
Evolution :Surviving The Apocalypse[BL]

Zian Hayes gets the chance to return past before the end of the world. To prevent the nightmares in the future from occurring he needs to become merciless ! He will not let anyone he loves die! COME JOIN HIM in kicking zombie butt and on his journey of REVENGE,LOVE and SURVIVAL! A year back in time before everything goes to hell. It was the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse... Zian who was lied to, used and betrayed is no longer the young man he used to be. So when he gets the chance to go back and prevent his life from falling apart will he emerge victorious? What about when he finds out about that his life, lives is just a game of evolution being played by Gods? Will he survive, thrive or just break down?

Lily_of_Incas · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Ch 9-Thinking of you[R-16]

[*R-16 rated scene - 1st time writing R- rated scene. I would appreciate constructive criticism .]

[Zander: Hey. I will be back in the country next week some time. The training camp is will soon be over. I'll Come and visit you in NYC.We have some time off. See you soon.

Take care ,Zee]

Zian smiled but his heart was bitter- sweet. He really was looking forward to see the person he had been missing for so long.

' Good night, Little Wolf! See, you soon'

Zian played Zander's voice note over and over again like a safety blanket that lulled him to sleep.




In the middle of the wilderness with only moonlight and flashlights to brighten the area a blonde man lay on top of an army Jeep staring at the stars. The dangerous jungle that was ablaze with gunfire , bullets and smoke was now at a stand still. Crickets heartlessly chirped totally unaware of the blood shed that recently took place meters away.

Right now, the man on the Jeep had his mind was full of the image of one person driving out the ghastly images of the blood and gore that he just witnessed as the Army infiltrated a terrorist groups bunker .

" Dr. King! We got another GSW , coming in !ETA 5 minutes!"

Zander sighed took one last look of a photo of Zian laughing on his phone before putting it away in his trousers pocket and going to the medical tent.

' Soon , little wolf...'


Have you ever felt totally secure in somebody's arms? The warmth, trust and protection as they caressed your back with their fingertips?That you were so utterly content that you didn't even want to move?

" Little Wolf , time to get up. " Zander's voice still husky in the morning caressed my ear.

Zian just shut is eyes tighter and unconsciously moved closer to Zander seeking his warmth in the cold winter's morning.He snuggled into Zander's neck inhaling his familiar scent. He always smelt of coffee or dark chocolate, sandalwood and peppermint soap . Sometimes the smell of antiseptics and rubbing alcohol clung to him from the hospital.

Zander suppressed a shiver as the tip of Zian's cold nose was touching his neck and patiently run his fingers through Zian's hair.

" Zee, come on. You are the one who told me it's the game of the season and I quote you wouldn't miss for anything."While kissing Zian's ear.

" Mmmh, Zan,it's too cold"

Zian whispered clinging to Zander like he was a teddy- bear.



Warm finger tips ran across my back under my shirt while hot kisses rained on my neck.

Zander 's large palm cupped the back of my head pulling me into a sweet kiss.

It was such an achingly sweet kiss that it made Zian's fists clench with longing. The gentle brushes leaving small sparks that were soon not enough for me and I wrapped my arms and legs around Zander.

" Aren't you being greedy , Zee?" Zander chuckled before giving into my demands and deepened the kiss.

His tongue traced Zian's lower lip before plunging into his mouth.It was a dominant, arousing kiss that left no room for retreat.However, Zian was no pushover. Their tongues relentlessly danced with each other .

Zian clenched his fingers into Zander's hips and subconsciously thrust his own hips into Zander's big bulge.

" Ah. Hmmm. Ha"

Zian panted . While Zander took shuddering breathes to calm down.They slowly pulled apart and just took in the sight of each other.

Zander looked beautiful when he was turned on was the only thought in my mind. Ruffled and messy blonde hair. Flushed cheeks. His pink lips wet with Zian's saliva.His beautiful aquamarine iris' where just a circle with how blown his pupils were.An angel bathed in the early morning sun.His sinfully ,sexy angel.

" You're playing with fire , little wolf!"

Zander rasped out while pulling his white shirt over his head exposing his muscular, lean torso. The man had the body of a God. Large biceps, an eight back and v- lines. He was lightly tanned , masculine but had pink nipples that was so contradictory.

Zian ran his fingers down Zander body before playfully flicking his right nipple.

" Well , my King , maybe I want to get burned…"

Zander let out a slight growl. Before pulling Zian into his lap. His large , muscular body pushed against mine with no room between them .Zian struggled to keep his moan at bay to no avail between the the slow grind of Zander's hips and his debilitating kisses. Stifled moans passed Zian's lips as Zander alternated between shallow bites and butterflies kisses at his neck .


When Zander moved back to my lips and tried to deepen the kiss I teasingly refused to give him entrance.I knew I was being a tease but it was so much fun to rile Zander up.His hands tightened on my hips that gave me an unusual set of satisfaction. I wish I could crawl under Zander skin. Always feel him and be around him. Sometimes I even wished that I could be like the angel fish that attaches themselves to their mate together so that they became one entity.

" Zee! Open up! Don't tease me!" Zander growled pulling away from their kiss. Being playful with Zander I nibbled on his bottom lip before I denied him entrance.

Frustrated, Zander suddenly squeezed my ass and taking me by surprise. His tongue finally gained access and his hand kneaded my ass.

His left hand finds its way up my shirt caressing the skin on my hip. An involuntary moan escapes lips as the feeling sends my body into overdrive. Drowning in arousal I felt Zander's hand move lower, lower, lower…

Now it was his turn to be a f*cking tease ! His long fingers teased my achingly , hard member over my boxers.

" Zee, is this want you want?" He whispers huskily.

The warmth of his hand in direct contact with my cock was mind- numbingly good.The delicious friction drove me crazy as well as the hungry look in Zander's eye. I leaned forward and bite his left shoulder .

And then…

I woke up.

In wet underwear. Alone.



Love is complicated. Simple in some ways but complicated. As contradictory as that might sound. It was true…

With Zander it was even more so. I loved him undeniably so. However, was I in love with him. I wasn't sure. There was a hole in my chest when he died and I survived for the sake of surviving nothing else. For Bree.

Did I feel that way because of the end of the world ? Perhaps.

Have I ever loved someone? Romantically, I mean.

No. Have I been in a relationship? Liked them ? Yeah but love no.

Did I feel an all consuming need for Zander? Yes.

Was I in love with him?

I don't know…

That's why what makes these freaking wet dreams so confusing…

Maybe ,because I long with for it with the very fibre of my being.
