
Evolution of World:Super Harem

A random guy kills a monster and ends up growing OP as time goes on. Oh and he gets a massive harem consisting of waifus from different worlds and random women. Fused World's:Kim Possible, Incredibles, Scooby Doo, Komi can't communicate, Uzaki wants to hang out, Ben 10, Hotel transylvania Summoned Waifus worlds:Dragon Ball, DC, Marvel, Gravity Falls, My Hero Academia

Kuro_Simp · Cómic
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81 Chs

Chapter 67 - Waifu

That's something alright. I sighed as I stared at the new skill and thought about the changes brought on. Now since I had more gacha tokens I should summon more women mostly because I COULD not that I needed more pussy but...

Who didn't want MORE?

Plus maybe I could summon someone useful or at least someone hot enough that I could keep as a pet.

Fuck okay so maybe me being a saiyan changed a lot of my mentality then I thought it would but meh.

I didn't really mind this change since it was still a massive power boost to myself and I felt more safe now that I had MORE power to draw upon.

"The Super Saiyan God transformation came a bit early...no?" I muttered with a frown as I thought about what had happened. Yes I was now fighting against deities but it hasn't been that long since I actually became a saiyan so I couldn't exactly just use it whenever I wanted. That was unless I was forced to by the other Goddesses who joined my harem because of my great power.

Even if I was weakened quite a bit I still gained a lot more then I expected from this world event and I got to take out the stubborn MILF and her daughter so that was a plus.

"Alright 2B I think thats enough news for today if you have anything more then that leave it for tomorrow" I stated as I sighed. It's been what a week? 2 weeks since this started and I was already this powerful. Mostly due to the leveling system and with how I seemingly used every piece of knowledge I had...

Well I knew there were far more powerful beings then me in the current world. With how I knew that after my dungeon announcement countless others could have established their own dungeons and home bases.

I wasn't special except that I saw it happen first and thus...

"Time for more training"

I couldn't lag behind even if I was one of the most powerful at least in terms of potential in the omniverse. Or at least one of the top 10 in the omniverse.

It's why whenever I did a waifu catalog I always chose to be a dragon then I went for various defenses such as Destiny and Soul defense.

Causality defense and more.

I was about to fly out when I hesitated. I still had the gacha tokens after all.

"Meh I'll use one the rest I'll just keep" I muttered to myself as I convinced myself to summon another waifu even though I already had more then enough.


Ding! Summoning Waifu~

Tier 1~3 Are being summoned!

Common Rank Gacha token used!


Ding! Waifu has been summoned!

Mitsuki Bakugo- Tier 2 Waifu from the My Hero Academia verse


And just like that I gained a new waifu...huh now that I think about would the waifus I have be given a Tier as well?

"What would Powergirl and Supergirls tier be?" I asked curiously as the summoning floor began to glow brightly due to the summoning...probably.

[Currently there Tier would be 8 or 9 once they grow older and absorb more sunlight. Superman himself or at least a version of him from the Prime DC universe would be a Tier 9 to Tier 10 entity depending on the time period. There are also other supermen that are much weaker barley Tier 5 to Tier 6. Currently with the suppressions in place Powergirl and Supergirl are Tier 5 - Tier 7 in terms of power. You are Tier 5 and Tier 6 upon calling the power of your God transformation]

"I don't get that tiering system but it doesn't matter I suppose. Oh well I guess I should thank the World Will that im so strong" I then watched as a busty spiky haired MILF walked out of the summoning circle. The MILF wore a black skirt that was a bit short since if she sat down im pretty sure I could see her underwear if I wanted to. She wore a see through white blouse that showed off her black and rather sexy bra.

The women stared at me for a few seconds and I raised an eyebrow. Given that she was now basically my sex slave I didn't think much about how she was...just staring at me with various emotions going through her eye's.

"I would have thought you'd be older" The women said causing me to blink.

"Excuse you? I don't think age matters when a person can blow up planets with the flick of a wrist" I stated as I raised my hand and my ki began to gather before forming into a small blue sphere.

I then cut off my ki from supplying the sphere allowing it to vanish without me having to launch it at something or someone.

"Well when an all powerful...machine? Hologram says you'll be the slave of a man you think well someone monstrous" Mitsuki states as she places her hands on her hips.

"Not someone as young as my son" She states frowning a little.

I stare for a bit before I laugh.

"Oh I'll make you regret comparing me to your son" I promise with a smile.


Mitsuki couldn't believe what had happened. One second she was standing next her room door when she felt an earthquake shake the house and possibly the city.

Her first thought was to grab what she needed and get the hell out of her falling apart house. She then felt something...grab her? And she found herself in a void. Her first instinct was to scream because even she could feel how WRONG everything was before she vanished and appeared somewhere else where the WRONG wasn't

[Whoops. Didn't mean to send you there]

A small girl who wouldn't look out of place in a playground said in a monotone voice. The girl stated at her for a bit before nodding her head.

[I have brought you from a different world to serve a man as a sex slave. No this is not a joke and yes I have the power to make sure you serve him faithfully but I won't use it because the man likes his women...untouched so to speak. I think. I haven't asked him] The girl said causally as she waved her hand allowing her to speak for the first time.

And also allowing her to know that the girl was somehow keeping her from talking without her knowing that she couldn't talk.

"W-cough- what do you mean I'll be a sex slave?!" She yelled or tried to anyways as the girl stared at her for a bit once again.

[It is like how I said it is. You will now be a sex slave with an untouched mind. You might not remember this but you will remember the point of this. I think] the girl stated again a bit confused before she raised her hand.

[I have no more time for you just remember you are now a sex slave...goodbye] The girl waved her hand again and she felt the world change before she just...stopped thinking falling unconscious.

She then woke up to a blinding circle. Mitsuki was many things a sexy MILF, an incredibly beautiful women who still looked young even in her late thirties and she may have a rather explosive personality...but she wasn't stupid. So she waited until the glowing circle stopped glowing before stepping out.


Lololol 2 chapters per week I think. Maybe 1 per week for a bit so I can have a few extra chaps available to me in case i fall sick or get bored lol

Kuro_Simpcreators' thoughts