308 Chapter 308

The students whispered excitedly: «Don't tell me that he is going to show another recording of his wedding night with the demon!» … «Hell no… Never again! You must be kidding me!» … «What if he will?» – An emaciated boy said hopefully, swallowing hard.

The duellist went to the center of the arena but as he turned around, he saw a hefty knight instead of Dick: «Huh… Wait, I am not fighting with…»


The judge gave a signal, and the protective barrier covered the arena.

«What the hell? What's it all about?» – The scared boy yelled. – «I am fighting with HIM! WAIT! Don't come anywhere near me! Gods, no! I GIVE UP! АА-ААА-ААH! DON'T BEAT ME!»

Half a thousand students witnessed the mighty knight completely defeat the poor boy. His heart-rending screams and pleas were completely ignored. He kept yelling "I give up," but the judge cleared his ears deep in his thoughts, taking his time to announce the winner.


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