
Evolution :Surviving The Apocalypse[BL]

Zian Hayes gets the chance to return past before the end of the world. To prevent the nightmares in the future from occurring he needs to become merciless ! He will not let anyone he loves die! COME JOIN HIM in kicking zombie butt and on his journey of REVENGE,LOVE and SURVIVAL! A year back in time before everything goes to hell. It was the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse... Zian who was lied to, used and betrayed is no longer the young man he used to be. So when he gets the chance to go back and prevent his life from falling apart will he emerge victorious? What about when he finds out about that his life, lives is just a game of evolution being played by Gods? Will he survive, thrive or just break down?

Lily_of_Incas · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Ch 1-Foolish Cannon Fodder in the Zombie Apocalypse

In the year 4 AZA(after zombie apocalypse)

In a secluded corner of Zeus Base ,near the black market a terrible and unfair fight raged. A team of ten people against a lone man who was trying to protect the young child behind him .Although the outcome seemed to be inevitable the man held his own .

One might have thought that someone might come forward to give the man a hand or try to protect the child. However, no such thing occurred.

During the apocalypse it was every person for themselves. This was the age where there was such things like honour ,respect or love ceased to exist.

What righteousness ? Laws were non-existent.

Possibly even human compassion had disappeared making independent thought well as the fact that one grouped feasted on human flesh and other did not( expect in dire circumstances) the few differences between the zombies and humans.

Now, mothers pushed their beloved children into zombie hordes to survive ;fathers sold their wives and daughters for benefits and blood turned against blood. Gone were the days of family and friendship. It was survive or die!Here the strong thrived while the weak were trampled, abused or eaten!


"What do you f*ckin' bastards want!" Zian Hayes shouted in frustration as he directed a lightning bolt towards the leader of the group

The frat boy leader wore sunglasses and heavy gold jewellery was protected by an earthen wall provided by a man in his mid-thirties with a burn scar across the left side of his face.

"Haha" The frat boy leader laughed mockingly at Zian before shooting a fire ball in his direction.

He was a fire ability user and had dyed his hair a bright red colour. He wore low cut jeans as well as a white wife beater that had seen better days.He looked had sinister aura but looked a young delinquent.

There was dreadful bulldog tattoo that looked like a 5 year olds drawing on his right arm. While the words bloodhounds was scrawled along his left arm in red and black ink.

Zian dodged the fireball and pushed his niece behind an ice shield of his own making.

"Well, Zian, you see this is nothing personal." The red haired man grinned as if casually talking about the weather

" It's just we got paid great amount of crystal nuclei and goods for the two of you."

' This red haired bastard is a psycho! Does he think I'm weak! As if only the the ten of them could take down the only 4th level tri-ability user in the base!'

Grabbing Bree and avoiding attacks he teleported 100m away from the Bloodhound crew and launched his most powerful attack 'Lighting Storm'.

This attack consisted of launching a spray of water onto the enemies before releasing hundreds of small streaks of lightning. This was an effective means of electrocuting and subduing the enemy.

Once the attack was released Zian was exhausted but still had the common sense to to start running.

There was the terrible sight of blackened bodies and bones in front of him. The smell of charred flesh lingered in the air.

The Blood Hounds were effectively wiped out. Zain hated killing. Yet between strangers hellbent on harming himself and Bree he would always choose them.He was no saint and he definitely knew that the people who employed them would soon be onto their trail.

He picked up his niece comforting her trying to take her mind off the gruesome sight before them.

In this world children grew up too fast and matured early. Yet ,it was she who just a child soothed his ragged and worn soul.

Squeezing his hand and assuring him with her watery eyes.She was only six years old but she was more mature and wiser than some of the adults he had met.

In the distance he heard the rapid pounding of foot steps and decided the best option for now was to run .

Scanning his surroundings, Zion decided to go east towards the Pit, that was their best bet.

" Come on, Bree Bear, we need to run before more bad guys come!"

He picked her up in a hurry tucking her small head against his neck before running at a great speed . Unfortunately , Lady Luck was not on his side.

Whoosh . There was a slight sting against his right arm.Dizziness .

Before blacking out there was murderous resentment in Zian's heart.


In the depth of Zeus base was a secret -lab run by the Smith and Bennett Family .Full of state of the art equipment and illegal human experiments. Zian Hayes lay on the bed bound by leather resistant weighed down with steel weights and countless rope ties.A strong paralytic drug being pumped in his veins.He drifted in out of consciousness. An elite team had shot him with tranquillisers before capturing him.

In actual fact the Bloodhound Team was there to serve as cannon fodder. To drain Zian's energy so he couldn't fight against capture from the Smith Family's mercenaries for hire.

''Uncle Zee...uncle ''

There was an operating table five meters away on which lay a little girl.She was dressed in blue jeans and a Sponge Bob Squarepants shirt that had seen better days. The grey ball cap that she had been wearing earlier was discarded somewhere in the laboratory .Her hazel eyes full of fright and unshed tears desperately calling out for her uncle.

The helpless cries of the child pierced through Zian 's mind allowing him to become clear headed and aware of the situation the two of them had landed in.

''Bree Bear , uncle is here'' he screamed and tried to struggle in vain.

A bunch of researchers collected Bree's blood, saliva took scans . Prodding and poking the five year old child without any compassion.

''F*cking, bastards! Let her go.'' Bree was his sister's only child and the only family he had left in the world. After the death of his sister she is his sole purpose of existing .


Soon entered a man with shiny black leather shoes and a lab coat. A man he recognized as being the Bennett Family's Researcher. A man his father had rescued from Quanto Base while he was still alive, Dr. Philip Keller.

' Dr. Philip Keller!The Bennett's and Smith's ! How could I have been so blind ! I'm such a fool!'Zian was enraged and lamented at his stupidity.

Chelsea Smith was the malicious two- faced b*tch that caused the death of Xander .Her father was now the right-hand man of Hendrick Bennett who conspired against his father and murdered him for his position and power. Now the they was going to be then end of him and his niece.


Hello ,Zian .It's good to see you again despite the unfortunate circumstances."Dr.Keller crooned and grabbed Zian's messey and sweat soaked raven black hair.

"Keller, please let her go for the sake of my father. He saved you! I'll be your lab rat !Please! Please let her go! She just a child! I'll do anything please I'm begging you!"

He begged, pleaded and sacrificed his dignity but to no avail.

"Well, you see her Zian it's not up to me. Your niece has immense healing powers unlike what I've ever seen before. Her powers maybe the answer to the cure for the zombie virus. Think of the greater good Zian !Now is not the time to be selfish! "The pompous tone and self righteous attitude that Keller used grated on Zian's nerves.

With gritted teeth Zian tried to control his temper while trying to reason with lunatic.

" What kind of good would come of condemning an innocent child to die! Bree couldn't save all those bitten by zombies. Only some and you know for a fact other light ability user can do the same!If she is so powerful would it not do more good allowing her to live and try and cure more people?"

Keller just shook his head. " Well Zian if it's any consolation you won't be alive long enough to miss your niece."

However he pleaded and begged his words were ignored and he could only watch red -eyed with tears dripping down his cheeks as Dr. Keller drilled into the brain of his niece.


It was only when she stopped breathing he felt something within him break and his whole body radiated with a strange energy. Howling like a tortured animal there was a loud crash as Zian broke out of his restraints. Actually it was more like a destructive teleportation .A distortion of space! He was wrapped in a silvery black aura like an angel of death or a demon.

There was an insane look in his eyes and a distorted expression on his handsome face.

The researchers of the base and Dr. Keller staggered away from him with horror . Phillip Keller was in shock.The paralytic drug was strong enough to kill a normal ability user!

Zian Hayes was an extremely powerful ability user who processed three abilities. A mutated lightning-fire ability, a rare spatial ability as well as an ice ability. Dr. Keller had worked with the Bennett family in order to study him and his niece who had an incredibly powerful healing ability.

Their greed for power was insatiable. There were no laws, rules or enforcement to stop them so they behaved as they pleased. Dr.Keller and the Smith family had no regard for life. They dismissed the lives of other people to be worthless !

"How is it possible ?"muttered Dr. Keller in a daze as he watched Zian walk to the operating table on which his niece lay.

Zian trembled as he approached his niece's hand.''Bree , my ... Bree Bear .Uncle is sorry... uncle was too late.''

As he clutched her little delicate hand had that already callouses and scars that spoke of a harsh life he felt something warm in her hands that were cold and lifeless.

Her crystal core...It was the source of an ability users power. It was in the shape of a pure white ring. It was so small , pure and beautiful just like his niece. To date he had two now three. He hated it and loved it at the same time. It was for the sake of this core that his Bree Bear died! But how could he hate something that was part of her! The only thing left if her!

Like a crazed man , Zian laughed as tears ran down his face. All of then were gone. His sister, father ,Xander and now his beloved niece Bree.

Zian stared at his right hand before kissing the ring on his pinky finger. On his ring finger sat a silver and blue-green ring. On his index finger a blue ring and now the latest edition on his little finger a pure white ring.


What are you all waiting for catch him and get the crystal core '' shouted Dr. Luo as he greedy looked at the pure white ring on Zian 's little finger.

Unlike Zian, Dr. Keller wasn't aware that one could give up their crystal core to one specific person.It was an extremely painful process equivalent to tearing a limb from ones own body.

Zian carried his nieces body in his arms and looked around this room which had become his personal hell and the guards rushing towards him with utter indifference.

"You all can go to hell..."A low whisper was uttered from his lips as if he no longer had the energy to care about anything.

It was as if everything started moving in slow motion .Zian took a breathe and released all the power accumulated in his body, space and cores.

''Boom '',"Boom","BOOM!"

A series of explosions occurred that could rival a small nuclear bomb disseminating everything in it's path.

The whole of Zeus base into flames. No survivors whether be humans, zombies, mutated plants nor animals survived. The area became a barren waste land...

Then there was a distortion and collapse of the very space. As if a black hole had swallowed very earth ,space and time.