke up at 10am, Ravert had to sleep now. My equipment was still in good condition after being crushed under a rock. I forged my own armor with wolf leather. I still had the mysterious red stone I picked up there, I had to figure out how to use it.

I was going to use the time I have left here to train. What should I do: increase my mana, my strength, my agility? I went to the village where I practiced my fire-spirit spell. In this way, my mastery increased to level 8 and he understood the more complex orders now.

Then I went to Ratvert. I knocked on his door and he opened me. He wore his travelling clothes, but he had no armour, he had to be confident.

"Ready for the start?"

"I am and as soon as the sun is set, we will start the road."

Until then, I can tell you a story that circulates among vampires," he continued.

"With pleasure"

«This is the story of the mad monk Laro»

In the history of magical diseases and anomalies, found many school cases among the inhabitants of the robotic city. Chemical clouds and inventions created many climatic malfunctions. Another example often cited is the legend of the mad monk Laro. This monk, who had joined the church from an early age, had made many pilgrim trips around the world. He had done it all at the age of 35 by way of the main roads. His wisdom was enormous and although he did not practice magic, his body could probably bear the burden. At the age of 40, he wanted to start again such a journey and collect samples of everything he encountered in order to list them in a grimoire. This involved using a magical storage bag. He had prepared and left on a rainy day.

In order to find rarer samples, he had to venture into the winding paths and on the highest mountains.

At 45 he found an evolutionary stone and decided to use it on himself. No change had taken place in him, and he resumed his disappointed journey. That was when his life changed. His skin slowly took on a dark purple hue and he felt his body produce a new energy. This energy that was stored in the spinal cord was called the 'deviation'. Having absorbed the stone, the deviation boundary usually almost-This energy could breathe modified life into the dead with a physical envelope. Thus, it was easy for him to awaken the dead to exchange the rest of the information about the life he holds.

He then accumulated a huge amount of knowledge however this knowledge had a price. The more he used his power, the more his body underwent major changes. Said he'd gone crazy over all that knowledge he had kept. He would have created a castle whose entrance was always open. However the architect who had drawn the plans of the castle was a dead man who had lived in ancient Greece, he was tormented by the contempt of his confreres regarding his art of architecture. He had thus named his creation: the prison without door. Once inside, it was impossible to find the entrance no matter how long you spent looking for it. They said that the monk Laro still lives today, living in seclusion, waiting for a new era to come out and interrogate the dead. This is how the legend of the mad monk was born."

"I had never heard of the deviuric as energy, you know how to use it, Ratvert?"

I can do it on small animals and still it takes a lot of concentration.

"I see, maybe I could one day"

Then we went towards the breach.