
Early Riser

I woke up before like I always did. The sun was only just rising and the birds were getting ready to do their morning chirps. I rolled over and sat up, looking at the room. He had fallen asleep in his underwear, his blanket was on the floor and his hair was a mess.

I grabbed an elastic and put my hair up and got of my face. I got dressed and did my morning workout, when he woke up I was halfway finished.

"So, do you always do this?"


He got dressed while I was doing my warmup for running around the yard that I was supposed to be at for my first class. I put on my shoes and headed for the bathroom down the hall from our room. I took one of the many brushes on the counter, and unknotted the stuff not in the elastic. It hung in a perfectly straight ponytail now.

I went down the stairs that were around the corner of the bathroom and out the door. I headed for the yard, by the time I got there the place was becoming crowded with early birds trying to catch the worm. I did a few stretches and went jogging around the yard.

I got weird looks and just ignored them. No way was I going to care what low life humans thought of me. I heard the teacher on my fourth round around the yard.