
Evolution of World:Super Harem

A random guy kills a monster and ends up growing OP as time goes on. Oh and he gets a massive harem consisting of waifus from different worlds and random women. Fused World's:Kim Possible, Incredibles, Scooby Doo, Komi can't communicate, Uzaki wants to hang out, Ben 10, Hotel transylvania Summoned Waifus worlds:Dragon Ball, DC, Marvel, Gravity Falls, My Hero Academia

Kuro_Simp · Cómic
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81 Chs

Chapter 21:New Smexy kitty's

Soon the red haired girl ran out of the dungeon after seeing that two MILFS suddently ran outside. While watching her jog to us I began to think about some important Dungeon Lord things.

Mostly every women I found and have in my harem has large breasts or massive one's that somehow defied the laws of gravity by not sagging like many other massive tits would have.

It was great. Just the bouncing tits. Anyways soon Daphne made it and just began to pant quite a bit. She took a deep breath and then turned to look at me but looked confused.

"Oh, their just my wings" i state nonchalantly, she just nods and then stands up a bit straighter.

"These girls came in and said they were waiting for Mavis...who is the girl your holding I suppose" Daphne hesitantly stated and I nodded.

"Yea, she came to join us. Oh and is Chichi feeling better? I'll need all super powered women in the Observation room. Everyone else is staying in the Dungeon, Bob and Tom are going to protect and kill anyone who turn against us" I point to the now larger skeleton soldiers.

"I'm also in the process of reviving the Dungeon Boss so welcome her to the fold as well" I state as I slowly land causing the MILFS to move a bit. Mavis was also waking up already, which I understood was because of her healing factor.

"O-okay, I'll go and gather them up" Daphne then turns around, meanwhile I watch as her ass sways in her small skirt.


Turning around I raise an eyebrow at the two MILFS.

"C-can we check up on Mavis?" She asks. I nod and as I was about to hand her over I feel her moving.

"Ah~ Is-is it already morning?" Mavis asked as she snuggled up closer to me, pressing her tits against my arms.

"Wake up Mavis, your...mothers(?) Are here and want to check in on you" I share amused by what was happening. As mavis groans she slowly began to move herself and then she fell onto the floor.

Before falling she transformed into a bat, flew towards a chair and sat down. Both MILFS followed behind.

I stayed and watched once more. Impressed for the hundredth time on how MILFS are so superior to other girls. And if they aren't milfs then I just have to make them one. Watching as the sun began to set I flew back outside, my eye's wandered around my new safe haven and I sighed.

"Well then. I have so much work to do...people to possibly kill and women to gather" I open my status screen and frown. I needed to focus on many things but I also have a harem to focus on. Plus the fact that the Will of the World seemed to have given someone a treasure.

I had a lot of troubles...

"Might as well use the summoning floor" Flying back inside I watch many of my girls stare in awe some blush others try and look away but I just continue to walk up the floors. I watch as a new girls were seen in the living floor and the gaming floor ect.

I step into the summoning altar and I watch the beautiful large altar in the middle of the entire floor. The altar looked mysterious, I let out a wry smile.

Walking into the Summoning Floor I open my Altar and watch as a purple prompt screen appeared in front of me.

[Would you like a Summoning Altar tutorial?]

"Yes" I had maybe 20 minutes until I was forced to go to the observation room.

[The Summoning Altar allows the use of Companion tokens which allow you to either summon 1 super-powered or 2 non-but potential powered summons]

[Each time you summon someone you gain 1 Summoning Point, once you reach 10 summoning points you will be able to summon a stronger summon with a higher potential rank]

"That's...thats actually reasonable. So, either 1 super powered summon or two non-but potential super-powered summon" I thought about what I needed. Currently I didn't really need to have another super powered women, I had Mavis, Chichi and probably the MILF and daughter dual.

"Use the companion token to summon 2 non-powered summons" I admitted it, I didn't need one super powered summon, Mavis would more then strong enough to support me. What I needed was loyal summons and knowing that summons at least had 25 Affection, loyalty and Obediance when first summoned I knew that they wouldn't go against me.

As I watched the white summoning circle appear I watched as two women slowly begun to appear in front of me. I flexed my body which caused my Draconic wings to vanish.

I didn't exactly want to scare them, looking towards the clock I could see it was maybe around 5 minutes of the twenty I could spend in this room without being bothered.

As I watched the light slowly vanished two women in tight leather suits appeared, both looked extremely thicc just from the outlines of the tits, hips and as I walked around the summoning altar I glanced at their aas's.

Pretty fucking great. One of the cat women had black hair while the other had silver hair, as they opened their eye's they staref at me and I just stared back.

"What did the system tell you?" I asked curiously. I knew what chichi was told but what about these two women who looked a lot like Catwomen and Black Cat from DC.

Fuck...fuck now that I think about that the System was summoning fictional characters..

[No, these worlds exist I just bring the women from either world destroying events that happens in the multiverse or when they're about to die and thus I save them and use them as summoning companions]

Do other people have summoning tokens?

[No. You are the first to summon and use the summoning altar...in fact I may have forg-]

[Master the World Will attempted to hold this title back as such I was able to unlock it given that it was supposed to be given to you in the first place]

2B's voice stated talking over the World's Will since it was technically my representative for the World Will.

[Ding! You are the first to summon and use the summoning altar]

[Ding! You have gained x2 summoning token and 2 summons skill books for summons]

[Ding! Summoner Title gained]

[Summoner Title]:Allows you to choose the gender of the summon. Allows the summon to have at least 1 weak skill

"I...we were saved from our worlds about to be snapped out of existence. Our choices were either to serve you willingly or die" Catwomen stated with a grim smile.

"We were also allowed to choose a weak skill so were a bit stronger then what you know of us. Oh, right, we also know that were considered fiction in this world" Black Cat stated as she stretched her body. She must be feeling relieved to survive whatever it is she survived.

"Mhm, alright then. You must know what im all about if the system already told you. Let's go we need to prepare" I quickly try to look away from the two sexy cat themed girls.

I then turn around and wave the girls to follow me.

"Let's go, I'll explain everything later on" I state as I then walk towards the Observation floor.


Time for a new volume, slice of life soon and new summoning waifus later on.

Its time to solidify which women are gonna be important to the story.

Most actual named women of different worlds will be important while the Ocs might not show up anymore cuz they're not as well known.

If ya want them further down the line then say so but for now its known characters 90% vrs the ocs 10%.

Hero is gonna be Artoria Pendragon, Bulma, and Rumi Usigayama. Each will have strong skills plus other abilities given by the system.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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