
Evil Chaotic World

QuiteHandy · Oriental
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Jade Vein Pool (Part 1)

The twins sashayed away with flustered countenances after spending about an hour with Haotian. A trail of thick and slimy liquid running down their lips and then to their unblemished chins was still vividly recognisable. Haotian looked at their departing figures momentarily before wearing his pants and going in the opposite direction.

Turns out the twins were called Xuan Yu and Xuan Lei and they were from a branch family. Interestingly enough, they weren't as close to Xuan Bo as they had displayed earlier. It wasn't a surprise considering they were essentially forced to become his concubine.

One thing lead to another and the next thing he found was twins on their knees. To be perfectly honest, it was a nice way to relax after a battle, so he wasn't mildly complaining.

He reached Jade Palace in due time. The first and deepest impression Haotian got from this place was that it was a place of absolute luxury. Here, every brick, every tile, every leaf, every bit of wood and even the air itself were permeated with a sense of extravagance.

It was protected by two guards and felt that they were more powerful than Mystic Fairy. They must at least be in Deity Transformation Stage. Haotian couldn't help but give a wry smile internally.

In Lower Realm, Deity Transformation Stage was a thing of legends. Even the inheritance grounds left by these experts were fought over with extreme zeal and brutal wars has broken out over it but here… they worked as mere guards. The differences between Lower Realm and Upper Realm was absolutely mind-boggling!

The guards must've been informed about his arrival so they didn't try to halt his stride. Though he didn't fail to catch mild scorn on their faces. He didn't paid them any mind and forged ahead.

Jade Palace felt unspeakably cold and every inch of air exuded an abundance of ancient aura. The Spiritual Energy in Xuan Clan Residence was already abnormally thick but within the perimeter of Jade Palace, it seemed to have multiplied by over dozens of times!

As he entered inside the palace, a black-clad lady donning beautiful dark armour was waiting for him. She was Gu Xing, the one who killed Mystic Fairy's master and had captured her. She is Matriarch's closest aid and had been tasked by her to follow Haotian's words when taking care of things in Eastern Region.

Gu Xing could be termed as a fiery beauty. She has curvy blonde hair and scarlet eyes. Her armoured figure was quite tall, and even though she was covered from head to toe, it couldn't hide her sensual curves from presenting itself.

"Welcome, Young Master. Matriarch has been waiting for you. Please follow me," she greeted, almost dismissively. And without waiting for his reply, she swiftly turned around and began leading him. Evidently, she wanted to finish her assigned tasks as soon as possible.

Gu Xing was more of a righteous person so the affairs in Eastern Region had left a bad taste in her mouth. Previously, her thoughts towards Haotian were along the lines of pity and sympathy but after this incident, it were replaced with aversion and odium.

Haotian didn't attempt to converse or try to change her mindset either. For a Devil like him, the things he did with Mystic Fairy were perfectly normal and aligned with his modus operandi.

They walked for about ten minutes. Haotian sighted none other than a few maidservant. After thinking about it, he concluded that it was normal. Jade Palace is the most scared area within Xuan Clan Residence and it holds many ground-breaking secrets. It would be abnormal if there were many people here.

Xuan Clan's Residence was divided into three circles: Inner, Middle, and Outer.

The direct descendants and upper legion of Clan lived in Inner Circle. Most of the important and Sacred Locations were also present here. The Middle Circle was where branch families members and guests lived while the Outer Circle housed all the disciples and it accommodated numerous training grounds. It also served as the first line of defence in case of an attack.

After some time, Gu Xing steps paused. She knocked on the door twice and waited. Matriarch's voice soon responded from inside, "Is it Tian'er? Come inside."

Gu Xing opened the door and Haotian walked pass by her but not before she shot him a rigid look.

"If you have any complaint, Matriarch is right inside," Haotian said while peeking at her with the corner of his eyes and a grin on his face.

'Complain to Matriarch about her beloved son who she loves almost blindly? I don't have a death wish, rascal.' Gu Xing pursed her lips and stayed silent as she scolded inside.

Ignoring her, Haotian went inside the room. Matriarch's bombshell of a figure entered his vision. She was still wearing her mysterious mask that hid her face. Unknowingly, his eyes went towards her sacred breasts.

As a pair of heaving cottony balls entered his vision, his eyes bulged. No matter how many times he saw it, he still couldn't believe that they were real. They just just so… enormous! In comparison, Mystic Fairy breasts weren't even half of hers. Don't think that Mystic Fairy is small. Her breasts were unmistakably substantial by any standard but for Matriarch, even words like humongous or colossal would barely suffice.

On multiple occasions Haotian had wondered how difficult it would be for her to balance herself when walking. Furthermore, those breasts… they weren't sagging at all. From the sharp outline of her outfit, he could tell that they were unfathomably perky and retained their wonderful shape.

Matriarch obviously noticed his lewd gaze, but she didn't mind it in the least. She smiled towards him under her mask and started, "Congratulation on your breakthrough, Tian'er. Seems like whatever you were planning ended up in resounding success."

Her voice was as soft as a ball of cotton yet irrefutably magisterial, this could only be cultivated by those who has stood on the summit of the world for years and years.

Only when she talked to him did Haotian pried his gaze away from her breast unwillingly. "Hmm, mother. I am the Peak of Refining Foundation Stage presently. Thanks to your help, my plan succeeded without a hitch."

Although Haotian hailed from a Devil race, he has enormous amount of respect for this woman whom he called mother. From the very first day he had arrived, she had fulfilled his every wish without any questions, spoiling him in love endlessly. From time to time, he also felt a rather… questionable emotion from her but since he had to remain pure until he started cultivating Chaotic Samsara Art, he has steered clear from entering in any form of ambiguous relationship with her.

As a Devil, he had no qualms whatsoever about taking his incomprehensibly strong mother as a mate and breed with her. But he doesn't want to actively chase after her either because his devilish senses were telling him that it would end up in a disaster if he hastened the process.

"Hehe, you don't need to be so formal with me. Let me have a good look at you. By the way, did you had breakfast already?" She walked upto him in slow and elegant steps.

"Yeah, I already had my breakfast." Haotian responded simply. "Actually, mother, I came here with another request."

Matriarch paused for a second and then asked knowingly, "Let me guess… do you want to enter Jade Vein Pool?"

Hoatian wasn't surprised that she had already deduced it. He knows that his mother was awfully percipient and shrewd. So he simply nodded in response.

"When do you want to enter?"

"Right away, if possible."

"Alright, come with me." Matriarch didn't ask anymore questions and nodded. Haotian smiled internally. Matriarch truly spoiled him to no end.

Exiting the room, the mother-son duo began advancing deeper into the Jade Palace without further delay. Only echoes of their footsteps resounded from the areas they passed by. Occasionally, Matriarch would stop and perform a set of hand seals, sending out wisps of extremely dense Spiritual Energy in arbitrary directions. Nothing seem to happen visibly as a result but he was sure that she was disabling all the traps.

About fifteen minutes later, they stood in front of a wide and closed doorway. The doors locking it were around ten meters high and five meters wide. It was built out of pure sparkling gold, and both doors held impressive looking carvings. They took the shape of howling and raging dragons! The carvings were deeply engraved in the door, and refined to perfection and exuded heaven-shaking might. The more he looked at them, the more lifelike they appeared.

Matriarch performed another set of hand seals and the ancient door creaked open!

"Let's go," Matriarch whispered quietly and went ahead. Haotian paused, chuckled, and soon followed after her.

The area inside was the size of a football field and half of it was occupied with a pool. The pool was filled with green sparkling liquid which seemed extremely pure and pristine. There was not a speck of dirt inside it. The aura there was exceptionally ancient and dense.

"So this is Jade Vein Pool?" Haotian eyebrows arched slightly. Just by standing near it, he could feel his physical body getting tougher and stronger.

Jade Vein Pool is the most important area within Xuan Clan, it could be considered its lifeline. The pool is laid out directly on top of Jade Dragon Vein and it releases abundance of Jade Aura which could be used to strengthen physical bodies. Yes, rather than Spiritual Cultivation, it empowered Body Cultivation.

The more Jade Aura a person can assimilate within themselves, the more potent and effective Cultivation Arts that utilises Jade attribute like Jade Palm and Blue Jade Shield would become.

Within Grand Yan, Xuan Clan's descendants were primarily known for their defensive abilities rather than offensive. And those who had taken a trip to Jade Vein Pool would display superior defensive abilities that those who haven't. Even doubling their potency wasn't unheard of!

Hence as one can guess, the entry here was strictly prohibited. This place was only opened on special occasions and conditions. Within Haotian's generation, only two people has been granted the right to enter it. The last time it opened was over two decades ago. But Matriarch had no qualms about breaking some rules and bringing her son here. This goes to show that she was willing to do anything to please her son.